Elder ELI: the Weakening of the family is threatened with dire consequences
Before you begin to acquaint readers with the responses of sharemarket Elijah (Nozdrin) to our questions – the questions many of the Orthodox, – I would like to tell you about one episode that we witnessed. Among those who came to the elder Elijah in that day, was a woman with a sick son – the boy has cerebral palsy, he cannot walk. They are from Central Russia. Georgy Bogomolov, as soon as I heard about them said that they missed the queue. With the priest they talked for seven minutes, no more. A woman raising a son alone (her husband left her), decided not to take the old man too much time. And she was probably about to talk to him... But in the queue there were those who talked for 20 minutes, maybe more. And asked about whether or not to sell the cow. No one was listening – we accidently witnessed this conversation.
Many years ago I heard Georgy Bogomolov once threw into the crowd: "Come and begin to talk about cats..." I did not understand then the meaning of these words. What cat? What about the cats talking to the elder? Now personally convinced that talking not only about cats...
And with the mother of the sick boy then we met and while waiting for taxis, talking. An amazing woman: calm, persistent. Her son Victor suffered serious complications after vaccination. But no longing in the eyes I saw. She came to the Church three years ago. Now it is much easier. And she was just a few minutes of dialogue with father Elijah to understand something important.
But I will continue the story of our conversation with the elder.
– Father, now a lot of broken young families. And not only the young couple, but have lived together for 20-25 years, are getting divorced. Why is this happening? What you need to do to save your family?
The thing is, of course, in our morality. We must remember: first of all, there is God, the soul of a person. There is an eternity. But to recognize this truth, we have so many arguments that they are one person do not count ever. For this, we can say, and a million is not enough. Everyone talks about it. Look, man, for yourself! Look around you! Look at life, at history. We have Sacred Scripture, which from Adam until this time testifies to God. And how many examples of the phenomena of the other world. We have these examples also thousands! All this speaks of the truth of the divine! Against nothing! It would not be wrong if we say that zero. Only the charm of the devil. And those people are miserable in every sense of the word, who do not want to admit the Truth. To admit as True with the divine. As the real history.
And we, it would seem, much thanks to Christianity, thanks to life mentally stable reached! Very much: both in technique and in the culture – a lot of things! In development... for Example, rockets, and now wireless phones... with the New Covenant with Christianity.
But man does not want to admit that he is eternal. What soul he has. Of course, this is from the devil. And if man lived according to the Law, he would have seen how he is poor if he is without God! How he is unhappy in this world and in the future that will be inevitable. Ask any grandmother, ask a scientist. Because we have so many great scientists. The first University was founded by Lomonosov – he was deeply religious. As he talks about the sun! Behold the terrible mass, like the spark before You, before You, before God! Look at his poems. Nevelika scientists in the past and in the present century.
When we live a godless life, the life in us is lacking, it falls. Man without God is belittledwhat You asked from the teachings, no. It is from the corruption of the soul. Are young people, who want good, do not want to get into the story. They don't know anything! Refuse from God. They are absolute incompetents. View life they don't understand they don't know life! And when we live a godless life, of course, life in us is lacking, it falls. Man without God is belittled. He could not live neither internally nor externally. However, he doesn't want to admit what is true positives in life: to recognize God, to recognize the eternity, to recognize the immortality of their souls. Doesn't want to. Not because he has no proof, evidence, but simply the devil, of course, fiddles. And they only say: Lord, grant me to understand Thy Truth! Or the first words of the Savior: "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven." This is eternity, this life is true. And if life is consistent – as now – the retreat is from God, everything! It threatens dire consequences.
Here we now have a pamphlet "Last call." Unknown, maybe an adult, but they say that this child wrote. I read a lot. Of course, it is terrible even to think, don't even want to say what it threatens atheism, this retreat.
Here you asked about the family. The family is the cell, this small part of our society. The state of the family, the strength of families determines the condition of society. The weakening of the family is threatened with dire consequences. All this loss of morality, loss of conscience. Loss of consciousness. Loss of reference point, what is important in life.
– Father, what it means for the Russian Orthodox Church?
– Thank God that is now at least called Russia. If only the word in the name of the country – Russia. The ancient word. How many centuries already exists. The Communists wanted to gloss over all the past. And how can the development of the plant if you prune it root? So it was with us in the land of Soviets, during the Soviet era. Anything old they like, only new. But this demon is the devil set up so people to reject our history, Russia, our roots. Thousands of the greatest heroes and generals! How many of our inventors in the past that nowhere! They didn't mention it. Only: revolution! revolution! this screamed guttural. He just needs a revolution. And that's all. Of course, Russia is a great country. Holy Russia! It Was Called Holy Russia. Indeed, it has been great. What were the people great, healthy, strong! What are we now? Fry turns. Even if you look at the appearance.
