500 Russian against 40,000 Persians
Hike Colonel Karyagin against the Persians in 1805, the year does not look like a real military history. He looks like a prequel to "300" (40,000 Persians, 500 Russian, gorges, bayonet, "This is madness! - No, damn, it's the 17th Jaeger Regiment!"). Gold, platinum page of Russian history, combining the slaughter of madness with the highest tactical skill, cunning and exquisite stunning Russian arrogance. But first things first.
Franz Roubaud, "Living Bridge" in 1892.
In 1805, the Russian Empire was at war with France as part of the Third Coalition, and fought unsuccessfully. In France, Napoleon was, and we were Austrians, whose military glory by then long since waned, and the British, never had a normal land army. And they both behaved like a complete asshole and even the great Kutuzov all the force of his genius could not change the channel "for Faile Faile." Meanwhile, in southern Russia near the Persian Baba Khan, who gave a summary to the purring of our European lesions, there was little idea. Baba Khan stopped purring and again went to Russia, hoping to pay for the destruction of the previous, 1804. The moment has been chosen very well - because of the usual staging usual drama "The crowd of so-called allies Krivorukov-assholes and Russia, which again all trying to save the" Petersburg could not send in the Caucasus any extra soldiers, despite the fact that the entire Caucasus It was from 8000 to 10 000 soldiers. Therefore, to learn that the city of Shusha (this is the current Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan know, right? Left-bottom), where the major Lisanevich 6 companies of rangers, is 40,000 Persian army under the command of the Crown Prince Abbas Mirza (I like to think, he moved on a huge golden platform with a bunch of monsters, freaks and concubines on gold chains, e fuckin Like Xerxes), Prince Tsitsianov sent all aid that he could send. All 493 soldiers and officers with two guns, Karyagin superhero, superhero Kotlyarevskaya (which is another story), and Russian military spirit.
They do not have time to get to Shushi, the Persians seized our on the road by the river Shah Bulakh 24 June. Persian vanguard. Modest 10,000 people. Not a bit taken aback (at the time of the Caucasus battle with less than a tenfold superiority of the enemy were not considered for the battle and officially passed in the reports as "exercises in conditions close to the fighting"), Karyagin built an army in a square, and the whole day reflected the fruitless attacks of the Persian cavalry while from the Persians were alone lumps. Then he took another 14 miles and stood fortified camp, the so-called supply train or, in Russian, Walk-town, when a line of defense built notation wagons (including off-road Caucasian absent supply network, the troops had to carry a large inventory). The Persians have continued to attack and fruitless night stormed the camp before nightfall, and then made a forced break to clear piles of Persian bodies, funerals, weeping and writing postcards to the bereaved families. By morning, reading sent by express mail manual "The Art of War for Dummies" ("If the enemy has strengthened and this enemy - Russian, do not try to attack it head-on, even if you have 40 000 and his 400"), the Persians began to bombard our Walk -City artillery, trying not to let our troops get to the river and replenish water. Russian response made a sortie, made their way to the Persian batteries and povzryvali fuck her, dropping the remains of guns into the river, presumably - with a malicious abusive slogans. However, the situation is not saved. Provoevav another day Karyagin began to suspect that he will not be able to kill all 300 Russian Persian army. In addition, the problems began within the camp - to the Persians ran Lieutenant Lysenko and six assholes, the next day they were joined by another 19 hippies - so our losses cowardly pacifists began to exceed losses by inept Persian attacks. Thirst again. Heat. Bullets. And around 40,000 Persians. Uncomfortable.
