Conscious Man: I do not get down to the lower vibrations!
WHAT PEOPLE realize?
What is Conscious Man? This is a man whose relationship with the Soul is already installed on 50%.
For example: at the average inhabitant of the planet, which is generally about any higher matters never thought or even collected, goes to his work, eat - drinks, she enjoys sex and leave, saving money on all sorts of material goods, distressed, when suddenly canceled trip to the sea and considers the husband or wife of their personal property on the type of refrigerator or microwave oven - this is such a person communicate with the soul varies at different points in his life from 10 to 20%.
Communication, of course, there is, it can not but be. And it is not entirely insensitive: in addition to beer and sex to a man more pleasure to enjoy the beauty of the world, sometimes to feel completely sincere compassion for loved ones, and other sensations and feelings that come precisely from the soul, not the body and mind. Also, there are people who practically biorobots who calmly can kill a man or an animal, to rape, to cause incredible pain, absolutely without any feelings at the same time - these people communicate with the soul only on the fact of her presence, by 1-2%.
The embodied soul can not leave such a body. Under the terms of the agreement with its same Higher Self, it should do everything possible, and depending on it to know ourselves, to discover and to reach out to the human mind, but leave it before the designated time of the death of his physical body, to break the silver thread, it can not.
Conscious man - a man who has already a strong connection with the Soul. The maximum that can be achieved in the present conditions and in the present - it is 80-90%. This level of communication Enlightened. When practiced all karmic error, we learned all the lessons. Upon reaching this level, the soul is considered to fulfill all of its tasks, and can go into the subtle worlds.
Conscious people who communicate with the Soul has reached 50% - half-opened, it is extremely difficult to be in this world. When a person begins to feel the soul already, he looks at the world a completely different look. He sees it is diametrically opposed to than the man who is still in the system. Any situation that is happening to him or the other, it is not even that he sees it in his own way, he feels it.
On the one hand such a person refers to what is happening quietly, already knowing that is only in the theater, where all the actors play their role, without understanding that they do play, and on the other - at a certain point there is a burning desire, almost a need, as -So help, there is quite unusual for our world the feeling of great love and compassion to all.
At the same time, comes the understanding that you not only do not hear and do not even try to do that, but the fact that the mind of many people so firmly holds the defense, its scope, the lock that any pronounced thee word perceived at some other language, which is completely understandable. A person listening to you, almost immediately builds a stone wall between you and trying to escape. And his soul reaches out to you, the man shouts, hear, feel, do not go. All in vain, and many again closed ...
After a certain period of stay in the conscious state of a desire to just get out of here. But you can not leave until you finish your path. Just does not make sense. We are all connected by a chain. Just one person can change the lives of thousands of people. And if you suddenly leave, leave early, the soul will suffer even more from what she could do, or at least try to do, but did not, failed.
The system is crumbling. Crumbling very slowly, but it does not create fools to here so let it ruin in one day.
Exit, turn off is very difficult from the system, the mind firmly holding the defense - for it was created, but it is possible. Responding to a question about the 50% of lucid, I say yes - a notional figure, not what would they have to be much, but it would be extremely facilitated the opposition, which is happening now on the subtle planes between those who destroys the system, trying to withdraw from the sleeping people, creating for them the new World, or else send the new "circles processing" or their home planet and those who created it sometime.
Perhaps, many have noticed that since the beginning of this year, from the time of entry in the first wave, the number of very negative grown all over the planet. We are manipulated, and we give it, not even trying to figure out where their feelings and sensations, and which came from outside, imposed on us. This can be a very long time to say, but I will say one thing: there is at the moment 50% of conscious people, unfortunately, have so far remained around 10 - 15%, but the work on the subtle planes like conducted so and maintained. The system will be systematically destroyed. This is clearly not subject to any doubt. But the time of its destruction, of course, will be delayed. System nourish the people themselves, they keep it. But the more conscious will appear, the faster the system will fall.
I want to say to all those who understand the world and ourselves in it - hold on, do not despair, your vibrations are very helpful, and even if you do not remember, you are working in a dream and reality on the subtle planes
. Valuable each valuable and much loved. Always keep in touch with your soul, listen to it and your Higher Self, to know and strengthen your Spirit. You love and cherish you.
Why anyone wants? First of all, peace. Peace, which is in fact a lack of anxiety. To be warm, light, quiet. There would be chock-full box of food - because the body is necessary to fertilize regularly, so as not to fall apart. To make it on yourself than to carry on the work, coffee shops, hospitals. To the house, everything was clean, comfortable and technologically. Yes, and in fact to this very house in general was.
happily it provides all of this, everything that all you want, but in exchange for a small, small something. What you have never seen, heard or even touch can not. In your soul, but rather on the power generated manifestation of your soul as a person, but not for the rise and evolution of the soul, and in the absorption of you in an endless cycle of reincarnation for its own purposes.
