Sore throat: get rid simply and without drugs!
One non-drug method of dealing with a sore throat (gargle with honey, beetroot and vinegar), one homeopathic, and some powerful natural antibiotics.
All options taken from the personal experiences of the practitioner, simple and effective to use.
Treatment of angina without antibiotics and synthetic drugs
Tool that helps in purulent infectious sore throat:
— 1 tablespoon of honey;
— 1 tablespoon of fresh beetroot juice;
— 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
— all for a glass of warm boiled water.
Rinse with this solution throat. As often as possible, rinse 5-7 times a day purulent tonsillitis, according to reviews, lasts for 2 days without pills.
"... This recipe hanging at home on the fridge. Not because often sick, but because a little problems with my throat — immediately helps =) piece of Paper now yellowed by time, but take that away, the hand does not rise =)
another interesting review on the homeopathic remedy "Lashes": "... I was sick purulent tonsillitis 4 years ago, took this homeopathic (anthroposophic) medicine: Losehis
Since angina is not repeated.
Trust the opinion of homeopaths: the healing must happen from the inside out..."
strongest antibiotic properties of the famous Eastern spice asafoetida, which since ancient times in Russia knew the cure for many ailments.
angina of it is cooked rinse: pinch of asafetida to half a teaspoon of turmeric and a glass of warm water. Antiseptic, analgetic and astringent properties of these herbs will help early relief and recovery.
you can find it in the shops that sell Oriental spices and products.
natural antibiotic remedies that you can give and children:
— citrosept (wildly bitter grapefruit seed extract, has a powerful disinfectant effect. Fields of application: colds, flu, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis; skin infection and inflammation of mucous membranes, herpes, acne, seborrhea scalp, dermatitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, fungal infections, candidiasis; parasitosis. Used for cleansing the body, including during the course of weight loss, prevention of atherosclerosis.),
— tincture of bitter walnut (black walnut), alcohol or water is better than glycerol (inhibits many viruses and fungi)
— Cordyceps sinensis (a powerful tool that trying to get straight from the factory (made in China) or States (monitoring certificates). Stronger antibiotics among naturopaths is considered harmless, "heavy artillery" from any staphylococcal (including angina), the adherents of naturopathy and Lifestyle with known consistency and the long term cure for the Cordyceps, in combination with bitter herbs and a tincture of black walnut even many forms of cancer, as brazenly as it may sound to you reading these lines.
— colloidal silver inside and it solutions such as Protargol and Colargol (you can find a lot of feedback from parents, winning it with the help of viruses and sore throats, tonsillitis in children, often of colloidal silver suggest themselves Laura)
Recommended also (or instead of any of the foregoing) abstinence from food for 1-3 days (up to weeks), especially quickly it can restore normal health children, because they have more "samovosstanovlenii" resource.
Well appetite with the flu, most likely, will not (also, do not be afraid of hunger for the reason that when you cleaned the intestines, and excessive drinking hunger is not felt, the body switches to "repair" and have not asked, but the results will be evident almost immediately).
To practice fasting necessarily meaningful, previously studied theory and the nuances of this health method.
(For example, it is important to know that before fasting is important day, or at least the second part of the day to eat plant food, to finish the day laxative and fluids (water, water with honey, herbal infusions), starting the morning with a bowel lavage with a mug Esmarch), and to get plant — all these details should be examined in advance, and then the results of the practice you are sure to surprise and delight.
The mind, treatment is the "right" fasting is the most sensible thing to do if you are able to discard prejudices and to study this topic for a while.
For example, you can read, he writes about Nagarekawa Marv Ohanian, a biochemist and naturopathic doctor with a huge apicomplexan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: ecoways.ru/ru/recepti/naturalnie_lekarstva/Ot_angini_prosto_i_bez_lekarstv.html
All options taken from the personal experiences of the practitioner, simple and effective to use.
Treatment of angina without antibiotics and synthetic drugs
Tool that helps in purulent infectious sore throat:
— 1 tablespoon of honey;
— 1 tablespoon of fresh beetroot juice;
— 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
— all for a glass of warm boiled water.
Rinse with this solution throat. As often as possible, rinse 5-7 times a day purulent tonsillitis, according to reviews, lasts for 2 days without pills.
"... This recipe hanging at home on the fridge. Not because often sick, but because a little problems with my throat — immediately helps =) piece of Paper now yellowed by time, but take that away, the hand does not rise =)

another interesting review on the homeopathic remedy "Lashes": "... I was sick purulent tonsillitis 4 years ago, took this homeopathic (anthroposophic) medicine: Losehis
Since angina is not repeated.
Trust the opinion of homeopaths: the healing must happen from the inside out..."
strongest antibiotic properties of the famous Eastern spice asafoetida, which since ancient times in Russia knew the cure for many ailments.
angina of it is cooked rinse: pinch of asafetida to half a teaspoon of turmeric and a glass of warm water. Antiseptic, analgetic and astringent properties of these herbs will help early relief and recovery.
you can find it in the shops that sell Oriental spices and products.
natural antibiotic remedies that you can give and children:
— citrosept (wildly bitter grapefruit seed extract, has a powerful disinfectant effect. Fields of application: colds, flu, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis; skin infection and inflammation of mucous membranes, herpes, acne, seborrhea scalp, dermatitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, fungal infections, candidiasis; parasitosis. Used for cleansing the body, including during the course of weight loss, prevention of atherosclerosis.),
— tincture of bitter walnut (black walnut), alcohol or water is better than glycerol (inhibits many viruses and fungi)
— Cordyceps sinensis (a powerful tool that trying to get straight from the factory (made in China) or States (monitoring certificates). Stronger antibiotics among naturopaths is considered harmless, "heavy artillery" from any staphylococcal (including angina), the adherents of naturopathy and Lifestyle with known consistency and the long term cure for the Cordyceps, in combination with bitter herbs and a tincture of black walnut even many forms of cancer, as brazenly as it may sound to you reading these lines.
— colloidal silver inside and it solutions such as Protargol and Colargol (you can find a lot of feedback from parents, winning it with the help of viruses and sore throats, tonsillitis in children, often of colloidal silver suggest themselves Laura)
Recommended also (or instead of any of the foregoing) abstinence from food for 1-3 days (up to weeks), especially quickly it can restore normal health children, because they have more "samovosstanovlenii" resource.
Well appetite with the flu, most likely, will not (also, do not be afraid of hunger for the reason that when you cleaned the intestines, and excessive drinking hunger is not felt, the body switches to "repair" and have not asked, but the results will be evident almost immediately).
To practice fasting necessarily meaningful, previously studied theory and the nuances of this health method.
(For example, it is important to know that before fasting is important day, or at least the second part of the day to eat plant food, to finish the day laxative and fluids (water, water with honey, herbal infusions), starting the morning with a bowel lavage with a mug Esmarch), and to get plant — all these details should be examined in advance, and then the results of the practice you are sure to surprise and delight.
The mind, treatment is the "right" fasting is the most sensible thing to do if you are able to discard prejudices and to study this topic for a while.
For example, you can read, he writes about Nagarekawa Marv Ohanian, a biochemist and naturopathic doctor with a huge apicomplexan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/recepti/naturalnie_lekarstva/Ot_angini_prosto_i_bez_lekarstv.html