Every earthly man carries a double karma.

One - our own track record of good and not so good things. Other - kind of karma in which we came. We came into this world is not by chance, but by cosmic laws, to grasp that before the end we are not given.
Space is interested in us, in our lives and in our success. Living in a material world, we are making important for all humanity and for the whole of the universe work. Accumulating energy of his soul, we will not only transform the space around them, but also working on the genetic program of generic structures of humanity. We - a piece of the whole society of planet Earth, so the state of our soul depends on the state of society as a whole.
The process of our personal spiritual development is at the same time investing energy in favorable development, evolutionary awakening of the soul and mind of all mankind. Directly and this is reflected in the fact that we "purify" a kind of karma. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of their families, helping families to accumulate positive energy to sort, releasing the next generation of generic diseases and karmic problems.
Rod, which we have come to interact with us in different ways. One it is given as a guardian. Rhode protects against adversity helps in life, directs and in difficult moments gives strength. So we deserve something this support! These roots must be preserved, inherited, multiplying traditions.
Another kind is given as a test. In overcoming tribal issues, and sometimes curses that are on it, the soul becomes stronger, tempered, gaining strength, and thus clears the roots, because the man himself - a piece of nature. Overcoming negative in itself, it thereby clears the genus as a whole ...
However, there are people who do not depend on the kind of karma. Probably because they have a very serious personal problem and a difficult mission in life on their own individual karma. Such people or leave the parental home early, leaving far away from home, or just a quick gain autonomy and independence, and even with the closest family support is very weak link. Sometimes he rejects the kind of people that such a person did not arise attachment to this genus, and that he had not hung out of his karma. They often have a difficult way of life, and usually they are big complicated things ...