To think about fasting, but do not know where to start? This article will tell you how I was starving for the first time.
A bit of fasting, the first time I learned about it in 2013, when he moved to a raw food diet. However, if I was not ready to starvation. After the first year of a raw food diet, I almost always like to eat. Two years later, in 2015, I decided to try fasting, though in the cold did not dare to deprive themselves of food and energy.
Therefore, with the first arrival of a small heat I decided to starve for the purpose of:
1) slightly reduce the amount of food consumed, since I overeat.
2) to give the internal organs a little breather and time to recover.
3) to cleanse the body of toxins.
4) was curious if I can stand 7 days without food, and at the exit 7 days on juices.
5) due to fasting to get rid of the habit of getting up at night and eat.
And on February 24, 2015. I suddenly decided to start fasting. Without pre-treatment, on the eve ate as usual (fruits and vegetables), and woke up this morning, I decided not to eat. It was some kind of intuitive desire.
My Account at the beginning of fasting: weight 72 kg, height 174 cm
. Day pervyy.24.02.2015.
In the morning feeling good, without the usual morning salad and fruit. By the power lunch has become even greater. The whole first day was surprisingly easy. The only felt a temporary weakness when falling sharply the level of blood sugar. Of course, the whole day thinking about food as served in the restaurant and food everywhere. Many drinking water seems to me, one day drank more than 3 liters of pure water from a reverse osmosis system. In the evening, well I go to the toilet. At the end of the day the first weight decreased by 1 kg dropped from 72 to 71 kg. In the evening, showers and sleeping 00.40.
Day vtoroy.25.02.2015.
I woke up at 6.40 in the morning easily. At night, I did not wake up, afraid that will stand up and sing something, but everything went smoothly. I felt no great weakness. Arriving at work, immediately I began to do business, to switch yourself from thinking about food. The second day was too easy. Hunger is a little dulled. Though eat psychologically wanted more, but I drank a lot of water more than 3 liters. On the second day I felt a slight discomfort in his left side, and in the kidney area. At the end of the day I went to the toilet, and later put an enema. Weight dropped by 1 kg. Before going to bed I felt weak and small merzlyavost. In the evening, a shower and sleep in 00.30
Day tretiy.26.02.2015.
My first day off. I woke up at 8:30 and felt that my strength left. I drank water and went on business. He was released only for dinner. The whole day was drinking a lot of water, at least 3 liters. Talk not much like. My speech was slow and needed more time to gather thoughts in a heap. From goal to read a lot, it did not work. The brain refused to work. At 17.00 I dressed warmly because I was cold, and slept for 3 hours. I woke up and felt more cheerful, but not for long. I thought about eating a little, as ruled eye contact with her. Taking a shower, went to bed at 22.00. Weight minus 1 kg more.
Day chetvertyy.27.02.2015.
I woke up at 8.00 hours. In the morning, I passed the tests - on a common blood and urine, everything is normal. The weakness was in the whole body. By the way, during the fasting every night I began to dream dreams. Today for example, I ran all night. Starting from the first day of fasting, a few times a day I was cleaning the tongue with a spoon on a white plaque. The day 3 times brushing his teeth, because the smell has appeared unpleasant. All day long, I almost did not go out of the house. Only a couple of times to get some air. And so easy to lay, I drank water and slept. Taking a shower, went to bed at 22.30. Another minus 1 kg.
Day pyatyy.28.02.2015.
I woke up at 9.00. Slept well, I had dreams. On the morning of the usual water treatment and "breakfast" a good glass of water. For general weakness and dizziness added. Half of the day lain, and in the afternoon went on business. Home arrived in the evening. By the way, my movements for a few days of fasting became very slow and legs when walking reluctantly obeyed me. Another found unpleasant moment for himself began to freeze. Before bedtime do an enema, I took a shower and went to bed 21.30. Minus 1 kg.
Day shestoy.01.03.2015.
I woke up at 6.30. Weakness only intensified. I came to work and realized that the barely walk. Force left me, and the usual things become simply unaffordable. Plus the added temptation to eat, because it is everywhere and all around pleasant smells soar. By the way, I notice that the second day of fasting smell intensified. I began to feel more acutely familiar flavors for me. All day I was thinking about food. It moved with great reluctance, wanted to lie down and not move. They came to the idea that it is time to tie with starvation and out, but to motivate yourself, I decided to go to the end. My weight dropped to 66.5 kg. He came home in the evening I felt squeezed like a lemon. I took a shower and went to bed at 00.10.
Day sedmoy.02.03.2015.