No, you can't deny it: thank God, now many people come to faith. Come consciously. It pleases. It's nice, of course. People fill the churches and are aware of what people live, what life and the meaning of human life. Not only fast life. In our high morality, which Christianity has created. This achievement of life right here and implement our eternal life.
– Why the Holy fathers encourage abstinence? That it gives us?
– Well, of course! This of course, abstinence.(Laughs.) Of course, asceticism is on the abstinence is built. Our morality, our fortress, our minds are built on abstinence. If you do not refrain, as much as possible? The Church has established its own Charter. Sadly, people discredit the Church, priests, bishops. They do not know the essence of our spiritual life. Church life, you know? After all, before it fought? For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!
Our morality, our fortress, our minds are built for temperanceIf not abstinence, it will lead to bad consequences. In the family, for example. Take the kids: they allow parents a lot. There are many examples when children murdered parents. Why? That they too many things were allowed! You know? It's a question of education. And the Church – she's the first fosters human rights. For example, in the post. Not every family will allow all that is possible to buy: for food, for clothes, is a luxury.
Here the son asks: father, buy me a car. Wait, make myself, and then buy a car or anything else, the apartment, for example. Then it will be valuable. And when it's served on a silver platter... we Have to work hard then you will appreciate your car, to protect her, even to drive more carefully.
– Father, You mentioned the bishops. Who is a Bishop in the Church? What should be the attitude of the congregation?
– If secular reason, the Bishop is the head. Christianity must be understood. People attack faith, but they have no accurate notions of the Christian faith, that is faith. The history of Christianity how to begin? We have the feast of the Trinity. What is the Trinity? This is the descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles, and thus on the world. The Lord promised that after His ascension He would send the Holy spirit. And we don't know... Not knowing the faith, we do not understand the essence of life. After all, from small insects to huge animals: elephant, camel; from a small petal and huge trees – all live only by the action of the grace of God. The power of God, the Wisdom of God. Even if the offender, about which I can say to take away the gracious power, he will not be able to live a day. All live only by grace. Young people, godless people of different denominations, faiths – all God saves only by His grace. And in the world after the suffering and Resurrection, after His ascension the Lord promised to send the Holy spirit. First on the apostles, and through them to the whole world. The first successors of the Holy spirit, the apostles. They devoted heads of the first followers of the Savior. We have to read about it. Unfortunately, we don't know the New Testament, history of Christianity.
And by the way, theology is the most extensive of all branches of knowledge. After all, it originates in the old Testament. But unfortunately, people don't want to know. The devil, of course, keeps all of them together. Someone thinks that the believer – minded people. Khrushchev, who said that stupid cross. Of course, he got confused. Through him, many were killed – thousands of people! Without thinking, gave the Crimea. And Crimea has always been Russian. There spilled Russian blood. As a traitor he was. And he believed that believers can be in the loony bin to send. Yes, and so it was done, it was. How many people sent! And he almost got there.
– Father, I would like to get Your comment in Ukraine. Now the dissenters want to take Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, collecting signatures on the Internet. Like the Ukrainians, like the Russian people to respond to it?
– This Ukrainian turmoil began with Maidan. Rampant presumptuous these cronies. How many thousands of people died. And how much is destroyed all. And to this day the consequences. The nerve. The bandits easily seize power. Conscience does not exist for them. The law, too. As it is written, the fools law does not apply.
The last 20 years have become extremely popular psychics, fortune-tellers, healers of all kinds. People are willing to pay them for their "help" a lot of money, and often the last. The danger of such distractions?
The worst thing for us is the school where children do not get proper concepts about the essence of life Is all digression. The loss of faith present. The consequences of atheism. In the old pre-revolutionary time we had missionary seminaries and theological schools. Then give correct notions of the faith. And when there are crazy sects and doctrines, all of them are products of demonic power. Man seeks to know something is true, but there is no right direction, no proper teaching. The worst thing for us is a school where children are not getting proper idea about the essence of life. And, of course, when a person wants something above the ordinary to know, he hits on all the lures. That's like a bird. Take the chicken: for it is not good feed, and if she get some sand, it will be his bite. And people. Catch all sorts of sects.
The father of Eli, and how to deal with pride? Here and go to the temple and pray, but to win it can't can. There are anxieties, doubts, sadness. How to resist them?
