Belarus refused to live polio vaccine and a second vaccination against tuberculosis
From this year, the children in Belarus will make fewer shots. More precisely, not of vaccinations and their repeats (boosters). So, from tuberculosis will now vaccinate only at birth. Until now made even BCG vaccination and 7 years (risk groups). Vaccination against polio is now to be held in 3, 4, 5 months and 7 years (and makes it even and a half and 2 years). What accounts for this change?
Re-vaccination of children in the age of seven, did not affect the incidence of tuberculosis
- BCG vaccine, which is now used all over the world, does not prevent the incidence of tuberculosis, and protects against its generalized forms (eg, tuberculous meningitis, which affects the brain and meninges) was as a child, when there is no generated immunity - said Andrei Astrovko, deputy director of the organizational and methodological work of the Centre of Pulmonology and Tuberculosis. - Re-vaccination of children at risk in the age of seven, which we carried out, in no way changed the picture of the incidence. Therefore, it is canceled as recommended by WHO and countries with a low level of TB among children.
In the diagnosis of tuberculosis, according to the expert, nothing will change: risk children up to 7 years do Mantoux test, and from 8 years to adolescence - Diaskintest all
. - Due to the fact that teenagers have begun to detect tuberculosis at an earlier stage, the incidence in this age segment rose, but fell in the age 19 - 21 years old. In general, Belarus reduced the incidence of tuberculosis, - said Andrey Astrovko
. The polio vaccination changes both quantitative and qualitative. Pass it will be in four stages, and the vaccine will be administered only intramuscularly and only inactivated. A live vaccine in drops that are dripped into the mouth, no more.
- The use of oral polio vaccine does not preclude the circulation of vaccine-derived polioviruses. It can cause poliomyelitis in immunodeficient children. We have for many years were no such cases, but to suppress them, we turn to four times immunization using inactivated vaccine, - explained Ina Carabane, Deputy Head of the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology, and profilaktikiMinzdrava
. Vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus for adults should be done every 10 years
And what do vaccinations do more than once? And for a time, they provide immunity?
- A full course of preventive vaccinations against hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, creates long-term immunity against those infections for 20 years or more, - said Natalia Shmelev, head of the department immunization GU "Republican Center of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health." - Preventive vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus provide protection for up to 10 years. Therefore, the vaccination should be repeated after 16 years every 10 years. If you do not, the infection protection disappears. A diphtheria and tetanus - diseases which our body to cope very difficult. They are extremely difficult to proceed, tetanus usually ends lethal.
- Why start making immunizations for children up to a year
? - As a rule, the first vaccination coincide with the time of disappearance of maternal antibodies from the blood of a child, which he received through the placenta. These antibodies persist typically 3 - 6 months, measles, rubella, mumps - 10 months. Children are vaccinated against infections that are the most dangerous in children, according to the scheme, which allows you to create the most durable immunity.
- What are the major contraindications to vaccination
? - Modern vaccines are safe, and a list of contraindications is quite limited. For vaccines against measles, rubella, mumps, influenza - is allergic to the protein of chicken eggs; vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus - progressive neurological disease (eg, epilepsy), anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, occurred after the first dose of the vaccine (one case recorded of 10 million vaccinations.)
. Often in practice, Belarusian doctors hold false contraindications, when the doctor, reinsuring, establishes a contraindication to vaccination in children with asthma or chronic pyelonephritis in remission, when there is no objective reason to delay vaccination. As a rule, children are especially in need of protection against infection. After all, they are much more likely than healthy children to have to go to medical institutions, and the risk of contracting a vaccine-preventable diseases is higher. In the case of diphtheria infection of the child with asthma outcome is unpredictable disease. But vaccination in these children is very easy.
- Parents can opt out of vaccinations your child
? - Yes. In our country, health care (including immunizations) is held with the patient's consent. With 14 years of a child can make their own decision about vaccination. In accordance with Article 45 "On Healthcare" Law of the Republic of Belarus, parents can refuse medical intervention. The refusal is made in writing and signed by the medical records of the child's parents. But, refusing to vaccinate their children, they put their health at risk unnecessarily.
Be aware!
Free vaccinations for children are included in the national immunization schedule in Belarus:
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, Hib and pneumococcal infections (risk), influenza.
Vaccines against pneumococcal and Hib infections do for free for those who have one of the indications: chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, heart and lungs, immune deficiency, cystic fibrosis
. Vaccinations for a fee:
against influenza (vaccines, which are purchased for the provision of services), papilloma virus infection, varicella, pneumococcal and Hib infections (children who have free vaccination is not carried out), as well as the vaccine complex vaccines containing the same dose of the components against diphtheria, pertussis , tetanus, polio, hepatitis.
