In which country is better to study?

Today, the Russian students can choose the school and the country in which you want to spend your student years at its discretion. A great option would be Canada. Training and life in this country cheaper than in the US. Thus at the end you will receive a diploma that is recognized and valued all over the world. The canadian authorities are loyal to foreigners. Developed several programs by which students can combine study with work in the specialty, and after graduation even stay for permanent residence. Remote training is also developed, therefore, to specialty really, having arrived in country a couple of times.
In the UK, which is a leader in quality education, prospects for foreign students is not so pleasant. The minimum cost of training is 8 thousand pounds a year, yet the same need for accommodation. By the way, to combine work and study in the UK difficult – even if we get permission, apply for the vacant position will not allow a high load at the University. To get a scholarship practically impossible. Where to go to learn if money for the payment of the London University is not enough? In one of Australian universities.
In the middle of the ocean
Australia was a British colony. Perhaps that is why there remained so high standards of education. But unlike England, the cost of education in this country is a bit lower. However, by the standards of the Australian system is our high school diploma for admission is not enough, and therefore will have to study another 2 class. There is another option – to enroll in preparatory courses at one of the universities. After their successful completion of crediting usually occurs automatically.
Source: vuz-rfei.ru