Games Station Museum of computer games

While in the main building of the Polytechnic Museum in the Old Square there is a repair, the exhibition of the museum is working on VDNH in the pavilion №62 of the rocket to the left of the pavilion "Space».

The exhibition shows the entire evolution of computer games. Here are the world's first game console Odyssey Magnavox 1972.

The first Soviet-top box "Electronics Videosport 3". Just imagine how difficult it was to do such a thing when there were no microprocessors.

Classical consoles Dandy.

Portable game "Electronics».

Doom-2 on the computer of those times. Remember those ugly body?

Steep ZX Spectrum with integrated tape.

And now the latest advances gaming industry - Play Station 4 is connected to 3D-TV with Philips Ambilight, which allows two players to see different images on the screen with the help of glasses.

Head-mounted display Oculus Rift.

Although the screen resolution is low, I did not expect that the helmet gives a sense of presence. While riding on the "roller coaster" I lost my balance and almost fell in the present.

Look, what a delight cause the old game of those who see them for the first time.

Before the opening of the exhibition, while in the room did not have visitors, I took a short video about the exhibits.
The exhibition runs until August 15, every day except Monday from 10 am to 20 pm, and on weekends up to 21 hours. Admission to the exhibition - 200 rubles, for children up to 7 years free of charge.
And you were home gaming consoles? What's the first?
Source: ammo1.livejournal.com