Avoid eating for 1 day and that's what happens!
What little useful starvation - it has long been known. But we try to eat on time, preventing hunger roam. And most often it plays against us. Read more on.
That's what the doctors say about the weekly one-day fasting:
- When one-day fasting once a week to continue throughout the year, it will improve the constitution of man and deliver him from the disease.
- Tired of the internal organs are largely removed one-day fasting. There are many cases when the light level of diabetes are cured only by the fact that the pancreas can rest for a few days of fasting.
- A day of fasting rejuvenates the body for three months.
It turned out that by means of starvation in ancient times treated patients Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors. Currently, there is already a lot of scientific evidence revealing the mechanism of therapeutic action of starvation, which stimulates metabolism, rejuvenates the body and prevents aging.
During a total of starvation used the energy wasted by us for digestion for the treatment of existing diseases and for actually cleansing. On personal experience I am convinced that with a cold empty stomach to cope for two days, with the strongest flu reason for three.
But if in the first case, you can move, the flu accompanied by fever alternately terrifying and drowsiness. The most striking thing is that after such treatment look like after a spa treatment. I do not know what was going on, but obviously the body is purified both externally and internally. By the way, when you've decided to treat the disease hunger, then in any case, do not take any medication.
You can only drink water - small, frequent meals. The day you should drink 1, 5-2 liters of fluid. Besides clean water you can drink a weak infusion of rose hips or herbal tea (without sugar!).
The order of mind
By the way, a short-term fasting, in addition to cleaning and a significant improvement in appearance has another unexpected effect. It is to increase the power of imagination and the ability to create. For example, John Lennon, one of the legendary "Beatles", practiced meditation and fond of starvation. It is possible that his creative inspiration in the music industry have resulted not only talent and performance, but also periodic refusal of sustenance.
T.Toeo, a former member of the House of Commons of the Japanese Parliament, urged all the doubters a weekly day of fasting as a way of healing and revitalization of thinking. He repeatedly stressed that this is not just a diet, because starvation due to head works better and constantly having ideas.
The only thing we should not forget: before fasting is necessary to cleanse the body. To do this, 2 days ahead of schedule eliminate from the diet of animal products. Go to the grass-plant diet. The menu should consist of all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Start always no more than a 1-2-day fasting, then go on a 3-day. How much lasting hunger - and so much out of it.
You can alternately in succession to hold one-, two-, three-day fasting, completing each in the same duration output from the process. A further increase in the terms should be made after longer breaks. Gradually, you can bring starvation to seven days. It is desirable to conduct 1 time in 6 months. Longer fasting at home (at least until you learn how to not) not recommended.
And most importantly, in the process of self-cleansing is very important optimistic. Starting fast, believe in success, and you will achieve amazing results. The body will independently deal with any illness, and when regular fasting will have a habit, you will no longer get sick at all.
Slimming effect.
If properly and efficiently prepare for the daily fasting, and do them consistently and systematically every week, it is possible to achieve good results for weight loss.
According to experts, a mild strain on the body during fasting moderate positive effect on the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer. Mandatory condition - if we decide to starve, do it regularly and drink during this process the water.
We must start with attitude. At first, fasting causes discomfort, moderate stress constant background and to overcome it, it is necessary to have sufficient motivation.
On the day before fasting, be kept in food, it is advisable not to drink alcohol, do not eat a lot at night, do not eat meat in the evening.
Try to find something to do. Better if it will be done in the open air, in the country, in the woods. Do not make your first fasting at work. Possible problems in a variety of discomfort - headaches, dizziness, weakness, bad mood, bad breath can ruin your relationship with others, and make it difficult to self starvation. In the future you will be able to fast "on the job" and no one will even notice.
I do so:
Sunday. At 18:00 a light supper, and then try to go to bed early.
Monday. Throughout the day (18:00), as and when thinking about food, drink water.
Monday 18:00 exit from starvation. I make salad of grated carrot (nothing more than not made). Then you can eat a piece of bread, preferably wholemeal, stale. 2 hours later, you can cook porridge (preferably in water and oil-free).
Out of the one-day fasting
Recommendations P. Bragg on nutrition in the recovery period.
1day (24 hours) = if you want, you can add distilled water 1/3 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, it makes the water pleasant and dissolves mucus and toxins.
At the end of the first fast food should be fresh vegetable salad, mostly from shredded carrots and shredded cabbage. As seasoning can use lemon juice or orange. This dish acts like a broom in the intestine. Then you can eat boiled vegetables, such as stewed tomatoes. You can have a variety of greens - spinach, pumpkin, kale, celery cooked beans or fiber. You should never interrupt the fasting animal products: meat, cheese, fish, nuts and seeds. Over 2 days, do not use any acidic foods.
Any person may, without serious consequences can go without food and water for several days, and only our ignorance makes us fear to die in such a short period of time. published econet.ru
P.S. And remember, just by changing their consumption - together we are changing the world!
Rejuvenation until the disappearance of gray hair - perhaps!
Handling of Kryon to the representatives of all the zodiac signs.