Colombia and South America through the eyes of an engineer
Many people in recent years looking for a job abroad, naively believing that it will give them more. Many are looking for happiness in South America. At least I often write to the PM such questions. As a result, I was born this chaotic post designed to lift the veil of secrecy over the birthplace of the Inca and fading socialist revolutions.
The area of Che in the National University of UNAL, May 1. i>
Since October 2010, I was in any way associated with Colombia in terms of professional activity. Traveled floor of the continent, including the car. Although the last few years more and more work with the states, South America does not let go and continues to love. I'll write about Colombia, but sufficient accuracy of approximation all this can be extended to any Latin American country. Somewhere better, somewhere worse. General rule - the more developed seasonality, the intelligent people. The closer to the equator, the people pofigistichno everything.
This hotel in Cartagena, next to which all the фотографируются.
How do I? Accidentally. Year 2004 I was engaged drones. Now this will not surprise anybody, but at Expo 2006 in Moscow, serious uncles almost a voice bellow, when I said that the UAV can be build for less than $ 1000 ... it was a wild time ...
I was ( is ) Hamster where I spread development + a bunch of publications in scientific journals and the internet. And ... me out.
In mid-2009 a man wrote and offered to promote the subject in South America (SA). Then I refused because to Ph.D. remained half a year and throw this thing at the finish did not want to. Then there was a period of calm and correspondence. Meanwhile, defense transported for half a year and I have already forgotten, when suddenly ... 2 weeks before the defense he called and said that in a friendly company organized a vacancy, where you can get to work (a visa is required, and its jobless do not give) but need to decide right now. Having estimated that less than a month the paperwork will not take, I agreed, dropping both protection and collection of documents. The idea to live 2 years in SA for free seemed an adventure and a good change of scenery after 3 years of postgraduate study. No super-prospect of emigration, I did not dream.
the KGB Bar in Cartagena. i>
The protection was not complicated, because the had a good job, patents, 4 times higher than the norm of publications and in general I am done. And now, a week after the defense, paid 5000r Secretary for the preparation of my documents in the WAC and agreeing with friends to take them to Moscow, I took the plane to Bogota (tickets bought by). Not directly, of course, but with a change in Paris. Looking ahead, I will say that the citizens of Russia visa to Colombia and most of SA is not needed. The stamp is placed in Bogota for 90 days if left the country and returned anywhere - over 90 days. Many people do so, going to Ecuador or Peru for a few days. But by the global rules, more than six months in the country can not be a tourist. There are people who live for years in two or three countries motayas 3 months there / here.
Flight 18 hours, 14 of them continuously over the ocean, this is not in Sochi on the bus. This is hard. Experienced flyers even have an inner secret manual how to survive in such conditions. For example, to bring slippers sit for 14 hours in the shoes would not wish anyone, or to dissolve the flight attendants for extra rolls, burn up in the microwave to ashes. Do not forget that on the plane is very dry air, and breathe them 2 hours = 14 hours. It is necessary to have artificial tears in the bubble and drip them wherever dotyaneshsya.
In Bogota met, they were taken to a removable house, where he lived with other Russian spices. The guys were working guys, funny, a little too ... And the diversity of experiences of those two months, I have eloquently outlined in the EmiHappens ( Now they are restored after a failure, so that the date of publication flew, and the publications themselves declined, and so they have a lot of funny stories of travelers from different countries).
I survived and they gave me a contract, left to return to his wife and had to issue a work visa. With the visa has not been any problems. All paper collected Moscow office, travel abroad was to Moscow from my town 200km. One day went to the Embassy of Colombia, he explained why the food got a visa in all passports. Generally, if you hold the contract, and approval from the Ministry of Labour of Colombia, Embassy puts visa without problems. The problem to get permission. If you collect just fly to the country and find a job, you do not come out. In-1 in the country quota for foreign companies. There was a 1: 7, now, like, 1: 3. That is one foreigner should work at least triple. In 2, the Ministry of Labor, make sure that your counterpart in the country do not. Here help the special paper and certificates. What you're an engineer, masterly possess php and playing the accordion is not interesting. His engineers nowhere to go, the country's 25% unemployment rate. The fact that the engineer can reset the maximum Windu, and then only with the disc, with the stick can not, no one cares. Will Russian certificates for Russian equipment with which you work. Usually Russian here is gazmyas - drillers, etc. neftekhim However, now the 2/3 reduced staff, more krayzis. I got into a company operating Russian helicopters MI since I had a specialized education of aviation engineering, metrology and certification a couple of candy wrappers that were not Colombians. Looking ahead, if you take in head to come here, get a candy wrapper representative of a certain company, a scientist keeper of reference, etc. With these wrappers to obtain a visa is much easier than with a master's (here - doctoral) degree. And the employer if you are interested in, write that without this candy wrappers to do this work not at all impossible. The woman received a visa beneficiary, for which it can not work, but can have their own business. Usually wives engaged there in translation work guides for Russian tourists, or even sales agents for Russian firms.
