The child's development in 8 months

When the light appears boy, he's got nothing and is fully dependent on their parents. Each month the baby develops: he starts to react to voices, to explore the world, play with rattles. I believe that during the year, the child overcomes three stages of development before reaching one year of age. First three months: the baby confidently holds his head, recognizes her parents ' voices. The second key turn, he overcomes in six months: it is possible to perch, introduced a variety of foods. And finally, to the year children begin to try to walk on his own, grows most of his teeth. This approach to education is incorrect: it is necessary to track the child's development on a monthly basis, to avoid future consequences. Let us consider the behavior of an eight-month baby: how much and how he needs to eat, physiological and psychological development, and more. Some children are more quickly adapting to the new world, others are a little late, so if Your baby is in some points does not correspond to the calendar, it's not scary.
Physiological features of development
By the eighth month the child already grows from four to six teeth: in some cases, lag behind the development on this basis. The presence of calcium in the body individually, so the number of teeth can vary.
A child's dream in the aggregate remains in the region of 15 hours: the time intervals of the active state becomes longer, the child begins to sleep more at night. Day of the child suggest to put 2 times for two or three hours sleep, the rest of the time, on the order of 9-11 hours, takes place at night.

Indicators of weight and growth of children is very individual, at the eighth month of life , a decrease in gaining weight. It is associated with increased activity and expenditure of energy. Note that necessarily at least a small gain in body weight, but if the baby loses weight should consult a pediatrician. Roughly, the average weight is 8-8,5 kg. More information can be seen in the table.
The spine and bones of a child at this age already matured, and the baby may be trying to get to his feet or knees. An adult should help the child, showing what actions he needs to perform in order to take the desired position. Psychological aspects of child development in the eighth month of life
Psychology, in contrast to physiological development, toddlers are basically similar at the age of eight months. Kids learn about the world, they give a response, get to know their parents and relatives.
The eighth month of a child's life can become a test of strength nerves of mom and dad. He begins to manipulate the shouts and caprices, if the parents are not going to find a "middle ground" in dealing with a child, it can grow with hysterical character. It is important to consistently and calmly explain to the kid what is and what is not. All the dangerous things it is better to remove from the eyes of a child, not to tempt him. If he is drawn to forbidden subject matter, try to tell him "No" and give the kid or remove the forbidden thing. Soon he will learn to understand the negative reaction of the parents.
At this age, formed the first fears: the child instantly distinguishes a stranger and might cry and be scared. Over time, with correct response of the parents, this fear will pass, and the baby will be cheerful to respond to guests. The line of conduct parents must be the same: impossible to mother something forbidden, and my father, on the contrary, allowed. In eight months, although the child still plainly does not speak and moves with difficulty, his character is starting to take shape.
What can the child?
Six months children begin to perch, if they have not done it yourself. In the first eight months of babies being stable sitting position, unable to move my hands: shake toys, grab the nearby items. He uses both left and right hand equally. A preference for movements with only one hand does not give the conclusion that this is his final choice.
Babies begin to crawl, some are already able to move throughout the apartment. Particularly active children are trying to get to his feet, and reverse the process to get down on the ass – given to them harder. So often at night you may hear the cry of a child: getting up, the kid doesn't know how to fall back in the crib.
A child learning to walk: gently take hold of first two, then one hand. You should not rush the baby steps he needs to do yourself, you just need to create a support.
The eighth month marks the formation of spatial perception: he begins to make decisions in difficult situations: to stay on the edge of the bed or the couch to stand still, if flies fly. The child begins to pronounce the various sounds, unintelligible words. Hum baby simple songs, consisting of separate syllables, tell tongue twisters. Children's mind are easily digested song on the military theme, they are rhythmic and easy to repeat.
Nutrition and menu planning
The number of feedings is reduced to 5-6 times a day at four-hour intervals. This time is optimal for weaning baby from breastfeeding: reduce night feeding. The same thing applies to children fed formula milk. In 8 months the mother should gradually stop night feedings. To accelerate and facilitate this process, there are following recommendations: — In two hours before bedtime to feed the baby cereal first, and then, after an evening bath is a usual portion of milk or formula;
— During the day the baby should get most of the daily amount of food;
— Replace with water or unsweetened tea night feedings.
At eight months the child already has teeth, digestive system is nearly complete, so solid foods are introduced biscuits, pasta, meat and fish fillets. The share of milk in the diet should not exceed 30% of the daily amount of food consumed. Diversified vegetable puree, you can use parsley, dill, lettuce. Spices set aside until the baby is old enough. Servings of mashed fruit increase to 100 grams per day. Try to cook all the food for the child.
Hygiene procedures
Daily hygiene includes taking a bath before going to sleep, washing your hands often during the day, as well as cleaning private parts after defecation. At this age, small children actively exploring their environment, touching not only their toys, but also things belonging to my parents. In addition, toddlers crawling on the floor, collecting small dust particles. Then they start to climb with your hands in your mouth, so they should be washed with soap and water at least once or twice per hour. In addition to personal hygiene of the child is necessary to make daily wet cleaning, wash with soap twice a day, all plastic items. If you have plush and stuffed toys, they should also be periodically washed.
Evening bath can be turned into a holiday for the child, including a variety of games. One of the simplest is blowing bubbles: if the toddler begins to act up in the bathroom, his attention to divert colored balls.
At the age of eight months the child accustomed to the potty: this process takes more than one day. Parents should have patience and every day to sit down the child on his toilet. You can turn the water jet and to accompany specific sounds and words. So the child will be easier to Express their wishes at a later age.
Walking in the street useful for kids of any age: a baby of eight months requires a large amount of oxygen, this time intensively developing brain cells. In addition, children begin to consider the surrounding objects, so walking with the child, explains to him where there are cars, houses, flowers. Walking should be in the morning and evening. Game
At this age, the children themselves ask to play with them, while verbal: throw toys out of the crib or playpen, crawling, and stretching you to handle.
The child can suggest the following entertainment: — game "ku-Ku";
— the use of interactive posters and toys;
— ball game;
— folding plastic pyramid first joint effort with the parents, then the baby will begin to play independently;
— spend time on the development of fine motor skills, get toys of wood (for example, a chain of balls, squares, hearts);
game in cubes with painted fruits, vegetables, objects and letters.
— when buying toys choose items without small parts that can tear a child;
— a child can play without additional attributes; put the baby on his lap, alternately him and touch his nose, ears, forehead, definitely pronouncing all the words;
— while in the clinic, it is possible to play an interesting game, which will reduce the waiting time in queue; his fingers draw different faces — colored markers, and alternately bending each, show his toddler;
— train your kid's memory, showing him numbers and letters and pronouncing them aloud.
Eight people requires a lot of attention, in spite of this, you can go about your business being in the room with him. Let baby learns to spend time alone, but at the same time it needs to feel alone. Mental ability, thinking in the most part formed until a year after birth. So every month we need to introduce new educational games, conduct simple daily massage of the fingers of the hands and feet of the baby while developing fine motor skills. Eight month child, you can begin to be treated as an adult: to talk, to show and explain how to use various items.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
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