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Generic laws: when they come adversity

To understand tribal laws.

Each of us was born from mom and dad, for our creation of the needed power of two, otherwise we simply would not exist. Behind them are their parents, each of them are their ancestors, and so on. All these people, alive or dead, make up a single system to which we belong, or our FAMILY.

We connected with our birth through their parents, we can draw great strength from there, if our connection is not broken unless we break the laws of the system to which they belong.

In addition to blood relatives in a tribal system includes other people and souls that were in our lives and put us under some strong influence.

For example:

- delivery system includes all those who were born (myself, my brothers and sisters, this includes abortions, miscarriages, early deaths of children, abandoned children and adoptive);

all direct relatives to the seventh generation back (grandparents, great-grandmother-grandfather) and forward (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) with their relationships, their partners, their significant people in your life;

- all the partners that had strong emotional or intimate contact (ex-husbands and wives, first love, all sexual partners);

all those people who helped the Family to survive, saved the life of someone of the family members, carried out some charity (on the front made from the fire of the enemy, gave my ration of bread in times of famine, saved lives during a fire, etc.);

all those people who made the tribal system of any damage threatening the life or well-being of the members of the system (rapists, enemies, murderers, thieves, etc.);

all those who had a special destiny – a serious illness, insanity, disability, or strange terrible fate, the killers, killed.

As you can see, it turns out a lot of the people with whom we are directly or indirectly connected, and which affect us, a major influence – both positive and negative.

Many of them simply help us, protect us and give strength to live and act in this world. But there are those which are violated, and require restoration, recognition, and taking them into the family system and respect for their difficult fate.

If in our generic system, all the connections are made, the laws respected, our lives will be quite smooth and happy. Problems, serious illness, disasters come into our lives when we violate the laws of the system, even if you know nothing about them.

What in the system?


All who once entered into the race in the system, remains there forever. We can't wish to throw them away, to erase from his life, to forget or remove.

These include abortions, miscarriages, early deaths, murderers, and other dysfunctional elements of the kind (about which I want to forget quickly), ex-husbands and wives, intimate partners, etc.

They were once in our lives, and they have a place in it forever. This is important to remember and give tribute to them, whatever they may be.


If we deduct the member of our system from your heart and remove from the system, it will replace the youngest member of the family (child).

As can be seen?

For example, men had a brother who took drugs and died from overdose. About it would prefer to forget, the pictures destroyed, it is never told to children, and a young boy growing up in the family of this man, and knew nothing about your uncle.

Everything changed when the boy became a teenager he fell in with bad company, started skipping school, drinking with friends, and at sixteen tried drugs.

Looking at his son, the father bitterly recalled his brother, and watched in horror over the fate of a son, expecting a tragic outcome.

And if in his heart there was a place for his unlucky brother, if the child knew about the fate of his uncle, saw and understood, as tragically ended his life, he would have chosen a different path.

The solution to this situation is to give the place a member of this kind is at the heart of living now, to accept his choice and to pay tribute to his difficult fate.


Those who have entered in the tribal system before, have the advantage over those who entered it later. This means that parents have an advantage over children and older brothers and sisters before the youngest. This means that ex-wives and husbands have the advantage over those who came into the family later.

However, this new family has a higher priority than the previous one.

This means that it is important to respect their parents, it is important to pay tribute to the former family, to respect his ex-wife or husband and take care of the children from the first marriage), it is important to take care of their children, but the priority of relationship we should have with our partner, husband or wife.

The LAW of LOVE or the laws of LOVE

The energy of love flowing from ancestors to descendants, and never Vice versa.

This means that all your energy of love we need to guide their children, not their parents, as often women do. When a woman is a mother for her parents, her children are left without maternal energy, and this creates big problems in relationships.

Our task is to learn to honor their parents, respect them, but not to nurture them, not treat them like children, not to remake them in his own way.


Harmony in relationships exists only when there is a balance between "give" and "take" energy.

You probably are aware of the distortions:

- when a person only gives, as for all magic wand, fail-safe by any desires and requests. At some point this person will feel the exhaustion, he had run out of energy, and it will require from others – gratitude, any action in your address, and not receiving it from others, will experience a bitter disappointment, not realizing that he his behavior has created a similar attitude. It is very difficult to take, to accept gifts, he immediately feels himself a debtor, and strive again to serve, to work given to him. If a person only gives and takes nothing, it can make another his debtor. And if he accumulated too much debt before You, it is much easier to leave than to repay debts. So often do men have women who constantly sought to please them – their debt was so great to his wife that they would never have enough to pay it, especially because it does not allow him to do so.

- there is the other extreme, when the man takes. He clearly knows what he needs and builds relationships with all so that it was beneficial to get as much use. This relationship is also doomed to failure – sooner or later another person will bother to use it for their own purposes, and then start the insults, demands, scandals, and Heartbreak.

How to balance?

There are two great rules that help relationships to grow all the good things that they have to reduce all bad.

THE FIRST RULE. If we receive from the other something good, we need to give him a little more than we received from him. For example, the husband bought You a new pair of earrings, and You made him his favorite meal and beautifully set the table.

It is important to give it a LITTLE more, to still the exchange was equal, if otherwise, for every kind word You will be husband to clean the house, cook his meals, wash clothes and be the exemplary wife, his next words just do not go, because You estimate yourself very cheap.

After receiving from You a little more than he gave himself, he will strive to continue to please You.

What do you do when the other person makes us sick?

To make it even harder?

Then the pain will increase like a snowball.

For this is

THE SECOND RULE. If we receive from the other something bad, we need to give him a little LESS poor, and then in relations it will decrease.

For example, if the transport You hurt stepped on a leg man, no need to shout at the entire bus, "Well, You and the elephant is slow, as You only land is," is the only bear him to throw You off the bus. Suffice it to say, "Oh, You made me very painful."

This balance must be respected everywhere – not only in the family but also at work, in relationships with friends and any other people.

If the slave allows the head to disrupt their in a bad mood, it is no good will not result. It is important to tell the chief that he is behaving unacceptably, but do it respectfully and not in front of everyone.

If a person does a lot of work, and thus receives a small salary, do not expect that it will appreciate. On the contrary, such people are not respected, and they are the first to get laid off.

If You consistently serve your friends a shoulder to their problems, and you couldn't get an answer when grief happens to You, then You just give up, and not able to take in friendship.


Any unlived emotion (anger, fear, joy, grief) will find a way out until, until you have a situation where this emotion can manifest.

We are human beings and we tend to experience different emotions, not always pleasant for us. And it is important to learn how to survive and exercise, and not to hide yourself, otherwise they will turn into a disease or problem, and we will bear this burden, not realizing that they themselves created it and, once having experienced the sorrow for the dead mother or not expressing your anger in response to the betrayal of a loved one. Such cases can be many, and placement very well show what emotion lies behind this or that problem.

Most recently, participating in the arrangement as Deputy, I felt a great relief after crying over the dead father of the client – I have nepriima sorrow for father and mother who died not so long ago, and only the balance, being in the role of another person, I was able to break free, to take off a huge weight of emotion that has begun to affect my health.

You're probably familiar with the situation, when a woman loses one after another their loved ones, but kept a "stiff upper lip". However, the situation of losing loved ones again, for the reason that this woman does not give a right to throw a tantrum, to experience their grief in full, to give vent to his emotions, to stop slowly dying and start living.

Author: Tatiana Plotnikova

Source: subscribe.ru/archive/psychology.genii/201209/10000718.html