On June 28 we celebrate St. Michael’s Remembrance Day and offer him a prayer.

On June 28, we celebrate the day in memory of St. Michael. Metropolitan Michael of Kiev, together with Prince Vladimir, who was baptized, preached the Holy Gospel. He baptized and taught converts, founding the first temples and spiritual schools.

Today's edition. "Site" I want you to know the basics. merits of St. Michael. We also have prayers to say on June 28. Important words!

According to Joachimov chronicle, St. Michael, the first Kiev Metropolitan, lived in the tenth century. They are believed to be from Bulgaria or Syria. He was a contemporary of Prince Vladimir, baptized him and instructed him, after which he baptized the people of Kiev.

Since childhood, the boy aspired to monastic life, studied a lot and said prayers every day. Afterwards he was a wise and quiet, albeit strict, priest.

Michael actively preached Christianity, traveling to many lands. He is credited with the foundation of the Gold-Top-Mikhailovsky monastery in Kiev, and the monks who came with him from Constantinople - the foundation of the Kiev-Mezhigorsky monastery.

In Rostov, he founded the first wooden church in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God and appointed there bishop Theodore the Greek.

Wherever possible, Michael supported the construction of churches in which he installed elders and deacons. He also fought against idolatry.

The Church has preserved the memory of the merits of the Primate. In the synodics of the Novgorod and Kiev Sophia Cathedrals, he is rightly called the original.

St. Michael passed away in Kiev. In 992 he was buried in the Tithe Church of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kiev. And his relics are openly stored in the Pechersk Church (Dormition Church).

Here are the main prayers that should be said in memorial St. Michael.

Today the prophecy in the apostles of the First-Called is fulfilled: for on these mountains grace and faith will be multiplied. And even though by unbelief the dilapidated font of God is born and was born the people of renewal, the royal consecration, the language is holy, the flock of Christ, to whom you first appeared as the first shepherd who served Baptism.

And now, before the Lord Christ God, pray to all the Russian son to be saved: Imashi is bold as a hierarch of God and a priest.

“Moses the second of Russia appeared, Father, carrying the thought grapes from the Egyptian idolatry into the land, foretold by prophecy.” There will be, in speech, the affirmation of faith in the land, and on the vertices of the mountains of Kiev, the fruit of Lebanon will be exalted, nourishing the world of all things, from the worst taste, we appease you, Michael, God’s hierarch.

Prayer to St. Michael This prayer is also said about patronage and in moments of consolation in sorrow and sorrow.

Holy Great and Glorious Archpastor and Father to our Michael, the First Throne of Russia and the Enlightener, and to all the Christian tribes I intercede with God, we pray to you steadfastly: Help us to be your love for God an imitator, but she was filled with your earthly belly.

Enlighten our minds and hearts with the light of divine teaching. Teach us to follow thee faithfully, and do the commandments of the Lord diligently, that we may appear thy children, not in the name of tokmo, but in all life; we shall know tacos.

Pray, equally to the apostles, for the Russian Church, for your city and monastery, in her incorruptible relics your saints rest, and for all our Fatherland, look graciously on all your faithful readers, seeking your help: be all in sick healer, in sorrows and sorrows comforter, in troubles and needs helper, in an hour, mortal intercessor and protector, that by your help we will receive salvation and the Kingdom of Christ.

To her, the hierarch of Christ, even if you may seek our help, so that I trust in your help, let us glorify the Divnago in His holy God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

I also propose to get acquainted with the most complete Church Orthodox calendar for 2022. In it all the holidays, fasts and memorial days!

On the 28th of June, you should say these words. grandeur St. Michael said, “We glorify you, Father Michael, and we honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.”

In addition to these prayers, the Church on this holiday welcomes any, as long as they are sincere!


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