The most high-profile murders in different schools
The tragedy, which occurred February 3, at the Moscow school, horrified many. I want to tell you about the most notorious murders in various schools that have occurred in the last 40 years.
February 3, 2014
School number 263 in Pleasant City of Moscow, Russia
10th grade student Sergey around noon came to school with two rifles and forced the guard to let him inside. Law enforcement officials complied, but managed to call the police by pressing the alarm.
Teen proceeded to class on the first floor, where there was a geography lesson 10-A. In the study there were more than 20 students and staff detey.Ostalnye schools were quickly evacuated from the building.
Schoolboy with threshold shot in the stomach geography teacher Andrew Kirillov. Then he asked, referring to someone unknown, whether alive geographer, and made a shot in the head of the victim.
When police arrived to the building, the offender opened fire on employees of the Interior Ministry. As a result of the deadly wounded one law enforcement officers, another police officer was wounded.
Geography teacher Andrew Kirillov died.
Died of his wounds a senior police sergeant Sergei Bushuyev.
By one o'clock the offender was arrested, he was taken to the detention facility. Children who have witnessed the massacre, was taken out of the building.
December 14, 2012
Elementary School "Sandy Hook" in Newtown, Connecticut, USA
On the morning of the fateful day of 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot Peter Marlin 22 rifle from his mother, and then got into her car and went to elementary school, "Sandy Hook».
At 9:30 am local time Lanza broke into the school in Sandy Hook and silently began to walk around the classroom shooting children and their teachers.
In total, his hands killed 27 people, including 5 teachers, 20 children and the school principal.
At 9:36 the signal about the shooting in elementary school he entered the police. The caller said that he had heard at least a hundred shots. Someone from the school staff are likely to guard managed by intercom to warn of the danger. Perhaps it saved the lives of hundreds of children. Teacher closed the door to the classroom, some of the disciples were hiding in closets.
At 9:38 the police reported that the shooting was over. During this time, Adam Lanza shot two children in the classrooms and the school principal killed in her office. Hearing the approach of the police, he shot himself.
It is noteworthy that Adam's friends give him a very flattering characteristics. According to them, he was punctual and hardworking.
It was known that the young man has Asperger's syndrome, but the disease usually does not contribute to aggressive behavior.
In the US, has been declared a four-day mourning period.
April 7, 2011
Municipal School Tasso da Silveira in Realengu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the morning of April 7 around 8:00 local time, dressed all in black 23-year-old Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, a former student of the school, with a backpack entered the Tasso da Silveira. Leaving on the first floor gym bag, he climbed to the third floor and went to the office of the eighth grade, posing as a new teacher.
Oliveira then took out a backpack two revolvers and began randomly shooting at students. His victims he aimed at his head. In this case, the shooter chose mostly girls. The disciples immediately began to run out of the class. Many of them, being in a safe place, had taken off shooting on camera phones.
Shooting then moved into the corridor and the neighboring class. After that, having received several wounds in a shootout with the police, the man committed suicide. A total of 12 people were killed, 10 of them - girls. Another 12 were wounded.
In the photo - shot himself Oliveira
Later, in the house of the offender found a suicide note in which he talked about the intention to commit suicide because they are infected with the AIDS virus.
In addition, during the search were found texts that show that the man was obsessed with terrorist ideas.
April 16, 2007
Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Around 6:45 am on the day of the tragedy of one of the students of the institute named Seung-Hui Cho went to the door of the hostel "West Ambler", where at that time there were 895 students. He went inside, using his magnetic card, and killed two students.
Then Korean returned to his room, where dressed bloody jeans and a white T-shirt, removed all the letters from your mailbox on the Internet, wrote a suicide note and a video letter. After about two hours after the first shots of the killer went to the post office and sent a note and a video on the TV channel NBC
After that, the young man moved toward academic building. He has hung a backpack, which were «Glock 19», «Walther P22», a hunting knife and a hammer, and 400 rounds of ammunition and 12 desyatizaryadnyh stores. Around 9:40 Cho entered the audience 206, where he opened fire.
A few hours in cold blood killer shot students and teachers arrived at the scene until the police could not even determine how many offenders are in the building. After the massacre committed by Cho September Hu put a bullet in his head ...
In the history of the US massacre in Virginia was the largest mass murder ...
September 13, 2006
College "Dawson", Montreal, Canada
25-year-old Canadian Kimveer Gill opened fire on students to college "Dawson" from the carbine CX-4 Storm. As a result of the shooting, killing one and injuring 19 students. The attacker himself committed suicide when he saw that surrounded the police.
Gill had hurt 20 people; 18-year-old girl later died in hospital.
