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The first case of hijacking, which received wide publicity occurred in 1970. October 15, father and son Brazinskas captured aircraft AN-24 and killing a stewardess, pilot forced to sit in Turkey. Today I want to tell you about several thefts of aircraft in the USSR.

Hijacking An-24

October 15, 1970 the aircraft "Aeroflot" An-24 made flight Batumi-Krasnodar. On board at the time were 46 passengers. Pranas Brazinskas, store manager who worked in Vilnius and his 13-year-old son Algirdas sat in the front row. Both had rifles.

A few minutes after takeoff Brazinskas Pranas, who, incidentally, had a criminal record, summoned a flight attendant and demanded to turn the plane and put him in Turkey. For failure to comply with the order, the hijackers threatened with death.

Stewardess Hope Kurchenko

19-year-old stewardess Nadezhda Kurchenko shouted "Attack", but was killed by a shot to the heart. Later, Hope Kurchenko posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner, named after her street and school.

Bandits broke into pilots and and started firing in all directions.

 - From the cockpit flying bullets. One went through my hair, - says Vladimir Gavrilovic Merenkov Leningrad. He and his wife in 1970. The passengers were. - I saw: the bandits have guns, hunting gun, one grenade at the senior was hanging on his chest. (...) The airplane thrown left and right - the pilots must have hoped that the perpetrators will not stand on his feet.

Shooting continued in the cockpit. There then will count 18 holes, and all were released 24 bullets. One of the bullets interrupted the commander of the crew of the spine as a result of his paralyzed legs. Pilots still managed to turn a signal SOS.

The navigator was wounded in the lung, arm, shoulder. The injured crew members were forced to land the plane in the Turkish Trabzon.

George Chahrakiya - I bandits said: "I injured my leg was paralyzed. Only hands can manage. I have to help the co-pilot "- A gunman replied:" In war, anything can happen. We can, and die. " Even the thought flashed forward "Annushka" on the rocks - killed himself and kill those bastards. But inside the forty-four people, including seventeen women and one child.

I'm the co-pilot said, "If you pass out, keep the ship at the request of bandits and plant. It is necessary to save the plane and passengers! We tried to sit on Soviet territory, in Kobuleti, where he was a military airfield. But the thief when he saw where I was going machine, warned that shoot me and blow up the ship. I decided to cross the border. And five minutes later, we crossed it at a low altitude.

In October 1970, the Soviet Union demanded that Turkey immediately extradite him, but this requirement has not been met. The Turks have decided to try the hijackers. The hijackers were convicted of hijacking and murder, but four years later they were released under an amnesty. Later, they lived in the United States.

In 2002, Pranas Brazinskas was killed by his son in California.

Capture the Tu-134 in Ufa

September 20th, 1986, two soldiers deserters at the airport of Ufa was produced by the capture of the Tu-154. All the terrorists were in the same part of the internal troops stationed in Ufa.

Soldiers have been trained in the framework of the plan "Alarm", which give effect to the capture of terrorists of the aircraft, so they were confident that they could hijack a plane abroad. Deserters seized a car with a taxi driver. Threatening him with a gun, they drove to the post of GAI. Staying far from it, they realized that his drive they will not succeed.

Then they decided to take possession of a motor vehicle "UAZ". To this end, they have to wait. Soon, however, the deserters saw approaching them "UAZ" patrol police group, follow their usual route. All three of them opened fire. Two men sitting in "UAZ" policemen were killed on the spot. One of the deserters fled. The two decided to continue our plans.

I get to the airport, and Matsnev Yagmurdzhi sneaked into the territory of the airfield through the drainage channel. When he saw who was standing there the plane "Tu-134" follow the route "Kyiv-Ufa-Nizhnevartovsk," sat down for refueling, they went to him. Drop into the interior of the aircraft, they announced the capture and forced the crew to issue weapons. In hostage by deserters turned out 81 people, including five crew members and 76 passengers.

Deserters demanded the immediate take-off of aircraft and the departure abroad. However, under various pretexts, the pilots delayed the time during which the aircraft came to a group "A" of the KGB and interior troops. Realizing that their demands would carry no, two soldiers decided to commit suicide. They demanded potent narcotic drugs and when they were made available to them, took them in large doses.

Yagmurdzhi lost consciousness and Matsnev already by then a former drug addict with the experience, no. Matsnev began rushing through the cabin. He allowed all passengers to get out and flight attendants. When they came out, the assault began. When the assault Matsnev tried to fire a machine gun, but was killed on the spot. One of the bullets shattered leg unconscious Yagmurdzhi. Subsequently, he amputated her. The whole operation for the release of the aircraft took no more than six seconds.

In the case he was arrested six people, including Konoval, Yagmurdzhi and four soldiers for harboring crime. A military tribunal sentenced left without one leg Sergei Yagmurdzhi to capital punishment - death. Konoval is not involved in the seizure of the aircraft, received 10 years in prison.

The other four were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 2 to 6 years.

Hijacking of the MiG-29 to Turkey

On the night of May 20th, 1989 Captain Alexander Zuyev was on duty at the reception and production of aircraft. He announced to be on duty pilots and technicians that his son was born (in fact, the birth of his son took place in a few days), and on this occasion all treated specially prepared cake to which was added a large dose of sleeping pills.

