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Why you should not work as a teacher in high school

Reminder novice teacher, or why you should not work as a teacher in high school

December 12, 2015 was my last working day as a teacher at the technological University. I have long wanted to write something about your experience as a teacher, but adherence to corporate ethics stopped me. Now, when I have no obligations to the University, and the Ministry of education and science, I no longer pays the wages, think it is possible to write something that I know firsthand.

In this article I will try to address various aspects of working as a teacher in high school: psychological, intellectual, material and financial. Note: a lot of negativity!

I retired at his own request. Is a desire I did not arise suddenly. Started to want it more than two years ago for various reasons. Moreover, I have left the University, but then the main reason was one family circumstance. After more than two years of experience as a programmer I was back at the computer engineering Department because of problems with work in the crisis year of 2009 (in the province with the work then was really bad, and remote work almost was not). In total I gave the work at the University for about 15 years.

But this article isn't about why I left teaching at this time, and that waiting for a young or novice teacher, why would he be ready to some difficulties and misunderstandings will have to adapt.

Psychological compatibility isone of the First things to start with Your psychological compatibility with the teaching work. The fact that many, in my sense, of those who take a job in the University are introverts. But the teaching is very strongly associated with intensive interaction with people that not only is difficult for introverts, but gives them a very strong fatigue and excitement, leading to inability to realize their talents and a deep sense of dissatisfaction. A heavy teaching load may lead such people to a nervous breakdown, to diseases of the cardiovascular system, and mental disturbances. It all really seriously. But nothing, and somehow slowly it would be possible in this role to exist, but in recent years has greatly increased the pressure on teachers and on the part of the authorities and the students. My advice: if You are an introvert, then run this job aimlessly, and better stay clear of to inadvertently sucked!

LoadAverage teaching load for a bet of 900 hours. When a uniform distribution of hours for the entire academic year is somewhere in the four or five days two to four pairs. Working the same week a teacher for six days. I think the rest of the hours and days You got nothing, and can do what you want? At least rest, even to work somewhere else?

This is not so. In addition to conducting classes You need to prepare for lectures, write notes, manuals. Check course projects and work, control work. And yet there is such a terrible thing as a Complete teaching Kit, short PMK. It is such a folder for each subject, which should be based on the documents prepared by the standards of the Ministry and the University, and these documents will be complete and filled with information You!

These folders will periodically, several times a year can be different commissions, and if there are deficiencies, and they will magically appear, You will not only be punished, but still going to fix them. And after a small amount of time You will have to redo everything because standards have changed and ciphers, or even to throw everything away, because this subject is no more, and start from scratch, because it fell on the head of a brand new item, not existing in nature. Now multiply all this by the number of different objects that You will lead (a common phenomenon when one teacher is from five to ten different items)...

It is likely that for financial reasons You will work more than the bet. So leisure time will be less. And work on projects or in the profession at all sure. Sleep would...

SalarySalary — bottleneck work as a teacher. Work on that and work to generate income, and this income should be enough to You could not only support themselves but also their family, preferably parents. And something even has to stay. But about the salary of a teacher to say, no way!

Compounding the situation is that young teachers are taken for the positions of assistant, lecturer or senior lecturer. This files most often goes for the first few years as an assistant, the salary is comparable with the minimum wage, often less than the minimum pension, and certainly insufficient for basic survival. The solution? Sitting on the neck of the parents or to work more, for example, in the two rates. But even when You defend your thesis and You will be given the position of associate Professor, all of You still will receive a salary on the brink of survival. But this will only happen after many years. So whether skin tanning? I'm not talking about how to grow to Professor.

The part-time and earningthe salary of a teacher that only work on a bet he can not, or will not survive. Usually teachers work part-time in the same University or in one or more (!). The main problems with part-time the following. Internal moonlighting may be in the amount of part-time plus 300 hours maximum. External moonlighting is not more than 300 hours. It is a little. But physically to take on more work is not possible!

As for the work on production, to take on part-time employment no one wants. And if I did, You all would not be able to offer the employer an acceptable work schedule, because You depend on the schedule that are not You.

As a variant it would be possible to teach part-time, and the rest of the time working in the real sector, but today it is an unrealistic option. First, the universities do not take on a part-time job. It is connected with criteria of efficiency of the University. Second, the methodological, and the paper work in the University will remain roughly the same as at a huge rate.

Finally, part-time work. Are due to tutoring, with graduation and term papers. Yes, some do so to earn a little. But again, it all depends on availability for that time, as well as customers. Noticed that while You are the student, You are earning regularly come across, and once You become a teacher, all of which gradually disappear. Although the teachers are supposed to do the job better...