Why, then, wants to soul?
Disembodied soul, it does not need the tomatoes and fashionable clothes. It does not require an annual visit to the Cote d'Azur with a glass of wine in hand. She did not need new colorful dresses and ties every week. And she does not need steel cart with multibutton radio. But how she suffers ... Time after time, the Soul comes to this world in the hope that it will be able to prevail over the mind. Time after time, she tries to reach out to him, to show what he is capable of when they will be together. But all to no avail.
And who, then, I ask you, I - it's mind - body, or I - or I am soul - Spirit?
When a person's physical body is born in this world, there is the Incarnation - Soul / aspects which this body destined, accedes to the finest silver thread. At this point, the new body mind is still completely clean. And with all the information it has only aggregate data, the key points of the previous incarnations, which are written in the body of each casual. Mind is pure, sublime and transparent.
Soul looks through it to the world, and tries his best to catch the remnants of a fading memory of his mission here from under the veil between the worlds closing. She still remembers, yet realizes that it is necessary for her current incarnation was as it currently planned. To go through all the lessons and correct mistakes made in previous lives.
But the system is up and the birth makes life "pain" and the problem scares and fears pain, push into pure consciousness tons of garbage "what is good and what is bad." After several years of undisturbed stay here, the veil between the worlds is completely omitted, and then begins to occur in the inclusion in society. Of course, the little body before birth is already regularly drag on hospitals and stun terribly screaming device called ultrasound. But about a year more human soul is between worlds, and, as a rule, more time conducting thin, so do not feel too much of the world, does not remember, does not go.
Then begins included mind and intelligence - built into the physical body is a self-learning program. First, parents (or someone in their place) - so here it is necessary to sit, walk this way, it's delicious, and it's hot, it's - well, this is bad. Then, kindergartens, schools, sports clubs, music clubs - it is necessary to you, and it is not necessary in any case, that's to do / to go, and there is not necessary. A mind works - all absorb, program records - and all people connected to the system, to society. A mind - normally disabled ...
After some more time, program-Mind, due to its self-learning, already has the ability to draw conclusions, but conclusions based on the information that it has received from others. The mind is trying as much as possible to absorb a lot of information and try to embody even mentally (imagination) is in reality. On it spent huge strategic energy reserves, and no good there ... no ... Living Mind - it is not life, it's as if we sat in the car and just rolling on the "Navigator" on different routes, not controlling them. But this is not our life ... only taking independent decisions on the inner call, rather than the mind, just thinking about their feelings - we need to learn to live ...
This program - The mind can be taught anything, it is like a sponge and absorb everything will develop the ego. Actively every second to think, to think, to strive for the ideals and objectives laid down in it at the very beginning, and in the process. Even after some time, the mind may reconsider some of the foundations (or may not reconsider), and jerk in the opposite-parallel, perpendicular to the direction from the one where he was sent earlier. Many people mean by their development, but it is not. We do not know what the mind is and how it is truly everyone working what's inside and what is, how to use it. So we do not live their lives in parallel are dissatisfied.
And what does all this time embodied soul? A Soul as training and development programs, blows the mind further and further. She, on the human development every year, more and more ceases to understand it. The soul is not a logical process, it can not categorically argue dualities and disassemble everything in good and bad, good and evil. The soul can only feel sensations she lives.
Is not the life is dual, it is one piece and bright. Everyone has.
It is often said "the man with the black soul" - this simply can not be. Every aspect was once separated from their higher self and every higher self - in turn - has separated himself from the Creator. And soul is trying to reach out to the Mind, to make him feel. But the mind is connected to the system. He does not hear and does not want to hear the soul. That is happened in our society. You may ask, what has created this society, this system being in which we are so sorry, stupefied and hardened? There is an answer to this question. But I voiced individually.
It is important to understand that you, each of you, it is not the body, not the mind, not your thoughts and reflections, not what you think and see. True I - it's soul. The soul is bright and clean, which is trying to find a way out of this World, resetting accumulated over thousands of incarnations of the mind, karma. The soul that is stuck in my lessons in the dense world, forced to incarnate in it over and over again, and which aspires only to one thing - to be heard by you. Only in this way, hear and feel your soul, it is possible to escape from the wheel of incarnations, and move, finally, from the School of Peace and checks in the World of Light and Love.
Whatever happens, do not get down to the lower vibrations. Everything will pass, everything is nearing completion. Love to all of us!
