The benefits of fasting for kidney disease

Kidney disease successfully treated by fasting. So from the first days of fasting in patients with chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis is declining, the number of red blood cells and protein in the urine. With the passage of the starving acidotic crisis in most cases, tests of these patients come back to normal. To achieve these results through traditional methods of treatment usually takes several weeks of active treatment a variety of drugs and the result is never as complete. All of this is because fasting significantly reduces the load on the kidneys.
In our body kidneys are one of the main organs of excretion. And you can call them direct excretory body – they filter the blood, display excess water, waste substances resulting from metabolic processes in the cells of the body, unused substances resulting from the digestion of food, drugs, etc. All this diluted with water, filtered from blood plasma. It must be remembered that virtually all the liquid entering the body gets in our blood undergoes various transformations in the body /purified, structured, is heated or cooled/ what consumes a large amount of energy, and only after that transformed into the urine. Therefore, the quality of drinking water greatly affects our health. Drink good and clean water, do not skimp on your health!
But our kidneys, is not some separate entity living its own life – they are an integral part of our body. And it's quite sturdy body. In order to damage the kidneys need to work hard. Their injury – most often a consequence of malfunctions of other organs and systems, respectively, and need to treat the whole body. In order to cure the diseases of the kidneys need to restore order in the organism as a whole. The best way to restore lost health – fasting. Only it allows the body to self-correct all violations in its activities. But it does not affect a specific organ or system, and has a healing effect on all organs and systems of our body.
In most diseases of the kidneys fasting gives a tangible positive effect. If an ordinary medicinal methods of treatment, the load on the kidneys does not decrease, but rather increases due to the allocation through them of the decay products of drugs, the fasting load on the kidneys is significantly reduced. So if in the first days of starvation, there are significant changes in urine even in healthy people, the transition to internal power after the passing of the crisis there is a persistent normalization of urine composition. Urine is a sick person comes quickly to normal – disappears protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes, decreases the amount of salt excreted in the urine. So in the treatment of glomerulonephritis that would remove the aggravation, which is usually manifested by increasing the amount of protein, red blood cells, swelling, need long-term treatment with various drugs. When using starvation at 3-4 day sick "get soaked" and reduces swelling, normal amount of output fluid significantly decreases the amount excreted in the urine protein and red blood cells. With continued starvation, the composition of urine normal in a few days after the acidotic crisis and remains normal the entire period of starvation.
Similarly, effectively starvation in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Moreover, the effect occurs regardless of the causative agent of the disease. So, in ancient times, fasting has been used successfully to treat venericheskie diseases. Pyelonephritis, starvation quite quickly removes the aggravation, reduced voiding /frequent uryazhennoy, painful/ decrease and disappear back pain, lower abdomen, normal urinalysis /disappear leukocytes, elevated protein, bacteria and salt.
There is a good effect for kidney stones. Even quite significant kidney stones in the application of prolonged fasting excreted from the kidneys. Small "pebbles", the sand can move and when the average periods of fasting. Moreover, the passage of kidney stones during fasting is less painful. In some cases, in renal stone disease, it is necessary to conduct pre-cleaning procedures and to comply with certain "kamagrabuy" diet.
It must be remembered that the kidneys are very closely connected with the liver. Often kidney disease – is a consequence of the inability of the liver to properly perform its function. Therefore, it is particularly important to carry out cleaning procedures prior to starvation and diet after.
In most cases, properly conducted fasting combined with cleansing procedures and a sensible diet, gives good results in most renal diseases.
Duration of fasting depends on the earlier cleansing procedures, the severity and duration of the disease, even though fasting to the crisis in a tangible positive effect. In the initial stages of starvation is possible to use my own urine, which is a good diuretic, especially when edema.
In conclusion, we can say that different schools have accumulated a huge positive experience of the use of fasting in various diseases of the kidneys, only need not afraid to use it!
Source: golodanie-da.ru/zren.htm
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