I woke up at 6.40. I slept well, the state was a little better than yesterday. I came to work I realized that today would be for me. Weak though she was, but my head was spinning so not. Hunger slowly disappeared. But the thought of food is constantly spinning in my head. I noticed such a thing, that during the whole period of fasting urine color was yellow, though usually much lighter and smell unpleasant. Apparently this is because the process of cleaning the body takes place. As usual all day were cold feet and hands, and I have prevailed chills. In the evening, coming home, I felt a surge of strength. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the goal is reached, and the thought of the imminent release of starvation attached forces. After bathing, I went to bed at 23.20. Weight minus 1 kg.
Day Eight. Exit from starvation 03.03.2015.
I woke up easily in 6.40. I came to work with the idea that I could still go hungry. But as I originally set a goal to fast for 7 days. The recommendations that I have seen in books on fasting, fasting is not advised for the first time more than 7 days. Therefore, I decided to go slowly. The first thing that got in my stomach for 7 days, it was the volume of fresh mandarin 250g plus 300g of water. I drank this drink for 40 minutes with a very great pleasure. At lunch, I decided to drink fresh carrot 250g to 300g of water and drank for an hour.
Later in the afternoon I drank orange juice 250g to 300g of water drank for 30 minut.Priehal home, bathed and went to bed in a good mood in 00.20.Ves ceased to lose for the time of fasting, I eventually lost 7 kg, my weight went from 72 up to 65 kg.
The ninth day. Exit from starvation 04.03.2015.
I woke up early at 6.30. I came to work, made a fresh mandarin 250g plus 250g water drinking 30 minutes. The dinner drink fresh carrot of 250 grams plus 200 grams of water. In the evening, he made a fresh amount of 300 grams of carrots, celery and apple. The weight has not changed. In the evening, put a cleansing enema.
The tenth day. Exit from starvation 05.03.2015.
I woke up at 6.30. In the morning fresh mandarin 250g plus 250g of water.
At lunch 250g apple Frechet water 200g and half apple. In the evening, fresh 250g celery, apples and carrots. During the day, I ate a couple of tangerines (drank juice from them) .Vernulsya 1 kg.
Day Eleven. Exit from starvation 06.03.2015.
I woke up at 7.30. He drank and ate fresh apple 1 apple.
By lunchtime, I saw a slight fever, chills all day was held, it was a bit cold. At lunchtime drinking orange juice 250g, a little later a small vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper, greens) .Vecherom eaten apple. The general condition of the broken, felt a little temperature.
The twelfth day. Exit from starvation 07.03.2015.
Morning woke up at 8.00, fell ill. I drank fresh orange 250gr. Pomeroy temperature was 37.8. All day long lain shook in a duvet I was cold. For lunch I eat vegetable roll and drank fresh mandarin 250g. In the evening, I ate 1 apple. I strongly propotel night, I was cold, then hot. For a long time I was not tormented by such symptoms similar to something catarrhal.
Day thirteen. Exit from starvation 08.03.2015.
Morning woke up there was no temperature. I ate several tangerines. The dinner drink fresh apple 250g. By the way, in the afternoon I started to overcome deep nasty cough. Later in the afternoon I started to cough cough phlegm, it came not so much. I drank orange juice 250g and went to bed. Weight 67 kg. (Back 2kg)
The result of my fasting.
1) I was able to hold 7 days on the water, without food, water, drank from a reverse osmosis system.
2) exit from starvation was as follows: 2 days i drank strictly juices with water, then 4 days of juice and a bit of fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables
. 3) every two days during the fasting enema set himself.
4) lost 7 kg in 7 days of fasting.
5) the whole time I was tormented by hunger and weakness merzlyavost.
6) at the time of exit from fasting I have experienced symptoms similar to a cold.
7) after the release of starvation I woke up very hungry after 3 weeks my weight back to the old 72 kg.
The conclusion and some advice.
Fasting does help open up new possibilities of the body. Through fasting easier you can go on a raw food diet. Taste buds are cleaned, there is lightness in the body.
During fasting is better to be away from the food. More time to spend outdoors. Try to move more. The best time for fasting - this summer or spring. Ideal starve to someone in a pair, so it will be easier to bear moral difficulties.
This article I wrote a year ago, even during fasting. Now I decided to lay out as wanted to go hungry again and share new experiences. The topic of hunger for me is relevant, I want to try to combine the hunger and physical activity. In my case it is a training in the gym and CrossFit workout. What will come of it, we learn in a short time. So stay tuned.
Author Dmitri Bashirov