In the officers' council were offered two options: either we stay here and die all who follow? None. Or are we going erupts Persian encirclement, and then storming the nearby castle, until we catch up with the Persians, and sit in the fortress. It 'warm over there. Good. And the flies do not bite. The only problem - we do not even 300 Russian Spartans, and around 200, and they are still tens of thousands, and they us on guard, and all this will be like a game of Left 4 Dead, where a tiny detachment of the survivors rod and rod crowds brutalized zombies . Left 4 Dead, everyone loved in the 1805th, so we decided to break. Night. Cut the Persian time and trying not to breathe, Russian participants of the program "Stay alive, stay alive when no" almost out of the environment, but stumbled into Persian patrol. It began the chase, shootout, then the chase, then we finally broke away from Mahmudov in a dark-Caucasian dark woods and came to the fortress, named after the nearby River Shah Bulakh. By the time around the remaining participants mad marathon "Fight as you can" (remember that was the fourth day of continuous fighting, attacks, duels on bayonets and night pryatok Forests) shining golden aura fucked so Karyagin just broke the gate Shah Bulakh cannon kernel, and then asked a little tired of the Persian garrison: "Guys, look at us. Do you really want to try? Here is the truth? ". The boys understood the hint and fled. During takeoff killing two Khan, Russian barely had time to repair the gate, as shown by the main Persian forces, concerned about the disappearance of the beloved Russian squad. But that was not the end. Do not even the beginning of the end. After the inventory remaining in the fortress of the property revealed that no food. And the convoy with food had to quit during a break from the environment, so nothing to eat. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Karyagin again came to the troops:
- Friends, I know it's not madness, not Sparta and generally not something, which invented the human words. Because so miserable and 493 175 people have left, nearly all wounded, dehydrated, exhausted, in the utmost degree of fatigue. No food. No baggage train. Cores and cartridges end. Besides, right in front of our gate sits the heir to the throne of Persia Abbas Mirza, has repeatedly tried to take us by storm. Hear pohryukivanie his hand freaks and laughter concubines? It was he who waits, we'll die, hoping that hunger would do what they could not make the 40,000 Persians. But we do not Die. You do not will die. I'm Colonel Karyagin, forbid you to die. I order you to gather all the nerve to which you have, because tonight we leave the fortress and burst for another fortress, which we again take by storm, with all the Persian army on his shoulder. And monsters and concubines. This is not a Hollywood thriller. It is not epic. This Russian history, fledglings, and you are its protagonists. To put on the walls of hours that the night will overlap each other, creating a feeling that we are in a fortress. We act as soon as it gets dark enough!
They say in heaven was once an angel, is responsible for monitoring impossibility. July 7 at 22 hours when Karyagin made to storm the fortress of the next, even more fortress, this angel died of opizdeneniya. It is important to understand that by 7 July detachment ceaselessly fought for 13 th day was not so much in the "terminators are" as in a "very desperate people on only one of anger and power of the Spirit moving in the Heart of Darkness this crazy, impossible, incredible, unimaginable hike. " With guns, carts with wounded, it was not a walk with backpacks, but a large and heavy traffic. Karyagin slipped out of the castle as a night ghost as bat-like creature with the Forbidden Party - and therefore even the soldiers left overlap on the walls, managed to escape from the Persians, and catch up with the detachment, although already prepared to die, absolutely lethal realizing its objectives. But the peak of Madness, Courage and Spirit was yet to come.
To promote through the darkness, wraith, pain, hunger and thirst detachment of Russian soldiers ...? Ghosts? Holy War? collided with the ditch, through which it was impossible to smuggle guns, and without following the assault guns, even better fortified fortress Muhraty, it had no meaning, no chance. Woods to fill the ditch, was not there, there was no time to look for wood - the Persians could overtake any minute. Four Russian soldiers - one of them was Gavrila Sidorov, the names of the others, unfortunately I was not able to find - quietly jumped into the moat. And lay down. As the logs. Without bravado, without talking, without anything. We jumped off and went. The heavy guns went straight for him. Under the crunch of bones. Barely restrained moans of pain. Even more crunch. Packed and loud as a rifle shot, crack. On a dirty heavy gun carriage splashed red. Russian red.
From the ditch up only two. Silently.
July 8 Qasapet squad entered the first time in many days normally ate, drank, and moved on to the fortress Muhrat. Over three miles from her unit in a little more than a hundred people attacked a few thousand Persian horsemen, managed to get to the guns and capture them. In vain. As recalled one of the officers: "Karyagin shouted:" Guys, forward, forward relieve the gun! "Everyone rushed like lions ...". Apparently, the soldiers remember the price they got these guns. On the carriages again splashed red, this time Persian, and sprinkles, and rained and flooded carriages, and the ground around the carriages and carts and uniforms and rifles, and sabers, and rained, and rained, and lolos until while the Persians fled in panic not, and not being able to break the resistance of our hundreds. Hundreds of Russian. Hundreds of Russian, Russian people like you who despise today its people, its Russian name Russian nation and Russian history and allow themselves silently watch as rotting and falling apart power created such a feat, so superhuman voltage such pain and such courage. Lodge in the moat apathetic pleasure to you for coming and coming guns hedonism, entertainment and cowardly crumbling your fragile skull fearful their wheels Snickerfang abominations.
