Harvard neuroscientists have shown that neurons and neural networks in the brain can change its style and functionality

Neuroscientists from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute in his new work showed , that the network connections between neurons in the brain can be reconstructed as a result of changes in the roles of individual neurons. The same researchers previously demonstrated that neurons can "reprogrammed" and changed its role - this discovery has changed the presentation of the science of the brain cells.
"In our study, we showed that in the first place, the neurons in the brain can radically change its type from one to another, - says Paola Arlott [Paola Arlotta], a professor of stem cell and regenerative biology. - And secondly, neighboring neurons are able to perceive the changing role of the cells and to adapt their communication to their new role ».
In general, the "reprogramming" of body cells has been demonstrated even in 2008 - then the Harvard biologists have been able to make the exocrine cells of the pancreas become a бета-клетки, producing the hormone insulin.
A предыдущей work from 2013 Harvard researchers have disproved the common view that the neurons from taking over any function, it is not never change. It was found that the neurons can also be changed: the scientists, led by Professor Arlott "transformed" cells of the corpus callosum in cortical and spinal cord. It is these cells die during the development of the person бокового ALS - the very disease that afflicts Stephen Hawking.
It is noteworthy that the change of the role of brain cells was not demonstrated in vitro and in brains of living mice. The experimental mice were young enough, so it is not known whether this trick will work in adults and older organisms.
The new work shows that the ability of the cells by changing the "playing field" is not limited to changes in the work of single neurons. The entire network of synaptically related neurons reconstructed and begins to work in new ways. This opens the way to a better understanding of how neurons choose their synaptic partners, and to develop new ways to combat neurological disorders, up to schizophrenia and autism.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/265938/
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