In general, education in Colombia is PPC. In-1 is not a single system. Each school and the university are taught how to come up with. In the 2 more or less intelligent uni 4, including a free one. The rest - a full alles kaput. For example, recently I read the program of the industrial engineer one of the uni. If we discard the trappings, are taught to write by an android. 5 years old are taught to write under android !!! And it's an engineering degree. And for that you have to pay $ 60k.
I would not care, if not for two facts. The first is the child born already in Bogota. Learn it should be, and nowhere. The second - with these inhenero have to work every day. Colombians as a hard-nosed sheep. Plus, the high school, where a full course you pay $ 60k, you no one will say that the university - but Mr. You will be 5 years old grind that your education and generally steeper MITa Colombia - center of the universe. And there is no one to break the horn, the other worse. As a result, the herd of morons who are confident in their genius.
Not everyone, of course. There are those who studied abroad, is simply smart guys with no education (no money on it), but it is not bad, and groping, which is rarely willing to learn. I know of 8. For 5 years I have met 8th.
Import tax on all imports ranging from 26 to 40 percent, which makes unprofitable any physical production in the country. I got to know it very well, because in my business, 80% of production - autopilots and fuselage - require the purchase of components and raw materials from abroad.
Thus, Colombia, a country of contradictions. On the one hand, there is no tillage field in terms of technology. The banking system in line with our 93 years in the rudiment of Internet and nobody really knows what it is and how to use it. Colombian sites - Non-indexable fleshevyh misery with music, screaming, all the colors of the rainbow, and almost always - without the slightest hint of what the company is engaged in what her address and hours of operation. On the other hand, no one understands these problems and the trail. It does not try to solve them. As English is not spoken by almost no one goes any interview in Spanish. Find here the work of a good specialist in the street is very difficult.
By the way, hours of work - the main secret of all Colombian firms. You'll never find them on Web sites, doors, business cards and so on.
Understand the VJ can read "Cabbages and Kings" O. Henry, or rather the head of "shoes." Here are all exactly the same, and for 100 years, nothing has changed.
Of course, there is a drag. Here it is called Rosca - thread. By Roscoe can get anywhere without it - almost anywhere. As one friend said, "Colombia is the Russian Federation, only in color and special effects."
But we digress. I'll tell you about the life of a man who did not touch these problems, more work, he was not looking, and gave invited to engage in planning their business and their projects, and on the RFP includes a 5% of the population.
Upon arrival sedulu is issued. Local ID card looks like autorule. There are types of CE - a foreigner, CR - resident, CC - the citizen. CR is given only after 5 years, then you do not have states or even Zurich . Since it is possible to change employers, and it is for 5 years and for the CE you must leave the country within 30 days after the dismissal and she a maximum of 2 years. On citizenship have to take the exam and pass say well, it nafig. For seduly need your passport and a blood test. It is mainly determined by a group that fit in all your documents. When I arrived, I checked more AIDS / Hepatitis, but then it was canceled. Then, since seduloy, draws up a bank account, health insurance. Without seduly country almost nothing to do.
Medicine is only paid and very expensive. Repair knee after injury, even on rough test me has managed in $ 300 (consultation of x-ray Doctor + + an injection into the joint, which I did not need + tabletochki). By the way, it did not help, and in a simple Soviet Russian traumatologist at the polyclinic of the Colombian X-rays found mikrovyvih and right knee me in 5 minutes and free of charge. Actually, the medicine there is a direct consequence of education, cool complicit in the American standard - prescribe him everything that has anything necessarily help. By the way, try to call the United States of America to the Latinos, the cool offended and say "we, too, America, and they - Estados Unidos".