– Remember that our entire earthly life is short. It is not guaranteed, not even for one day in this world. But the Lord pointed us to eternity. The Lord could create this life. Could get rid of the devil and from all abnormal and to pay a man. But since man is the crown of creation, he is endowed with will. Here is an example of the 12 apostles, including Judas. The Savior is the God-man knows that Judas will betray Him. He could, like the other apostles, save. The Lord gave him all that he believed, but... and every person the Lord leads to righteousness but keeps them volition. We temporary. All our life is too short, too limited. And the Lord indicates eternity. How many empires, how many countries had... the Lord is showing us our future is a never-ending eternity. published
With sharemonitor Eli (by Nozdrina)
interviewed by Nikita Filatov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/89485.html
Many years ago I heard Georgy Bogomolov once threw into the crowd: "Come and begin to talk about cats..." I did not understand then the meaning of these words. What cat? What about the cats talking to the elder? Now personally convinced that talking not only about cats...
And with the mother of the sick boy then we met and while waiting for taxis, talking. An amazing woman: calm, persistent. Her son Victor suffered serious complications after vaccination. But no longing in the eyes I saw. She came to the Church three years ago. Now it is much easier. And she was just a few minutes of dialogue with father Elijah to understand something important.
But I will continue the story of our conversation with the elder.
– Father, now a lot of broken young families. And not only the young couple, but have lived together for 20-25 years, are getting divorced. Why is this happening? What you need to do to save your family?
The thing is, of course, in our morality. We must remember: first of all, there is God, the soul of a person. There is an eternity. But to recognize this truth, we have so many arguments that they are one person do not count ever. For this, we can say, and a million is not enough. Everyone talks about it. Look, man, for yourself! Look around you! Look at life, at history. We have Sacred Scripture, which from Adam until this time testifies to God. And how many examples of the phenomena of the other world. We have these examples also thousands! All this speaks of the truth of the divine! Against nothing! It would not be wrong if we say that zero. Only the charm of the devil. And those people are miserable in every sense of the word, who do not want to admit the Truth. To admit as True with the divine. As the real history.
And we, it would seem, much thanks to Christianity, thanks to life mentally stable reached! Very much: both in technique and in the culture – a lot of things! In development... for Example, rockets, and now wireless phones... with the New Covenant with Christianity.
But man does not want to admit that he is eternal. What soul he has. Of course, this is from the devil. And if man lived according to the Law, he would have seen how he is poor if he is without God! How he is unhappy in this world and in the future that will be inevitable. Ask any grandmother, ask a scientist. Because we have so many great scientists. The first University was founded by Lomonosov – he was deeply religious. As he talks about the sun! Behold the terrible mass, like the spark before You, before You, before God! Look at his poems. Nevelika scientists in the past and in the present century.
When we live a godless life, the life in us is lacking, it falls. Man without God is belittledwhat You asked from the teachings, no. It is from the corruption of the soul. Are young people, who want good, do not want to get into the story. They don't know anything! Refuse from God. They are absolute incompetents. View life they don't understand they don't know life! And when we live a godless life, of course, life in us is lacking, it falls. Man without God is belittled. He could not live neither internally nor externally. However, he doesn't want to admit what is true positives in life: to recognize God, to recognize the eternity, to recognize the immortality of their souls. Doesn't want to. Not because he has no proof, evidence, but simply the devil, of course, fiddles. And they only say: Lord, grant me to understand Thy Truth! Or the first words of the Savior: "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven." This is eternity, this life is true. And if life is consistent – as now – the retreat is from God, everything! It threatens dire consequences.
Here we now have a pamphlet "Last call." Unknown, maybe an adult, but they say that this child wrote. I read a lot. Of course, it is terrible even to think, don't even want to say what it threatens atheism, this retreat.
Here you asked about the family. The family is the cell, this small part of our society. The state of the family, the strength of families determines the condition of society. The weakening of the family is threatened with dire consequences. All this loss of morality, loss of conscience. Loss of consciousness. Loss of reference point, what is important in life.
– Father, what it means for the Russian Orthodox Church?
– Thank God that is now at least called Russia. If only the word in the name of the country – Russia. The ancient word. How many centuries already exists. The Communists wanted to gloss over all the past. And how can the development of the plant if you prune it root? So it was with us in the land of Soviets, during the Soviet era. Anything old they like, only new. But this demon is the devil set up so people to reject our history, Russia, our roots. Thousands of the greatest heroes and generals! How many of our inventors in the past that nowhere! They didn't mention it. Only: revolution! revolution! this screamed guttural. He just needs a revolution. And that's all. Of course, Russia is a great country. Holy Russia! It Was Called Holy Russia. Indeed, it has been great. What were the people great, healthy, strong! What are we now? Fry turns. Even if you look at the appearance.
No, you can't deny it: thank God, now many people come to faith. Come consciously. It pleases. It's nice, of course. People fill the churches and are aware of what people live, what life and the meaning of human life. Not only fast life. In our high morality, which Christianity has created. This achievement of life right here and implement our eternal life.