CareerCareer ladder of the University teacher looks like. You finish University or graduate school or master, and You propose to remain in his own chair or faculty, or friends offer to put You in their institution. You promise support in the writing of the dissertation, its defense, and after the promotion. But first take You to the post of assistant. In fact, the assistant is the assistant of associate Professor or Professor, in fact — the same teacher and all, but gets the smallest salary in the University, often even less than the engineer of the Department.

Worked several years as an assistant, then You raise to lecturer or senior lecturer. And You reach the first ceiling as long as write and defend a thesis. But to write a thesis, working in parallel, it is very difficult and not everyone succeeds at all. So if You're within two or three years in this direction have not done anything substantial, then seriously think about leaving teaching, because this will continue.

UPD: If in the late nineties — early two thousand to defend, it was easy, in the last two years to defend a thesis became much more difficult. It seems that the situation will continue to change in this way.

After defending his thesis, and that in itself is an event difficult and protracted in time, You can apply for the position of associate Professor. The salary rates of the teacher and the Professor differs by about eight thousand. That is, long-term scientific work is estimated at only a few extra thousands.

Further career growth becomes more difficult. You can write a doctoral thesis and after its protection become a Professor, getting another few thousand to the salary of associate Professor... Between the beginning of teaching and professorship, it may take 15 years, and if you're extra lucky...

In fact, that was all. No matter what position You held, the essence of the work will be roughly the same: classroom, teaching and research work.

Scientific workthe First thing I want to say: I don't know any teacher who would write a thesis, working as a teacher at the same time. Or another way: I know a few teachers who did not study at the postgraduate, and immediately after graduation went to work as a teacher, and none of them was able to write and defend a thesis! And it's not what mediocrity, it's just physically impossible. And it is clear from all the above. After all, in order to create something new, the brain and the body should be relaxed, but the teaching is not intended.

Second, in the universities there are almost no conditions for serious research work. Often there is no equipment, instruments, facilities, components and raw materials. All that You will do will be done at Your expense and on Your own time.

FinancingIf You ever heard that the Ministry and the universities are funding research and development, don't worry about it, it's not about You. Yes, there is a system of grants, prizes, awards, and prizes. But it all Postfactum, that is after You are fairly financially invested in their development. And only after You've done something worthwhile, You may qualify for at least partial costs. And the costs can easily exceed Your salary of the teacher for the year. And not the fact that such compensation will occur. In any case, this funding covers only the cost of equipment, but in no way is not going You to pay!

Part of the solution to funding problems — access to sponsors and patrons. Usually such consent of the companies interested in graduates of Your University. But these companies often difficult to find. In General, then I wouldn't flatter yourself.

Is it worth to invest personal funds in University projects? Yes, if You are writing a dissertation and going after its defense to continue to work in this University. Otherwise, no. Because none of You for Your dedication will not thank you. No prize, not even a diploma.

The age difference with studentsis One of the first serious psychological difficulties a young teacher is a small age difference with their students. And in the case of part-time students, or have served in the army-the difference is even negative.

On the one hand, with his You look pretty smart and cool, almost head. On the other hand, from the students, their peers, and by some mistake were a teacher. It is our culture that the teacher is perceived through the prism of the age of authority, not a professional. For example, most teachers much older than their students, typically cut out to be parents. And then... And then You get an uncontrolled audience, part of which appeals to You, and generally leads casually in his yard.

It is difficult to advise something, except how to accept it. And wait until You grow up...

It will take some amount of time, and You will encounter another age-related problem: when You for Your students will be proud as their parents are, as we say. But proper respect, as parents, You will not receive. That is to say, humble, but continue to respect. Do not get fooled by the rudeness.

High and bright,Another major problem of the young teacher is that he is young and is peculiar to the age of naivety believes that the work of a teacher is to give people knowledge. Alas, most of the audience came to the University for knowledge, and corny for his release from the army, or simply by inertia, prolonging childhood.

Here we need to understand and not to forget that You are the authority for students and a lecture is useless. They are parents doesn't hurt to listen, and You did nothing.

CompetenceWhen You were a student, it was sometimes noticed that some of Your teachers were incompetent in the subject that he taught. But You certainly know better than them. You are very passionate about their specialty, doing their projects, wrote articles and even worked on a real production! You will definitely reach success and be popular among the mass of students!

Forget about it! Your competence will be assessed only to a very small number interested in students ' knowledge. For everyone else You are exactly the same. And all they want from You, it's no problem to receive credit and pass the exam. Moreover, more and laugh at You: what are You doing here with my qualifications!