First settled in the same house merry as before. However, with his wife, he was not so fun ... After half a year he asked and we went to look for an apartment. The machine has been since I had planned to stay in the country for more than 2 years (the term of the contract) and the time to go round maximum. Here we are in the car and went to look at the areas and look in the windows of the announcement of the lease. Under Russian law, it can travel half a year, but that almost no one knows, and people go for years. But there is a risk of running into a police officer, who informed ...
Local right to receive not a problem. It is necessary to pass a medical examination at any authorized clinic, theory and practice. Medical examination passed easily, though not without fun. Check Table view was not with letters and a picture. Sprockets there zhirafiki ... And I'll word of Spanish! In general, everything just like at Pearl Harbor, explained the girl on his fingers. Something drew in the paper. Rental.
Theory and practice pass exactly as in Russia, but having learned from experience with zhirafikami I prefer the right to buy than to understand the Hispanic ticket. Fortunately, at that time the experience has been more than 10 years in the Russian Federation and the Colombian rule 2 times easier. By the way, the SDA in printing there appeared in 2004. Before that, they did not exist, there was a list of fines. Typically cost about $ 700. Learning in school is not necessarily to pass, so the city meet with a representative of the driving school, fill out the form on the model, put the check, pay 700 bucks a week and the police are now authorized.
By the way, if you register a new car, the choice of rooms - the official premium service. It should be a column, drive a desired number, it shows the series where he is, if you are satisfied, vanities in column 5 bucks and fix it for them. Its you and squeeze. The second point - the number of cars on life. When a change of ownership does not change. If you lose, you issue a duplicate, a slightly different view.
The car took a loan, as in-1 just was not enough money in the planned 2-buy housing, but it is more profitable to borrow in the construction phase (dolёvka) than buying for nalik. A loan for an apartment with no credit history will not give. Here for the sake of this story, and was taken a car loan with an overpayment of 50% and the size of 5 salaries. The loan gives no problems for CE, but you need a guarantor. Find a hero complex, but I was lucky again, they made me the person invited. Incidentally, here credits are generally fixed. That is, once you say - overpay X%. And yet. You pay monthly (amount +%) / month. Close loan can at any time without penalty. It's comfortable. As for the apartments, dolёvka here is considered safe. In-1 very quickly build. The house is on the 9th floor finish is 2 months from the digging of the pit. In the 2 dolёvok have insurance. Thus, people rarely fly. Then you can rent an apartment and from this to repay the loan. After 10 years, you get an apartment for free, plus it increases the price by 3-4 times, if you selected the correct area. One problem - the house there are not more than 50 years, then put them to bear. No compensation is provided. Again, earthquakes ...
They found the apartment easily caught at the appreciation of the dollar and many slid. And then all the Covenants ...
Actually, the only good news that you are waiting for pick-up at the stage, is that the apartment with a view of the green courtyard - the cheapest. Colombians love the window into the street. For diesel exhaust directly into the box to beeping clock, etc. Sometimes you look at the window and it is not clear, it is tinted, or a layer of soot (windows in Colombia never wash). And all the vents wide open.
Generally, Bogota - a terrible city in terms of ecology. Colombians, they are like children. And like all children try to copy adults. In a measure of understanding. Green parks and cycle paths "in Europe" mixed with all diesel public transport, lack of principle of vacuum cleaners and road polivalok, lack of standards Euro emissions. Due to this there is often possible to see the trucks more 30th (!!!) years of construction and on the move. And cyclists, filter dense urban smog, is delivered.
And then, some disappointments. In-1 apartment is completely empty forever. Only sanitary and hob. And then only because the kitchen and then built them did not carry. Bulbs - no. It's very cool when agent comes to the meeting with a light bulb to show the room. Refrigerator, stiralki - either. Everything will have to buy.
