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4 product that spoil your face

Tell me what you eat and I will tell you where all the problems with the skin. Like anything new, but we could not translate this article for our girls. What makes the wine face? As diet and the habit to consume certain foods wreak havoc on your skin — analysis Dr. Nigma Talib, author of books about premature aging of the skin and the consequences of our way of eating.

  • Improper food multiplies wrinkles and makes dull skin complexion.
  • Doctor naturopath and specialist skin care Nigma Talib gives advice on how to save your face.
  • As the reduction in the consumption of alcohol and sugar can improve the skin of some women.

You've probably heard time and again that the abuse of cocktails makes the complexion pale and dull. Did you know that milk latte can be responsible for dark circles under the eyes and spots on the chin? Or the fact that the wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows can appear from chocolate?

Dr. Nigma Talib, who works with such celebrities as Sienna Miller and makeup guru Charlotte Tilbury, is convinced that food and drink have direct effect, and sometimes immediately have a negative impact on our faces, resulting in recognizable signs. The doctor identifies them as "dairy face, wine face", "sugar" and "glutinosae".

"When a patient comes into my clinic, one look at a person's face I can tell that the food he eats, than abuse," she says.

"I often find myself "reading" a random person on the street. Sometimes you want to approach the stranger or stranger and tell them to cut dairy products in your diet or restrained with your favorite pasta, as you can see that their diet causes them harm.

"For some people is enough in one day to abuse the cereals — to eat cereal for Breakfast, bread or pasta for lunch or dinner to cause bloating and puffiness.

Over the past ten years Nygma examined thousands of patients and have seen — what you eat, and the impact of foods on your gut health is fundamental for the skin and the aging process.

"Any digestive problems when eating certain foods — you may have an unknown intolerance to you products or you eat more food than we can comfortably digest — can cause a cascade of chemical and hormonal changes that accelerate the aging process internally and externally, and the results quickly appear on the face," she says.

Some food groups are especially serious damage: gluten (rich in gluten products), dairy products, sugar and alcohol. Each damages the body its own way, contributing to the appearance of signs of skin aging such as spots, swelling, change of skin tone, premature wrinkles or loss of elasticity.

"The most vulnerable part of the face is the forehead, chin, cheeks or eyes — depend on harmful effects on certain internal organs through the consumption of so-called "stress group products."

"It is impossible to draw any General set of rules — too very different reactions in different people. Your best friend can drink a liter of milk without any consequences, while you butter able to provoke a rash on the chin, the disorder and other "delights" being".

But you can define your problem by reading in the face, and take steps to eliminate or avoid as much as possible, foods and beverages that cause cosmetic problems and contribute to premature aging.

Nygma shows that you need to look out for and how to act.

WINE FACETypical symptoms: pronounced lines or redness between the eyes, drooping eyelids, enlarged pores, dehydrated skin with a web of capillaries on the cheeks, reddish cheeks and nose, deep nasolabial folds.

I call this type the "wine person" because most often observed his features in the faces of women who drink a glass or two almost every night, but such signs of aging and skin problems can be caused by any type of alcohol.

Alcohol dehydrates the skin, which is unsightly and contributes to the appearance of multiple fine lines and wrinkles. More likely to suffer and deepening nasolabial lines running from nose to mouth. But it is possible to fix and align them, as soon as you stop drinking and restore the rehydration of the skin.

Alcohol also contains a lot of sugar that destroys the protein collagen (vital for keeping the skin elastic), which causes an increase in pores, makes your eyes tired and half-mast.

According to the map faces the space between the eyes is associated with the liver, and in my clinic I have noticed that women whose liver is actively combating the processing of alcohol, tend to have deep wrinkles or redness between the eyebrows (another sign of liver stress — violet shade of language).

Alcohol is known to inhibit the action of an enzyme that the body uses to fight inflammation of the skin, and only a couple of glasses of wine is enough to allow the inflammation to flare up. As a result, the first signs are redness of the cheeks and nose.

This is compounded by the fact that alcohol (as well as very hot drinks or spicy foods) "pulls" the delicate capillaries on cheeks and nose and causes a rush of blood to the skin surface. If this happens often, the capillaries are dilated, the face of painting in the permanent flushed.

I recommend to take a short break from alcohol (three weeks to allow the gut to balance), and then use your favorite wine in a ratio of 80/20. That is, withhold 80 percent of the time, and drink only in 20% of cases. Choose wines low in sugar, such as Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Merlot or Pinot Noir.

