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This simple pharmacy remedy effectively treats eczema, stomatitis, halitosis, and more!

Hydrogen peroxide is available in various forms and concentrations. In our country is mainly produced perhydrol and gidroperit.

Perhydrol (Solutio Нуdrogenii реroxidi diluta) is the most common form of peroxide solution (contains is 2.7—3.3% H2O2) that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription in bottles.

In medicine, solutions of H2O2 are used as external antiseptic for wounds, cuts and scrapes, for washing and rinsing with stomatitis, sore throat, gynecological diseases. Upon contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes peroxide under the influence of catalase decomposes with liberation of oxygen, killing bacteria and stopping the bleeding. It contains stabilizers, including lead and phenol.

Gidroperit (Hydroperitum, synonym Perhydrit) – tablets with 35% of peroxide content. Is a compound of hydrogen peroxide with urea. Easily soluble in water and alcohol, applied in the form of rinses and washes (1 to 4 tablets per Cup of water). One tablet corresponds 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. To obtain a 1% solution of 2 tablets should be stirred in 100 ml of water.

Surgeons before surgery "blurred" 1% peroxide solution: 5 ml of liquid 5 minutes rubbing with the palms up to the elbow (for the formation of foam, add a little water), then wash off. The procedure was repeated twice. For rinsing the mouth and throat one tablet is enough in a glass of water – this gives a 0,25% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Tablet apply topically (instead of hydrogen peroxide) as a disinfectant and deodorizing agent in inflammation of the mucous membranes, skin, some gynecological diseases.

Remember that any peroxide concentration of more than 10% of the ingestion can lead to serious consequences, including damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Peroxide in fighting disease: indications for use

Diseases of the skin

To skin diseases, especially in their mild form, the attitude we have traditionally not serious. Fortunately, to combat pimples, acne, dermatitis there is a whole Arsenal of creams, in a few days get rid of these little trouble. Few people know that such phenomena – the first signals of ill health of the body. The person who eats properly, keeps a healthy lifestyle, do not suffer from some hidden diseases, the skin is usually very healthy. Doctors say that it is a mirror that reflects the state of health in General. Because many diseases and disorders of the internal organs caused by changes or painful symptoms and in the skin.

Since H2O2 has antibacterial and regulatory properties, it can treat pimples, acne, boils, and even fungal diseases.



It is a viral disease, occurring with skin lesions. The source of infection may be a sick man or a virus carrier. Most often we run the risk of catching herpes in the cold season when the body's defenses are lowered. Sometimes it can be a complication of other infectious diseases (e.g., influenza).

Because H2O2 is highly effective against any viral infections, it will help in this case.


Dissolve 2 teaspoons of 3% peroxide solution in 50 ml of water, to moisten in the liquid gauze and apply to the affected area. If lesions are many, can be lubricated with a cotton swab every sore. Do this procedure it is necessary two times a day, until the, until the rash disappears.

For genital herpes peroxide is better taken orally – 5 drops 3 times a day for 10 days. If no improvement, should gradually increase the dose up to 10 (but no more) drops at a time and continue the procedure for two weeks.

Pyoderma (pustular skin lesions)

These lesions are caused by staphylococci and streptococci, rarely some other organisms. Sometimes abscesses occur after insect bites, scratches, diaper rash and other minor wounds. Some forms of pyoderma provoked by more serious disorders: diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, diseases of metabolism, especially diabetes mellitus. To traditional methods of treatment include the impact on the pustules with the help of General and local therapy, removing the causes of disease, strengthening the immune system.


Recommended to apply on abscesses compresses. A clean, soft cloth should be impregnated with 1%-s ' solution of peroxide (peroxide, 2 tablets dissolved in 100 ml of water). To fix a sick place for 2-3 hours, then remove and gently wash the skin. Impose compresses should be in the morning and evening.

Effective and baths with peroxide: if abscesses located you have on hand, well help warm baths with 0.5% peroxide (1 tablet peroxide per 100 ml of water). In a bowl or other suitable vessel, where you can freely submerge the brush, pour desired amount of warm solution and hold it in hands for 15-20 minutes. Then wash them with warm water and wipe with a clean towel. To repeat procedure it is necessary 2 times a day until the disappearance of the pustules.

Peroxide useful to combine with other traditional medicine. For example, you can grate the peeled potato. Slurry applied to the gauze, folded in 4-5 times, and bandage it to the affected area of the skin. After 2 hours the resulting mass to remove and replace fresh. Helps and applying purified raw beets.


