Modern life confirms the presence of ancestral curses
Every soul that comes into this world brings with it the burden of the sins of their ancestors. And even when people do not want to, he is forced to work off the sins of others.
Each curse has its own face, and it's either associated with hereditary diseases or with certain scenarios of human life.
Among all the curses the most common is, in the words of wizards and witches, a curse on a dog's life, that is, regardless of the desires of man, he is unhappy in family life, is constantly in search of a better life. The reason in this case lies not in man, but in those sins which man carries in life, inherited from ancestors.
In addition, there are other, less popular curse. In particular, we are talking about the curse to bird life. Experts describe it as a curse: when the bird pour the grain, it first rake to the ground, and then eat. Similarly, in most cases, the destiny makes a person to translate all the good that he has got in life, reduce the "no on a" effort. And how many people would not put in the effort, no matter how hard to improve their lives, and things only get worse. And people do not understand why this is so.
The worst curse is a curse on a beastly life. What was wonderful and good was no man from the beginning, and his life constantly puts on the knees. In most cases the effects of the curse on a beastly life are alcoholism, gambling, drug abuse and other bad habits, which gradually tighten the person in poverty and dirt.
Among the tribal curse and release a curse on hare or sheep's life. Such a curse means that no matter how eager the person is to climb the corporate ladder, whatever talents may possess and how much higher education would gain, it will always take only the most hopeless positions and all the "bumps" in the case of what will pour it on his head.
There is a curse on the cessation kind or infertility. This curse leads to the fact that all human attempts to procreation fail, there is no cure in this case is not helping, and the doctors can't determine why.
When the ancestral curse of a wolf the life of a person will definitely have problems with the law. And even if the person is innocent, is convicted by mistake or slander, but jail definitely, no matter how good it may be.
One of the most cruel curses is the curse of a malignant tumor. In this family curse of cancer is passed from one generation to another, mowing down a whole family, and all for the same sins of their ancestors.
According to experts, it is best to remove a family curse with the kids, because then they can become in the future a normal life and achieve a lot in life, to get a decent education and to quickly move up the career ladder. Unfortunately, to remove the curse of this kind, like many others, people have come in the sunset of life, so big changes in my life do not notice.
Of course, to believe in ancestral curses or not — a purely personal matter. But history is replete with examples which can not be called a coincidence or an accident. We offer to Your attention a few examples of stories of families that have undergone a generational curse.
Probably one of the most famous examples is the Kennedy clan. Unknown, what are these grave sins committed by the ancestors of the family, but all generations of this kind of paying too high a price for them. The eldest son of Joseph Kennedy died in 1944 in the battle, the daughter was in a plane crash in 1948 and died.
The most famous of the Kennedy clan, the American President John Kennedy was shot in 1963 and his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot in 1968. Further – more, son, Robert David, also did not – he died of a drug overdose in 1984, the second son died at a ski resort in 1997. In addition, John F. Kennedy Jr. along with his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister crashed on a small private jet, driven by John himself.
In addition, the family was also full of other troubles, including miscarriages, a failed lobotomy, cancer, suicide, multiple sclerosis and strokes. It got to the point that the most common drive sometimes ended in tragedy: Patrick Kennedy in 2006, crashed while under the influence of drugs, and in the plane of Ted Kennedy, his father, was struck by lightning and the plane was nearly drowned in the ocean waters.
As history has shown, ancestral curses can be transferred. Widow Kennedy married billionaire Aristotle Onassis, bringing with them a curse. Rumor has it, of course, that kind of cursed Onassis Opera singer Maria Callas for the fact that the billionaire dumped her.
Others said that the curse brought the former wife of Onassis. Whatever it was, but one thing is clear: the Onassis Empire began to crumble. It happened in 1973 when his son Alexandros died in a car accident. Some time later, he committed suicide ex-wife of a billionaire.
