Drying the phone - the necessary steps

you went out in the rain, and suddenly someone called you. One careless movement - and expensive machine was in the pool. But do not panic: follow these tips and you will be able to return your smartphone to life.
Let's see what happens if the mobile device fall into the water. At best - nothing at all. If it is fast to pick up and shake off the water, the device may be able to transfer this trouble without any damage. Anyway, just in case you can complete the first two steps of our rescue operation telefona.

However, problems may arise. The biggest danger is that the moisture is able to penetrate into the body, close the wirings and form an electrical connection, where it should not be. If, due to a short circuit burns out some small detail, the smart phone $ 15 000 (5000 hryvnia) will turn into a useless plastic with a set of glands. There is another danger - the damage to the phone caused by corrosion or rust. The fact that the rust prevents contact and thus gives an electrical contact.

So what to do if the mobile device is dropped into water? We invite you to phone rescue operation consisting of six steps that you can perform on the stage. In some situations it is not required to carry out all the procedures - sometimes simply disassemble the unit and allow it to dry. If the case of heavy use, and other measures. And another tip: in any phone, there are several indicators that are in contact with the water change color. Through this service personnel can quickly determine whether the contact with the water, and if so, where. Therefore, in case of appeal to the professionals do not try to convince the staff that the cause of damage to another phone - you will not. How to do it? 1) Remove akkumulyator.

The first step is to remove the battery - so you will be able to prevent a possible short circuit. Following remove from the phone SIM-card. You must then wipe dry the housing unit, and then by shaking the device, try to remove existing water inside. Thus a significant part of the outside leaves of the liquid. But the problem is that the water may remain in the corners of your phone's casing, and shaking will not help. To get rid of the remnants of moisture, use more effective methods. 2) Dry apparat.

Place the phone on a dry towel, and its possible place in the battery warm (but not in any way in the oven - so you can damage parts) to achieve drying components. The water present on the card and display, simply evaporate and the device will likely work again. 3) Disassemble telefon.

You can go the other way. If possible, remove from the machine the maximum number of items. Remove everything that is taken out, try not to damage the device. For this purpose we can use a screwdriver. Those places where there is water, gently blot with a dry cloth. From time to time open to shake the phone. 4) Use pylesos.

Our first thought was to use a container of compressed air, with which we remove dust from your PC. But then we realized the mistake under the influence of compressed air moisture can penetrate even deeper. A more reasonable to vacuum the phone. For safety reasons, place the bolts, screwed in from the machine, away from the work area. Then take up the vacuum cleaner and carefully treat their device from all sides. 5) Pulling vlagi.

Next trick: place the night details of the phone in a bowl of rice and cover them with a lid - suitable for these purposes are small plastic food container. Dry rice will draw moisture from the unit. 6) Wash displey.

If after that the phone, and above all on the screen will remain wet, you can remove it with isopropyl alcohol. In our case, we separated the components of the display from each other by inserting between them a piece of paper. Then we poured into alcohol. He has three advantages: displaces water, non conductive and evaporates quickly. You can go the other way. If possible, remove from the machine the maximum number of items. Remove everything that is taken out, try not to damage the device. For this purpose we can use a screwdriver. Those places where there is water, gently blot with a dry cloth. From time to time open to shake the phone.
Source: www.chip.ua/stati/go-digital/2012/07/kak-vysushit-promokshii-telefon