South Yakutia, Neryungri
The emergence and development of the city is closely linked to the development of coal deposits in South Yakutia. Getting that would have been impossible without the construction of the BAM and later Ayama. In the 1930s were built the first sections of track Baikal-Amur Mainline, at about the same time, it has been found Chulmakansky coal deposit. This happened during the construction of the road Big Nevers - Aldan. Since 1930 there were mines Chulmanskaya and "Pioneer».
At the end of August 1950, geologists stumbled on coal seam, whose power could not be determined, but the thickness of the protruding rocks measure was easy - it was 5 meters. Plast was named "Five-meter." After about a year found one more layer, which lies above - "Powerful." It was not far from the mouth of the river Neryungri.
In 1961 he started the development of the Neryungri deposit. In the 1970s, the BAM announced the All-Union Komsomol building, and in 1973, approved by the Neryungri coal reserves of the deposit. Year 1974 - completed the construction of small Neryungri career. In 1975, 6 November formed Neryungri. However, then it was placed on the other side of the river Chulman, prom. in the current zone. It was not even a city, and village "Pionerny." People began to live in tents, later in the beams and houses the remote control (mobile unified). Of course, the houses were built, and lumber and panelboard. But all of them live was not enough. For the first stone houses panels were brought out of Yakutsk. Plant large-panel construction KPDS reached full capacity in late 1982. A recent residents of the village "pioneer" moved into "new city" in the beginning of 1992.
How it all began pictures of 30-40 years
Geographic Latitude: 56 ° 40 '
Longitude: 124 ° 42 '
Height above sea level, m: 800
Deviation from the Moscow time: 6 hours
The city is located on the northern spurs Stanovoy ridge near the Amur-Yakutsk highway, 740 km south of Yakutsk. Railroad Station: Cargo - Berkakit, passenger - Neryungri. Airport.
In June HAPPENS snowing
№14 indigenous people
The major rivers flowing through the territory of the Neryungri District - Aldan, Amedichi River, Ungru, Uchur, Timpton, Iengra, Chulman, Gonam, Gynym, Algama, sutam. The largest river is the Aldan, which is the right tributary of the Lena River, having a length of 2273 km.
Rivers originate in becomes Dzhugdzhurski and internal ridges and valleys of their paved along the lines of tectonic disturbances. Most of them have mountain character. They are characterized by a large flow rate, sharp fluctuations in the water level, a lot of rapids, rapids, Shiver. The waters of these rivers are rich in valuable fish species: trout, whitefish, goldilocks, grayling.
The general type of vegetation in South Yakutia enters the middle taiga subzone. Mountainous relief led to the formation of vertical zoning of vegetation area, which is characterized by rapid changes in the space of different groups and types of vegetation, often dissimilar in their environment and origin.
The lowest part of the territory (650-900 meters above sea level) occupied the middle-mountain forests. The main forest-forming species of these forests is primarily larch, pine, spruce, fir. The undergrowth consists of a mountain ash, large willows, alder, birch shrubs, cedar. Power moss and lichen carpets reaches 20-25 cm. The richly represented shrubs and herbs: rosemary, cranberries, juniper, and others.
The fauna of mammals and birds in the region is rich and diverse. This is due to the diversity of life, antiquity and the complexity of its formation. Just South of the Yakut taiga is home to over 250 species of terrestrial vertebrates. Mammals - 50 species, 46 of which relate to Aboriginal people in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Two species (muskrat and American mink) acclimated with business objectives, and the other two - house mouse and gray rat - were in the territory from unintentional displacement. Of the variety of fauna of the taiga is difficult to isolate pure taiga species, as Most animals and many birds are inhabitants of all types of forests and belong to the fauna of the forest zone in general (elk, bear, wild reindeer, red deer, squirrel flying squirrel, chipmunk.
Part of the taiga animals found in other areas (wolves, foxes, wolverines, musk-rat, hare). By radically animals can be attributed only sable and some birds - woodpeckers, crossbills, tit.
In the mountains, there are two groups of animals: the actual mountain views and mountain populations of widespread forest species. Typical mountain animals include mountain sheep, musk deer, black-capped marmot, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The avifauna includes more than 200 species, 50 of which - the taiga. Typical representatives are kuksha, owl, bearded and Ural Owl, Common and capercaillie, hazel grouse. Spring fauna enriched by the arrival of nesting and flying birds to the north, belonging to the order of waterfowl, Totimplate birds, cranes, sandpipers, gulls, shepherdess.