– Why the Holy fathers encourage abstinence? That it gives us?
– Well, of course! This of course, abstinence.(Laughs.) Of course, asceticism is on the abstinence is built. Our morality, our fortress, our minds are built on abstinence. If you do not refrain, as much as possible? The Church has established its own Charter. Sadly, people discredit the Church, priests, bishops. They do not know the essence of our spiritual life. Church life, you know? After all, before it fought? For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!
Our morality, our fortress, our minds are built for temperanceIf not abstinence, it will lead to bad consequences. In the family, for example. Take the kids: they allow parents a lot. There are many examples when children murdered parents. Why? That they too many things were allowed! You know? It's a question of education. And the Church – she's the first fosters human rights. For example, in the post. Not every family will allow all that is possible to buy: for food, for clothes, is a luxury.
Here the son asks: father, buy me a car. Wait, make myself, and then buy a car or anything else, the apartment, for example. Then it will be valuable. And when it's served on a silver platter... we Have to work hard then you will appreciate your car, to protect her, even to drive more carefully.
– Father, You mentioned the bishops. Who is a Bishop in the Church? What should be the attitude of the congregation?
– If secular reason, the Bishop is the head. Christianity must be understood. People attack faith, but they have no accurate notions of the Christian faith, that is faith. The history of Christianity how to begin? We have the feast of the Trinity. What is the Trinity? This is the descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles, and thus on the world. The Lord promised that after His ascension He would send the Holy spirit. And we don't know... Not knowing the faith, we do not understand the essence of life. After all, from small insects to huge animals: elephant, camel; from a small petal and huge trees – all live only by the action of the grace of God. The power of God, the Wisdom of God. Even if the offender, about which I can say to take away the gracious power, he will not be able to live a day. All live only by grace. Young people, godless people of different denominations, faiths – all God saves only by His grace. And in the world after the suffering and Resurrection, after His ascension the Lord promised to send the Holy spirit. First on the apostles, and through them to the whole world. The first successors of the Holy spirit, the apostles. They devoted heads of the first followers of the Savior. We have to read about it. Unfortunately, we don't know the New Testament, history of Christianity.
And by the way, theology is the most extensive of all branches of knowledge. After all, it originates in the old Testament. But unfortunately, people don't want to know. The devil, of course, keeps all of them together. Someone thinks that the believer – minded people. Khrushchev, who said that stupid cross. Of course, he got confused. Through him, many were killed – thousands of people! Without thinking, gave the Crimea. And Crimea has always been Russian. There spilled Russian blood. As a traitor he was. And he believed that believers can be in the loony bin to send. Yes, and so it was done, it was. How many people sent! And he almost got there.
– Father, I would like to get Your comment in Ukraine. Now the dissenters want to take Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, collecting signatures on the Internet. Like the Ukrainians, like the Russian people to respond to it?
– This Ukrainian turmoil began with Maidan. Rampant presumptuous these cronies. How many thousands of people died. And how much is destroyed all. And to this day the consequences. The nerve. The bandits easily seize power. Conscience does not exist for them. The law, too. As it is written, the fools law does not apply.
The last 20 years have become extremely popular psychics, fortune-tellers, healers of all kinds. People are willing to pay them for their "help" a lot of money, and often the last. The danger of such distractions?
The worst thing for us is the school where children do not get proper concepts about the essence of life Is all digression. The loss of faith present. The consequences of atheism. In the old pre-revolutionary time we had missionary seminaries and theological schools. Then give correct notions of the faith. And when there are crazy sects and doctrines, all of them are products of demonic power. Man seeks to know something is true, but there is no right direction, no proper teaching. The worst thing for us is a school where children are not getting proper idea about the essence of life. And, of course, when a person wants something above the ordinary to know, he hits on all the lures. That's like a bird. Take the chicken: for it is not good feed, and if she get some sand, it will be his bite. And people. Catch all sorts of sects.
The father of Eli, and how to deal with pride? Here and go to the temple and pray, but to win it can't can. There are anxieties, doubts, sadness. How to resist them?
– Remember that our entire earthly life is short. It is not guaranteed, not even for one day in this world. But the Lord pointed us to eternity. The Lord could create this life. Could get rid of the devil and from all abnormal and to pay a man. But since man is the crown of creation, he is endowed with will. Here is an example of the 12 apostles, including Judas. The Savior is the God-man knows that Judas will betray Him. He could, like the other apostles, save. The Lord gave him all that he believed, but... and every person the Lord leads to righteousness but keeps them volition. We temporary. All our life is too short, too limited. And the Lord indicates eternity. How many empires, how many countries had... the Lord is showing us our future is a never-ending eternity. published
With sharemonitor Eli (by Nozdrina)
interviewed by Nikita Filatov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/89485.html