Why do we cease to feel pleasure from what you have
Man begins to lose at the moment when something becomes. No joy doesn't last for him forever. The power of feelings and time erode the sand wonderful, peel gilding first impression. And here he is again alone and the goal again, because all overcomes his worst enemy – a habit.
We choose depending on the resources available and the more of these features, paradoxically, the worse. We choose what they can afford or almost unable, that is, taking a loan or produce additional knowledge, skills and even personality traits to possess. Then finally get it.
But the joy fades quickly. Remains the same "wow-effect". Because we suddenly see that what we chose is not as perfect as we imagined. Or suddenly learn that there is something better. Then, in addition to frustration and regret we still have a sense of guilt and dissatisfaction. These unpleasant sensations is added, and the anger from the fact that you have to pay a loan for what we don't need, and don't like, and that was disappointing. Then there is the regret about the lost opportunities, because any choice is always killing other alternatives. And our psyche is arranged so that the pain of losing is stronger than the joy of possession.
How to work less and make more money? Many people find the answer to this question and get what I want, but it does not bring the expected satisfaction due to hedonic adaptation and the person ceases to feel pleasure from what he has. Our perception, accustomed to share all the "bad" and "good", we think in duality and understand the world of contrasts. Therefore, no matter how well we may be, very quickly the subconscious will divide it "good" to "good" and "bad" the bad reduction of life to a certain level is fun, but after passing this threshold already does not improve our health.
For example, You moved the summer in a new house, very expensive and beautifully decorated. The first month You are enjoying its beauty. Then Your eye begins to notice cracks in the paint, not very comfortable Desk, not a very large stream of water in the bathroom, a little wryly posited tiles – these little things begin to irritate, gradually accumulate. Then Your perception of segments the house into zones. Now he's not entirely like You, but only part of it. One room seems much better than the other. You are already thinking about how to find something better or you are constantly engaged in improving this home.
After a year of living in the house You cease to notice its warmth and comfort, You want often to go to rest. Even after some time, the benefits of the home begin to seem flawed. For example, a house too big for You or the silence around him began to irritate and causes depression.
Even if our choice is very rational, many of the pros turn into cons. Someone from the guru named this effect the psyche of the "pencil effect". Concepts such as "delicacy", "output", "vacation" and "holiday," essential not only for human physiology, how much for the psyche. Investor feels much worse on Saturday than the one who on Monday at work. Human nature sickens complete freedom, because he is lost in it. But the freedom to choose your limits of natural possibility.
Hedonic adaptation is getting used to a certain level of consumption or possession of something at which we cease to experience pleasure.
In itself, the consumption can bring long-term pleasure. Although the Western wise men assure us that people feel happier buying experiences rather than things. Consumption of anything can not satisfy a human being who feels the highest peak of satisfaction, only when doing.
The person who is engaged in creativity, making something, whether it's a shelf in the house, the garden cottage or a new cell phone model, is at the peak of pleasure. Even in our moment of searching and failures, he is more satisfied than someone who buys a new car.
Master-classes on creating things with their hands, whether it's sushi or soap, one of the most popular because many people like to create.
While people are looking for emotion without action that precedes it, they feel frustrated. It is same that try to buy orgasm without sex, sex without love and love without driving each other through all the difficulties, obstacles and fears.
As long as we have families, children and our life for which we are responsible, we have the absolute need for security and a certain comfort level. Despite the commonality of these concepts, for each they own. Someone's feeling of safety and comfort, buying a house in the Ulyanovsk region and there containing his farm and someone needs a big house in Moscow and delivery of products from the private farm. These needs have no relationship to pleasure is a basic human security. Our fears determine our level of life at which we can think about the pleasure.
Suppose a person wanted to be a pilot, but was involved in a serious accident in childhood and was unfit for this job. He had a passion for compensating for the tragedy, is to glue model airplanes. But a huge number of commitments, the need for their property, care for the family really pushed this hobby, it just didn't have time. This man quite impossible to call now satisfied with life, but the situation changes when he reaches a base level of safety and comfort and back again to his hobby.
Hedonic adaptation begins when man forgets about his hobby, about the needs of his soul and can't stop, higher and higher building wall to its security.
The higher our expectations, the more disappointment. Waiting for something, we create a "delicious" way of all kinds of highs, which will test. The more unattainable our dreams, the more inspiring, joyful and promising it seems to us.
Interesting fact – people who do not have experience of using something, weight is such a huge weight of their high expectations that they experience tremendous disappointment.
The person who always flies in business class, doesn't yell at the flight attendants if he has not filed the champagne. Meanwhile, the one who was saving up for these tickets and flies for the first time, requires a level of service that never was on Board. If something is very costly, we raise expectations commensurate with their ideas and wasted effort. If the cost of the product reasonable for us to expect from him adequate to reality.
