7 habits that can make you a millionaire
According to a survey by Fidelity Investments, 86% of rich people got their status by their own entrepreneurship and innovation. And helped them not only success and personal qualities, but strict adherence to a few simple rules. Want million? Read and follow!1. Make a budget and stick to it Sounds boring, but true millionaires know not only their income but all of their expenses. Write about this Thomas Stanley and William Danko in their book the Millionaire Next Door, which is devoted to the study of the most typical traits and habits common to most millionaires. And this thoroughness of the estimates does not disappear with the emergence of new zeros in the amount of their accounts.
2. Invest primarily in themselves Millionaires don't see money tool for regular pleasures, and, above all, the opportunity for savings and investment. Useful habit that everyone can learn from them is to set aside at least 10% of your income to your savings account.
As noted by financial Advisor Dave Ramsey: "Saving only $100 per month from age 25 to 65 at 12% will give you $1.176.000. Anyone can retire a millionaire!"
Wealthy people make even more: they invest up to 20% of their income. Many experts suggest to follow the rule of 50-30-20, which means that you spend 50% of their income for Essentials, 30% on things like new clothes or travel, and save for the expense of the remaining 20%.
3. Set ambitious goals Rich people pay great attention to the organization of their time — about 81% of millionaires in good faith are to-do lists. And among low-income people, according to research by Thomas Corley, only 9% do it. As we can see, the goal and well thought-out steps to achieve it really bring results.
Guys like, for example, Richard Branson, set themselves ambitious goal, achieve it and do it again. At first it seems that it is simply impossible, but they do it and never stop.
4. Live modestly Most millionaires continue to live a fairly modest lifestyle even when they can afford almost everything. Legendary investor Warren Buffett lives in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska that he bought for $31 500 in 1958, even before he made his billions. The majority of American millionaires buy used cars. The most popular brand is Toyota.
The obsession with consumption is a typical feature for most American rich. This is especially true of people who received the money not by inheritance or winning the lottery, but through hard work, perseverance, planning and, above all, self discipline.
5. Work on yourself on a global scale, according to the Economist, more than half of millionaires have their own business, and only a measly 16 per cent inherited their money.
"Really rich people try not to depend on one income and try to have multiple sources of income", says Grant Cardone, author of "The 10X Rule".
6. Build the right connections If you want to become successful in business, you will have to spend time networking with people who are successful entrepreneurs. Just as musicians strive to spend time in a circle of fellow musicians, and writers will find themselves among the authors. Not that they limit their communication to only that circle, but much of the time it is good to use it in a professional environment.
7. Treat money as a tool, not the main goal, a Characteristic feature of many of these millionaires is no cult of money. They just go to their goal, and money are just a nice bonus along the way.
"Love what you do, do not cease to develop professionally, and wealth will come to you, sooner or later," writes Stanley book the Millionaire Mind. It's hard to argue with that.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: 5sfer.com/19357-7-privychek-sposobnye-sdelat-iz-vas-millionera.html#main
2. Invest primarily in themselves Millionaires don't see money tool for regular pleasures, and, above all, the opportunity for savings and investment. Useful habit that everyone can learn from them is to set aside at least 10% of your income to your savings account.
As noted by financial Advisor Dave Ramsey: "Saving only $100 per month from age 25 to 65 at 12% will give you $1.176.000. Anyone can retire a millionaire!"
Wealthy people make even more: they invest up to 20% of their income. Many experts suggest to follow the rule of 50-30-20, which means that you spend 50% of their income for Essentials, 30% on things like new clothes or travel, and save for the expense of the remaining 20%.
3. Set ambitious goals Rich people pay great attention to the organization of their time — about 81% of millionaires in good faith are to-do lists. And among low-income people, according to research by Thomas Corley, only 9% do it. As we can see, the goal and well thought-out steps to achieve it really bring results.
Guys like, for example, Richard Branson, set themselves ambitious goal, achieve it and do it again. At first it seems that it is simply impossible, but they do it and never stop.

4. Live modestly Most millionaires continue to live a fairly modest lifestyle even when they can afford almost everything. Legendary investor Warren Buffett lives in the same house in Omaha, Nebraska that he bought for $31 500 in 1958, even before he made his billions. The majority of American millionaires buy used cars. The most popular brand is Toyota.
The obsession with consumption is a typical feature for most American rich. This is especially true of people who received the money not by inheritance or winning the lottery, but through hard work, perseverance, planning and, above all, self discipline.
5. Work on yourself on a global scale, according to the Economist, more than half of millionaires have their own business, and only a measly 16 per cent inherited their money.
"Really rich people try not to depend on one income and try to have multiple sources of income", says Grant Cardone, author of "The 10X Rule".
6. Build the right connections If you want to become successful in business, you will have to spend time networking with people who are successful entrepreneurs. Just as musicians strive to spend time in a circle of fellow musicians, and writers will find themselves among the authors. Not that they limit their communication to only that circle, but much of the time it is good to use it in a professional environment.
7. Treat money as a tool, not the main goal, a Characteristic feature of many of these millionaires is no cult of money. They just go to their goal, and money are just a nice bonus along the way.
"Love what you do, do not cease to develop professionally, and wealth will come to you, sooner or later," writes Stanley book the Millionaire Mind. It's hard to argue with that.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: 5sfer.com/19357-7-privychek-sposobnye-sdelat-iz-vas-millionera.html#main