What is Conscious Man? This is a man whose relationship with the Soul is already installed on 50%.
For example: at the average inhabitant of the planet, which is generally about any higher matters never thought or even collected, goes to his work, eat - drinks, she enjoys sex and leave, saving money on all sorts of material goods, distressed, when suddenly canceled trip to the sea and considers the husband or wife of their personal property on the type of refrigerator or microwave oven - this is such a person communicate with the soul varies at different points in his life from 10 to 20%.
Communication, of course, there is, it can not but be. And it is not entirely insensitive: in addition to beer and sex to a man more pleasure to enjoy the beauty of the world, sometimes to feel completely sincere compassion for loved ones, and other sensations and feelings that come precisely from the soul, not the body and mind. Also, there are people who practically biorobots who calmly can kill a man or an animal, to rape, to cause incredible pain, absolutely without any feelings at the same time - these people communicate with the soul only on the fact of her presence, by 1-2%.

The embodied soul can not leave such a body. Under the terms of the agreement with its same Higher Self, it should do everything possible, and depending on it to know ourselves, to discover and to reach out to the human mind, but leave it before the designated time of the death of his physical body, to break the silver thread, it can not.
Conscious man - a man who has already a strong connection with the Soul. The maximum that can be achieved in the present conditions and in the present - it is 80-90%. This level of communication Enlightened. When practiced all karmic error, we learned all the lessons. Upon reaching this level, the soul is considered to fulfill all of its tasks, and can go into the subtle worlds.
Conscious people who communicate with the Soul has reached 50% - half-opened, it is extremely difficult to be in this world. When a person begins to feel the soul already, he looks at the world a completely different look. He sees it is diametrically opposed to than the man who is still in the system. Any situation that is happening to him or the other, it is not even that he sees it in his own way, he feels it.
On the one hand such a person refers to what is happening quietly, already knowing that is only in the theater, where all the actors play their role, without understanding that they do play, and on the other - at a certain point there is a burning desire, almost a need, as -So help, there is quite unusual for our world the feeling of great love and compassion to all.
At the same time, comes the understanding that you not only do not hear and do not even try to do that, but the fact that the mind of many people so firmly holds the defense, its scope, the lock that any pronounced thee word perceived at some other language, which is completely understandable. A person listening to you, almost immediately builds a stone wall between you and trying to escape. And his soul reaches out to you, the man shouts, hear, feel, do not go. All in vain, and many again closed ...
After a certain period of stay in the conscious state of a desire to just get out of here. But you can not leave until you finish your path. Just does not make sense. We are all connected by a chain. Just one person can change the lives of thousands of people. And if you suddenly leave, leave early, the soul will suffer even more from what she could do, or at least try to do, but did not, failed.
The system is crumbling. Crumbling very slowly, but it does not create fools to here so let it ruin in one day.
Exit, turn off is very difficult from the system, the mind firmly holding the defense - for it was created, but it is possible. Responding to a question about the 50% of lucid, I say yes - a notional figure, not what would they have to be much, but it would be extremely facilitated the opposition, which is happening now on the subtle planes between those who destroys the system, trying to withdraw from the sleeping people, creating for them the new World, or else send the new "circles processing" or their home planet and those who created it sometime.
Perhaps, many have noticed that since the beginning of this year, from the time of entry in the first wave, the number of very negative grown all over the planet. We are manipulated, and we give it, not even trying to figure out where their feelings and sensations, and which came from outside, imposed on us. This can be a very long time to say, but I will say one thing: there is at the moment 50% of conscious people, unfortunately, have so far remained around 10 - 15%, but the work on the subtle planes like conducted so and maintained. The system will be systematically destroyed. This is clearly not subject to any doubt. But the time of its destruction, of course, will be delayed. System nourish the people themselves, they keep it. But the more conscious will appear, the faster the system will fall.
I want to say to all those who understand the world and ourselves in it - hold on, do not despair, your vibrations are very helpful, and even if you do not remember, you are working in a dream and reality on the subtle planes
. Valuable each valuable and much loved. Always keep in touch with your soul, listen to it and your Higher Self, to know and strengthen your Spirit. You love and cherish you.
Why anyone wants? First of all, peace. Peace, which is in fact a lack of anxiety. To be warm, light, quiet. There would be chock-full box of food - because the body is necessary to fertilize regularly, so as not to fall apart. To make it on yourself than to carry on the work, coffee shops, hospitals. To the house, everything was clean, comfortable and technologically. Yes, and in fact to this very house in general was.
happily it provides all of this, everything that all you want, but in exchange for a small, small something. What you have never seen, heard or even touch can not. In your soul, but rather on the power generated manifestation of your soul as a person, but not for the rise and evolution of the soul, and in the absorption of you in an endless cycle of reincarnation for its own purposes.
