Why not say "thank you"
We found out, in what cases should say "thank you", and in which to do it is strictly forbidden! Learn how to respond to a man if you do not plan to stop all relations with him.
But first, an important retreat! Do you think that is why people are now "closed"? Why say that every man for himself?
One reason is that due to the fast pace of life we have almost forgotten how to respond to the service rendered. The word "thank you" to become a part of our language diet.
To hear the words "thank you" can now be extremely rare. Moreover, this form has become so unusual that people hear her begin to turn around to look at someone who speaks well.
Let's understand.
The word "thank you" literally means: "Save me, God." That is, save me, God, from this man! Uttering the word "thank you", you close the energy channel, which connects you with that person.
In fact, "thank you" - this is a very powerful mantra that protects you from further communication with that person, you said it. Just think, we say "thank you" to everyone, and more and more people from close by.
Consider, when you say "thank you»?
When you want to get rid of someone. Yes, it's true. You like to unconsciously says, "Yes, thank you, thank you, but I have my own business. I have to go". It prosihodit very deep, almost unconsciously.
While externally you can even feel, even gratitude, but somewhere deep ... Feel this moment ...
You can not say "thank you" if ... I do not say "thank you" if you intend to continue to communicate! Otherwise the relationship will gradually deteriorate.
How should I thank?
I think you already knew! Say "thank you" in response to a service that you have. So you give the benefit of the other - send their energy in return for a good deed
. Why say "I give the benefit of" profitable?
Saying "I give the benefit of" the good person you want and what you want to others comes back to you in a hundredfold. Think about it!
In some cases it is necessary to say "thank you»?
If you do not want to continue to communicate if you broke up with a man, and no longer wish to keep in touch with him, then it is appropriate to say, "Thank you for everything." Also, the word "thank you" to respond well to those who made you something bad.
This does not mean that you substitute what the right cheek, on the contrary, you are protecting yourself from further trouble from the side of the man.
Use the words "thank you" and "thank you" deliberately, as the powerful magic to protect themselves or to attract good, and you will see how your life will change for the better!
Yes, the first time you will be difficult to adjust, maybe it's even cause some discomfort (after all, attention will be paid to you), but it's worth it! The more you consciously give thanks, the faster it will become a habit.
They say that it is impossible to say "thank you", but no one explains why this is so
They say that the universe should be thanked for the negative lessons ... And can it is necessary to say "thank you»?
What if you had to go through some kind of negative situations, but you can understand their mistakes and benefit from them? In this case, you can thank the universe for lessons learned.
But if you do not want to relive this experience, we can mentally turn to the Higher Forces with the words: "Thank you, thank you." So you really thank them for the benefits that have received, but at the same time so you close the channel and ask you to protect the future of these situations.
And finally! Spend an interesting experiment!
Say the word "thank you", and then "thank you" and listen to the feelings, compare what you have experienced in the first case, and that in a second! Your feelings are quite different! Remember that inside you, and outside!
But first, an important retreat! Do you think that is why people are now "closed"? Why say that every man for himself?
One reason is that due to the fast pace of life we have almost forgotten how to respond to the service rendered. The word "thank you" to become a part of our language diet.
To hear the words "thank you" can now be extremely rare. Moreover, this form has become so unusual that people hear her begin to turn around to look at someone who speaks well.
Let's understand.
The word "thank you" literally means: "Save me, God." That is, save me, God, from this man! Uttering the word "thank you", you close the energy channel, which connects you with that person.
In fact, "thank you" - this is a very powerful mantra that protects you from further communication with that person, you said it. Just think, we say "thank you" to everyone, and more and more people from close by.

Consider, when you say "thank you»?
When you want to get rid of someone. Yes, it's true. You like to unconsciously says, "Yes, thank you, thank you, but I have my own business. I have to go". It prosihodit very deep, almost unconsciously.
While externally you can even feel, even gratitude, but somewhere deep ... Feel this moment ...
You can not say "thank you" if ... I do not say "thank you" if you intend to continue to communicate! Otherwise the relationship will gradually deteriorate.
How should I thank?
I think you already knew! Say "thank you" in response to a service that you have. So you give the benefit of the other - send their energy in return for a good deed
. Why say "I give the benefit of" profitable?
Saying "I give the benefit of" the good person you want and what you want to others comes back to you in a hundredfold. Think about it!
In some cases it is necessary to say "thank you»?
If you do not want to continue to communicate if you broke up with a man, and no longer wish to keep in touch with him, then it is appropriate to say, "Thank you for everything." Also, the word "thank you" to respond well to those who made you something bad.
This does not mean that you substitute what the right cheek, on the contrary, you are protecting yourself from further trouble from the side of the man.
Use the words "thank you" and "thank you" deliberately, as the powerful magic to protect themselves or to attract good, and you will see how your life will change for the better!
Yes, the first time you will be difficult to adjust, maybe it's even cause some discomfort (after all, attention will be paid to you), but it's worth it! The more you consciously give thanks, the faster it will become a habit.
They say that it is impossible to say "thank you", but no one explains why this is so
They say that the universe should be thanked for the negative lessons ... And can it is necessary to say "thank you»?
What if you had to go through some kind of negative situations, but you can understand their mistakes and benefit from them? In this case, you can thank the universe for lessons learned.
But if you do not want to relive this experience, we can mentally turn to the Higher Forces with the words: "Thank you, thank you." So you really thank them for the benefits that have received, but at the same time so you close the channel and ask you to protect the future of these situations.
And finally! Spend an interesting experiment!
Say the word "thank you", and then "thank you" and listen to the feelings, compare what you have experienced in the first case, and that in a second! Your feelings are quite different! Remember that inside you, and outside!