Our hut at the time of entry i>
In the two to get out, you have to pass the examination in a special agency, which apply a bunch of personal documents, including a certificate of salary and a printout from the bank for the last month of the expenditure, and the same set on 2 guarantors (yeah, again guarantors ) or the obligation to pay a three-month deposit for the unexpected. Sometimes require up to six months. This deposit is only rarely return. Think you have it presented. I was lucky to find two guarantors and there were no deposit.
Examination procedure takes a week, after which the agency gives the verdict - the rent you overcome them or not. We once thought to be in the Russian Federation - see the hut, shook hands and vedem tomorrow, but no, prolyubilis 2 weeks. Surprisingly, the landlord we waited. Later I learned that foreigners love for discipline, for local love not paying for 3 months, and brain stem. Plus, realtor, casually I asked my GP and he clearly liked the answer. Colombians love to take back to back rent and costs just kolyhnutsya dollar, the city is full of ads SE ARRIENDA. And when your GP 10 times out, the likelihood of such events is minimal. So will shoot blatantly tell lies about the RFP. And you have to wait much.
At the prices, everything is highly dependent on the stages. Stage is a class property. 0 to 10. 0 is the box from the TV 10 - that we see in the series. The usual stage where Russian man normally is 3-4. Stage is determined solely by the area and neighbors, as well as how much you will pay for communal. The quality of housing is not me at all. At any stage, will frame house with white walls and jutting out of the wall under the lamp cartridges. Laminate - a sign of the oligarchy and refinement. Typically, the floor tiles throughout the apartment. Heating at all. Floor-to-ceiling windows. In one glass. Walls - which lies on the edge of the brick, from which lean against him exceedingly dumb. Bathrooms: 2-3 in an apartment with showers. Baths no. Hot water - not everywhere. If you are lucky, it will be shared with flat gas column. No luck - the local production of electric flow, beating current. It's not luck - nothing. Colombians are washed with cold water, even in Bogota, where there is also +8.
The cost is calculated from the communal stages. 0 does not pay anything, 10 pays for all at zero. 3-4 about the real price paid. I live in a 4 stage and in total, with the Internet and the administration, would be about $ 500. And another $ 550 for rent. In step 3 still about 30% cheaper. It's nice that the repair lies with the owner. We broke the shell, have changed for free (for us).

The area of Che in the National University of UNAL, May 1. i>
Since October 2010, I was in any way associated with Colombia in terms of professional activity. Traveled floor of the continent, including the car. Although the last few years more and more work with the states, South America does not let go and continues to love. I'll write about Colombia, but sufficient accuracy of approximation all this can be extended to any Latin American country. Somewhere better, somewhere worse. General rule - the more developed seasonality, the intelligent people. The closer to the equator, the people pofigistichno everything.

This hotel in Cartagena, next to which all the фотографируются.
How do I? Accidentally. Year 2004 I was engaged drones. Now this will not surprise anybody, but at Expo 2006 in Moscow, serious uncles almost a voice bellow, when I said that the UAV can be build for less than $ 1000 ... it was a wild time ...
I was ( is ) Hamster where I spread development + a bunch of publications in scientific journals and the internet. And ... me out.
In mid-2009 a man wrote and offered to promote the subject in South America (SA). Then I refused because to Ph.D. remained half a year and throw this thing at the finish did not want to. Then there was a period of calm and correspondence. Meanwhile, defense transported for half a year and I have already forgotten, when suddenly ... 2 weeks before the defense he called and said that in a friendly company organized a vacancy, where you can get to work (a visa is required, and its jobless do not give) but need to decide right now. Having estimated that less than a month the paperwork will not take, I agreed, dropping both protection and collection of documents. The idea to live 2 years in SA for free seemed an adventure and a good change of scenery after 3 years of postgraduate study. No super-prospect of emigration, I did not dream.

the KGB Bar in Cartagena. i>
The protection was not complicated, because the had a good job, patents, 4 times higher than the norm of publications and in general I am done. And now, a week after the defense, paid 5000r Secretary for the preparation of my documents in the WAC and agreeing with friends to take them to Moscow, I took the plane to Bogota (tickets bought by). Not directly, of course, but with a change in Paris. Looking ahead, I will say that the citizens of Russia visa to Colombia and most of SA is not needed. The stamp is placed in Bogota for 90 days if left the country and returned anywhere - over 90 days. Many people do so, going to Ecuador or Peru for a few days. But by the global rules, more than six months in the country can not be a tourist. There are people who live for years in two or three countries motayas 3 months there / here.
