How to protect yourself from gynecological phobias

When you look at the queues at the women's consultation and listen to the stories of friends about gynecological diseases You think about the fact that today it is simply impossible to be healthy. Every second woman has some nasty sore, which is treated long and difficult.

But is that possible? Isn't it an epidemic? In a way, you could call it that. But this is not an epidemic of disease, but of trying to cure something that doesn’t exist and intimidate women to the point of being impossible.

Medicine is also a kind of business, craftsmen can warm their hands on someone else’s mountain. Of course, there are excellent doctors who help and save in seemingly hopeless cases. These are real people with a big heart and a huge talent. They are worthy of admiration and gratitude, but unfortunately, they are not all doctors. There are those who are just trying to make money and perfectly implement the program of mass intimidation.

DepositPhotos Today Edition "Site" It tells how gynecological diseases develop into real phobias, what a modern woman needs to know about her health and how to protect herself.

From all sides, we are told that in an environmentally polluted world like ours, it is simply impossible to be healthy. We are told that we are already sick or hypothetically will soon get sick. This is especially true of women. Can a woman be born and healthy until old age? Of course, it can, but medicine denies this in every possible way and imposes on women non-existent diseases.

Once again, we are not talking about all doctors, we do not even everyone under the same comb. However, it is worth admitting that the whole system works in this way. The first thing a woman receives in medical institutions is intimidation. A good doctor tells you what happens when... And you listen and believe, because those are the words of an authority person, how not to believe.


However, over time, all this from worrying about your health turns into a lifelong phobia. In psychiatry, a phobia is understood as a disease, which is expressed by the presence of constant obsessive fear. Often such fear cannot be explained logically, but it can be artificial and imposed by people to suppress the human psyche.

As soon as a woman appears in a gynecological medical institution, the process of intimidation immediately begins. The problem is that gynecological diagnoses have already begun to turn into psychiatric phobias. Often these are not even real diagnoses, but some insignificant trifles and findings in the analyses. And such phobias are becoming more and more, which affects people’s lives extremely negatively.

Let’s understand the main phobias that a modern woman suffers from.

  1. HPV
    Many doctors for some reason put an equal sign between HPV (human papillomavirus) and cervical cancer. They turn a positive HPV test into a long-term treatment, trying to rid a frightened woman of a terrible disease. Naturally, when you hear the word cancer, you don’t think about anything other than treatment. As a result, a woman spends a lot of time treating cancer that she will not have with a 99 percent chance.

    However, cunning gynecologists will convince her that she will not be among the lucky ones, because everything is running, she is to blame for not coming sooner. Here is your phobia: you live in fear of getting sick with a terrible disease, although it is not justified.


  2. Hidden infection
    These mythical invisible infections have become a convenient excuse to cover up a medical error. If you lose a child, there are two reasons: a latent infection that you started and did not treat, or a lack of progesterone. The second is a separate story. A hidden infection puts all the blame for the loss of a child on the shoulders of a woman. And again, there is fear in the soul.


  3. Bacteria
    Since childhood, we are frightened by viruses and bacteria. Gynecologists intimidate every woman with bacteria in the vagina. Who among us isn't afraid of that? And in the first place here, perhaps, ureaplasmosis. Doctors treat it for years by poisoning patients with three types of antibiotics simultaneously. What only women do not go for the treatment of this “terrible” disease: liters of chemical solutions, abstinence from sexual activity for months. It is difficult to even count how many families broke up because of this infection, which is not always necessary to treat.


  4. Degree of vaginal purity
    Bacteria in the vagina - a terrible dream of all women. God forbid, if as a result of a smear you will be given a second or third degree of purity and even with pluses opposite bacilli and coke. It does not matter that the smear was taken incorrectly, and described hollowly, the main thing is to intimidate. Moreover, these degrees of purity not only frighten, but also humiliate the dignity of a woman. The doctor sits there and tells you that the second degree of purity is not normal, it's terrible. He also looks at you as something dirty and disgusting. Who wouldn't be afraid of that smear and the bacteria in it?

  5. Analysis results
    This leads to another phobia that lives in every woman. We're afraid of getting the test results. We are afraid of elevated leukocytes, bacteria and a million other markings that lead to a long treatment. Especially the results of the tests intimidate pregnant women, any woman will do everything to save the child, and therefore agree to any treatment. So much for you.


  6. Male hormones
    This phobia is in young women who suddenly found their hair not where it is needed, and if there is also an irregular cycle, there is a problem. You're becoming the perfect candidate for hormone therapy. The main thing is to intimidate a woman and hook, scaring with infertility and other terrible consequences of hormonal imbalance.


  7. Infertility
    It's a separate topic. Infertility phobia affects even those who have not tried to have a child. If a skilled doctor understands that a woman wants a child, but something she did not succeed, then a whole field of various diagnoses opens up for him. Years of life are wasted due to the fact that this luminary of medicine could not explain that first you need to try to have a child naturally, engaged in love pleasures without any contraceptives for at least a year.

    This is unprofitable to explain, because who then prick progesterone and wait for an appointment after every month. No, it is better to treat a woman for infertility, which is not. Of course, this does not apply to the doctors who help give birth to the women that all these woeful doctors have dismissed.


All these phobias are psychiatric diagnoses, they need to get rid of. After all, for one imposed phobia, there are two dozen others that can keep a person in fear for life. There is one proven cure for all these imposed fears: knowledge!

Study the information received, check, do not be afraid to seek help from other doctors, do not succumb to panic and fear. First assess the situation, learn more about the problem, ask other specialists, and then start treatment.

There are specialists from whom you need to run as far as possible. We've already told you what a gynecologist can't afford to look at. In addition, we have prepared a list of gynecological diagnoses that can not be trusted. Be careful and take care of yourself!

What do you think about that? Tell us in the comments.


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