Lecturesdo You remember yourself in lectures, when You were a student? Are there any times You fell asleep, talking with a neighbor in misfortune, could not sit through an hour and a half late for them, or even scored? Now You, the lecturer, which students sleep in lectures, talking at the same time and also loud, and if You are one, then a lot of them... And just like You once, can't focus on Your monologue, are late or do not come. Well? Like? Doubt! Well, Yes, You and Your rector, the Dean and other leaders know what to do: you need to make the lecture interesting for students. And here You read the mountain of literature, purchased with personal funds, the latest articles on the planned topic, prepare slides, write notes. As a result You have red eyes, headache, You slept only three hours. Early in the morning came to a wonderful lecture, joyfully proclaim the topic, you start a great story, but what is it? Nothing has changed! Also all of You almost no one listens when You speak in a loud voice, sleep, and turns his back to You.

What's the matter? Because the lecture is so interesting, You tried so hard, but Your audience just doesn't care! Quite simply, we only need to understand what the lecture. The lecture is a way to convey information to the audience. Invented the lecture was in the ancient world, when books as a source of information were extremely expensive, and not all useful and new information in them was recorded. And then nothing remained interested people to come along, give it a close listen, and ask questions to the lecturer, because another chance to get the information there. But in today's world, information has become easily accessible. This classic printed books, e-books, archives of scientific articles. Almost all of the questions, you can get the answer from the Internet. Today for lectures was left alone niche: a report of the newest, not yet published information from the horse's mouth.

Thus, all falls into place: You are not the primary source of information; plus other interested parties in the audience, as You already know, not much, sometimes none at all. That turns a lecture into an absurd monologue against the backdrop of student chatter.

Since lectures are an integral part of the curriculum, and students must walk on them, then unfortunately, You are unable to read, or allow students not to visit. Sooner or later You to the lecture will be checking from the Dean or University administration, and Woe to You if You will not find in the classroom, or students according to the inspection will be enough. It is very difficult to advise something. Another dissonance: the existence of claims and the inability to implement them.

You can go the route of choosing the lesser of two evils: allow, who are not interested and do not care, do not go to Your lectures, informally, at their own risk. Promise not to punish for missing lectures, but in the log continue to bring in including in the journal of the headman of the group, necessarily (!).

This is Your protection in case of unscrupulous elements, popytalsia to blame You that bad You taught them. (The surest way to protect against such attacks is to monitor traffic. And if a student is absent, he loses the right to claim that You are running bad.) Those who tremble for their attendance is likely to continue to go, well, maybe. But the uninterested part of the audience still will be eliminated. Next, adjust the quality of preparation for the lecture depending on the audience. If the audience is weak, it is often enough information from Wikipedia.

Dilute the lecture a large number of images, say less and slower. Don't try to drown talkers. Usually the most interested in lectures sit in the front two rows, that is for them and speak and look at them, and the rest don't pay any attention. There is one noticed the psychological moment: interested students sit on those places where watching the lecturer, and the rest is accumulated away. For example, if the lecturer is always looking at the right half of the audience, sooner or later the audience will sit there. Another good method of dealing with the chatter — on time significantly silent, while the audience won't quiet down. The truth is not long, but to remind myself, for the sake of respect to yourself, you need.

And finally: be patient, don't let yourself fall and scream in frustration on nakushalsya You the audience tune in and kindly attitude to what is happening with humor.

BribesDespite advances in the fight against bribery, a phenomenon that apparently remains. Can be judged only indirectly. He was not engaged. What you need to know: the probability of being caught red-handed there. It's on Your conscience. But if You don't take bribes out of principle, it is also not relax! You can substitute "for the good". Follow the developments in the audience, especially in the session time. Keep portfolio closed. Do not leave students alone in the classroom. Do not put students at his Desk. The record book take up only the clear. Observe all the formalities.

Sixes and thievesis Amazing, but practice shows that in each group there are thieves. These are the students whose parents are familiar with the boss or with respected colleagues-teachers. Learn they typically mediocre, or worse than all the rest. But they "asked". Often ask an excellent rating, which in itself is not a cause for rejection. Moreover, it can be humiliating for You. Imagine a student all semester You did not go to class or went, but shook your nerves and came to the session, the chief calls You and says that such and such should be put. Then the losers come to you with the record book, and he dutifully painted just so. How is it disgusting! The solution is to refuse, but think about further work at the University will be forgotten...

Now for the sixes, that is, the informants. This is not necessarily the thieves. But the number of those who considers it necessary or possible to report to Your superiors about what "excess" You said, late to class, rude whether students competence in the subject matter and so on. Then I advise you to behave in the presence of students and colleagues is kept, do not tell "extra", to be polite. But don't flatter yourself or try to please!