Flight 18 hours, 14 of them continuously over the ocean, this is not in Sochi on the bus. This is hard. Experienced flyers even have an inner secret manual how to survive in such conditions. For example, to bring slippers sit for 14 hours in the shoes would not wish anyone, or to dissolve the flight attendants for extra rolls, burn up in the microwave to ashes. Do not forget that on the plane is very dry air, and breathe them 2 hours = 14 hours. It is necessary to have artificial tears in the bubble and drip them wherever dotyaneshsya.

In Bogota met, they were taken to a removable house, where he lived with other Russian spices. The guys were working guys, funny, a little too ... And the diversity of experiences of those two months, I have eloquently outlined in the EmiHappens ( Now they are restored after a failure, so that the date of publication flew, and the publications themselves declined, and so they have a lot of funny stories of travelers from different countries).
I survived and they gave me a contract, left to return to his wife and had to issue a work visa. With the visa has not been any problems. All paper collected Moscow office, travel abroad was to Moscow from my town 200km. One day went to the Embassy of Colombia, he explained why the food got a visa in all passports. Generally, if you hold the contract, and approval from the Ministry of Labour of Colombia, Embassy puts visa without problems. The problem to get permission. If you collect just fly to the country and find a job, you do not come out. In-1 in the country quota for foreign companies. There was a 1: 7, now, like, 1: 3. That is one foreigner should work at least triple. In 2, the Ministry of Labor, make sure that your counterpart in the country do not. Here help the special paper and certificates. What you're an engineer, masterly possess php and playing the accordion is not interesting. His engineers nowhere to go, the country's 25% unemployment rate. The fact that the engineer can reset the maximum Windu, and then only with the disc, with the stick can not, no one cares. Will Russian certificates for Russian equipment with which you work. Usually Russian here is gazmyas - drillers, etc. neftekhim However, now the 2/3 reduced staff, more krayzis. I got into a company operating Russian helicopters MI since I had a specialized education of aviation engineering, metrology and certification a couple of candy wrappers that were not Colombians. Looking ahead, if you take in head to come here, get a candy wrapper representative of a certain company, a scientist keeper of reference, etc. With these wrappers to obtain a visa is much easier than with a master's (here - doctoral) degree. And the employer if you are interested in, write that without this candy wrappers to do this work not at all impossible. The woman received a visa beneficiary, for which it can not work, but can have their own business. Usually wives engaged there in translation work guides for Russian tourists, or even sales agents for Russian firms.

In general, education in Colombia is PPC. In-1 is not a single system. Each school and the university are taught how to come up with. In the 2 more or less intelligent uni 4, including a free one. The rest - a full alles kaput. For example, recently I read the program of the industrial engineer one of the uni. If we discard the trappings, are taught to write by an android. 5 years old are taught to write under android !!! And it's an engineering degree. And for that you have to pay $ 60k.
I would not care, if not for two facts. The first is the child born already in Bogota. Learn it should be, and nowhere. The second - with these inhenero have to work every day. Colombians as a hard-nosed sheep. Plus, the high school, where a full course you pay $ 60k, you no one will say that the university - but Mr. You will be 5 years old grind that your education and generally steeper MITa Colombia - center of the universe. And there is no one to break the horn, the other worse. As a result, the herd of morons who are confident in their genius.
Not everyone, of course. There are those who studied abroad, is simply smart guys with no education (no money on it), but it is not bad, and groping, which is rarely willing to learn. I know of 8. For 5 years I have met 8th.
Import tax on all imports ranging from 26 to 40 percent, which makes unprofitable any physical production in the country. I got to know it very well, because in my business, 80% of production - autopilots and fuselage - require the purchase of components and raw materials from abroad.
