Human 25+ most unusual phobias, about which you did not know
Phobias are different, some of them are known and the people they are treated properly, as they have many, such as fear of spiders, heights, depths snakes, etc. But there are phobias that are rare, but it does not mean that they do not exist. Today we want to share with you a list of 26 unusual phobias that are so rare that you're likely to have never heard of.
Deypnofobiya - fear dinners and fear of conversations at the dinner stolom
Ablutophobia - obsessive fear of bathing, washing, or chistkoy
Genufobiya - fear koleney
People suffering from this phobia are not short skirts or shorts
Klinofobiya - fear to go spat
Atserofobiya - an obsessive fear to eat something kisloe
Selenofobiya - fear of the moon and the lunar sveta
Konsekotaleofobiya - fear of eating food palochkami
Barofobiya - fear gravitatsiey
People suffering barofobiey afraid that gravity crushes them, the fall due to gravity (not to be confused with a fear of heights), as they fear that gravity is, in principle, may cease to exist, and they will fly anywhere
Amathophobia (koniofobiya) - fear pyli
Ephebiphobia - fear and loathing of podrostkam
Skriptofobiya - fear to write anything in public or letter printsipe
Alliumfobiya - fear chesnoka
Kakorrafiofobiya - fear neudachi
Aritmofobiya - fear of numbers and arifmetiki
Oktofobiya - fear of numbers 8
Dzheliofobiya - fear smehom
Anuptafobiya - an obsessive fear of loneliness and bezbrachiya
Singenesofobiya - fear rodstvennikov
Francophobia - the fear of French and French kulturoy
Bibliofobiya - fear knig
Omfalofobiya - fear gizzards
Triskaidekaphobia - fear of a painful number 13
Porfirofobiya - fear of violet (purple) tsveta
Koulrofobiya - fear klounov
Pogonofobiya - fear of beards and bearded lyudey
NOMOPHOBIA - fear of being without a mobile phone and stay away from nego
Deypnofobiya - fear dinners and fear of conversations at the dinner stolom

Ablutophobia - obsessive fear of bathing, washing, or chistkoy

Genufobiya - fear koleney

People suffering from this phobia are not short skirts or shorts
Klinofobiya - fear to go spat

Atserofobiya - an obsessive fear to eat something kisloe

Selenofobiya - fear of the moon and the lunar sveta

Konsekotaleofobiya - fear of eating food palochkami

Barofobiya - fear gravitatsiey

People suffering barofobiey afraid that gravity crushes them, the fall due to gravity (not to be confused with a fear of heights), as they fear that gravity is, in principle, may cease to exist, and they will fly anywhere
Amathophobia (koniofobiya) - fear pyli

Ephebiphobia - fear and loathing of podrostkam

Skriptofobiya - fear to write anything in public or letter printsipe

Alliumfobiya - fear chesnoka

Kakorrafiofobiya - fear neudachi

Aritmofobiya - fear of numbers and arifmetiki

Oktofobiya - fear of numbers 8

Dzheliofobiya - fear smehom

Anuptafobiya - an obsessive fear of loneliness and bezbrachiya

Singenesofobiya - fear rodstvennikov

Francophobia - the fear of French and French kulturoy

Bibliofobiya - fear knig

Omfalofobiya - fear gizzards
Triskaidekaphobia - fear of a painful number 13

Porfirofobiya - fear of violet (purple) tsveta

Koulrofobiya - fear klounov

Pogonofobiya - fear of beards and bearded lyudey

NOMOPHOBIA - fear of being without a mobile phone and stay away from nego