5 dangers of the summer sun, about which you should know
The sun's rays are useful to humans, but within reasonable limits. Large doses of ultraviolet turn your face in a peach-baked apples, a mole in melanoma, an allergy to photosensitivity. < Website published an article about how to behave on sunny days to avoid all these troubles.
Danger 1: FotostareniePochemu somehow assumed that tanned skin looks younger. It's not like that at all. Exactly - yes, but not younger. On the contrary, under the influence of sunlight the skin ages faster. Do physicians for this phenomenon is even a special term - photoaging
. How does it differ from the usual? Changes that exposed epidermis. If normal, age-aging becomes thinner, when there is a photo, on the contrary, thickening, the skin becomes rough and dry, but still lost the tone. Compare for yourself: there are no such indications in protected areas, such as the skin under a bathing suit
. In addition, other changes occur during the photo-aging - there are moles, age spots (lentigines), spider veins, photodermatitis
How to protect yourself: to use a cream with protective filters the SPF, the higher it is (. denoted by numbers - 20, 30, 50), the greater the protection
Danger 2: melanomaPro appearance of moles under the influence of the sun we have said above. But beyond the simple "flies" because of ultraviolet radiation may be a special type of malignant cancerous moles - melanoma. Oncologists still call them "black marks.»
Most occurrence of melanoma threatens obadatelyam light skin, as well as people with red or blond hair color. At risk are also those who suffered severe sunburn in the past, has a lot of moles, especially with uneven edges, and who some of the relatives had melanoma
How to protect yourself:. use sunscreen and sunbathe in the "right time", which means the clock from 9 to 11 or from 16 to 18.
Danger 3: fotosensibilizatsiyaPokrasneniya and rashes on the skin during the summer months does not necessarily indicate an allergy. It is possible that you have photosensitivity. And the reason for its appearance - the creams and drugs, rather, some of the components that cause allergic reactions to sunlight. Unlike ordinary sunburn its manifestations can stay on the skin for several years! And even provoke an aggravation of skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, psoriasis, acne.
To be treated independently in such cases is dangerous, only a doctor can prescribe the correct drugs inside and sun-blockers for topical (creams or lotions with protection from UV rays with an index of 100)
How to protect yourself:. < /, check your creams, if these substances are in their composition, can cause sun allergy, then you are in the risk zone, better give them at least during the summer:
fruit acids , extracts of lime, parsley, celery, azulfidin, musk, bergamot, citron, cedar, sandalwood essential oil, Bengal rose, orange red, toluidine blue, acriflavine. as well as some antibiotics tetracycline and all preparations containing it, orinaz, Cordarone, amiodarone, sedakorin, estrogen, progestin, triampur, compositum, Aquaphor
Danger 4:. giperkeratozVrode the yard not far winter, and you skin is rough and coarse, as if the whole day went against the wind in the ice cold winter time? It is possible you have manifested hyperkeratosis. It occurs when the sun is at its zenith and sensitive skin can not cope with the influence of the burning rays like a tortoise hiding in the shell - in this case the top layer of the epidermis becomes thickened and stiff
How to protect yourself:
Danger 5:. Dry split volosyNa sun spoiled not only the skin but also the hair, they become brittle and dry. The sea and chlorinated water is also not the best way affects the state head of hair. Chlorine dries and bleaches the hair, especially colored. Approximately the same effect and salt water, especially when combined with exposure to ultraviolet
How to protect yourself:. sunbathe with his head covered, use protective equipment for hair after the pool or beach, rinse hair with fresh water and then apply the balm. To lay the use of light texture means, while for dry hair will help you mousses and foams, and for fat - sprays
via www.samara.kp.ru/daily/26407/3283063/

Danger 1: FotostareniePochemu somehow assumed that tanned skin looks younger. It's not like that at all. Exactly - yes, but not younger. On the contrary, under the influence of sunlight the skin ages faster. Do physicians for this phenomenon is even a special term - photoaging
. How does it differ from the usual? Changes that exposed epidermis. If normal, age-aging becomes thinner, when there is a photo, on the contrary, thickening, the skin becomes rough and dry, but still lost the tone. Compare for yourself: there are no such indications in protected areas, such as the skin under a bathing suit
. In addition, other changes occur during the photo-aging - there are moles, age spots (lentigines), spider veins, photodermatitis
How to protect yourself: to use a cream with protective filters the SPF, the higher it is (. denoted by numbers - 20, 30, 50), the greater the protection

Danger 2: melanomaPro appearance of moles under the influence of the sun we have said above. But beyond the simple "flies" because of ultraviolet radiation may be a special type of malignant cancerous moles - melanoma. Oncologists still call them "black marks.»
Most occurrence of melanoma threatens obadatelyam light skin, as well as people with red or blond hair color. At risk are also those who suffered severe sunburn in the past, has a lot of moles, especially with uneven edges, and who some of the relatives had melanoma
How to protect yourself:. use sunscreen and sunbathe in the "right time", which means the clock from 9 to 11 or from 16 to 18.
Danger 3: fotosensibilizatsiyaPokrasneniya and rashes on the skin during the summer months does not necessarily indicate an allergy. It is possible that you have photosensitivity. And the reason for its appearance - the creams and drugs, rather, some of the components that cause allergic reactions to sunlight. Unlike ordinary sunburn its manifestations can stay on the skin for several years! And even provoke an aggravation of skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, psoriasis, acne.
To be treated independently in such cases is dangerous, only a doctor can prescribe the correct drugs inside and sun-blockers for topical (creams or lotions with protection from UV rays with an index of 100)
How to protect yourself:. < /, check your creams, if these substances are in their composition, can cause sun allergy, then you are in the risk zone, better give them at least during the summer:
fruit acids , extracts of lime, parsley, celery, azulfidin, musk, bergamot, citron, cedar, sandalwood essential oil, Bengal rose, orange red, toluidine blue, acriflavine. as well as some antibiotics tetracycline and all preparations containing it, orinaz, Cordarone, amiodarone, sedakorin, estrogen, progestin, triampur, compositum, Aquaphor

Danger 4:. giperkeratozVrode the yard not far winter, and you skin is rough and coarse, as if the whole day went against the wind in the ice cold winter time? It is possible you have manifested hyperkeratosis. It occurs when the sun is at its zenith and sensitive skin can not cope with the influence of the burning rays like a tortoise hiding in the shell - in this case the top layer of the epidermis becomes thickened and stiff
How to protect yourself:
Danger 5:. Dry split volosyNa sun spoiled not only the skin but also the hair, they become brittle and dry. The sea and chlorinated water is also not the best way affects the state head of hair. Chlorine dries and bleaches the hair, especially colored. Approximately the same effect and salt water, especially when combined with exposure to ultraviolet
How to protect yourself:. sunbathe with his head covered, use protective equipment for hair after the pool or beach, rinse hair with fresh water and then apply the balm. To lay the use of light texture means, while for dry hair will help you mousses and foams, and for fat - sprays

via www.samara.kp.ru/daily/26407/3283063/