Thus, Colombia, a country of contradictions. On the one hand, there is no tillage field in terms of technology. The banking system in line with our 93 years in the rudiment of Internet and nobody really knows what it is and how to use it. Colombian sites - Non-indexable fleshevyh misery with music, screaming, all the colors of the rainbow, and almost always - without the slightest hint of what the company is engaged in what her address and hours of operation. On the other hand, no one understands these problems and the trail. It does not try to solve them. As English is not spoken by almost no one goes any interview in Spanish. Find here the work of a good specialist in the street is very difficult.

By the way, hours of work - the main secret of all Colombian firms. You'll never find them on Web sites, doors, business cards and so on.
Understand the VJ can read "Cabbages and Kings" O. Henry, or rather the head of "shoes." Here are all exactly the same, and for 100 years, nothing has changed.
Of course, there is a drag. Here it is called Rosca - thread. By Roscoe can get anywhere without it - almost anywhere. As one friend said, "Colombia is the Russian Federation, only in color and special effects."
But we digress. I'll tell you about the life of a man who did not touch these problems, more work, he was not looking, and gave invited to engage in planning their business and their projects, and on the RFP includes a 5% of the population.
Upon arrival sedulu is issued. Local ID card looks like autorule. There are types of CE - a foreigner, CR - resident, CC - the citizen. CR is given only after 5 years, then you do not have states or even Zurich . Since it is possible to change employers, and it is for 5 years and for the CE you must leave the country within 30 days after the dismissal and she a maximum of 2 years. On citizenship have to take the exam and pass say well, it nafig. For seduly need your passport and a blood test. It is mainly determined by a group that fit in all your documents. When I arrived, I checked more AIDS / Hepatitis, but then it was canceled. Then, since seduloy, draws up a bank account, health insurance. Without seduly country almost nothing to do.
Medicine is only paid and very expensive. Repair knee after injury, even on rough test me has managed in $ 300 (consultation of x-ray Doctor + + an injection into the joint, which I did not need + tabletochki). By the way, it did not help, and in a simple Soviet Russian traumatologist at the polyclinic of the Colombian X-rays found mikrovyvih and right knee me in 5 minutes and free of charge. Actually, the medicine there is a direct consequence of education, cool complicit in the American standard - prescribe him everything that has anything necessarily help. By the way, try to call the United States of America to the Latinos, the cool offended and say "we, too, America, and they - Estados Unidos".

First settled in the same house merry as before. However, with his wife, he was not so fun ... After half a year he asked and we went to look for an apartment. The machine has been since I had planned to stay in the country for more than 2 years (the term of the contract) and the time to go round maximum. Here we are in the car and went to look at the areas and look in the windows of the announcement of the lease. Under Russian law, it can travel half a year, but that almost no one knows, and people go for years. But there is a risk of running into a police officer, who informed ...
Local right to receive not a problem. It is necessary to pass a medical examination at any authorized clinic, theory and practice. Medical examination passed easily, though not without fun. Check Table view was not with letters and a picture. Sprockets there zhirafiki ... And I'll word of Spanish! In general, everything just like at Pearl Harbor, explained the girl on his fingers. Something drew in the paper. Rental.
Theory and practice pass exactly as in Russia, but having learned from experience with zhirafikami I prefer the right to buy than to understand the Hispanic ticket. Fortunately, at that time the experience has been more than 10 years in the Russian Federation and the Colombian rule 2 times easier. By the way, the SDA in printing there appeared in 2004. Before that, they did not exist, there was a list of fines. Typically cost about $ 700. Learning in school is not necessarily to pass, so the city meet with a representative of the driving school, fill out the form on the model, put the check, pay 700 bucks a week and the police are now authorized.
By the way, if you register a new car, the choice of rooms - the official premium service. It should be a column, drive a desired number, it shows the series where he is, if you are satisfied, vanities in column 5 bucks and fix it for them. Its you and squeeze. The second point - the number of cars on life. When a change of ownership does not change. If you lose, you issue a duplicate, a slightly different view.