The Onassis died in 1975 of pneumonia. His daughter Christina after 4 unhappy marriages died at the age of 37 from a lethal combination of sleeping pills and diet pills. Currently, once a large family survived only daughter Christina Athena, who was born in 1985.
Not less tragic fate of the genus Grimaldi. The daughter of a simple miner and Hollywood star grace Kelly married the Prince of Monaco Rennie III in 1956. For many this event was the epitome of the tale of Cinderella. However, really all was not so rosy.
Forty three million one hundred twenty seven thousand one hundred fifty four
At the time of such misalliance could not allow. But the marriage was officially registered, and grace died in 1982 under mysterious circumstances. She died in a car crash, but her blood alcohol was found. With grace in the car was her youngest daughter Stephanie, who then for a long time was treated by a psychiatrist. Later the girl could not manage to arrange their personal lives.
Similarly unsettled lives and the eldest daughter Carolyn Kelly. Her second husband, from whom she gave birth to 3 children, crashed in 1990 during the regatta. In 2005, died the Prince Rennie, father of Caroline and Stephanie, and in the same year died the third husband of Caroline from pancreatitis. Brother albert II women accused of pedophilia and rape, but the scandal miraculously managed to cover up in 2011, after his marriage to Charlene Wittstock (Olympic champion).
Alarming and history of the family of the famous Hollywood actor Marlon Brando. His family is so often shaken by the trouble that it is possible to assume the existence of an ancestral curse. His mother died from alcohol abuse, the first wife is also addicted to booze and drugs accustomed to this harmful habits, and son, Christian.
Being under the influence of drugs, Christian shot and killed groom, his half-sister Cheyenne, and had been in prison for 6 years. She Cheyenne committed suicide, and Christian died in 2008 from pneumonia.
Sad story of a family of a famous actor, martial arts master Bruce Lee. He himself died an absurd death took medicine for a headache and died of a brain edema, which developed as a result of Allergy to this medicine. He was only 32 years old. 20 years later his son Brandon was tragically killed during the filming of the picture "the Raven": the prop gun was loaded with real bullets. The young man was only 28 years old. Just as his father before him, Brandon has gained popularity after his death.
Happened generic curse before. So, the most powerful race in Europe – the Habsburg dynasty – from the very beginning pursued the misery and all kinds of trouble. The culprit for that, according to legend, was the count Werner von Habsburg, who seduced the daughter of a simple artisan. When the count learned that the girl is pregnant, then trapped her in an underground prison and ordered to starve.
This girl and cursed her murderer and all his family, and the curse began to act very quickly: while hunting wild boar count Werner was mortally wounded. After that, in Mexico died the Emperor Maximilian, his wife Charlotte went crazy, the heir to the throne Rudolf, committed suicide, committed before this murder. The Empress Elizabeth was killed Archduke John Salvator died. And finally, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo…
In Russia, the most significant example of ancestral curse can serve as the Romanov dynasty. Nicholas II ascended the Russian throne 13 years after the murder of his own grandfather. The new Czar married Alexandra, who received from his grandmother, Queen Victoria, a mutating gene that was passed down exclusively through the male line.
Thus, the birth of Tsarevich Alexei, who from birth suffered from haemophilia, did not cause any great surprise. The boy was so weak that its ability to manage a large state did not believe even in small towns. Then the Romanovs found Rasputin, who eased pain and healed wounds of the boy.
He acquired such influence on the Royal family that it caused dissatisfaction among the nobles. In the end, Rasputin cursed Russia, saying the country will fall a year after his death. Of course, Rasputin was murdered, and two months later the revolution began, which brought an end to the three hundred year reign of the Romanov dynasty. What happened next is known…
Of course, all does not look very convincing from the point of view of logic and common sense. For example, unhappiness in acting dynasties can be explained by the lack of manners and morality, destructive addiction to alcohol and drugs, which are used nowadays in great demand. Other cases the skeptics can be considered a simple coincidence. But, nevertheless, it was, and this could happen in our time. And it should be easy to take for granted…
Source: globalscience.ru
Each curse has its own face, and it's either associated with hereditary diseases or with certain scenarios of human life.
