How signs of vitamin deficiency appear on the skin

Our skin is very sensitive to the lifestyle we lead. Therefore skin condition It can tell us a lot about our health. Doctors say that skin diseases as such do not exist. All problems that appear on the surface of a person arise deep inside.

A sedentary lifestyle, toxins in the body, improper nutrition - all this in one way or another affects the skin. And today's edition. "Site" It will tell how the deficiency of different vitamins affects the condition of the skin.

Of course, for the skin to shine with beauty and health, it needs careful daily care. Also, heredity, predisposition to diseases, rhythm of life play an important role.

But what's most important is nutrition. Therefore, many skin problems in the first stages can be solved with the help of proper nutrition. It is important to understand what caused the problem and What vitamins are lacking in the skin.

  1. Dry skin – the body lacks vitamin A
    Usually, they try to solve the problem with creams that contain the necessary vitamin A (retinol). However, the skin should be nourished not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Therefore, dairy products, eggs, fish, green and yellow vegetables should be included in the diet.


  2. Rash on the skin – the body lacks vitamin B2
    Ryboflavin (aka vitamin B2) takes an active part in maintaining the normal condition of the skin and mucous membrane. With a deficiency of B2, in addition to a rash, microcracks appear on the skin. In this case, you should eat more mushrooms, whole grain cereals, vegetables and dairy products.
  3. Eczema – the body lacks vitamin B3
    This vitamin affects not only the skin condition, but also the nervous and digestive systems. B3 deficiency causes eczema, diarrhea and even dementia. A good source of B3 are foods that contain fiber.


  4. Yellow skin – the body lacks vitamin B12
    Vitamin deficiency causes deterioration of health, shortness of breath, vision problems, impaired skin pigmentation. the B12 are eggs, meat, mushrooms, dairy products. In especially advanced cases, the vitamin has to be pricked in the form of injections.
  5. scurvy – the body lacks vitamin C
    If vitamin C is not enough, the strength of the connective tissue decreases. Also, vitamin C affects the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Deficiency of the substance is manifested in its dryness and peeling. Most vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, mangoes, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes.

  6. Psoriasis – the body lacks vitamin D
    Vitamin D is known to be essential for bone health, but doctors have proven its importance for healthy skin. In the treatment of psoriasis, drugs containing vitamin D improve the condition of the skin in the affected areas. Vitamin is found in fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products.
  7. Skin aging – the body lacks vitamin E
    With the help of fat-soluble vitamin E, the body resists free radicals that come from a polluted environment. This is the only way to reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. A lot of vitamin E is found in peanuts, almonds, sunflower oil, broccoli, spinach.


Our body definitely deserves to be treated with care. We do not consider health a luxury and do not value it until it fails. But to lead a healthy lifestyle is much easier, more pleasant and cheaper than taking expensive medications and undergoing treatment courses.

Therefore, pay more attention to signs of vitamin deficiency Eat more healthy foods to keep you healthy.


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