65 facts about cats

1. Every year, about four million cats eaten in Asia.
2. On average, cats spend 2/3 nights sleep. This means that nine-cat was active for only three years of his life.
3. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe that this is due to a mutation in one of the key taste receptors.
4. Cats tend to "dig" right paw and cats - left.
5. A cat can not climb a tree upside down because of the claws of the device. To come down from the tree, it is necessary to retreat, walking backwards.
6. Cats produce about 100 different sounds. Dogs - only 10.
7. Brain cats biologically closer to human than a dog's brain. For the emotions cats meet the same brain regions as people.
8. In the world live more than 500 million domestic cats, there are about 40 different species.
9. To sew a coat, you need about 24 cat skins.
10. Although it is assumed that the first domesticated cats the ancient Egyptians, the oldest known domestic cats has recently been found in 9,500-year-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. It is ahead of mentioning the cat in Egyptian art for more than 4000 years.
11. During the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII declared cats assistants devil, and thousands of cats were burned. Unfortunately, the mass killing of cats led to a sharp increase in the rat population, which aggravated the effects of the "Black Death" (plague).
12. In the Middle Ages the cat was associated with witchcraft and the Day of St. John the people across Europe stuffed them in bags and thrown into the fires.
13. The first cat had been in space, was a French cat named Felicette (ie Astrokot). In 1963, France launched it into space. Electrodes implanted in the brain of a cat, neurological sending signals back to Earth. Astrokot survived the flight safely.
14. The Group of words related to the cat (catt, cath, chat, katze) comes from the Latin «catus», meaning "house cat", in contrast to the «feles», that is "wild cat».

15. According to Jewish legend, Noah prayed to God, asking him to protect the food on the ark of the rats. In response, God made the lion sneeze, and out jumped the cat.
16. A cat can move at a maximum speed of 50 km / h over short distances.
17. A cat can jump to a height of 5 times greater than its own growth.
18. Cats rub against the people not only of the affection, but also to mark territory scent glands located around the muzzle. Also, the smell of cat isolated area near the tail and paws.
19. Scientists do not know exactly how a cat purrs. Most veterinarians believe that a cat purrs vibrating vocal cords, located deep in the throat. For this throat muscles open and close the passage of air about 25 times per second.
20. In ancient Egypt, when a domestic cat died, the family shaved their eyebrows and mourned her. They also performed the funeral, during which they drank wine and beat their breasts. The cat was embalmed and placed in the family tomb in the cemetery or for the animals with tiny mummies mice.
21. In 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found on the Egyptian cemeteries. Since they removed the cloth and taken to England and the United States for use as a fertilizer.
22. Most cats give birth to a litter of one to nine kittens. The largest known litter of kittens was 19, of which 15 survived.
23. The smuggling of cats from ancient Egypt is punishable by death.
24. The early ancestors of modern cats have lived about 30 million years ago. Scientists call them «Proailurus», which in Greek means "the first cat." Group of animals, which include modern cat, appeared about 12 million years ago.
25. The biggest wild cat on today - it's the Amur tiger. It can grow more than 3, 6 m in length (the size of a small car) and weigh up to 320 kg.
26. The smallest wild cat on today - a Blackfoot cat. Females it is less than 50 cm in length and can weigh only 1, 2 kg.
27. While many parts of Europe and North America, a black cat is considered to be a bad sign, in the UK and Australia, meeting with a black cat portends good luck.
28. The most popular breed of cat in the world - Persian cat, after it go coon cat (Maine Coon) and Siamese.
29. Some Siamese cats eyes mow because of the special device optic nerves.

30. There is a breed of cats who love to swim. Wool Turkish Van breed, bred in Central Asia, has a unique texture that makes it waterproof.
31. The most expensive in the world, a cat named Little Nicky cost its owner $ 50,000. It is a clone of his former cat died of old age.
32. A cat for about 12 whiskers on each side of the muzzle.
33. Seeing the cat is both better and worse than human. Better - because cats see better in the dark and have a wide-angle peripheral vision. Even worse - because they do not distinguish colors like people. For example, the herb seems red cats.
34. The Spanish-Jewish folklore, is a parable that the first wife of Adam, Lilith, turned into a black cat, vampire, sucking the blood of sleeping babies. Perhaps it is this fact has led to beliefs that the cat sleeping baby can suffocate or "suck" his breath.
35. The most famous comic cat in the literature - a Cheshire Cat in "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Because of their ability to disappear, this mysterious character embodies the magic and witchcraft, historically associated with cats.
36. In the original Italian version of "Cinderella," the good fairy godmother was a cat.
37. In the Netherlands Embassy in Moscow, the staff noticed that two Siamese cats from time to time started meowing and scratching the walls of the building. Their owners finally decided to find out what was going on, thinking that they would find mice. Instead, they found hidden microphones in the walls of Russian spies. Cats heard microphones when they were included.
38. The ability of cats to find their way home called "psy-travel." According to experts, cats or fix their position by the angle of sunlight, or cats have magnetized cells in the brain that act as a compass.
39. Jaws cats do not move from side to side, so the cat can not chew big chunks of food.
40. Cats rarely meow at other cats - usually only for men. The cat is likely to be sniffing, purring and hissing at other cat.
41. The back of the cat is very flexible, because it has 53 free adjacent vertebra. People - only 34.
42. Approximately one third of cat owners believe that pets are able to read their minds.
43. All cats hide claws at rest, with the exception of the cheetah.
44. Excessive love of cats called Ailurophilia (from the Greek .: cats amateurs).

45. Most of the cats were shorthair until about 100 years ago, came into vogue experiments with breeding and cross breeds.
46. Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (the people of their only 6). Therefore, cat ears can rotate 180 degrees.
47. One reason that so many kittens sleep is growth hormone in cats as well as humans, is allocated only during sleep.
48. Cats have about 20,155 hairs per square centimeter.
49. The heaviest cat, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was Himmy from Queensland, Australia. It weighed 21 kg and died at the age of 10 years.
50. The oldest cat, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was Crème Puff of Austin, Texas, who lived from 1967 to August 6, 2005 and died three days after his thirty-eighth birthday. Cats usually live up to 20 years, which is equivalent to 96-year-old human age.
51. In Scotland, there is a memorial tower in honor of a cat named Tauzer, who caught for his life nearly 30,000 mice.
52. Cats were brought to North and South America, Europeans in the 1750s to control pests.
53. The first ever Cat Show was organized in 1871 in London. Later, cat shows have become popular around the world.
54. The first was the famous cartoon cat Felix the cat, which appeared in 1919.
55. The cat bones in the body 230 (in humans only 206). The cat is not the collarbone, so it can get through any hole the size of her head.
56. The surface of the nose in cats is as unique as a fingerprint people.
57. Heart cat fights almost two times faster than the human (from 110 to 140 beats per minute).
58. Cats no sweat glands throughout the body, both in humans. They sweat only through the legs.
59. In just seven years, one pair of cats and their offspring can produce a total of 420,000 kittens.

60. The adult cats teeth 30. In kittens - 26 milk teeth, which fall at the age of six months.
61. A cat named Dusty set the record for the number of offspring. During her life, she gave birth to 420 kittens.
62. Cats are very sensitive to vibration. They can feel the tremors of the earthquake on 10 - 15 minutes before the people.
63. Unlike dogs, cats have not changed during the process of domestication.
64. The claws on its hind legs cats are not as sharp as on the front.
65. The richest cat in the world, Blackie, inherited 15 million. Pounds from his master, Ben Rea.
via factroom.ru