The girl who works as an accountant and receives a salary of 30 000 rubles, was once presented with a certificate for SPA at the Ritz with a nominal value of 30 000 for six hours. She came with him to the hotel, spent in the SPA all day and... was very disappointed. Scary to think what she was waiting for procedure length is one day that is equivalent in value to the month of its work.
Hedonic adaptation manifests itself not only in positive but also in a negative way. The person gets used to everything – good and bad. And it's addictive to happen faster, the less he would see the contrasts. Permanently residing in the same environment, in a limited circle of people, everyone, even the most absurd and preposterous, begins to seem the norm, and the right norm.
That's why so many people never buy their new phones or even cell phones, not moving from the old dilapidated houses, bad feel in new clothing, do not change the drudgery of work and not even come close to, accustomed to loneliness.
Also people easily adapts to the lack of anything, save, disease, and conflicts. Until he sees or tries something else, being content with what you have. Paradoxically, this "what is" can completely satisfy. A few years later, changing lives, a person may be surprised and puzzled look at the past and think about how he could live in that area with that person and enjoy life.
One of my friends was very fond of expensive cars and even participated in races, buying himself a new Porsche. After moving to America, in Texas, where mostly farming society, she began to dream of a terrible (by our standards) farm Ford pick-up. She had told me about the merits of this machine and that wants to buy it, completely forgetting about their previous Hobbies. When I reminded her about Porsche, she strangely looked at me like a UFO, and said, "It's ugly and irrational machine. And most importantly – it is impractical".
The problem lies not in the choice, and in our relationship to him. Considering himself magazinecharlie person and very serious about treating yourself and your life, fearing the future, we get a neurosis, and the consequences of choosing only reveal his presence. How to save themselves from the negative effects of choice?
People will always choose the best possible. Note – always. So, there are no mistakes, we can't hurt yourself by choosing. Regretting the past, we spend precious moments of the present and the future, and not have to hide behind the statement "I conclude".
I really need a special shampoo or producer need my money?
Be it intuition, mind or emotions, but that's what makes you more credible.
We never know what today will bring us in twenty years, after we make a myriad number of choices.
The more we are wrong the better understand what suits us. And guilt in matters of choice, usually associated with inflated importance of his own person.
Sometimes you also have to remember that I'm not Zeus the Thunderer, or Batman, but just a man. In the end, in life you can always find something to regret, only one question – why? published
Author: Anna Hadrian's Wall
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.psyh.ru/rubric/14/articles/1772/
We choose depending on the resources available and the more of these features, paradoxically, the worse. We choose what they can afford or almost unable, that is, taking a loan or produce additional knowledge, skills and even personality traits to possess. Then finally get it.
But the joy fades quickly. Remains the same "wow-effect". Because we suddenly see that what we chose is not as perfect as we imagined. Or suddenly learn that there is something better. Then, in addition to frustration and regret we still have a sense of guilt and dissatisfaction. These unpleasant sensations is added, and the anger from the fact that you have to pay a loan for what we don't need, and don't like, and that was disappointing. Then there is the regret about the lost opportunities, because any choice is always killing other alternatives. And our psyche is arranged so that the pain of losing is stronger than the joy of possession.

How to work less and make more money? Many people find the answer to this question and get what I want, but it does not bring the expected satisfaction due to hedonic adaptation and the person ceases to feel pleasure from what he has. Our perception, accustomed to share all the "bad" and "good", we think in duality and understand the world of contrasts. Therefore, no matter how well we may be, very quickly the subconscious will divide it "good" to "good" and "bad" the bad reduction of life to a certain level is fun, but after passing this threshold already does not improve our health.
For example, You moved the summer in a new house, very expensive and beautifully decorated. The first month You are enjoying its beauty. Then Your eye begins to notice cracks in the paint, not very comfortable Desk, not a very large stream of water in the bathroom, a little wryly posited tiles – these little things begin to irritate, gradually accumulate. Then Your perception of segments the house into zones. Now he's not entirely like You, but only part of it. One room seems much better than the other. You are already thinking about how to find something better or you are constantly engaged in improving this home.
After a year of living in the house You cease to notice its warmth and comfort, You want often to go to rest. Even after some time, the benefits of the home begin to seem flawed. For example, a house too big for You or the silence around him began to irritate and causes depression.
Even if our choice is very rational, many of the pros turn into cons. Someone from the guru named this effect the psyche of the "pencil effect". Concepts such as "delicacy", "output", "vacation" and "holiday," essential not only for human physiology, how much for the psyche. Investor feels much worse on Saturday than the one who on Monday at work. Human nature sickens complete freedom, because he is lost in it. But the freedom to choose your limits of natural possibility.
