The US should be destroyed. Thoughts of an old Indian chief
Canadian journalist Arja Turner is probably the only reporter who sometimes agree to give interviews to the Great Leader of the Indian tribes Kagahi, who was educated at Oxford, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, Oklahoma and California. And now hiding somewhere in the vast prairies in the south of the United States. The Western media is totally democratic, never publish an interview with the leader.
Kagahi was a friend and associate of Leonard Peltier, who fought relentlessly against American fascism. And it is his official heir, June 27, 2014, he said that thinking about the world, the United States and the future of humanity.
So, I met again with my friend ...
In the distant mountains, on the shores of Lake Ontario gently burning fire, gently illuminating his face glare leader Kagahi. Next to the great oak table, on which once hung the scalps of Indians paleface executioners. The leader said that the scalps of hidden, and show the boys a day O-skin non-n-max-n-wine-on celebration of young men.
Kagahi raskurennuyu gives me the phone and starts talking:
- You know, I've always loved the story. Just listen to what I think of this world ...
- Once Plutarch wrote that the Roman general and statesman Cato the Elder, ended all his speeches (regardless of their subject matter) in the Senate with the phrase: "Carthage must be destroyed» (Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam). I am well aware of Cato, as the blood of dead ancestors boiling in my veins. I think that if the change in the United States Carthage, we get the real picture of our time ...
My dream is to create a place US new Rome, fair, honest and kind. Perhaps Western education combined with Indian education creates in man something special. I'm talking about myself.
It is obvious that the United States must be destroyed. Moreover, by the people who have US citizenship. Those people who understand that after the events in Ukraine, the world hates them even more than it did after the Iraq, Libya and Syria. That is what counts Putin retaining its Byzantine calm in a time when the US protege Poroshenko kills hundreds of women, children and old towns and villages of South-East of Ukraine. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
After the Second World War, the United States every 15 months unleashed war in different regions of the world. On their conscience are hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of unborn children. The US leadership has betrayed the ideas of those who created this country. The US leadership has betrayed the American Constitution. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Very soon the time will come when the Americans will pursue worldwide. Nobody will fight against them with nuclear weapons. Human hatred destroy them. Indian revenge comes through the centuries. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Every honest American, every US citizen should understand that a US passport is in fact the identity card of the executioner, a fascist and a member of the SS. This happened because they did such US presidents - especially the two Bush, Clinton, and Obama. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
USA - a modern Carthage. Recall that evoked general hatred of the Romans at the household level to Carthage: first of all, that the Carthaginians massively engaged in usury and pimping. Romans massively volunteered to do away with Carthage. The story continues, and the US alienate the rest of the world. Now the whole world economy is tied to the fact that to satisfy the interests of a few hundred families, buyout tied to the North American states. The US is now engaged in usury, pandering, and murder around the world at the state level. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your house is no water, and clogged drainage, you know whom to call. Because your country because the United States is forced to spend money on weapons instead of to ensure you have a decent life. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if somewhere in your family die without receiving timely medical care, you know who to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your son could not find themselves in life, you have to understand who is to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your daughter was a prostitute, you also need to understand who is to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
All the troubles, tribulations and death in the world today are related to the United States. While there are the United States, the world will constantly be war. And it will be hatred, death and famine. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
To Americans realized their hated the rest of mankind, we must imagine syuyurrealisticheskuyu picture from the world, and almost every night dreaming about President Obama and his entire family: Adolf Hitler, a friendly pat on the shoulder of the American president, says he, he never would have thought that after the next leader of the Nazis will be black. At the same time these words applauds the entire leadership of the Third Reich. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, when you say - the United States, you're talking about - Hitler. When you say - Hitler, you say - the United States. Very soon billions of people realize that the main source of all evils in the world, this country, which is a pervasive nature deprived us, the Indians, the right to a free and happy life. I believe that very soon there will come a time when an American passport in any country of the world will be an occasion for detention to investigate whether to accept the owner or the owner of the part in the massacres. That is, first, detention, investigation. Then the court. Mankind after US kills obliged to announce sanctions against the United States. For this beast, carrying death. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Now in place of us, men, women, children, the tribes of the Sioux, Dakota viyotov, Seminoles, Apaches, Comanches and other tribes, whose number can only be compared with the rustle of the wind in the branches of the great oak trees on the shores of our lakes, it was all of humanity. This punitive US is going to have negligible to own the world unchallenged. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Sooner or later people will realize that all the troubles of the modern world to blame the United States. And no more. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Great Plains and Great Lakes will still be Indian. The peace-loving nations of the world must do away with animal punitive regime of the whites come from Washington ... In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed ...