Among all the curses the most common is, in the words of wizards and witches, a curse on a dog's life, that is, regardless of the desires of man, he is unhappy in family life, is constantly in search of a better life. The reason in this case lies not in man, but in those sins which man carries in life, inherited from ancestors.
In addition, there are other, less popular curse. In particular, we are talking about the curse to bird life. Experts describe it as a curse: when the bird pour the grain, it first rake to the ground, and then eat. Similarly, in most cases, the destiny makes a person to translate all the good that he has got in life, reduce the "no on a" effort. And how many people would not put in the effort, no matter how hard to improve their lives, and things only get worse. And people do not understand why this is so.
The worst curse is a curse on a beastly life. What was wonderful and good was no man from the beginning, and his life constantly puts on the knees. In most cases the effects of the curse on a beastly life are alcoholism, gambling, drug abuse and other bad habits, which gradually tighten the person in poverty and dirt.
Among the tribal curse and release a curse on hare or sheep's life. Such a curse means that no matter how eager the person is to climb the corporate ladder, whatever talents may possess and how much higher education would gain, it will always take only the most hopeless positions and all the "bumps" in the case of what will pour it on his head.
There is a curse on the cessation kind or infertility. This curse leads to the fact that all human attempts to procreation fail, there is no cure in this case is not helping, and the doctors can't determine why.
When the ancestral curse of a wolf the life of a person will definitely have problems with the law. And even if the person is innocent, is convicted by mistake or slander, but jail definitely, no matter how good it may be.
One of the most cruel curses is the curse of a malignant tumor. In this family curse of cancer is passed from one generation to another, mowing down a whole family, and all for the same sins of their ancestors.
According to experts, it is best to remove a family curse with the kids, because then they can become in the future a normal life and achieve a lot in life, to get a decent education and to quickly move up the career ladder. Unfortunately, to remove the curse of this kind, like many others, people have come in the sunset of life, so big changes in my life do not notice.
Of course, to believe in ancestral curses or not — a purely personal matter. But history is replete with examples which can not be called a coincidence or an accident. We offer to Your attention a few examples of stories of families that have undergone a generational curse.
Probably one of the most famous examples is the Kennedy clan. Unknown, what are these grave sins committed by the ancestors of the family, but all generations of this kind of paying too high a price for them. The eldest son of Joseph Kennedy died in 1944 in the battle, the daughter was in a plane crash in 1948 and died.
The most famous of the Kennedy clan, the American President John Kennedy was shot in 1963 and his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot in 1968. Further – more, son, Robert David, also did not – he died of a drug overdose in 1984, the second son died at a ski resort in 1997. In addition, John F. Kennedy Jr. along with his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister crashed on a small private jet, driven by John himself.
In addition, the family was also full of other troubles, including miscarriages, a failed lobotomy, cancer, suicide, multiple sclerosis and strokes. It got to the point that the most common drive sometimes ended in tragedy: Patrick Kennedy in 2006, crashed while under the influence of drugs, and in the plane of Ted Kennedy, his father, was struck by lightning and the plane was nearly drowned in the ocean waters.
As history has shown, ancestral curses can be transferred. Widow Kennedy married billionaire Aristotle Onassis, bringing with them a curse. Rumor has it, of course, that kind of cursed Onassis Opera singer Maria Callas for the fact that the billionaire dumped her.
Others said that the curse brought the former wife of Onassis. Whatever it was, but one thing is clear: the Onassis Empire began to crumble. It happened in 1973 when his son Alexandros died in a car accident. Some time later, he committed suicide ex-wife of a billionaire.
The Onassis died in 1975 of pneumonia. His daughter Christina after 4 unhappy marriages died at the age of 37 from a lethal combination of sleeping pills and diet pills. Currently, once a large family survived only daughter Christina Athena, who was born in 1985.
