Elder Ephraim warned that we are going to experience terrible things, but we should not be afraid of it.
Spiritual enlightenment It is important at any time, and now we all need it! Let us turn to the revelation of Archimandrite Ephraim of Felathea, popularly known as Elder Ephraim of Arizona.
Elder Ephraim had a prophetic gift from the Lord God. He is known for a number of fulfilled predictions. “These are different times. God’s judgments are taking place in our time. A huge tornado sweeps everything in its path. Hold fast to the tradition I have handed down to you, and know that today, when we say that Jesus Christ is our God, it is a true confession of faith. The dark forces do not want this! he said.
Today's edition. "Site" Tell me why. Elder Ephraim He told us not to be afraid. Terrible events are coming...
He who does not speak the name of Christ and the Mother of God daily is not a Christian. Only prayer helped. endureThose who fell in the life of an old man.
Today we suffer from despair and impatience, and it is they who depart from the devil. It is worth remembering that those who fall into despair weaken spiritually.
The basis of all our lives is patience, and when there is none, life collapses before our eyes. There is now a time when fear reigns everywhere that catastrophic events will happen, and they will happen in the future literally every day. That is why it is very important to turn to God, to go to temples.
“I once saw Christ sitting on the throne, and beside him the Virgin and the ranks of angels and saints. They waited for Christ to give them a sign, to nod their heads, to rush to help people in a new difficult situation.
When we constantly fill our hearts with Christ, our faith grows stronger every day and we can resist all temptations. The Mother of God constantly prays for us to God and asks Him that we have the strength and ability to rejoice in all circumstances!
If a person experiences hell in this life and treats this situation spiritually, with gratitude to God, then with his departure to the other world, he will safely bypass all the torments and fall directly into the arms of Christ. But if a man instead blasphemes the Lord, he will receive a punishment in this world and the Hereafter.
Those who pass with dignity all the trials that God sends us today will go to heaven. Elder Ephraim saw paradise in his lifetime. “There are no old and unhappy people, all people are young and smiling.” They will know the structure of God’s world! he said.
It is important to establish your spiritual life and live according to conscience. Every day should be filled with love, no matter what happens. This is the only way to meet God later!
Ephraim of Arizona said, “Faith will be shaken to its foundation.” The reason for war is that people began to worship the flesh, not the spirit. Years of grief are coming. When we see wars, earthquakes and other disasters, the end is near. If the prophecies of the saints are to be believed, much will happen; great things will happen in the last days. The word of God and the saints is true and must be trusted.
The test we face is a firm faith in the God-manhood of Jesus, for we believe that Christ was God and became man; that He came to earth to atone for our sins and cast out the darkness of unbelief and godlessness.
First of all, we must understand that only through faith and humility can we gain the grace of God and witness the great power of Christ. We cannot believe, we cannot even dare to think that we ourselves possess this power. We say of ourselves, “I am weak, I am sinful, I am insignificant, I am the most worthless man.”
Only through humility can we gain Christ And to win in the coming struggle. For wherever Christ goes with his incredible power, he does incredible things. Do not think that our inner strength is sufficient to resist any actions and interference of the devil and his associates. That's not true. Man is weak, he has nothing to oppose to vice except the power of God.
I also propose to familiarize yourself with the latest prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov about what will happen next and what the whole world is preparing for today. St. Seraphim, please grant us peace!
Spiritual support of Elder Ephraim Big one. He left many philosophical notes and instructions behind him.
“Those who recite the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me) with God’s help will overcome all that is coming.” Have love and agreement with yourself. Pray to Christ and the Most Holy Mother of God, may the angels of God accompany you! And these words are very important for every Orthodox person!
Elder Ephraim had a prophetic gift from the Lord God. He is known for a number of fulfilled predictions. “These are different times. God’s judgments are taking place in our time. A huge tornado sweeps everything in its path. Hold fast to the tradition I have handed down to you, and know that today, when we say that Jesus Christ is our God, it is a true confession of faith. The dark forces do not want this! he said.
Today's edition. "Site" Tell me why. Elder Ephraim He told us not to be afraid. Terrible events are coming...

He who does not speak the name of Christ and the Mother of God daily is not a Christian. Only prayer helped. endureThose who fell in the life of an old man.
Today we suffer from despair and impatience, and it is they who depart from the devil. It is worth remembering that those who fall into despair weaken spiritually.

The basis of all our lives is patience, and when there is none, life collapses before our eyes. There is now a time when fear reigns everywhere that catastrophic events will happen, and they will happen in the future literally every day. That is why it is very important to turn to God, to go to temples.
“I once saw Christ sitting on the throne, and beside him the Virgin and the ranks of angels and saints. They waited for Christ to give them a sign, to nod their heads, to rush to help people in a new difficult situation.
When we constantly fill our hearts with Christ, our faith grows stronger every day and we can resist all temptations. The Mother of God constantly prays for us to God and asks Him that we have the strength and ability to rejoice in all circumstances!

If a person experiences hell in this life and treats this situation spiritually, with gratitude to God, then with his departure to the other world, he will safely bypass all the torments and fall directly into the arms of Christ. But if a man instead blasphemes the Lord, he will receive a punishment in this world and the Hereafter.
Those who pass with dignity all the trials that God sends us today will go to heaven. Elder Ephraim saw paradise in his lifetime. “There are no old and unhappy people, all people are young and smiling.” They will know the structure of God’s world! he said.

It is important to establish your spiritual life and live according to conscience. Every day should be filled with love, no matter what happens. This is the only way to meet God later!
Ephraim of Arizona said, “Faith will be shaken to its foundation.” The reason for war is that people began to worship the flesh, not the spirit. Years of grief are coming. When we see wars, earthquakes and other disasters, the end is near. If the prophecies of the saints are to be believed, much will happen; great things will happen in the last days. The word of God and the saints is true and must be trusted.

The test we face is a firm faith in the God-manhood of Jesus, for we believe that Christ was God and became man; that He came to earth to atone for our sins and cast out the darkness of unbelief and godlessness.
First of all, we must understand that only through faith and humility can we gain the grace of God and witness the great power of Christ. We cannot believe, we cannot even dare to think that we ourselves possess this power. We say of ourselves, “I am weak, I am sinful, I am insignificant, I am the most worthless man.”

Only through humility can we gain Christ And to win in the coming struggle. For wherever Christ goes with his incredible power, he does incredible things. Do not think that our inner strength is sufficient to resist any actions and interference of the devil and his associates. That's not true. Man is weak, he has nothing to oppose to vice except the power of God.
I also propose to familiarize yourself with the latest prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov about what will happen next and what the whole world is preparing for today. St. Seraphim, please grant us peace!

Spiritual support of Elder Ephraim Big one. He left many philosophical notes and instructions behind him.
“Those who recite the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me) with God’s help will overcome all that is coming.” Have love and agreement with yourself. Pray to Christ and the Most Holy Mother of God, may the angels of God accompany you! And these words are very important for every Orthodox person!
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