Book of human phobias in pictures
If you are afraid of spiders, you can not pull yourself together, speaking in public, or are suffering from one of the most common fears, the risk to experience a panic attack, flipping through this book. The fact that in its pages illustrate some of the most famous human phobias.
Dentofobiya - fear of dental treatment
Aerophobia - fear fly on aircraft
Ofidiofobiya - fear of snakes
Claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces
Mysophobia - obsessive fear of contamination or infection
Glossofobiya - fear of public speaking
Arachnophobia - fear of spiders
Acrophobia - fear of heights
Koulrofobiya - fear of clowns
Fear of being buried alive - the fear of being buried alive
Dentofobiya - fear of dental treatment
Aerophobia - fear fly on aircraft
Ofidiofobiya - fear of snakes
Claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces
Mysophobia - obsessive fear of contamination or infection
Glossofobiya - fear of public speaking
Arachnophobia - fear of spiders
Acrophobia - fear of heights
Koulrofobiya - fear of clowns
Fear of being buried alive - the fear of being buried alive