How to treat eczema
A very long while, the girl suffered with wet eczema. Constantly brush her itchy places. But one day her sister brought her recipe for traditional treatment of eczema. It was written in a newspaper an elderly Uzbek.
Tolerable in a bucket of hot water it is necessary to add 1 tablespoon of creolin, the water will become white like milk. You need to hover hands or feet in this water for 15-20 minutes. Don't wipe, give dry off the skin in a natural way.
Then lubricate the affected area with a thin layer of cream to the skin. Do the procedure two or three times a day until then, until completely cure eczema. The girl had the week of this national treatment.
If after some time it will start to itch, then lubricate the skin with a thin layer flucinar and all will be well.
One reader suffered from eczema since the age of five, but in the last 15 years she is not suffering from this disease. One very nice woman told her how to use folk remedies to get rid of eczema. You just need to hold hands, patients with eczema in salt water. All used that salt just eats away at the wounds, but it turns out that she, on the contrary, treats eczema, and painless.
Hot water needs to be poured into a bowl and then add some amount of salt in the eye. Then dip your hands in this solution and hold it until it cools, then dry hands with a towel and apply baby cream. For these purposes it is better to use sea salt. If you do this procedure a few times will quickly notice the results. Thanks to her, the woman completely got rid of the eczema. Besides, now it is not so expensive as before. Now sea salt is sold in every pharmacy.
so a reader very many years suffered from weeping eczema. Long time was treated, but no ointment and cream does not help him. He's on both feet had blisters, filled with fluid, then they burst, had sores and was bleeding. Even in pain he could not walk.
But somehow his wife had read about one folk remedy for the treatment of eczema. Immediately made an ointment, which was read, and the husband began to smear the affected places. After six days from the eczema is not gone.
Take three glasses of the same size. In the first glass you need to break a raw egg into another glass to pour water and a vinegar (or Apple table). Thus it is necessary that all three glasses have the same amount of content. Then pour it all into a jar with a volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters, close the lid and shake strongly until, until you get a creamy mass of the composition.
Every day for the night to grease with a thin layer of the whole foot, top should wear cotton socks until morning to sleep. And in the morning do not rinse, put on clean socks. In the evening you need to wash your feet without soap and wiped dry, and again to lubricate the affected area with ointment.
First, the old skin flakes off, in its place will be a new, Pinker skin. Husband readers have six days of treatment.
Woman once found myself on the hand itching and redness between the toes. At first she did not pay attention to this disease. But then the redness and itching began to walk across the hand to the elbow. The woman constantly felt intolerable itching. When she went to the hospital, they gave her some difficult stuff, but it didn't help.
But soon one good friend suggested a folk prescription treatment of eczema. Mince the mother-and-stepmother, then add fresh milk. This part apply to the area of the skin affected with eczema, then wrap these places a paper that is waterproof (can be used for these purposes, the tape) and tie a cloth. Do this at night. You will need three sessions.
Mentioned many remedies for eczema. But, unfortunately, the many varieties of eczema and treat it differently. For example, one woman after childbirth appeared eczema on hands. They are all covered with a dense crust. At this time the war began, the woman lived in the village. Her husband took her to war. So the war woman and lived with her two children alone, and even with sick hands. Nothing could be done.
But when her husband returned still from the war, joy was not the limit. Everyone began to celebrate. The woman went to the basement to take pickles. Want to take carefully, not dropping deep hands, so as not to wet eczema. But I had to take a deep one cucumber, and the woman lowered the arm to the elbow. The result was all wet eczema. The woman was very upset, thought that now all corroded, will again be in pain. But fortunately, the next day that the woman soak the cucumber pickle, the result was delayed. And she began to make lotions from the brine. And after a few days everything went. Here is a wonderful traditional treatment for eczema discovered one woman.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_ekzema_nar.php
Tolerable in a bucket of hot water it is necessary to add 1 tablespoon of creolin, the water will become white like milk. You need to hover hands or feet in this water for 15-20 minutes. Don't wipe, give dry off the skin in a natural way.
Then lubricate the affected area with a thin layer of cream to the skin. Do the procedure two or three times a day until then, until completely cure eczema. The girl had the week of this national treatment.
If after some time it will start to itch, then lubricate the skin with a thin layer flucinar and all will be well.

One reader suffered from eczema since the age of five, but in the last 15 years she is not suffering from this disease. One very nice woman told her how to use folk remedies to get rid of eczema. You just need to hold hands, patients with eczema in salt water. All used that salt just eats away at the wounds, but it turns out that she, on the contrary, treats eczema, and painless.
Hot water needs to be poured into a bowl and then add some amount of salt in the eye. Then dip your hands in this solution and hold it until it cools, then dry hands with a towel and apply baby cream. For these purposes it is better to use sea salt. If you do this procedure a few times will quickly notice the results. Thanks to her, the woman completely got rid of the eczema. Besides, now it is not so expensive as before. Now sea salt is sold in every pharmacy.
so a reader very many years suffered from weeping eczema. Long time was treated, but no ointment and cream does not help him. He's on both feet had blisters, filled with fluid, then they burst, had sores and was bleeding. Even in pain he could not walk.
But somehow his wife had read about one folk remedy for the treatment of eczema. Immediately made an ointment, which was read, and the husband began to smear the affected places. After six days from the eczema is not gone.
Take three glasses of the same size. In the first glass you need to break a raw egg into another glass to pour water and a vinegar (or Apple table). Thus it is necessary that all three glasses have the same amount of content. Then pour it all into a jar with a volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters, close the lid and shake strongly until, until you get a creamy mass of the composition.
Every day for the night to grease with a thin layer of the whole foot, top should wear cotton socks until morning to sleep. And in the morning do not rinse, put on clean socks. In the evening you need to wash your feet without soap and wiped dry, and again to lubricate the affected area with ointment.
First, the old skin flakes off, in its place will be a new, Pinker skin. Husband readers have six days of treatment.
Woman once found myself on the hand itching and redness between the toes. At first she did not pay attention to this disease. But then the redness and itching began to walk across the hand to the elbow. The woman constantly felt intolerable itching. When she went to the hospital, they gave her some difficult stuff, but it didn't help.
But soon one good friend suggested a folk prescription treatment of eczema. Mince the mother-and-stepmother, then add fresh milk. This part apply to the area of the skin affected with eczema, then wrap these places a paper that is waterproof (can be used for these purposes, the tape) and tie a cloth. Do this at night. You will need three sessions.
Mentioned many remedies for eczema. But, unfortunately, the many varieties of eczema and treat it differently. For example, one woman after childbirth appeared eczema on hands. They are all covered with a dense crust. At this time the war began, the woman lived in the village. Her husband took her to war. So the war woman and lived with her two children alone, and even with sick hands. Nothing could be done.
But when her husband returned still from the war, joy was not the limit. Everyone began to celebrate. The woman went to the basement to take pickles. Want to take carefully, not dropping deep hands, so as not to wet eczema. But I had to take a deep one cucumber, and the woman lowered the arm to the elbow. The result was all wet eczema. The woman was very upset, thought that now all corroded, will again be in pain. But fortunately, the next day that the woman soak the cucumber pickle, the result was delayed. And she began to make lotions from the brine. And after a few days everything went. Here is a wonderful traditional treatment for eczema discovered one woman.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_ekzema_nar.php
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