The feast of the Epiphany in Moscow will be 59 fonts

In the night from 18 for January 19, 2015 at the Christian feast of the Epiphany of the Lord opens 59 bathing areas, equipped with lights, changing rooms and tents with hot tea. Ponds will be on duty rescuers, police and ambulance.
16 fonts will open on specially protected natural territories of Moscow on the initiative Mospeada, MOE and Prefectural districts.
Before you plunge into the hole, you should be familiar with the rules of swimming in cold water:
1). it is not recommended to take in the hole for more than 2 minutes on an empty stomach. You need to eat at least an hour before bathing;
2). until the hole needs to go in the Shoe (preferably by rubber Slippers), the legs do not have time to freeze. To undress before bathing must gradually: first to take off his clothes in a few minutes to be naked before bathing suit;
3). for warmth you can put on body fat cream or drink a tablespoon of fish oil. It is also desirable to warm up with squats, jumps and slopes.
4). during the descent into the hole need to be extremely careful and hold the railings. Immersion in water should be done gradually. If at the time it begins with a clouding of consciousness, an urgent need to leave the water and seek medical help. In addition, it is not recommended to immerse it in cold water with a head;
5). after a bath you need to towel (or wear a warm Bathrobe and Slippers), then dress up and enjoy a hot drink;
6). bathing in the hole threat for people with respiratory diseases and diseases of the kidneys, weak heart, problems with blood pressure. If it is high, then in ice water may be vasospasm or minor stroke. If low, there is a danger of seizures or loss of consciousness;
7). when bathing in the hole it is forbidden to leave children unattended to go on the ice in large groups and go on the road and drink alcohol;
8). a few days after the dive, you may see effects, particularly the neurological sense, so before bathing it is necessary to take into account if you have symptoms seek medical help from a neurologist.
Source: greencityreview.ru/flower-news/987-k-prazdniku-kreshcheniya-v-moskve-poyavyatsya-59-kupelej