Instructions of the Elders of Balaam, helping to save the soul
Visit to Valaam It is a thrilling event in the life of any Christian who dares to go to the famous island. And the Valaam Spaso-Transfiguration Monastery itself became a real place of power. You can get there by following strict rules. And to touch the wisdom of the elders of Valaam, it is enough to read our article. Today. "Site" It will tell us what the sages predicted.
One of the most famous prophets of Balaam is the monk Abel. When he was first visited by prophetic visions, he went on a journey through the world. The first prediction of the elder came true a hundred years later. It was about the death of the royal family. But that’s not all of Abel’s predictions. By the way, there are other Valaam elders whose prophecies about the future of Russia have come true.
GettyImages Alexy Valaamsky said that the power of Orthodoxy will subside. I think this refers to the history of the USSR and the prosperity of atheism. However, the elder warned that Orthodoxy would revive and become even stronger. You could say that's what happened.
But there were predictions of Alexis and other warnings. The elder assured that sooner or later a king kissed by God would ascend to the throne. A true reformer with a strong hand will be devoted to the Orthodox faith. His pure soul and thoughts will help to revive the former power of Russia. The tsar will come from the Romanov dynasty through his mother.
When exactly this will happen, the Valaam sage did not say. However, it is interesting that his prophecy is similar to the prediction of the monk Abel about the modern rulers of Russia. He recorded it in the manuscript, which was closed in the royal box. The Elder gave orders to read the prophecy 100 years later. The manuscript was published by Nicholas II.
Abel’s prediction was studied by modern experts. “A giant will bring on the shoulders of a half-bald, half-haired Southern family. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He'll change his appearance twice. Rus will suffer great disasters from him. Under his reign, there will be 2 wars on the Promethean Mountains lasting 15 years, the manuscript says.
But the most attention was drawn to the following entry: “And then they will put on the throne an unintelligent young man. But soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven away. After him will come the most terrible for Russia 10 tsars per hour. It is difficult to say exactly what the monk Abel meant. Many people think that the era of impostors has not yet begun, and there can be no talk of 10 kings. However, the words of the elder can be interpreted in different ways.
However, Abel has another prophecy: “In Russia there will be great joy in the return of the crown and the acceptance under the crown of the whole great tree.” The monk believed that sooner or later Russia's affairs would go uphill. The same visions came to other elders of Balaam.
In December 1939, during the Soviet-Finnish war, one Valaam elder had 3 visions. In the first he saw the Mother of God, St. John the Baptist and St. Seraphim of Sarov. They prayed to God not to leave Russia. But the Savior replied, “In Russia, the abomination of desolation, the corruption of morals, the decline of faith and piety are so great that it is no longer possible to tolerate these iniquities.”
Despite these words, the saints continued to pray. And then the Savior said that he would not leave Russia for 7 weeks, that is, 49 years. Russia was protected until 1988, when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power.
In the 2nd vision, the elder again saw the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, who prayed for the salvation of Russia. And the Savior replied: “I divided Russia in the hope of repentance, but to the former sins was added the total drunkenness.” The saints prayed even more, and the Saviour agreed to protect Russia for 4 or 28 years. I mean, until 2016.
In the 3rd vision, the wise man saw the future. The Mother of God stood before her son and prayed for the salvation of Russia. He said, “Not only the people have departed from me, but the church itself.” The prayer of the Mother of God was so strong that her Son took pity and promised to preserve Russia for the next 14 years. However, he said that the country is waiting for a series of great punishments.
It turns out that the final collapse awaits Russia in 2030. True, reality says otherwise. It is believed that this can happen much earlier than in 8 years. Do you believe in such predictions?
Editorial advice: visit Valaam If you have plans to visit Valaam, keep a few tips. Firstly, it is best to go in the summer, because in Karelia at this time it is warmest. Lake Ladoga has fewer storms from June to August. This is important because the way to Valaam is by water. With the rules of entry into the territory of the monastery you can read the link.
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One of the most famous prophets of Balaam is the monk Abel. When he was first visited by prophetic visions, he went on a journey through the world. The first prediction of the elder came true a hundred years later. It was about the death of the royal family. But that’s not all of Abel’s predictions. By the way, there are other Valaam elders whose prophecies about the future of Russia have come true.

GettyImages Alexy Valaamsky said that the power of Orthodoxy will subside. I think this refers to the history of the USSR and the prosperity of atheism. However, the elder warned that Orthodoxy would revive and become even stronger. You could say that's what happened.
But there were predictions of Alexis and other warnings. The elder assured that sooner or later a king kissed by God would ascend to the throne. A true reformer with a strong hand will be devoted to the Orthodox faith. His pure soul and thoughts will help to revive the former power of Russia. The tsar will come from the Romanov dynasty through his mother.

When exactly this will happen, the Valaam sage did not say. However, it is interesting that his prophecy is similar to the prediction of the monk Abel about the modern rulers of Russia. He recorded it in the manuscript, which was closed in the royal box. The Elder gave orders to read the prophecy 100 years later. The manuscript was published by Nicholas II.
Abel’s prediction was studied by modern experts. “A giant will bring on the shoulders of a half-bald, half-haired Southern family. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He'll change his appearance twice. Rus will suffer great disasters from him. Under his reign, there will be 2 wars on the Promethean Mountains lasting 15 years, the manuscript says.

But the most attention was drawn to the following entry: “And then they will put on the throne an unintelligent young man. But soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven away. After him will come the most terrible for Russia 10 tsars per hour. It is difficult to say exactly what the monk Abel meant. Many people think that the era of impostors has not yet begun, and there can be no talk of 10 kings. However, the words of the elder can be interpreted in different ways.
However, Abel has another prophecy: “In Russia there will be great joy in the return of the crown and the acceptance under the crown of the whole great tree.” The monk believed that sooner or later Russia's affairs would go uphill. The same visions came to other elders of Balaam.
In December 1939, during the Soviet-Finnish war, one Valaam elder had 3 visions. In the first he saw the Mother of God, St. John the Baptist and St. Seraphim of Sarov. They prayed to God not to leave Russia. But the Savior replied, “In Russia, the abomination of desolation, the corruption of morals, the decline of faith and piety are so great that it is no longer possible to tolerate these iniquities.”

Despite these words, the saints continued to pray. And then the Savior said that he would not leave Russia for 7 weeks, that is, 49 years. Russia was protected until 1988, when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power.
In the 2nd vision, the elder again saw the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, who prayed for the salvation of Russia. And the Savior replied: “I divided Russia in the hope of repentance, but to the former sins was added the total drunkenness.” The saints prayed even more, and the Saviour agreed to protect Russia for 4 or 28 years. I mean, until 2016.

In the 3rd vision, the wise man saw the future. The Mother of God stood before her son and prayed for the salvation of Russia. He said, “Not only the people have departed from me, but the church itself.” The prayer of the Mother of God was so strong that her Son took pity and promised to preserve Russia for the next 14 years. However, he said that the country is waiting for a series of great punishments.
It turns out that the final collapse awaits Russia in 2030. True, reality says otherwise. It is believed that this can happen much earlier than in 8 years. Do you believe in such predictions?
Editorial advice: visit Valaam If you have plans to visit Valaam, keep a few tips. Firstly, it is best to go in the summer, because in Karelia at this time it is warmest. Lake Ladoga has fewer storms from June to August. This is important because the way to Valaam is by water. With the rules of entry into the territory of the monastery you can read the link.
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