Not less tragic fate of the genus Grimaldi. The daughter of a simple miner and Hollywood star grace Kelly married the Prince of Monaco Rennie III in 1956. For many this event was the epitome of the tale of Cinderella. However, really all was not so rosy.
Forty three million one hundred twenty seven thousand one hundred fifty four
At the time of such misalliance could not allow. But the marriage was officially registered, and grace died in 1982 under mysterious circumstances. She died in a car crash, but her blood alcohol was found. With grace in the car was her youngest daughter Stephanie, who then for a long time was treated by a psychiatrist. Later the girl could not manage to arrange their personal lives.
Similarly unsettled lives and the eldest daughter Carolyn Kelly. Her second husband, from whom she gave birth to 3 children, crashed in 1990 during the regatta. In 2005, died the Prince Rennie, father of Caroline and Stephanie, and in the same year died the third husband of Caroline from pancreatitis. Brother albert II women accused of pedophilia and rape, but the scandal miraculously managed to cover up in 2011, after his marriage to Charlene Wittstock (Olympic champion).
Alarming and history of the family of the famous Hollywood actor Marlon Brando. His family is so often shaken by the trouble that it is possible to assume the existence of an ancestral curse. His mother died from alcohol abuse, the first wife is also addicted to booze and drugs accustomed to this harmful habits, and son, Christian.
Being under the influence of drugs, Christian shot and killed groom, his half-sister Cheyenne, and had been in prison for 6 years. She Cheyenne committed suicide, and Christian died in 2008 from pneumonia.
Sad story of a family of a famous actor, martial arts master Bruce Lee. He himself died an absurd death took medicine for a headache and died of a brain edema, which developed as a result of Allergy to this medicine. He was only 32 years old. 20 years later his son Brandon was tragically killed during the filming of the picture "the Raven": the prop gun was loaded with real bullets. The young man was only 28 years old. Just as his father before him, Brandon has gained popularity after his death.
Happened generic curse before. So, the most powerful race in Europe – the Habsburg dynasty – from the very beginning pursued the misery and all kinds of trouble. The culprit for that, according to legend, was the count Werner von Habsburg, who seduced the daughter of a simple artisan. When the count learned that the girl is pregnant, then trapped her in an underground prison and ordered to starve.
This girl and cursed her murderer and all his family, and the curse began to act very quickly: while hunting wild boar count Werner was mortally wounded. After that, in Mexico died the Emperor Maximilian, his wife Charlotte went crazy, the heir to the throne Rudolf, committed suicide, committed before this murder. The Empress Elizabeth was killed Archduke John Salvator died. And finally, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo…
In Russia, the most significant example of ancestral curse can serve as the Romanov dynasty. Nicholas II ascended the Russian throne 13 years after the murder of his own grandfather. The new Czar married Alexandra, who received from his grandmother, Queen Victoria, a mutating gene that was passed down exclusively through the male line.
Thus, the birth of Tsarevich Alexei, who from birth suffered from haemophilia, did not cause any great surprise. The boy was so weak that its ability to manage a large state did not believe even in small towns. Then the Romanovs found Rasputin, who eased pain and healed wounds of the boy.
He acquired such influence on the Royal family that it caused dissatisfaction among the nobles. In the end, Rasputin cursed Russia, saying the country will fall a year after his death. Of course, Rasputin was murdered, and two months later the revolution began, which brought an end to the three hundred year reign of the Romanov dynasty. What happened next is known…
Of course, all does not look very convincing from the point of view of logic and common sense. For example, unhappiness in acting dynasties can be explained by the lack of manners and morality, destructive addiction to alcohol and drugs, which are used nowadays in great demand. Other cases the skeptics can be considered a simple coincidence. But, nevertheless, it was, and this could happen in our time. And it should be easy to take for granted…
Source: globalscience.ru