SUGAR FACETypical symptoms: Lines and wrinkles on forehead, bags under the eyes, gaunt of face painful spots and/or pimples on the face, thinning of the skin, gray/pale skin tone.

If your diet is full of sugar and highly refined carbohydrate foods such as cakes, pastries and white rice, your skin will be difficult to stay young.

The problem is that sugar causes a process called glycation is when excess glucose molecules attach to collagen, making the elastic, collagen fibers are rigid and inflexible.

As a result, the skin droops, and there are numerous premature lines and wrinkles especially under the eyes where the skin is most thin, and loss of elasticity more apparent.

According to the map of the face, the forehead is associated with the process of digestion, so the "sugar face" may have patches of pimples or wrinkles on the forehead.

Excess sugar affects the distribution of fat, so sugar lovers face is often haggard appearance, because the skin loses the fat that gives it smoothness.

We all heard that sugar can indeed have a destructive effect. It affects the delicate balance of bacteria in the gut that can cause pustular acne on the face, shoulders and chest.

Even those who do not suffer acne, but abusing sugar, the skin is visibly pale and earthy colour. This is due to the increase in the level of the hormone insulin, which stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes the body to divert energy to more important tasks, blood vessels around the face constrict, as a result, this emaciated look. Over time, the process of cell renewal can slow down, leading to dull skin.

But one of the most curious signs of a sugar addiction can be seen in the eyebrows. Insulin jump in the abuse of sugar is putting excessive load on the adrenal glands, which among other tasks, controls the growth of the eyebrows. Thinning or thin eyebrows can be a symptom of adrenal burnout, which overloaded the glands controlling the stress hormone.

Reducing sugar in the diet will have an immediate and lasting effect on the skin. For best results, remove additional sugar completely: avoid cakes, biscuits, fruit juices, refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

Even if just to reduce the sugar consumption in half and to gradually wean myself off of this sweet drug, you will notice rapid improvement in your skin.

MILK FACETypical symptoms: Swollen eyelids, bags and dark circles under the eyes, small white spots/dots and bumps on my chin.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates that your body is struggling to digest milk and milk products such as cheese, yoghurt and cream. Lactose in milk is one of the most common food items intolerances.

Problems can develop at a later age, because with age we lose the enzymes to effectively digest lactose.

You might notice a small burp or mild nausea after drinking the milk. But sometimes your body is struggling to digest proteins in the milk, and you will not see any symptoms.

But it is milk prompted your immune system to release inflammatory substances, which affect all organs, including the skin.

It's actually the same inflammatory process that causes the redness and swelling around, such as a sprained ankle. Only in the case of dairy products the reaction is a swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes and dark spots on the face.

And that's not all. A glass of milk can contain a cocktail of more than 20 hormones and chemicals, some of them are found in nature, and other than fed cows: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal medications and pain relievers.

They disrupt the balance of your hormones, in particular, the so-called "sex hormones" — estrogen and progesterone — causes excessive growth of cells that block pores and hold bacteria on the skin.

Milk pimples and the dots have a tendency to multiply around the chin. According to the map of the face, the chin area is associated with the reproductive organs. Therefore, due to an imbalance of hormones spots often grouped it on the chin.

If you suspect that the unpleasant symptoms and aging of the skin associated with milk, take a break from all dairy products for three weeks — a positive result of a skin condition of the face may surprise you.

GLUTINOSAE FACETypical symptoms: Swollen red cheeks, dark spots or blemishes around the chin.

Many of us are sensitive to gluten — a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Relatively few people suffer celiac-intolerance — celiac disease (autoimmune condition where gluten causes the body to "attack" itself). But many do not even know that gluten contributes to a small inflammatory reaction in their body. Most often it can affect the face making it puffy or swollen.

Gluten also affects the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, resulting in age spots and dark spots on the chin.

Reaction to gluten has an immune system, disrupting the delicate balance of sex hormones, resulting in manifest blemishes or dark pigmentation on my chin area that is associated with the reproductive organs.

Some patients suffering for many years with rosacea — a skin condition characterised by red rash on cheeks — recorded significant improvement or full recovery, when I removed gluten from my diet.

No cosmetics, no peeling to remove the symptoms "glutinosae person" — only with the exception of gluten from your diet.

Drink more water, eat foods rich in fiber, and the swelling subsides, the skin tone returned to normal, and you finally will see a nice line of their own school. published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: fithacker.ru/articles/4-produkta-kotoryie-portyat-vashe-litso/