Muhrat taken lightly, and the next day, July 9, Prince Tsitsianov received from Karyagin report ("For what we all do it? For the sake of those stupid cowardly uebisch from the future that even the gray dictator ssut overthrow? By the way, we still alive and force the last three weeks of chasing us half the Persian army. PS Borsch in the refrigerator, the Persians at the river Tertary "), immediately made to meet the Persian army from 2,300 soldiers and 10 guns. July 15 Tsitsianov pitched and drove the Persians, and then joined with the remnants of the detachment of Colonel Karyagin.
Karyagin received for this campaign a gold sword, all the officers and soldiers - awards and salary silently lain in the ditch Gavrila Sidorov - a monument at the headquarters of the regiment, and we all learned a lesson. Lesson moat. The lesson of silence. Lesson crunch. Lesson red. And the next time you will be required to do something for the sake of Russia and companions, and your heart will cover apathy and small ugly fear of a typical child of Russian era of Kali Yuga, the fear of demonstrations, actions, turmoil, struggle, life, death, remember this ditch.
Remember Gavrila.
Yegor Prosvirnin April 2012.
Materials used:
Mikhail Gololobov, "Hike detachment of Colonel Karyagin», adjudant.ru
Elena Sohanskaya, "General Kotlyarevsky" Military Collection, № 3. 1871
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
Yevgeny Tarle, "Napoleon" 1936
via internet
Franz Roubaud, "Living Bridge" in 1892.
In 1805, the Russian Empire was at war with France as part of the Third Coalition, and fought unsuccessfully. In France, Napoleon was, and we were Austrians, whose military glory by then long since waned, and the British, never had a normal land army. And they both behaved like a complete asshole and even the great Kutuzov all the force of his genius could not change the channel "for Faile Faile." Meanwhile, in southern Russia near the Persian Baba Khan, who gave a summary to the purring of our European lesions, there was little idea. Baba Khan stopped purring and again went to Russia, hoping to pay for the destruction of the previous, 1804. The moment has been chosen very well - because of the usual staging usual drama "The crowd of so-called allies Krivorukov-assholes and Russia, which again all trying to save the" Petersburg could not send in the Caucasus any extra soldiers, despite the fact that the entire Caucasus It was from 8000 to 10 000 soldiers. Therefore, to learn that the city of Shusha (this is the current Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan know, right? Left-bottom), where the major Lisanevich 6 companies of rangers, is 40,000 Persian army under the command of the Crown Prince Abbas Mirza (I like to think, he moved on a huge golden platform with a bunch of monsters, freaks and concubines on gold chains, e fuckin Like Xerxes), Prince Tsitsianov sent all aid that he could send. All 493 soldiers and officers with two guns, Karyagin superhero, superhero Kotlyarevskaya (which is another story), and Russian military spirit.
They do not have time to get to Shushi, the Persians seized our on the road by the river Shah Bulakh 24 June. Persian vanguard. Modest 10,000 people. Not a bit taken aback (at the time of the Caucasus battle with less than a tenfold superiority of the enemy were not considered for the battle and officially passed in the reports as "exercises in conditions close to the fighting"), Karyagin built an army in a square, and the whole day reflected the fruitless attacks of the Persian cavalry while from the Persians were alone lumps. Then he took another 14 miles and stood fortified camp, the so-called supply train or, in Russian, Walk-town, when a line of defense built notation wagons (including off-road Caucasian absent supply network, the troops had to carry a large inventory). The Persians have continued to attack and fruitless night stormed the camp before nightfall, and then made a forced break to clear piles of Persian bodies, funerals, weeping and writing postcards to the bereaved families. By morning, reading sent by express mail manual "The Art of War for Dummies" ("If the enemy has strengthened and this enemy - Russian, do not try to attack it head-on, even if you have 40 000 and his 400"), the Persians began to bombard our Walk -City artillery, trying not to let our troops get to the river and replenish water. Russian response made a sortie, made their way to the Persian batteries and povzryvali fuck her, dropping the remains of guns into the river, presumably - with a malicious abusive slogans. However, the situation is not saved. Provoevav another day Karyagin began to suspect that he will not be able to kill all 300 Russian Persian army. In addition, the problems began within the camp - to the Persians ran Lieutenant Lysenko and six assholes, the next day they were joined by another 19 hippies - so our losses cowardly pacifists began to exceed losses by inept Persian attacks. Thirst again. Heat. Bullets. And around 40,000 Persians. Uncomfortable.
