Having greased hair with peroxide, it is not even hoped that the result would be so good!
< Hydrogen peroxide will be your indispensable assistant, after reading this article! How often we are not even aware that with the help of improvised means you can create real miracles ... Take a bottle of peroxide and look at her. You hold in your hands a real treasure!
How to use hydrogen peroxide
How to use hydrogen peroxide
- The peroxide will help remove the stain with a white cloth. Apply a bit of peroxide on the stain and rub it - you'll like the result
! Peroxide is added to the water to wash the floor. Hardwood floors will shine!
Spray the plants with a weak solution of peroxide (25 g of 3% peroxide per 1 liter of water solution) - so you will protect them from any pests and mildew, and even strengthen their immunity.
Before you wash your hair, make a solution of water and peroxide and apply on hair. Then wash your head as usual. Peroxide will give hair shine and splendor!
Add in a little cold water peroxide and hold it in fruit. This is an effective means against pesticides!
With peroxide it is very easy to clean even the dirtiest worktop.
Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth and you disinfect the mouth. It is useful to do this 3 times a day! We must remember that some people may be allergy to hydrogen peroxide , so be sure to check his reaction: Apply a drop of money for a small area of skin on the inside of the elbow
After washing with peroxide refrigerator once you do it all the time! Everything sparkles.
Peroxide will easily clean the bathroom of the fungus. Before cleaning apply a remedy to the problem areas and leave on time, the dirt will wash off easily after such a procedure.
If you have oily skin, it is appropriate to use hydrogen peroxide to wipe the face. This is a good prophylactic agent against acne.
Mix a small amount of peroxide and olive oil. This is an excellent tool for perfect cleaning of ears!
Holding the feet in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, you will cure the fungus!
Peroxide is good at spots on the towel and return them to a decent view.
A drop of peroxide will help prevent mucus and fungus in the aquarium water. Fish and turtles, it does not hurt, do not worry!
When cleaning, use hydrogen peroxide, and you forget about any unpleasant odors!
The use of hydrogen peroxide in the different domestic affairs was a discovery for me ... You sure these tips will come in handy! Share this clever tricks with your friends by showing them our story.
One only has to massage this point, you will feel an unprecedented surge of energy!
To make the subject, she used a wooden pallet. Outcome inspiring!