5 animals that will help you be healthier

You drink Valerian, trying to calm seriously frayed nerves and are not even aware that the most effective remedy for several years, lives at home. Is your beloved pet. Not only Mouser can cure diseases. In addition to cats, or zootherapy, as it is called, pet-therapy (from the English. pet – pet) "practice" dogs, horses, parrots, Canaries, rodents and aquarium fish. You may underestimate the ability of pet to alleviate the condition or relieve symptoms.
However, the facts speak for themselves. Children suffering from cerebral palsy begin to speak and move after the Dolphin therapy sessions, and those who suffer from joint pain, rescue dogs, wool which knit belt. Pay attention to your "beast" – even a little hamster can bring you favor.
Where feet rostut Russia pet therapy is not so common animals mainly help people to undergo rehabilitation after diseases and operations. Often smaller brothers facilitate the mental state of those who have been the victim of accidents. For example. The United States, there to zootherapy seriously. In the US there is a special organization, the Pet Therapy International (international organization for therapy animals), which was founded by ordinary nurse Elaine Smith.
Working in the hospital, she saw patients who were visited by dogs, recovered faster. Later, Elaine began to use four-legged "doctors" — a few German shepherds and collies — in medical activities. The animals encourage patients, the better. Today, Pet Therapy International is not the only organization dedicated to pet therapy, along with her work with Delta Society in the USA and St. John Ambulance Pet Therapy in Canada.
Who becomes a professional pet therapist?Often in the role of "doctors" are dogs. To get a "crust" of the physician for a dog is easy. In Washington state there is an organization "Paws for health" (Paws for Health) to which anyone can bring a pet. Here they undergo training certificate "therapist". One of the most interesting programs – "Reading with Rover" (Reading with Rover) – is aimed at training dogs to help children experiencing difficulties with reading. The dog sits in front of a reading child, and shows the highest degree of interest, catches every word unlike parents and teachers.
However, not every dog can become a "therapist". Here, as in the human world, too, is requirements: dog must be friendly, calm, able to concentrate on "work".
To treat people can not only specially trained animals. Your pet can also be the "class expert", and pay attention to it will only one patient – his beloved master.
Cat in a white hautemacabre his fellow in boots and a hat, this "doctor" can also be a hero. Cat – continuous antidepressant, despite the fact that their passion for acrobatic exercise on the curtains annoys everyone. "The pill", which cats treat owners is the purr. Quiet sounds and a good vibration calm the man down, shooting head pains, tension, normalizing the pressure.
Have you noticed ever that cats lie on the affected area, such as a broken leg in a cast, and can remain there long enough? So pet warms the injured body part. The body temperature of a cat on average 2 – 2.5 degrees higher than that of man, and those who are recommended treatment with dry heat, it can use its "services". Thanks to the efforts of the "living warmer" accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow. Sometimes cats make a kind of massage – sorted feet in one place. It is believed that because they help us to get rid of the pain. It is believed that "volosistoj" cat defines its profile, and exactly what kind of "sore" it is able to cure. Long-haired are considered the "experts" of depression and insomnia, the winner of the average fur – "doctors-cardiologists", Shorthair or "naked" cats, should get those who suffer from kidney disease.
Treatment method and prevention with the help of cats is a felinoterapiya. List of diseases in which you can "register", is quite broad. Here are some of them:
1. Hypertension;
2. Depression;
3. Chronic pain syndrome;
4. Insomnia;
5. Cancer.
Doc. DogЗа their works these doctors take a little bit — they are willing to "work" for a delicious bone, but the range of their services more than a wide. To begin with, that the dog guide for a blind or partially sighted person. In addition, dogs often take on the role of psychologists: parents of autistic, antisocial and aggressive children suggest to get a puppy, the child is socialized while chatting with him.

It is believed that being friendly and attentive, best friends "special children" are Labradors and retrievers. They are easily trained, carry the large crowd of people and sounds and smells. "Treatment" is called canistherapy, it can help to get rid of a number of ailments:
1. Depression;
2. Neuroses;
3. Disorder of memory and attention;
4. Schizophrenia.
Cloven-hoofed VACUREMA the drive is able to work miracles: it trains the vestibular apparatus, develops the paralyzed and atrophied muscles, is vibration massage of the pelvic organs, legs and buttocks, relieves nervous tension. The main advantage of hippotherapy, according to psychologists, is that the person controlling the mighty wayward animals, begins to believe in their own strength.
The most vivid example proving its effectiveness, — the history of the Danish Liz Hartel. When you get sick with polio, she was partially paralyzed, but did not leave attempts to get to his feet. This helped her faithful horse, which she loved so much. After a few years of hard riding, the Danish athlete was able to compete in equestrian sport.
The horse is a great "cure" for children with disabilities. Hippotherapy helps in stimulating the development of motor reflexes in children with cerebral palsy. Due to the specific movement of the horse, which slowly goes forward, the child produced the correct posture. As a rule, it is stored after "landing". For those who want to give your body the desired shape, you should also pay attention to the beautiful horses. Abroad, has developed a special program "Therapeutic riding to combat obesity and cellulite."
Hippotherapy prescribed in the following cases:
1. Hearing and sight;
2. Cerebral palsy;
3. Rehabilitation after operations, injury and strokes;
4. Mental disorders (schizophrenia, autism);
5. Depression;
6. Posture and coordination.
Ass – not durgapura and Canaries is a great option for those who have poor eyesight, suffers pain syndrome or is depressed. But the tangible benefits to parrots bring people with speech problems – children who have difficulty learning to speak and adults who stutter.
Chirping feathered friends improves mood and distract from unpleasant feelings. Last but not least for this reason, depression and insomnia, is recommended to treat recordings of the sounds of a spring forest with bird singing. There is even something like a classification of singing birds with a description of the effect. Nightingale, goldfinch and Siskin – loud and iridescent relieve fatigue and irritability. The rhythmic sounds of the Skylark and thrush, the act on the pain centers working with migraines.
Rodents and rubbiati little creatures are also able to help you deal with ailments. Don't look at the size of them – the benefits they can bring nothing less than a mighty horse. Aquarium fish are needed by one who is constantly in stress. Watch 15 minutes for their "aquatic Pets" and you will feel how the soul becomes calmer. As for rats, hamsters and mice, these rodents absolutely unfairly considered useless animals. Small furries friends perfect for a child still and forced with autism.
To whom pet therapy would help?First, those who suffer from allergies to feathers, wool, feathers, dander or saliva of animals.
Second, tuberculosis and infectious diseases of the skin and upper respiratory tract are also contraindications. Third, pregnant women should be careful if they have cats. Being in position, the expectant mother should be tested for toxoplasmosis. And finally, contact with large animals is unacceptable any epilepsy and uncontrolled seizures.
Source: domashniy.ru/