Effective treatment of angina hydrogen peroxide
Tonsillitis — an inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by the increase of lymphoid tissue that surrounds the entrance to the throat. There are several tonsils — angina, they are usually covered with bloom, and in their cavities accumulate pus. All of this is a favorable environment for pathogenic germs which multiply with incredible speed.
To combat this unpleasant and very common disease as angina, there are many tools, one of them a peroxide (peroxide) hydrogen. This substance can be used to lubricate inflamed tonsils and gargling. Proven the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of angina, but its use is limited, due to the observance of certain rules.
The substance should not be swallowed — it is fraught with complications in the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the peroxide in any case does not apply in children. Hydrogen peroxide is a fundamental tool for the treatment of inflammation of the throat, it is usually used in the complex treatment in combination with other agents. At home without medical supervision it can be applied only when the initial manifestations, the treatment should be under supervision of a doctor.
The action of hydrogen peroxide angina
Hydrogen peroxide is known since ancient times and used in medicine, particularly in the treatment of angina, due to its properties:
Reaction to release of active oxygen occurs only upon contact of the peroxide with the damaged cells, blood, and pus. In this case, the surface of the tonsils there is a plentiful foam. In contact with the solution for a healthy mucosa no reaction will occur.
Application rules
In the treatment of angina peroxide can be used:
1. To rinse. Only used 3% hydrogen peroxide or gidroperit in the form of tablets. To prepare solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach diluted in 150 ml of warm water or dissolve 1 tablet peroxide in a glass of water. To make the rinse can be no more than three hours. After each procedure, be sure to rinse the throat and mouth with chamomile, sage or regular warm water to remove residue plaque, pus and hydrogen peroxide.
2. To lubricate inflamed throat and tonsils. Take a cotton swab, moistened with 3% peroxide and quickly lubricate the tonsils. The root of the tongue you need a good squeeze with a spatula or back of a spoon. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth. This method unacceptable in people with increased gag reflex.
Contraindications, side effects and precautions
Hydrogen peroxide can be applied to virtually all contraindications can only be:
1. Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, an urgent need to wash eyes with plenty of warm water, with a strong burning sensation immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
2. Strictly observe the rules of breeding of the solution for rinsing.
3. Do not use rinse or lubricate the throat more than 5 times a day.
4. Avoid swallowing the hydrogen peroxide solution, when injected into the stomach and intestines can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, General malaise. But these phenomena are temporary, are very fast.
Thus, hydrogen peroxide — effective, time-tested and inexpensive means for the treatment of angina. A solution of peroxide or peroxide tablets can be easily find in any drugstore. Despite all the nuances with the proper and correct its application of a speedy relief of symptoms and the recovery was not long in coming. But remember that with self to do, still not worth it, because in advanced cases of sore throat with complications use only hydrogen peroxide is not enough, so an appeal to the doctor necessarily. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=648

To combat this unpleasant and very common disease as angina, there are many tools, one of them a peroxide (peroxide) hydrogen. This substance can be used to lubricate inflamed tonsils and gargling. Proven the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of angina, but its use is limited, due to the observance of certain rules.
The substance should not be swallowed — it is fraught with complications in the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the peroxide in any case does not apply in children. Hydrogen peroxide is a fundamental tool for the treatment of inflammation of the throat, it is usually used in the complex treatment in combination with other agents. At home without medical supervision it can be applied only when the initial manifestations, the treatment should be under supervision of a doctor.
The action of hydrogen peroxide angina
Hydrogen peroxide is known since ancient times and used in medicine, particularly in the treatment of angina, due to its properties:
- disinfectant;
- antiseptic;
- antimicrobial (weak).
- mechanical damage to microbial cells;
- the expulsion of pus from cavities in the tonsils and its decontamination, which deprives microorganisms of a nutrient medium for reproduction and reduces the amount of toxic substances;
- cleaning the surface of the tonsils of plaque.
Reaction to release of active oxygen occurs only upon contact of the peroxide with the damaged cells, blood, and pus. In this case, the surface of the tonsils there is a plentiful foam. In contact with the solution for a healthy mucosa no reaction will occur.
Application rules
In the treatment of angina peroxide can be used:
1. To rinse. Only used 3% hydrogen peroxide or gidroperit in the form of tablets. To prepare solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach diluted in 150 ml of warm water or dissolve 1 tablet peroxide in a glass of water. To make the rinse can be no more than three hours. After each procedure, be sure to rinse the throat and mouth with chamomile, sage or regular warm water to remove residue plaque, pus and hydrogen peroxide.
2. To lubricate inflamed throat and tonsils. Take a cotton swab, moistened with 3% peroxide and quickly lubricate the tonsils. The root of the tongue you need a good squeeze with a spatula or back of a spoon. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth. This method unacceptable in people with increased gag reflex.
Contraindications, side effects and precautions
Hydrogen peroxide can be applied to virtually all contraindications can only be:
- allergic reactions;
- the intolerance of the drug components;
- children's age;
- with caution in pregnant and lactating women.
1. Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, an urgent need to wash eyes with plenty of warm water, with a strong burning sensation immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
2. Strictly observe the rules of breeding of the solution for rinsing.
3. Do not use rinse or lubricate the throat more than 5 times a day.
4. Avoid swallowing the hydrogen peroxide solution, when injected into the stomach and intestines can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, General malaise. But these phenomena are temporary, are very fast.
Thus, hydrogen peroxide — effective, time-tested and inexpensive means for the treatment of angina. A solution of peroxide or peroxide tablets can be easily find in any drugstore. Despite all the nuances with the proper and correct its application of a speedy relief of symptoms and the recovery was not long in coming. But remember that with self to do, still not worth it, because in advanced cases of sore throat with complications use only hydrogen peroxide is not enough, so an appeal to the doctor necessarily. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=648