Late, in Themselves, minor delays are harmless. Here even high persons sometimes allow themselves. That is because sometimes you can really come back, nothing lost. But in the case of occupation is not so simple. I repeat: the problem is not the delay as such, but that they will disrupt.

If You allow students to be late, it is late will surpass all conceivable limits. And once You can be in the audience of one!

Another problem is that being late for a lecture. It very much bothers me when I read judges. As You know, there is such a thing as a stream of consciousness, so the lecturer during the lecture is included in the stream, and late it being ripped from him. If a lot of latecomers, it just becomes annoying, and the lecture may fall.

In principle, it is possible to prevent to be late to their lessons, especially in class. But remember: you waited for the tram for half an hour, nervous, but You still were not allowed... well, a little bit inhuman. I used the 20 minute rule, which I learned from one of his teachers at the University. It consists in the following: if a student is late more than 20 minutes, he is not allowed to lecture, if less, then waits for 20 minutes from the beginning of the lecture, and can go in the audience. There is of course a side effect: some students start coming to this same 20 minutes each time.

Well, do not be late. First, bad example; second, sneaky student nature uses this fact against You.

The barThere is a psychological phenomenon as the bar. This kind of level of quality at everyone working below which, You get accumulated dissatisfaction, subsequently leading to serious psychological problems such as burnout, apathy, loss of interest in work and profession, inability to development.

The reality is that the institution does not require any high qualification or high quality standard. Students do not know and do not know how. Most did not want. Even the simplest things for a long time known to You, for them to be on the verge of a great discovery.

The cause of the reduced quality will also be: lack of time and fatigue.

But I suggest if possible not to reduce significantly the quality of their work, keep yourself in shape, learn something new and modern, do their projects. And students are not guided.

The consequences and problemsof the Consequences can be very severe, if not listen to the experienced advice and your mind and heart. This deep dissatisfaction, financial problems, family troubles and disorder, the pain of mediocre life, loss of skills, low self-esteem, serious problems with nerves and psyche, and health in General. All this for what?

An outletTo not go crazy, we are in difficult circumstances and need some kind of outlet. Unfortunately, quite common with the use of teachers of alcohol. It is not necessary here to speak about the evils of such Hobbies.

Personally, I have a passion for the Olympiad programming. I not only himself engaged in them (at 33!), but was able to attract a number of students. Due to the preparation for participation in Olympiads I significantly raised the professional level (Corman and Skien contribute), made friends from among the students, many of whom have already graduated and are working in the profession.

And with trips to the Olympics for the first time I visited many cities of Russia and not only. However, in recent years, the University began to deny travel funding, and we had to reduce our programme of visits to a minimum, with some trips paid for out of pocket. In the last three years I worked with students with robotics, we managed to achieve in this area with some success, despite the fact that we have not had special training. But this hobby was extremely expensive and had to be abandoned. In any case it was fun, it was a real outlet. Perhaps this is the only pleasant memory from working at the University.

But I want to warn You of the following. First, let's have no illusions that Your enthusiasm will share with You many. No, okay, if there are at least a few people! Secondly, for Your work with students You do not pay for classroom and teaching load will not lower. The only thing you can try to calculate it, in case of success and interest from the authorities, to obtain from them some degree of loyalty and forgiving of Your weaknesses... don't forget about the irreplaceable and expensive resource: Your time.

To summarizeNow that You, dear readers and former colleagues, read this lengthy article, illusions about the work a teacher should not be, and the myths debunked. Here I just list them.

  • teachers have a lot of free time;
  • teaching is akin to a pleasant walk in a pleasant company;
  • teachers do what they want, and what you think is right;
  • professors are the elite of society;
  • teachers are engaged in the latest developments and science.
  • teachers get lots of rest;
  • teaching is not difficult;
  • teachers make pretty good money;
  • teaching can be combined with work at work (on projects).

ConclusionTeaching is just a job. If You are young, but You managed to lure to the University to teach, then I advise You to listen to your heart: whether it is what You dreamed? Not illusory whether Your goals are? If You want this job? Not whether You are engaged in self-deception? Maybe You like to work in the real sector of the economy? To write programs, design machines, to sell used cars? If Yes, then you can move, even run out of the University. It's not what You need. Your path is different. And in any case do not try the guilt! It's just a job!

And finally: if what I wrote is not about You and Your institution, I sincerely happy for You and Your institution! I believe that a few of these in Russia will be typed. published


Author: Evgeny Simonenko


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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