Device for shooting fireballs, can fit in the sleeve, went on sale

Many fans of fantasy like the magicians of fictional worlds, and one of the most impressive features of magician, of course, is the ability to throw "fireballs" fireballs. It would be very cool to learn how to do it in the real world. Surprisingly, such a possibility does exist.
Almost exactly a year ago Ellusionist startup launched the sale of the device Pyro, which allows you to "shoot" fireballs three meters. Pyro have been remote control allows you to control shots from 10 meters. Pyro can be recharged at the same time the four charges, each of which produces one fireball. The device is designed for professional magicians, sold for $ 174 .
Now start is the next version of the device - Pyro Mini. Pyro Mini size slightly smaller than a credit card (and a thickness of approximately 1, 5 - 2 cm). The new device also now has built-in battery and charging by USB. The cost of it is also, oddly enough, has decreased, and is $ 147 .

One charging is enough for 600 shots, and improved charge allows you to run a fireball more than 12 meters. Pyro mini is attached to the wrist by means of a strap, with which it can be removed, so that it was not necessary each time to unbutton. The device is operated with a remote control.

Charging the device so-called «Flash paper» - a form of nitrocellulose, which is often used by magicians to create the scene of fire outbreaks. It is very fast and bright burns, leaving little ash. Thanks to her, created a fireball that flies out of hand, doing a little way in the air and disappears. She изготавливается home mixture of pieces of cotton fabric, sulfuric acid (of pipe cleaners) and potassium nitrate.
I think I decided on my Christmas present.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/265940/
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