Hedonic adaptation is getting used to a certain level of consumption or possession of something at which we cease to experience pleasure.
In itself, the consumption can bring long-term pleasure. Although the Western wise men assure us that people feel happier buying experiences rather than things. Consumption of anything can not satisfy a human being who feels the highest peak of satisfaction, only when doing.
The person who is engaged in creativity, making something, whether it's a shelf in the house, the garden cottage or a new cell phone model, is at the peak of pleasure. Even in our moment of searching and failures, he is more satisfied than someone who buys a new car.
Master-classes on creating things with their hands, whether it's sushi or soap, one of the most popular because many people like to create.
While people are looking for emotion without action that precedes it, they feel frustrated. It is same that try to buy orgasm without sex, sex without love and love without driving each other through all the difficulties, obstacles and fears.
As long as we have families, children and our life for which we are responsible, we have the absolute need for security and a certain comfort level. Despite the commonality of these concepts, for each they own. Someone's feeling of safety and comfort, buying a house in the Ulyanovsk region and there containing his farm and someone needs a big house in Moscow and delivery of products from the private farm. These needs have no relationship to pleasure is a basic human security. Our fears determine our level of life at which we can think about the pleasure.
Suppose a person wanted to be a pilot, but was involved in a serious accident in childhood and was unfit for this job. He had a passion for compensating for the tragedy, is to glue model airplanes. But a huge number of commitments, the need for their property, care for the family really pushed this hobby, it just didn't have time. This man quite impossible to call now satisfied with life, but the situation changes when he reaches a base level of safety and comfort and back again to his hobby.
Hedonic adaptation begins when man forgets about his hobby, about the needs of his soul and can't stop, higher and higher building wall to its security.
The higher our expectations, the more disappointment. Waiting for something, we create a "delicious" way of all kinds of highs, which will test. The more unattainable our dreams, the more inspiring, joyful and promising it seems to us.
Interesting fact – people who do not have experience of using something, weight is such a huge weight of their high expectations that they experience tremendous disappointment.
The person who always flies in business class, doesn't yell at the flight attendants if he has not filed the champagne. Meanwhile, the one who was saving up for these tickets and flies for the first time, requires a level of service that never was on Board. If something is very costly, we raise expectations commensurate with their ideas and wasted effort. If the cost of the product reasonable for us to expect from him adequate to reality.
The girl who works as an accountant and receives a salary of 30 000 rubles, was once presented with a certificate for SPA at the Ritz with a nominal value of 30 000 for six hours. She came with him to the hotel, spent in the SPA all day and... was very disappointed. Scary to think what she was waiting for procedure length is one day that is equivalent in value to the month of its work.
Hedonic adaptation manifests itself not only in positive but also in a negative way. The person gets used to everything – good and bad. And it's addictive to happen faster, the less he would see the contrasts. Permanently residing in the same environment, in a limited circle of people, everyone, even the most absurd and preposterous, begins to seem the norm, and the right norm.
That's why so many people never buy their new phones or even cell phones, not moving from the old dilapidated houses, bad feel in new clothing, do not change the drudgery of work and not even come close to, accustomed to loneliness.
Also people easily adapts to the lack of anything, save, disease, and conflicts. Until he sees or tries something else, being content with what you have. Paradoxically, this "what is" can completely satisfy. A few years later, changing lives, a person may be surprised and puzzled look at the past and think about how he could live in that area with that person and enjoy life.
One of my friends was very fond of expensive cars and even participated in races, buying himself a new Porsche. After moving to America, in Texas, where mostly farming society, she began to dream of a terrible (by our standards) farm Ford pick-up. She had told me about the merits of this machine and that wants to buy it, completely forgetting about their previous Hobbies. When I reminded her about Porsche, she strangely looked at me like a UFO, and said, "It's ugly and irrational machine. And most importantly – it is impractical".
The problem lies not in the choice, and in our relationship to him. Considering himself magazinecharlie person and very serious about treating yourself and your life, fearing the future, we get a neurosis, and the consequences of choosing only reveal his presence. How to save themselves from the negative effects of choice?
People will always choose the best possible. Note – always. So, there are no mistakes, we can't hurt yourself by choosing. Regretting the past, we spend precious moments of the present and the future, and not have to hide behind the statement "I conclude".
I really need a special shampoo or producer need my money?
Be it intuition, mind or emotions, but that's what makes you more credible.
We never know what today will bring us in twenty years, after we make a myriad number of choices.
The more we are wrong the better understand what suits us. And guilt in matters of choice, usually associated with inflated importance of his own person.
Sometimes you also have to remember that I'm not Zeus the Thunderer, or Batman, but just a man. In the end, in life you can always find something to regret, only one question – why? published
Author: Anna Hadrian's Wall
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.psyh.ru/rubric/14/articles/1772/