Lunar fasting: an effective and efficient option
starvation process will be more effective if carried out, taking into account its natural biological rhythms of nature. Arbitrary deprivation reduces the expected result may appear different difficulties and negative consequences that discourage any desire to repeat the process again starvation. What you need to know about the lunar fasting to effectively apply Biorhythmological factors for a successful fasting?
It is proved that the seasons of the moon fasting have different effects on all life processes that occur in the human body, with two major events - the energy of the cosmos and climate
The energy aspect is more often seen in times of Sun's entry into the phase of elements called Fire. This can be seen in the astrological sign of Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. In addition, a large amount of gravitational energy falls on the earth during the winter solstice. The process of the lunar fasting in this period of time flows more easily and effectively.
It's no wonder all positions held during these periods, particularly long periods - Christmas and Lent
. Climatic conditions due to cold and heat or humidity and dryness can contribute to the process of fasting or on the contrary hinder it.
For example, the warm and humid climatic conditions best suited to the lunar fasting. In Petrov post, which falls on the beginning of the summer season, there is an intensive biological reactions, elimination of different tumors and active cleansing the body of toxins.
In winter time, cold and dry weather may slow down the process of purification in colloids cells and reduce the effects of starvation. To neutralize this negative impact, it is necessary to spend a large amount of wet treatments and warm.
In the summer, the fasting process is more difficult due to the relaxing effect of solar power, although the process of purification is more intense. In winter, lunar fasting easier to carry out, as cold and gravitational energy contributes to toning the body, but the purification process is slower and weaker.
Good to spend long periods of starvation during periods of calm and balance in nature - spring and autumn equinox
. Just as it happens in most mammals. They rejuvenate and purify your body by means of fasting, they occur a surge of vitality and energy, which manifests itself in sexual activity. The so-called spring-autumn rut.
It is also necessary to take into account the lunar cycle before the start of the lunar fasting. Lunar month imposes a very strong imprint on all the processes that occur in the human body. It is the most important, as it there days and times when the body is self-cleaning, or vice versa.
The movement of the Moon and its periods of rise in the world phenomenon - the tides. Their effect on the human body is reflected in two phenomena:
the first - a part of our body enters the water, and therefore we are dependent on the tides;
the second -. it is constantly changing gravitational influence on the part of the Moon, our body is easier, on the contrary harder
If you spend fasting, taking into account the principles of the lunar cycle, you will ensure a positive outcome.
Consider the basic rules of the lunar fasting:
1. Fasting to 7 days just to spend more favorable in the II or IV phase of the lunar cycle. During this period, the body is cleaned naturally, and you just are contributing to this process.
2. Fasting, which lasts more than 7 days, plan so that a greater number of days of the lunar fasting had on the above phases of the moon.
3. Fasting prolonged periods should be planned so that the stage of completion of the famine coincided with the beginning of the lunar month. During this time, the body naturally to clean, and you will be able to quickly enter the biorhythms of its work.
If you are completely sure of yourself and you're already there experience prolonged fasting, the process is fast start at the beginning of the lunar cycle, and get out of hunger after it. This is the most effective and efficient option lunar fasting.
It is proved that the seasons of the moon fasting have different effects on all life processes that occur in the human body, with two major events - the energy of the cosmos and climate

The energy aspect is more often seen in times of Sun's entry into the phase of elements called Fire. This can be seen in the astrological sign of Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. In addition, a large amount of gravitational energy falls on the earth during the winter solstice. The process of the lunar fasting in this period of time flows more easily and effectively.
It's no wonder all positions held during these periods, particularly long periods - Christmas and Lent
. Climatic conditions due to cold and heat or humidity and dryness can contribute to the process of fasting or on the contrary hinder it.
For example, the warm and humid climatic conditions best suited to the lunar fasting. In Petrov post, which falls on the beginning of the summer season, there is an intensive biological reactions, elimination of different tumors and active cleansing the body of toxins.
In winter time, cold and dry weather may slow down the process of purification in colloids cells and reduce the effects of starvation. To neutralize this negative impact, it is necessary to spend a large amount of wet treatments and warm.
In the summer, the fasting process is more difficult due to the relaxing effect of solar power, although the process of purification is more intense. In winter, lunar fasting easier to carry out, as cold and gravitational energy contributes to toning the body, but the purification process is slower and weaker.
Good to spend long periods of starvation during periods of calm and balance in nature - spring and autumn equinox
. Just as it happens in most mammals. They rejuvenate and purify your body by means of fasting, they occur a surge of vitality and energy, which manifests itself in sexual activity. The so-called spring-autumn rut.
It is also necessary to take into account the lunar cycle before the start of the lunar fasting. Lunar month imposes a very strong imprint on all the processes that occur in the human body. It is the most important, as it there days and times when the body is self-cleaning, or vice versa.
The movement of the Moon and its periods of rise in the world phenomenon - the tides. Their effect on the human body is reflected in two phenomena:
the first - a part of our body enters the water, and therefore we are dependent on the tides;
the second -. it is constantly changing gravitational influence on the part of the Moon, our body is easier, on the contrary harder
If you spend fasting, taking into account the principles of the lunar cycle, you will ensure a positive outcome.
Consider the basic rules of the lunar fasting:
1. Fasting to 7 days just to spend more favorable in the II or IV phase of the lunar cycle. During this period, the body is cleaned naturally, and you just are contributing to this process.
2. Fasting, which lasts more than 7 days, plan so that a greater number of days of the lunar fasting had on the above phases of the moon.
3. Fasting prolonged periods should be planned so that the stage of completion of the famine coincided with the beginning of the lunar month. During this time, the body naturally to clean, and you will be able to quickly enter the biorhythms of its work.
If you are completely sure of yourself and you're already there experience prolonged fasting, the process is fast start at the beginning of the lunar cycle, and get out of hunger after it. This is the most effective and efficient option lunar fasting.