The car took a loan, as in-1 just was not enough money in the planned 2-buy housing, but it is more profitable to borrow in the construction phase (dolёvka) than buying for nalik. A loan for an apartment with no credit history will not give. Here for the sake of this story, and was taken a car loan with an overpayment of 50% and the size of 5 salaries. The loan gives no problems for CE, but you need a guarantor. Find a hero complex, but I was lucky again, they made me the person invited. Incidentally, here credits are generally fixed. That is, once you say - overpay X%. And yet. You pay monthly (amount +%) / month. Close loan can at any time without penalty. It's comfortable. As for the apartments, dolёvka here is considered safe. In-1 very quickly build. The house is on the 9th floor finish is 2 months from the digging of the pit. In the 2 dolёvok have insurance. Thus, people rarely fly. Then you can rent an apartment and from this to repay the loan. After 10 years, you get an apartment for free, plus it increases the price by 3-4 times, if you selected the correct area. One problem - the house there are not more than 50 years, then put them to bear. No compensation is provided. Again, earthquakes ...

They found the apartment easily caught at the appreciation of the dollar and many slid. And then all the Covenants ...
Actually, the only good news that you are waiting for pick-up at the stage, is that the apartment with a view of the green courtyard - the cheapest. Colombians love the window into the street. For diesel exhaust directly into the box to beeping clock, etc. Sometimes you look at the window and it is not clear, it is tinted, or a layer of soot (windows in Colombia never wash). And all the vents wide open.
Generally, Bogota - a terrible city in terms of ecology. Colombians, they are like children. And like all children try to copy adults. In a measure of understanding. Green parks and cycle paths "in Europe" mixed with all diesel public transport, lack of principle of vacuum cleaners and road polivalok, lack of standards Euro emissions. Due to this there is often possible to see the trucks more 30th (!!!) years of construction and on the move. And cyclists, filter dense urban smog, is delivered.
And then, some disappointments. In-1 apartment is completely empty forever. Only sanitary and hob. And then only because the kitchen and then built them did not carry. Bulbs - no. It's very cool when agent comes to the meeting with a light bulb to show the room. Refrigerator, stiralki - either. Everything will have to buy.

Our hut at the time of entry i>
In the two to get out, you have to pass the examination in a special agency, which apply a bunch of personal documents, including a certificate of salary and a printout from the bank for the last month of the expenditure, and the same set on 2 guarantors (yeah, again guarantors ) or the obligation to pay a three-month deposit for the unexpected. Sometimes require up to six months. This deposit is only rarely return. Think you have it presented. I was lucky to find two guarantors and there were no deposit.
Examination procedure takes a week, after which the agency gives the verdict - the rent you overcome them or not. We once thought to be in the Russian Federation - see the hut, shook hands and vedem tomorrow, but no, prolyubilis 2 weeks. Surprisingly, the landlord we waited. Later I learned that foreigners love for discipline, for local love not paying for 3 months, and brain stem. Plus, realtor, casually I asked my GP and he clearly liked the answer. Colombians love to take back to back rent and costs just kolyhnutsya dollar, the city is full of ads SE ARRIENDA. And when your GP 10 times out, the likelihood of such events is minimal. So will shoot blatantly tell lies about the RFP. And you have to wait much.
At the prices, everything is highly dependent on the stages. Stage is a class property. 0 to 10. 0 is the box from the TV 10 - that we see in the series. The usual stage where Russian man normally is 3-4. Stage is determined solely by the area and neighbors, as well as how much you will pay for communal. The quality of housing is not me at all. At any stage, will frame house with white walls and jutting out of the wall under the lamp cartridges. Laminate - a sign of the oligarchy and refinement. Typically, the floor tiles throughout the apartment. Heating at all. Floor-to-ceiling windows. In one glass. Walls - which lies on the edge of the brick, from which lean against him exceedingly dumb. Bathrooms: 2-3 in an apartment with showers. Baths no. Hot water - not everywhere. If you are lucky, it will be shared with flat gas column. No luck - the local production of electric flow, beating current. It's not luck - nothing. Colombians are washed with cold water, even in Bogota, where there is also +8.

The cost is calculated from the communal stages. 0 does not pay anything, 10 pays for all at zero. 3-4 about the real price paid. I live in a 4 stage and in total, with the Internet and the administration, would be about $ 500. And another $ 550 for rent. In step 3 still about 30% cheaper. It's nice that the repair lies with the owner. We broke the shell, have changed for free (for us).
Physics of the University of Washington used a laser as a liquid cooler
Harvard neuroscientists have shown that neurons and neural networks in the brain can change its style and functionality