Why Americans hire dogs for work: a holiday in honor of pets on June 24
Favorite pets Sometimes they get so bored when the owners go to work and leave the fluffy people alone at home. To correct such sad statistics, it was decided at least once annually to take four-legged with them to the office. This initiative was proposed by Pet Sitters International in 1999. Since then, the day “Take a dog to work” is especially loved in many countries of the world. For example, in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, Israel.
In general, you can take not only dogs, but also cats, birds, hamsters or reptiles. The main thing is that all animals cozy up in the office. If the management of companies supports such an initiative, then it is enough just to come to work with a pet. Date. "Take the dog to work." Father's Day is a floating, but landmark, which is usually celebrated on the third Sunday in June. So, the next Friday after this holiday will be four-legged day at the office.
Of course, for no reason should a dog or cat be brought to the office. Some employees may be allergic and will not be able to work comfortably. Sure. Preliminarily discuss with colleagues this moment. If no one suffers from such a problem, then you can prepare further.
What’s more, the day “Take your dog to work” should be done first. coordinate. It is possible that someone from the “top” will find this not entirely appropriate. Then, unfortunately, you will have to obey. However, if the directors give the green light, then we continue to prepare the office for the emergence of new employees.
Many modern offices are considered pet-friendly. They are already equipped with special areas for expensive fluffy or even contain their own “living corner”. Although this name does not quite accurately describe those stylish and comfortable places for office-favorite. Cats, dogs, hamsters, chameleons can boast steep houses or soft couches. Perhaps the only place in the office can become a no-go area for ponytails is the kitchen. For ethical and sanitary reasons.
Talk to your colleagues about which animal to take so that your office doesn't accidentally turn into a zoo. Remember that the number of dogs should not exceed the number of enclosed spaces in the office. In case someone fights and has to isolate the animals in separate rooms. If there are no animals in the office and it does not have a special area for fluffy, then take everything you need with you. Carriage, bowls, tray, couch, toys, food, cleaning bags. Think ahead.Not to run in panic around the area and not to buy some goods for your pet.
First of all, try to soberly assess the nature of your pet. It may be uncomfortable with other animals. Do not lead the ponytail to the office if he is experiencing a natural riot of hormones or has just undergone surgery. A dog that is too aggressive should stay home. It can injure people and other animals. Don't create. dangerousness for colleagues.
In addition, you should stock up on cleaning funds and check the windows. No one is immune to, for example, "cat surprise" on the floor, so keep your eyes open. While the animals are in the office, open the windows carefully. Don't let any of the tails get hurt. Also, do not forget to make sure that your favorite pets do not interfere with colleagues and do not turn the office upside down.
Favorite Pets in the Office and in the Heart "Take the dog to work." It's not just someone's funny "want." It was founded to develop a Pat-Friendly community as well as a variety of animal infrastructure. For example, for the sake of comfortable transportation of an animal in public transport or increasing the number of training areas for dogs.
Unfortunately, this year Ukraine will not be able to invite your favorite pets to the offices. All plans were thwarted by the stupid war that was unleashed by Russia against a beautiful sovereign and independent state. Thousands of pets are on the street, on the verge of starvation and in the process of constant struggle for survival.
We call on every conscious person as much as possible. Helping injured animals. They may have become angels and gone to heaven forever. Support the little soul, do not pass by if you see a lonely tail. Now, if possible, we need to help all animals that extend their legs to us asking for help.
No way. Don't leave animals at home alone For a long time! Longing for a beloved master can destroy them faster than famine and war. If you can, help volunteers, donate to zoos or charities that rescue affected pets. Any amount is valuable, even the minimum. May the Higher Powers reward your good heart. relief Fuzzy.

In general, you can take not only dogs, but also cats, birds, hamsters or reptiles. The main thing is that all animals cozy up in the office. If the management of companies supports such an initiative, then it is enough just to come to work with a pet. Date. "Take the dog to work." Father's Day is a floating, but landmark, which is usually celebrated on the third Sunday in June. So, the next Friday after this holiday will be four-legged day at the office.

Of course, for no reason should a dog or cat be brought to the office. Some employees may be allergic and will not be able to work comfortably. Sure. Preliminarily discuss with colleagues this moment. If no one suffers from such a problem, then you can prepare further.
What’s more, the day “Take your dog to work” should be done first. coordinate. It is possible that someone from the “top” will find this not entirely appropriate. Then, unfortunately, you will have to obey. However, if the directors give the green light, then we continue to prepare the office for the emergence of new employees.

Many modern offices are considered pet-friendly. They are already equipped with special areas for expensive fluffy or even contain their own “living corner”. Although this name does not quite accurately describe those stylish and comfortable places for office-favorite. Cats, dogs, hamsters, chameleons can boast steep houses or soft couches. Perhaps the only place in the office can become a no-go area for ponytails is the kitchen. For ethical and sanitary reasons.
Talk to your colleagues about which animal to take so that your office doesn't accidentally turn into a zoo. Remember that the number of dogs should not exceed the number of enclosed spaces in the office. In case someone fights and has to isolate the animals in separate rooms. If there are no animals in the office and it does not have a special area for fluffy, then take everything you need with you. Carriage, bowls, tray, couch, toys, food, cleaning bags. Think ahead.Not to run in panic around the area and not to buy some goods for your pet.

First of all, try to soberly assess the nature of your pet. It may be uncomfortable with other animals. Do not lead the ponytail to the office if he is experiencing a natural riot of hormones or has just undergone surgery. A dog that is too aggressive should stay home. It can injure people and other animals. Don't create. dangerousness for colleagues.
In addition, you should stock up on cleaning funds and check the windows. No one is immune to, for example, "cat surprise" on the floor, so keep your eyes open. While the animals are in the office, open the windows carefully. Don't let any of the tails get hurt. Also, do not forget to make sure that your favorite pets do not interfere with colleagues and do not turn the office upside down.

Favorite Pets in the Office and in the Heart "Take the dog to work." It's not just someone's funny "want." It was founded to develop a Pat-Friendly community as well as a variety of animal infrastructure. For example, for the sake of comfortable transportation of an animal in public transport or increasing the number of training areas for dogs.

Unfortunately, this year Ukraine will not be able to invite your favorite pets to the offices. All plans were thwarted by the stupid war that was unleashed by Russia against a beautiful sovereign and independent state. Thousands of pets are on the street, on the verge of starvation and in the process of constant struggle for survival.

We call on every conscious person as much as possible. Helping injured animals. They may have become angels and gone to heaven forever. Support the little soul, do not pass by if you see a lonely tail. Now, if possible, we need to help all animals that extend their legs to us asking for help.
No way. Don't leave animals at home alone For a long time! Longing for a beloved master can destroy them faster than famine and war. If you can, help volunteers, donate to zoos or charities that rescue affected pets. Any amount is valuable, even the minimum. May the Higher Powers reward your good heart. relief Fuzzy.
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