Vaccines that can be done for free on epidemic indications:
rabies, brucellosis, varicella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis, pertussis, measles, rubella, leptospirosis, polio, anthrax, tularemia, plague, mumps.

Re-vaccination of children in the age of seven, did not affect the incidence of tuberculosis
- BCG vaccine, which is now used all over the world, does not prevent the incidence of tuberculosis, and protects against its generalized forms (eg, tuberculous meningitis, which affects the brain and meninges) was as a child, when there is no generated immunity - said Andrei Astrovko, deputy director of the organizational and methodological work of the Centre of Pulmonology and Tuberculosis. - Re-vaccination of children at risk in the age of seven, which we carried out, in no way changed the picture of the incidence. Therefore, it is canceled as recommended by WHO and countries with a low level of TB among children.
In the diagnosis of tuberculosis, according to the expert, nothing will change: risk children up to 7 years do Mantoux test, and from 8 years to adolescence - Diaskintest all
. - Due to the fact that teenagers have begun to detect tuberculosis at an earlier stage, the incidence in this age segment rose, but fell in the age 19 - 21 years old. In general, Belarus reduced the incidence of tuberculosis, - said Andrey Astrovko
. The polio vaccination changes both quantitative and qualitative. Pass it will be in four stages, and the vaccine will be administered only intramuscularly and only inactivated. A live vaccine in drops that are dripped into the mouth, no more.
- The use of oral polio vaccine does not preclude the circulation of vaccine-derived polioviruses. It can cause poliomyelitis in immunodeficient children. We have for many years were no such cases, but to suppress them, we turn to four times immunization using inactivated vaccine, - explained Ina Carabane, Deputy Head of the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology, and profilaktikiMinzdrava
. Vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus for adults should be done every 10 years
And what do vaccinations do more than once? And for a time, they provide immunity?
- A full course of preventive vaccinations against hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, creates long-term immunity against those infections for 20 years or more, - said Natalia Shmelev, head of the department immunization GU "Republican Center of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health." - Preventive vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus provide protection for up to 10 years. Therefore, the vaccination should be repeated after 16 years every 10 years. If you do not, the infection protection disappears. A diphtheria and tetanus - diseases which our body to cope very difficult. They are extremely difficult to proceed, tetanus usually ends lethal.
- Why start making immunizations for children up to a year
? - As a rule, the first vaccination coincide with the time of disappearance of maternal antibodies from the blood of a child, which he received through the placenta. These antibodies persist typically 3 - 6 months, measles, rubella, mumps - 10 months. Children are vaccinated against infections that are the most dangerous in children, according to the scheme, which allows you to create the most durable immunity.
- What are the major contraindications to vaccination
? - Modern vaccines are safe, and a list of contraindications is quite limited. For vaccines against measles, rubella, mumps, influenza - is allergic to the protein of chicken eggs; vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus - progressive neurological disease (eg, epilepsy), anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, occurred after the first dose of the vaccine (one case recorded of 10 million vaccinations.)
. Often in practice, Belarusian doctors hold false contraindications, when the doctor, reinsuring, establishes a contraindication to vaccination in children with asthma or chronic pyelonephritis in remission, when there is no objective reason to delay vaccination. As a rule, children are especially in need of protection against infection. After all, they are much more likely than healthy children to have to go to medical institutions, and the risk of contracting a vaccine-preventable diseases is higher. In the case of diphtheria infection of the child with asthma outcome is unpredictable disease. But vaccination in these children is very easy.
- Parents can opt out of vaccinations your child
? - Yes. In our country, health care (including immunizations) is held with the patient's consent. With 14 years of a child can make their own decision about vaccination. In accordance with Article 45 "On Healthcare" Law of the Republic of Belarus, parents can refuse medical intervention. The refusal is made in writing and signed by the medical records of the child's parents. But, refusing to vaccinate their children, they put their health at risk unnecessarily.
Be aware!
Free vaccinations for children are included in the national immunization schedule in Belarus:
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, Hib and pneumococcal infections (risk), influenza.
Vaccines against pneumococcal and Hib infections do for free for those who have one of the indications: chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, heart and lungs, immune deficiency, cystic fibrosis
. Vaccinations for a fee:
against influenza (vaccines, which are purchased for the provision of services), papilloma virus infection, varicella, pneumococcal and Hib infections (children who have free vaccination is not carried out), as well as the vaccine complex vaccines containing the same dose of the components against diphtheria, pertussis , tetanus, polio, hepatitis.
Vaccines that can be done for free on epidemic indications:
rabies, brucellosis, varicella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis, pertussis, measles, rubella, leptospirosis, polio, anthrax, tularemia, plague, mumps.
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