Diaries, computer, and a personal blog killer police learned that he was a fan of games like Hitman and Super Columbine Massacre RPG. Also, his computer was filled with photographs, videos and texts about the massacre at the school "Columbine»
Witnesses said that Jill approached the college and opened fire, shooting at students without aiming. Total building young man shot 65 times. And 15 shots were fired in the street.
The diaries killer police found set of records, talking about his aggressive attitude towards others, for example: "I hate this world».
In his blog, Gill promised that it will be remembered as the Angel of Death. "Ready for Business" - reads the caption under one of his last pictures. There was also the epitaph to himself: "He lived fast, died young ...»
April 20, 1999
Columbine High School in Littleton town, Colorado
Here there was a bloodbath, one of the worst in US history.
Two boys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klibold, broke into the Columbine school in arms ...
Horrible massacre lasted four and a half hours. During this time the youths injured dozens of students and killed twelve classmates and one teacher, and then committed suicide - all of them shot himself in the head.
The whole country was horrified by the enormity of the meaninglessness and merciless slaughter in a regular school, committed by teenagers nothing inconspicuous.
To prepare for mass murder at school, Eric and Dylan began almost a year before the events.
The murderers were well prepared: on this page weekly meticulously lists everything you need to capture the school - \ "bring and put a bomb \" \ "in the 11.17 to get out of class \", \ "wash their hands \».
Their albums were found here are photos.
Engaged in the investigation of 80 investigators. They collected ten thousand of evidence and questioned witnesses fourteen hundred.
And they came to the conclusion that in this way the killer sought fame.
March 11, 2009
School-Albertville Realshule in Winnenden, Germany
17-year-old Tim Kretschmer gave the carnage in his former school, and then on the streets of Winnenden and Wendlingen, during which killed 15 people and injured 11. After that, Tim committed suicide, being surrounded by police.
March 11 Kretschmer took his father's gun - nine-millimeter Beretta - and a large amount of ammunition and left his home, wearing combat boots and black clothes. Once in school, the offender opened fire, moving from room to room. According to the BBC, Tim shot the victims in the head, showing that the shots were not random.
In total, the school was made about 60 shots. After that, the shooter took hostage a random driver forced under threat of death to take him about a hundred kilometers in the direction of Wendling. After 2, 5:00 machine Kretchmera drove to one of the dealers in 40 kilometers from the city. Tim walked into the building and made it 13 shots.
Another 28 bursts teenager made a parked car dealership - including the last one in his head. As it turned out, 3 days before the shooting she is looked after by Tim refused to meet with him. Police said the girl was killed in one of the first school.
Also, according to police and prosecutors, from April to September 2008, the young man was treated at the psychiatric-neurological hospital. However, parents Tim refute this fact.
November 7, 2007
Lyceum Jokela in Tuusula, Finland
At 11:40 am 18-year-old schoolboy Eric Auvinen walked into his high school with a gun Sig Sauer Mosquito .22 and fifteen 10-round magazine to him. Opening fire on students, Auvinen made 106 shots. 40 minutes after the attack began, he shot himself in the head in the men's room.
Auvinen become victims of 8 people: six students (5 boys and one girl), the school nurse and director of the Lyceum. By the police and was not made a single shot.
It is known that on the eve of the tragedy of the killer posted on YouTube a manifesto entitled "Jokela school massacre - November 7, 2007". Also worth noting is that the teenager called himself Natural Selector («instrument of natural selection") and Sturmgeist («storm spirit»).
March 24, 1998
School in Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
As a result of fire, open school students, 11-year-old Andrew Golden and 13-year-old Mitchell Johnson died 4 children and a teacher. More than 10 people were injured varying degrees of severity.
Teens, made a fire, were seized by police, quickly arrived on the scene. During the investigation Mitchell and Golden confessed to the massacre, but to explain their motives and could not. Both received a sentence of imprisonment before coming of age - at 8 and 10 years, respectively.
May 28, 1975
School Centennial secondaries in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
16-year-old Michael Peter Slobodyan, one of our students came to class with two automatic rifle 22 th and 44 th caliber, which he carried into the building, hidden in a guitar case.
Michael was angry at the teacher of physics for what he has put a bad grade, that does not allow the boy to go to medical college and wanted to take revenge on him. Due to the circumstances Slobodyan could not reach the physics classroom, located floors above, and began to shoot in English class.
Killing a classmate and teacher of English, and then wounding 13 people, Michael went into the corridor, where committed suicide right in front of the class.
From here
February 3, 2014
School number 263 in Pleasant City of Moscow, Russia
10th grade student Sergey around noon came to school with two rifles and forced the guard to let him inside. Law enforcement officials complied, but managed to call the police by pressing the alarm.