Why, then, wants to soul?
Disembodied soul, it does not need the tomatoes and fashionable clothes. It does not require an annual visit to the Cote d'Azur with a glass of wine in hand. She did not need new colorful dresses and ties every week. And she does not need steel cart with multibutton radio. But how she suffers ... Time after time, the Soul comes to this world in the hope that it will be able to prevail over the mind. Time after time, she tries to reach out to him, to show what he is capable of when they will be together. But all to no avail.
And who, then, I ask you, I - it's mind - body, or I - or I am soul - Spirit?
When a person's physical body is born in this world, there is the Incarnation - Soul / aspects which this body destined, accedes to the finest silver thread. At this point, the new body mind is still completely clean. And with all the information it has only aggregate data, the key points of the previous incarnations, which are written in the body of each casual. Mind is pure, sublime and transparent.
Soul looks through it to the world, and tries his best to catch the remnants of a fading memory of his mission here from under the veil between the worlds closing. She still remembers, yet realizes that it is necessary for her current incarnation was as it currently planned. To go through all the lessons and correct mistakes made in previous lives.
But the system is up and the birth makes life "pain" and the problem scares and fears pain, push into pure consciousness tons of garbage "what is good and what is bad." After several years of undisturbed stay here, the veil between the worlds is completely omitted, and then begins to occur in the inclusion in society. Of course, the little body before birth is already regularly drag on hospitals and stun terribly screaming device called ultrasound. But about a year more human soul is between worlds, and, as a rule, more time conducting thin, so do not feel too much of the world, does not remember, does not go.
Then begins included mind and intelligence - built into the physical body is a self-learning program. First, parents (or someone in their place) - so here it is necessary to sit, walk this way, it's delicious, and it's hot, it's - well, this is bad. Then, kindergartens, schools, sports clubs, music clubs - it is necessary to you, and it is not necessary in any case, that's to do / to go, and there is not necessary. A mind works - all absorb, program records - and all people connected to the system, to society. A mind - normally disabled ...
After some more time, program-Mind, due to its self-learning, already has the ability to draw conclusions, but conclusions based on the information that it has received from others. The mind is trying as much as possible to absorb a lot of information and try to embody even mentally (imagination) is in reality. On it spent huge strategic energy reserves, and no good there ... no ... Living Mind - it is not life, it's as if we sat in the car and just rolling on the "Navigator" on different routes, not controlling them. But this is not our life ... only taking independent decisions on the inner call, rather than the mind, just thinking about their feelings - we need to learn to live ...
This program - The mind can be taught anything, it is like a sponge and absorb everything will develop the ego. Actively every second to think, to think, to strive for the ideals and objectives laid down in it at the very beginning, and in the process. Even after some time, the mind may reconsider some of the foundations (or may not reconsider), and jerk in the opposite-parallel, perpendicular to the direction from the one where he was sent earlier. Many people mean by their development, but it is not. We do not know what the mind is and how it is truly everyone working what's inside and what is, how to use it. So we do not live their lives in parallel are dissatisfied.
And what does all this time embodied soul? A Soul as training and development programs, blows the mind further and further. She, on the human development every year, more and more ceases to understand it. The soul is not a logical process, it can not categorically argue dualities and disassemble everything in good and bad, good and evil. The soul can only feel sensations she lives.
Is not the life is dual, it is one piece and bright. Everyone has.
It is often said "the man with the black soul" - this simply can not be. Every aspect was once separated from their higher self and every higher self - in turn - has separated himself from the Creator. And soul is trying to reach out to the Mind, to make him feel. But the mind is connected to the system. He does not hear and does not want to hear the soul. That is happened in our society. You may ask, what has created this society, this system being in which we are so sorry, stupefied and hardened? There is an answer to this question. But I voiced individually.
It is important to understand that you, each of you, it is not the body, not the mind, not your thoughts and reflections, not what you think and see. True I - it's soul. The soul is bright and clean, which is trying to find a way out of this World, resetting accumulated over thousands of incarnations of the mind, karma. The soul that is stuck in my lessons in the dense world, forced to incarnate in it over and over again, and which aspires only to one thing - to be heard by you. Only in this way, hear and feel your soul, it is possible to escape from the wheel of incarnations, and move, finally, from the School of Peace and checks in the World of Light and Love.
Whatever happens, do not get down to the lower vibrations. Everything will pass, everything is nearing completion. Love to all of us!