Source: topwar.ru
Kagahi was a friend and associate of Leonard Peltier, who fought relentlessly against American fascism. And it is his official heir, June 27, 2014, he said that thinking about the world, the United States and the future of humanity.
So, I met again with my friend ...
In the distant mountains, on the shores of Lake Ontario gently burning fire, gently illuminating his face glare leader Kagahi. Next to the great oak table, on which once hung the scalps of Indians paleface executioners. The leader said that the scalps of hidden, and show the boys a day O-skin non-n-max-n-wine-on celebration of young men.
Kagahi raskurennuyu gives me the phone and starts talking:
- You know, I've always loved the story. Just listen to what I think of this world ...
- Once Plutarch wrote that the Roman general and statesman Cato the Elder, ended all his speeches (regardless of their subject matter) in the Senate with the phrase: "Carthage must be destroyed» (Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam). I am well aware of Cato, as the blood of dead ancestors boiling in my veins. I think that if the change in the United States Carthage, we get the real picture of our time ...
My dream is to create a place US new Rome, fair, honest and kind. Perhaps Western education combined with Indian education creates in man something special. I'm talking about myself.
It is obvious that the United States must be destroyed. Moreover, by the people who have US citizenship. Those people who understand that after the events in Ukraine, the world hates them even more than it did after the Iraq, Libya and Syria. That is what counts Putin retaining its Byzantine calm in a time when the US protege Poroshenko kills hundreds of women, children and old towns and villages of South-East of Ukraine. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
After the Second World War, the United States every 15 months unleashed war in different regions of the world. On their conscience are hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of unborn children. The US leadership has betrayed the ideas of those who created this country. The US leadership has betrayed the American Constitution. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Very soon the time will come when the Americans will pursue worldwide. Nobody will fight against them with nuclear weapons. Human hatred destroy them. Indian revenge comes through the centuries. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Every honest American, every US citizen should understand that a US passport is in fact the identity card of the executioner, a fascist and a member of the SS. This happened because they did such US presidents - especially the two Bush, Clinton, and Obama. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
USA - a modern Carthage. Recall that evoked general hatred of the Romans at the household level to Carthage: first of all, that the Carthaginians massively engaged in usury and pimping. Romans massively volunteered to do away with Carthage. The story continues, and the US alienate the rest of the world. Now the whole world economy is tied to the fact that to satisfy the interests of a few hundred families, buyout tied to the North American states. The US is now engaged in usury, pandering, and murder around the world at the state level. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your house is no water, and clogged drainage, you know whom to call. Because your country because the United States is forced to spend money on weapons instead of to ensure you have a decent life. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if somewhere in your family die without receiving timely medical care, you know who to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your son could not find themselves in life, you have to understand who is to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, if your daughter was a prostitute, you also need to understand who is to blame. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
All the troubles, tribulations and death in the world today are related to the United States. While there are the United States, the world will constantly be war. And it will be hatred, death and famine. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
To Americans realized their hated the rest of mankind, we must imagine syuyurrealisticheskuyu picture from the world, and almost every night dreaming about President Obama and his entire family: Adolf Hitler, a friendly pat on the shoulder of the American president, says he, he never would have thought that after the next leader of the Nazis will be black. At the same time these words applauds the entire leadership of the Third Reich. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
So, when you say - the United States, you're talking about - Hitler. When you say - Hitler, you say - the United States. Very soon billions of people realize that the main source of all evils in the world, this country, which is a pervasive nature deprived us, the Indians, the right to a free and happy life. I believe that very soon there will come a time when an American passport in any country of the world will be an occasion for detention to investigate whether to accept the owner or the owner of the part in the massacres. That is, first, detention, investigation. Then the court. Mankind after US kills obliged to announce sanctions against the United States. For this beast, carrying death. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Now in place of us, men, women, children, the tribes of the Sioux, Dakota viyotov, Seminoles, Apaches, Comanches and other tribes, whose number can only be compared with the rustle of the wind in the branches of the great oak trees on the shores of our lakes, it was all of humanity. This punitive US is going to have negligible to own the world unchallenged. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Sooner or later people will realize that all the troubles of the modern world to blame the United States. And no more. In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed.
Great Plains and Great Lakes will still be Indian. The peace-loving nations of the world must do away with animal punitive regime of the whites come from Washington ... In addition, I think that the US should be destroyed ...

Source: topwar.ru