At this time, there was a shift change time at the duty aircraft, and made atonement for the post of engineer who failed to awaken any of his comrades. Zuev tried to disarm the mechanic failed, shot him with a pistol and wounded, but he himself was wounded in the hand when the mechanic opened fire. Duty planes were almost ready to go, and Zuev took off on one of them.

After take-off, he was going to shoot the other planes of aerogun duty level, it did not attempt to intercept, but failed because forgot to remove the gun from one of the two locks.

Zuev hijacked a plane to Trabzon (Turkey). In Turkey, he was tried on charges of hijacking and justified, considering that his actions were politically motivated. Turkish authorities promptly returned the aircraft to the Soviet Union. Zuyev was granted political asylum in the United States. Later, he was a consultant to the US Air Force before the start of the military operation "Desert Storm».

In memory of "Desert Storm": the US military pilots Nick Mongillo and Chuck McGill with his chief tactical advisor Zuev.

Stealing Mig-25

September 6th, 1976 Pilot of the Soviet defector hijacked Interceptor "Mig-25", in which he flew to Japan. Later, he was granted political asylum in the United States

Belenko flew from the airfield Sokolivka Primorsky Territory to perform Flight exercises. Later MiG-25P landed at the airport in Hakodate (Hokkaido). Subsequently, the Japanese authorities had made an official notification that Belenko asked for political asylum. September 9, he was taken to the United States.

But there is another version, on which the traitor was not. He just had to make a landing in Japan. Eyewitnesses said that the lieutenant fired a gun into the air, not allowing anyone to drive and demanding sheathed it. However, the investigation carried out to take into account the behavior of the pilot in the home, and the manner of its flight.

The conclusion was unequivocal - landing on the territory of an enemy state was deliberate. Belenko proved himself crazy about life in America, he even canned cat seemed tastier ones sold in his country.

From official statements is difficult to assess the consequences of the escape, the moral and political damage can not be ignored, but the material damage was estimated at 2 billion rubles. After all, the Soviet Union had to hastily change the whole apparatus recognition system "friend or foe».

Family Ovechkina

March 8, 1988 in the USSR family Ovechkina seized a passenger plane. The family consisted of seven brothers, musicians jazz band "Seven Simeonov," their mother and sisters.
Hijackers gunpoint and bomb, demanded direct flight to London. The crew convinced the hijackers that refueling is needed. In fact, the plane was put on a military airfield "Glove" in the Leningrad region.

Ovechkin said that this is Finland. Hijackers saw soldiers in Soviet uniform. Realising that they were deceived, they shot the stewardess. At this time, the band entered the capture plane through the cockpit and the luggage compartment and began the assault. Having decided to commit suicide, the brothers detonated the bomb, but the explosion that killed the only one of the brothers.

Other family members shot the elder brother, and then shot himself. The only survivors were young children, 28-year-old Olga Ovechkin and 17-year-old Igor Ovechkin.

September 6, 1988 in Irkutsk, the trial of the surviving family members - Igor and Olga Ovechkin, because only they were subject to the age of criminal responsibility. It turned out that Olga was against theft and until recently tried to prevent it. She was given six years in prison, Igor - 8 years (they served only half of their sentences). During the capture and trial Olga she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter in prison.

Court Lyudmila Ovechkin escaped only because it long before the capture married and left the family. About the capture did not know anything. Ovechkina Juvenile Court gave under her care, despite the fact that she had three children of their own.

In 1999, based on family history Ovechkina was filmed feature film "Mama". Have changed the names of characters (instead Ovechkina - St. George's), name of the group (instead of "Seven Simeonov" - "Happy family"), the number of children, essential circumstances of the seizure of the aircraft and assault. In general, the plot of films is remotely related to reality.

Ovechkin did not like the film.

Hijacking of Tu-154 plane to Pakistan

August 19, 1990 was carried out the hijacking of aircraft Tu-154 prisoners from the detention facility Neryungri. The hijackers demanded direct the plane to Pakistan.

15 prisoners were transported to the city of Yakutsk Tu-154. Five minutes later, on the remote commander of the aircraft it received a signal "dangerous." The terrorists managed to carry on board aircraft spare, who gave the bandits a friend of the leader of the hijackers. During a bomb they were given a piece of soap.

The prisoners took hostage the passengers and 3 policemen-guards, taking their weapons.

Day August 19 aircraft again landed in Neryungri. The terrorists demanded the machines, radio and parachutes. August 19 evening, the plane flew to the city of Krasnoyarsk, and in 23 hours in Moscow landed in Tashkent. Four of the hijackers, had less serious accusations article, chose to surrender and remain in the Soviet Union.

August 20, with the aircraft remaining on board the 36 hostages and 11 terrorists flew to Pakistan, where it landed in the city of Karachi. After landing at the airport in Pakistan, the hijackers were arrested. Later, they were condemned. All the terrorists were sentenced to death. Two prisoners hanged in the prison, one died of heat stroke.

In 1991, the death sentence commuted to life imprisonment. The bandits themselves to appeal for their return to the Soviet Union, but were refused. In September 1998, the terrorists were amnestied in honor of the 50th anniversary of the independence of Pakistan.

Two natives of Ukraine were in Pakistan. 6 hijackers were issued in Russia. Yakutia Court ruled them most strict sentence - 15 years in prison.

Source: ussrlife.blogspot.ru