Teen proceeded to class on the first floor, where there was a geography lesson 10-A. In the study there were more than 20 students and staff detey.Ostalnye schools were quickly evacuated from the building.

Schoolboy with threshold shot in the stomach geography teacher Andrew Kirillov. Then he asked, referring to someone unknown, whether alive geographer, and made a shot in the head of the victim.
When police arrived to the building, the offender opened fire on employees of the Interior Ministry. As a result of the deadly wounded one law enforcement officers, another police officer was wounded.

Geography teacher Andrew Kirillov died.

Died of his wounds a senior police sergeant Sergei Bushuyev.

By one o'clock the offender was arrested, he was taken to the detention facility. Children who have witnessed the massacre, was taken out of the building.

December 14, 2012
Elementary School "Sandy Hook" in Newtown, Connecticut, USA
On the morning of the fateful day of 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot Peter Marlin 22 rifle from his mother, and then got into her car and went to elementary school, "Sandy Hook».

At 9:30 am local time Lanza broke into the school in Sandy Hook and silently began to walk around the classroom shooting children and their teachers.

In total, his hands killed 27 people, including 5 teachers, 20 children and the school principal.

At 9:36 the signal about the shooting in elementary school he entered the police. The caller said that he had heard at least a hundred shots. Someone from the school staff are likely to guard managed by intercom to warn of the danger. Perhaps it saved the lives of hundreds of children. Teacher closed the door to the classroom, some of the disciples were hiding in closets.

At 9:38 the police reported that the shooting was over. During this time, Adam Lanza shot two children in the classrooms and the school principal killed in her office. Hearing the approach of the police, he shot himself.

It is noteworthy that Adam's friends give him a very flattering characteristics. According to them, he was punctual and hardworking.

It was known that the young man has Asperger's syndrome, but the disease usually does not contribute to aggressive behavior.

In the US, has been declared a four-day mourning period.

April 7, 2011
Municipal School Tasso da Silveira in Realengu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the morning of April 7 around 8:00 local time, dressed all in black 23-year-old Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, a former student of the school, with a backpack entered the Tasso da Silveira. Leaving on the first floor gym bag, he climbed to the third floor and went to the office of the eighth grade, posing as a new teacher.

Oliveira then took out a backpack two revolvers and began randomly shooting at students. His victims he aimed at his head. In this case, the shooter chose mostly girls. The disciples immediately began to run out of the class. Many of them, being in a safe place, had taken off shooting on camera phones.

Shooting then moved into the corridor and the neighboring class. After that, having received several wounds in a shootout with the police, the man committed suicide. A total of 12 people were killed, 10 of them - girls. Another 12 were wounded.
In the photo - shot himself Oliveira

Later, in the house of the offender found a suicide note in which he talked about the intention to commit suicide because they are infected with the AIDS virus.

In addition, during the search were found texts that show that the man was obsessed with terrorist ideas.

April 16, 2007
Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Around 6:45 am on the day of the tragedy of one of the students of the institute named Seung-Hui Cho went to the door of the hostel "West Ambler", where at that time there were 895 students. He went inside, using his magnetic card, and killed two students.

Then Korean returned to his room, where dressed bloody jeans and a white T-shirt, removed all the letters from your mailbox on the Internet, wrote a suicide note and a video letter. After about two hours after the first shots of the killer went to the post office and sent a note and a video on the TV channel NBC
After that, the young man moved toward academic building. He has hung a backpack, which were «Glock 19», «Walther P22», a hunting knife and a hammer, and 400 rounds of ammunition and 12 desyatizaryadnyh stores. Around 9:40 Cho entered the audience 206, where he opened fire.

A few hours in cold blood killer shot students and teachers arrived at the scene until the police could not even determine how many offenders are in the building. After the massacre committed by Cho September Hu put a bullet in his head ...

In the history of the US massacre in Virginia was the largest mass murder ...

September 13, 2006
College "Dawson", Montreal, Canada
25-year-old Canadian Kimveer Gill opened fire on students to college "Dawson" from the carbine CX-4 Storm. As a result of the shooting, killing one and injuring 19 students. The attacker himself committed suicide when he saw that surrounded the police.

Gill had hurt 20 people; 18-year-old girl later died in hospital.