Fungal skin infections, or fungal infections

Mycoses are caused by plant pathogens – fungi. You can become infected from a diseased human or animal, through subjects, used in patients. Great chance to pick up athlete's foot there are those who visit the pool or public bath without rubber Slippers. However, the disease is found not only on the feet – sometimes it affects hands, nails, hair. To fight fungal infections need antifungal medication, but many of them are prohibitively expensive and don't always effective.

As the peroxide, different anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can be successfully treated athlete's foot.


Compress do so: it is necessary to moisten a soft cloth with a 2% hydrogen peroxide (4 tablets peroxide per 100 ml of water) and put it under the foot. Separately to water in the solution tamponchiki cotton and lay them between the toes. Wear clean socks and leave this compress on for 3 hours. Better to do it in the evening before going to sleep, when it is not necessary to go outside. After removing the compress the feet should be washed and wipe dry.

Worth a try and the bath: almost hot (as tolerated leg) 2% peroxide solution in the desired amount of fill in the basin. Immersed in his sick limb and keep it for about half an hour. The procedure is performed before going to sleep. High water temperature has no effect on the properties of peroxide.



It is a chronic skin disease allergic nature. The impetus for its development can be a lot of stress. Suddenly get eczema possible after a long sore throats, sinusitis and other foci of chronic infection, weakening the body's defenses and causing increased sensitivity to allergens. Sometimes the disease develops in children with exudative diathesis.

External application of hydrogen peroxide can relieve symptoms of eczema and ingestion – strengthen the immune system.


On rash advise to apply a compress of a clean soft cloth impregnated with 1%-s ' solution of peroxide (peroxide, 2 tablets dissolved in 100 ml of water). It should be fixed on a sick place and leave for 2-3 hours. The procedure should be carried out morning and evening.

You can also moisten a soft cloth with a 2% hydrogen peroxide (4 tablets peroxide per 100 ml of water). To leave a sick place for half an hour, then remove. Gently with warm water to wash the skin and blot with a soft, clean towel.

Taking into 3% peroxide you need in the following pattern: start with 1 drop in a quarter glass of water 3 times a day, every day increasing the dose by one drop until it reaches 10 drops. After this you should go in reverse order – to reduce the dose to 1 drop. Drinking peroxide is recommended 20 days.


Diseases of the mouth and teeth


With sores inflamed the entire mucosa of the mouth. To chew and swallow food it is very heavy in the mouth poured small vesicles (aphthae) that burst and form painful ulcers. Moreover, in the acute form of the disease the temperature rises to 38-39 °C.

Sometimes stomatitis occurs as a manifestation of common diseases (gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, blood, infectious, allergic). Therefore, before embarking on self-treatment, it is useful to consult with your doctor.


When stomatitis is advised to rinse your mouth 3 times daily 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide (peroxide, 2 tablets dissolved in 100 ml of water).



What toothache is, I think, to explain to anyone not necessary. There are few in the world lucky, having no idea. In any case, much smaller than those unfortunates who experienced it.


Acute dental pain can be removed by entering into the hollow of the tooth with a cotton swab soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If it hurts the gums, the cheek should be soaked in 3% peroxide on a rag and hold it about half an hour.


Periodontal disease

In this disease the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth becomes inflamed and infected gums, loosened ligaments and bones supporting the teeth that can lead to their untimely loss.


For the treatment of the disease is recommended to rinse the mouth with 1% hydrogen peroxide (2 tablets peroxide per 100 ml of water) 3-4 times a day.

You can also squeeze a little preventive toothpaste (gum disease) in a saucer, add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth. Inflammation of the gums will disappear much faster.



With halitosis – so doctors call bad breath – sooner or later faces every second inhabitant of the planet. It occurs when air, which exhales people, increased concentration of volatile sulfur compounds, such for example as hydrogen sulphide. These substances are the waste product of anaerobic bacteria living in the mouth. Until everything is in order and the number of bacteria is normal, almost no odor. As soon as the microorganisms multiply in the mucosa of the mouth, pharynx, tongue, tonsils and in the interdental spaces, it becomes strong and unpleasant.


In the case of halitosis, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablet peroxide per 100 ml of water) 3-4 times a day.

Dilute 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tablespoon of water. Instilled into each nostril half of the pipette.


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Treatment of influenza with hydrogen peroxide

It is an acute infectious disease. His viruses are parasitic on the shell of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.


At the first sign of flu useful 3 times a day to gargle with 1% hydrogen peroxide solution (2 tablets peroxide per 100 ml of water).

When cold peroxide can be instilled into the nose. Dilute 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide tablespoon of water. Pour the full pipette into each nostril. After half an hour you start the heavy mucus, and feeling of nasal congestion will disappear.published



Source: rodoswet.ru/perekis-vodoroda-primenenie-lechenie-perekisyu-vodoroda/#more-13748