Neryungri coal SECTION
Filial "Yakutugol" Cut "Neryungri" is the largest coal mining company in the Far East. Construction and commissioning of the mine "Neryungri" within YUYAUK implemented in 1975-1985 GG five separate queues. Neryungri coal deposit located in the Aldan-Chulmanskaya carboniferous area of South Yakutia coal basin in the territory of the Neryungri District Sakha Republic (Yakutia) near Neryungri. The field was discovered in the early 50-ies. The object of opencast mining is a layer of "powerful." It muldoobraznaya reservoir area of 16 km2 with a maximum depth of the reservoir in the central part of the basin of 320 meters. The average thickness of the reservoir is 26, 5 m, maximum - up to 120 meters. Cut "Neryungri" - one of the three coal mining enterprises, members of the JSC "JAkutugol" leading coal production in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The maximum volume of coal production reached in 1989 - 14 million. 881 thousand. Tons of coal. Consumers of coal are Russian steel and energy, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan. In the section "Neryungri" carried out a phased series of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of production and reduce the cost of coal production. One of the main areas is to carry out technical upgrading mining equipment, namely the commissioning of the equipment with high unit capacity and the creation of powerful mining and transport complexes. In 1997-1998 GG commissioned two M-301 excavator bucket capacity of 40 m3 and 5 drilling rigs DM-H for drilling diameter of 311-320 mm. In January and February 2003 have been tested and commissioned two diesel-hydraulic excavator RS5500 company «Komatsu» bucket capacity of 23 m3. Brief geological description Neryungri coal deposit located in the Aldan-Chulmanskaya carboniferous area of South Yakutia coal basin. The climate is continental, the duration period of the year with positive temperatures is 137 days, and with negative 228 days. Absolute marks in the area of the deposit varies from 600 to 1200 m. The deposit is a closed brahisinklinalnuyu fold (6x3.9 km.) Elongated in the direction NW-SE. Among lithological sectional Neryungri suite predominant development are different-shaped sandstone from coarse to fine, terms up to 80-82% cut. Fine-grained rocks - siltstone and mudstones compose about 11% of the cut.
The share of hard coal accounts for about 6%, grits and conglomerates 1-2% of the stratigraphic section. Quaternary sediments at the field are widespread. They are represented by sand and gravel. Their thickness ranges from 1-3m. Angles dip volatile: in the north-east wing 15-20grad up, to the northwest, and Mr. southeast 10-12grad.Na least some parts of the south-west wing of the angles of incidence of the formation of rocks and reach 30grad.
№36 da bears they say very often come to the city, I see the hungry, they often recently napodayut people, as they say fatal, last heard the bear broke 10 grader, they said it decided to Toli Toli just got to feed the beast.
№38 before blowing up 2-3 times a week, in glass houses ring 3 km
№43 coal enrichment plant
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1255345953 [/ mergetime]
sometimes I miss homeland nastolgiya blah
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1255346086 [/ mergetime]
material taken part
and www.neru.ru/
At the end of August 1950, geologists stumbled on coal seam, whose power could not be determined, but the thickness of the protruding rocks measure was easy - it was 5 meters. Plast was named "Five-meter." After about a year found one more layer, which lies above - "Powerful." It was not far from the mouth of the river Neryungri.
In 1961 he started the development of the Neryungri deposit. In the 1970s, the BAM announced the All-Union Komsomol building, and in 1973, approved by the Neryungri coal reserves of the deposit. Year 1974 - completed the construction of small Neryungri career. In 1975, 6 November formed Neryungri. However, then it was placed on the other side of the river Chulman, prom. in the current zone. It was not even a city, and village "Pionerny." People began to live in tents, later in the beams and houses the remote control (mobile unified). Of course, the houses were built, and lumber and panelboard. But all of them live was not enough. For the first stone houses panels were brought out of Yakutsk. Plant large-panel construction KPDS reached full capacity in late 1982. A recent residents of the village "pioneer" moved into "new city" in the beginning of 1992.
How it all began pictures of 30-40 years










