Dr. Komarovsky: “Homeopathy is an illusion of healing!”
You have probably heard about homeopathy, its miraculous properties and immediate healing from all diseases. Manufacturers homeopathic They claim that these are natural, safe and very effective remedies that can heal not only a runny nose, but also cancer or even HIV.
Some believe in its effectiveness, others question it. But there are a lot of people who still can’t decide whether to believe in this “miracle cure” or not. Editorial "Site" I decided to shed light on this question and find out how effective homeopathic remedies are and whether they are worth spending money on.
Homeopathic remedies
But what about those cases when a person actually recovered by taking homeopathic medicines? It's easy to explain.
Here we have outlined the prevailing opinion about homeopathy, you can delve into its history, essence and read scientific research in this area. To believe or not to believe in such treatment is, of course, up to you! We hope you draw the right conclusions for your health.
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Some believe in its effectiveness, others question it. But there are a lot of people who still can’t decide whether to believe in this “miracle cure” or not. Editorial "Site" I decided to shed light on this question and find out how effective homeopathic remedies are and whether they are worth spending money on.

Homeopathic remedies
- Homeopathy and herbal medicine are not the same thing!
"Homeopathy has nothing to do with herbal treatment, as many people think," says Dr. Komarovsky. Classical homeopathy It originated in the XVIII century. Her theory was developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann when modern medicine disappointed him. The essence of homeopathy is to treat like. The active substance is diluted with water hundreds of times, and homeopaths believe that with each dilution, the strength of the drug increases.
Dr. Komarovsky argues that homeopathy is a treatment with water that has a “memory”, and the sale of the services of a homeopath who will talk in detail with a person will find an individual approach and prescribe pills that have only a placebo effect. - Scientific criticism
In Australia, a thorough analysis of homeopathic research was conducted in 2015. Experts studied the literature on the effectiveness of homeopathy and made a preliminary report. For greater objectivity, supporters of homeopathy and homeopathic physicians were asked to provide their work on this topic. The analysis included 57 systematic reviews of homeopathy and 176 individual studies of 61 diseases. However, there is no substantial evidence that homeopathic More effective than a dummy.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission published a report in which it said that in advertising homeopathic products sold over the counter, the manufacturer should indicate that there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this drug, and ideas about its effectiveness are based on eighteenth-century theories that have not found approval in medical circles. - Homeopathy treatment is an illusion of treatment EASAC, which brings together science academies from 29 European countries, released a 12-page statement. In it, homeopathy is called nonsense, and the distribution and use of homeopathic products are dangerous to health.
EASAC intends to influence the EU regulators to take measures to combat homeopathy. After all, the market for these drugs in Europe and the United States continues to grow. In 2015, homeopathy was a EUR 1 billion industry in Europe, growing by 6% annually.
The report states that homeopathic They can harm patients who need treatment by preventing them from taking real medications and undermining their faith in the medical community. Homeopathic medicines create the illusion of treatment and very often valuable time is lost when using them.
But what about those cases when a person actually recovered by taking homeopathic medicines? It's easy to explain.
- More often than not, we know what worked, not the other way around.
- The fact that a person recovered does not mean that he was cured precisely because of homeopathy. For example, a cold goes away by itself due to the work of our immune system.
- Very often people get better because of their faith or the so-called placebo effect. The brain produces endorphins, and the patient gets better.
- Often, homeopathic doctors recommend starting a healthy lifestyle, which already gives a positive result.

Here we have outlined the prevailing opinion about homeopathy, you can delve into its history, essence and read scientific research in this area. To believe or not to believe in such treatment is, of course, up to you! We hope you draw the right conclusions for your health.
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