Diaries, computer, and a personal blog killer police learned that he was a fan of games like Hitman and Super Columbine Massacre RPG. Also, his computer was filled with photographs, videos and texts about the massacre at the school "Columbine»

Witnesses said that Jill approached the college and opened fire, shooting at students without aiming. Total building young man shot 65 times. And 15 shots were fired in the street.

The diaries killer police found set of records, talking about his aggressive attitude towards others, for example: "I hate this world».

In his blog, Gill promised that it will be remembered as the Angel of Death. "Ready for Business" - reads the caption under one of his last pictures. There was also the epitaph to himself: "He lived fast, died young ...»

April 20, 1999
Columbine High School in Littleton town, Colorado
Here there was a bloodbath, one of the worst in US history.

Two boys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klibold, broke into the Columbine school in arms ...

Horrible massacre lasted four and a half hours. During this time the youths injured dozens of students and killed twelve classmates and one teacher, and then committed suicide - all of them shot himself in the head.

The whole country was horrified by the enormity of the meaninglessness and merciless slaughter in a regular school, committed by teenagers nothing inconspicuous.

To prepare for mass murder at school, Eric and Dylan began almost a year before the events.

The murderers were well prepared: on this page weekly meticulously lists everything you need to capture the school - \ "bring and put a bomb \" \ "in the 11.17 to get out of class \", \ "wash their hands \».

Their albums were found here are photos.

Engaged in the investigation of 80 investigators. They collected ten thousand of evidence and questioned witnesses fourteen hundred.

And they came to the conclusion that in this way the killer sought fame.

March 11, 2009
School-Albertville Realshule in Winnenden, Germany
17-year-old Tim Kretschmer gave the carnage in his former school, and then on the streets of Winnenden and Wendlingen, during which killed 15 people and injured 11. After that, Tim committed suicide, being surrounded by police.

March 11 Kretschmer took his father's gun - nine-millimeter Beretta - and a large amount of ammunition and left his home, wearing combat boots and black clothes. Once in school, the offender opened fire, moving from room to room. According to the BBC, Tim shot the victims in the head, showing that the shots were not random.

In total, the school was made about 60 shots. After that, the shooter took hostage a random driver forced under threat of death to take him about a hundred kilometers in the direction of Wendling. After 2, 5:00 machine Kretchmera drove to one of the dealers in 40 kilometers from the city. Tim walked into the building and made it 13 shots.

Another 28 bursts teenager made a parked car dealership - including the last one in his head. As it turned out, 3 days before the shooting she is looked after by Tim refused to meet with him. Police said the girl was killed in one of the first school.

Also, according to police and prosecutors, from April to September 2008, the young man was treated at the psychiatric-neurological hospital. However, parents Tim refute this fact.

November 7, 2007
Lyceum Jokela in Tuusula, Finland
At 11:40 am 18-year-old schoolboy Eric Auvinen walked into his high school with a gun Sig Sauer Mosquito .22 and fifteen 10-round magazine to him. Opening fire on students, Auvinen made 106 shots. 40 minutes after the attack began, he shot himself in the head in the men's room.

Auvinen become victims of 8 people: six students (5 boys and one girl), the school nurse and director of the Lyceum. By the police and was not made a single shot.

It is known that on the eve of the tragedy of the killer posted on YouTube a manifesto entitled "Jokela school massacre - November 7, 2007". Also worth noting is that the teenager called himself Natural Selector («instrument of natural selection") and Sturmgeist («storm spirit»).

March 24, 1998
School in Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
As a result of fire, open school students, 11-year-old Andrew Golden and 13-year-old Mitchell Johnson died 4 children and a teacher. More than 10 people were injured varying degrees of severity.

Teens, made a fire, were seized by police, quickly arrived on the scene. During the investigation Mitchell and Golden confessed to the massacre, but to explain their motives and could not. Both received a sentence of imprisonment before coming of age - at 8 and 10 years, respectively.

May 28, 1975
School Centennial secondaries in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
16-year-old Michael Peter Slobodyan, one of our students came to class with two automatic rifle 22 th and 44 th caliber, which he carried into the building, hidden in a guitar case.

Michael was angry at the teacher of physics for what he has put a bad grade, that does not allow the boy to go to medical college and wanted to take revenge on him. Due to the circumstances Slobodyan could not reach the physics classroom, located floors above, and began to shoot in English class.

Killing a classmate and teacher of English, and then wounding 13 people, Michael went into the corridor, where committed suicide right in front of the class.

From here