Geographic Latitude: 56 ° 40 '
Longitude: 124 ° 42 '
Height above sea level, m: 800
Deviation from the Moscow time: 6 hours
The city is located on the northern spurs Stanovoy ridge near the Amur-Yakutsk highway, 740 km south of Yakutsk. Railroad Station: Cargo - Berkakit, passenger - Neryungri. Airport.
In June HAPPENS snowing



№14 indigenous people






The major rivers flowing through the territory of the Neryungri District - Aldan, Amedichi River, Ungru, Uchur, Timpton, Iengra, Chulman, Gonam, Gynym, Algama, sutam. The largest river is the Aldan, which is the right tributary of the Lena River, having a length of 2273 km.
Rivers originate in becomes Dzhugdzhurski and internal ridges and valleys of their paved along the lines of tectonic disturbances. Most of them have mountain character. They are characterized by a large flow rate, sharp fluctuations in the water level, a lot of rapids, rapids, Shiver. The waters of these rivers are rich in valuable fish species: trout, whitefish, goldilocks, grayling.
The general type of vegetation in South Yakutia enters the middle taiga subzone. Mountainous relief led to the formation of vertical zoning of vegetation area, which is characterized by rapid changes in the space of different groups and types of vegetation, often dissimilar in their environment and origin.
The lowest part of the territory (650-900 meters above sea level) occupied the middle-mountain forests. The main forest-forming species of these forests is primarily larch, pine, spruce, fir. The undergrowth consists of a mountain ash, large willows, alder, birch shrubs, cedar. Power moss and lichen carpets reaches 20-25 cm. The richly represented shrubs and herbs: rosemary, cranberries, juniper, and others.
The fauna of mammals and birds in the region is rich and diverse. This is due to the diversity of life, antiquity and the complexity of its formation. Just South of the Yakut taiga is home to over 250 species of terrestrial vertebrates. Mammals - 50 species, 46 of which relate to Aboriginal people in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Two species (muskrat and American mink) acclimated with business objectives, and the other two - house mouse and gray rat - were in the territory from unintentional displacement. Of the variety of fauna of the taiga is difficult to isolate pure taiga species, as Most animals and many birds are inhabitants of all types of forests and belong to the fauna of the forest zone in general (elk, bear, wild reindeer, red deer, squirrel flying squirrel, chipmunk.
Part of the taiga animals found in other areas (wolves, foxes, wolverines, musk-rat, hare). By radically animals can be attributed only sable and some birds - woodpeckers, crossbills, tit.
In the mountains, there are two groups of animals: the actual mountain views and mountain populations of widespread forest species. Typical mountain animals include mountain sheep, musk deer, black-capped marmot, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The avifauna includes more than 200 species, 50 of which - the taiga. Typical representatives are kuksha, owl, bearded and Ural Owl, Common and capercaillie, hazel grouse. Spring fauna enriched by the arrival of nesting and flying birds to the north, belonging to the order of waterfowl, Totimplate birds, cranes, sandpipers, gulls, shepherdess.









Neryungri coal SECTION
Filial "Yakutugol" Cut "Neryungri" is the largest coal mining company in the Far East. Construction and commissioning of the mine "Neryungri" within YUYAUK implemented in 1975-1985 GG five separate queues. Neryungri coal deposit located in the Aldan-Chulmanskaya carboniferous area of South Yakutia coal basin in the territory of the Neryungri District Sakha Republic (Yakutia) near Neryungri. The field was discovered in the early 50-ies. The object of opencast mining is a layer of "powerful." It muldoobraznaya reservoir area of 16 km2 with a maximum depth of the reservoir in the central part of the basin of 320 meters. The average thickness of the reservoir is 26, 5 m, maximum - up to 120 meters. Cut "Neryungri" - one of the three coal mining enterprises, members of the JSC "JAkutugol" leading coal production in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The maximum volume of coal production reached in 1989 - 14 million. 881 thousand. Tons of coal. Consumers of coal are Russian steel and energy, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan. In the section "Neryungri" carried out a phased series of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of production and reduce the cost of coal production. One of the main areas is to carry out technical upgrading mining equipment, namely the commissioning of the equipment with high unit capacity and the creation of powerful mining and transport complexes. In 1997-1998 GG commissioned two M-301 excavator bucket capacity of 40 m3 and 5 drilling rigs DM-H for drilling diameter of 311-320 mm. In January and February 2003 have been tested and commissioned two diesel-hydraulic excavator RS5500 company «Komatsu» bucket capacity of 23 m3. Brief geological description Neryungri coal deposit located in the Aldan-Chulmanskaya carboniferous area of South Yakutia coal basin. The climate is continental, the duration period of the year with positive temperatures is 137 days, and with negative 228 days. Absolute marks in the area of the deposit varies from 600 to 1200 m. The deposit is a closed brahisinklinalnuyu fold (6x3.9 km.) Elongated in the direction NW-SE. Among lithological sectional Neryungri suite predominant development are different-shaped sandstone from coarse to fine, terms up to 80-82% cut. Fine-grained rocks - siltstone and mudstones compose about 11% of the cut.
The share of hard coal accounts for about 6%, grits and conglomerates 1-2% of the stratigraphic section. Quaternary sediments at the field are widespread. They are represented by sand and gravel. Their thickness ranges from 1-3m. Angles dip volatile: in the north-east wing 15-20grad up, to the northwest, and Mr. southeast 10-12grad.Na least some parts of the south-west wing of the angles of incidence of the formation of rocks and reach 30grad.







№36 da bears they say very often come to the city, I see the hungry, they often recently napodayut people, as they say fatal, last heard the bear broke 10 grader, they said it decided to Toli Toli just got to feed the beast.


№38 before blowing up 2-3 times a week, in glass houses ring 3 km





№43 coal enrichment plant
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1255345953 [/ mergetime]
sometimes I miss homeland nastolgiya blah
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1255346086 [/ mergetime]
material taken part
and www.neru.ru/