In the officers' council were offered two options: either we stay here and die all who follow? None. Or are we going erupts Persian encirclement, and then storming the nearby castle, until we catch up with the Persians, and sit in the fortress. It 'warm over there. Good. And the flies do not bite. The only problem - we do not even 300 Russian Spartans, and around 200, and they are still tens of thousands, and they us on guard, and all this will be like a game of Left 4 Dead, where a tiny detachment of the survivors rod and rod crowds brutalized zombies . Left 4 Dead, everyone loved in the 1805th, so we decided to break. Night. Cut the Persian time and trying not to breathe, Russian participants of the program "Stay alive, stay alive when no" almost out of the environment, but stumbled into Persian patrol. It began the chase, shootout, then the chase, then we finally broke away from Mahmudov in a dark-Caucasian dark woods and came to the fortress, named after the nearby River Shah Bulakh. By the time around the remaining participants mad marathon "Fight as you can" (remember that was the fourth day of continuous fighting, attacks, duels on bayonets and night pryatok Forests) shining golden aura fucked so Karyagin just broke the gate Shah Bulakh cannon kernel, and then asked a little tired of the Persian garrison: "Guys, look at us. Do you really want to try? Here is the truth? ". The boys understood the hint and fled. During takeoff killing two Khan, Russian barely had time to repair the gate, as shown by the main Persian forces, concerned about the disappearance of the beloved Russian squad. But that was not the end. Do not even the beginning of the end. After the inventory remaining in the fortress of the property revealed that no food. And the convoy with food had to quit during a break from the environment, so nothing to eat. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Karyagin again came to the troops:
- Friends, I know it's not madness, not Sparta and generally not something, which invented the human words. Because so miserable and 493 175 people have left, nearly all wounded, dehydrated, exhausted, in the utmost degree of fatigue. No food. No baggage train. Cores and cartridges end. Besides, right in front of our gate sits the heir to the throne of Persia Abbas Mirza, has repeatedly tried to take us by storm. Hear pohryukivanie his hand freaks and laughter concubines? It was he who waits, we'll die, hoping that hunger would do what they could not make the 40,000 Persians. But we do not Die. You do not will die. I'm Colonel Karyagin, forbid you to die. I order you to gather all the nerve to which you have, because tonight we leave the fortress and burst for another fortress, which we again take by storm, with all the Persian army on his shoulder. And monsters and concubines. This is not a Hollywood thriller. It is not epic. This Russian history, fledglings, and you are its protagonists. To put on the walls of hours that the night will overlap each other, creating a feeling that we are in a fortress. We act as soon as it gets dark enough!
They say in heaven was once an angel, is responsible for monitoring impossibility. July 7 at 22 hours when Karyagin made to storm the fortress of the next, even more fortress, this angel died of opizdeneniya. It is important to understand that by 7 July detachment ceaselessly fought for 13 th day was not so much in the "terminators are" as in a "very desperate people on only one of anger and power of the Spirit moving in the Heart of Darkness this crazy, impossible, incredible, unimaginable hike. " With guns, carts with wounded, it was not a walk with backpacks, but a large and heavy traffic. Karyagin slipped out of the castle as a night ghost as bat-like creature with the Forbidden Party - and therefore even the soldiers left overlap on the walls, managed to escape from the Persians, and catch up with the detachment, although already prepared to die, absolutely lethal realizing its objectives. But the peak of Madness, Courage and Spirit was yet to come.
To promote through the darkness, wraith, pain, hunger and thirst detachment of Russian soldiers ...? Ghosts? Holy War? collided with the ditch, through which it was impossible to smuggle guns, and without following the assault guns, even better fortified fortress Muhraty, it had no meaning, no chance. Woods to fill the ditch, was not there, there was no time to look for wood - the Persians could overtake any minute. Four Russian soldiers - one of them was Gavrila Sidorov, the names of the others, unfortunately I was not able to find - quietly jumped into the moat. And lay down. As the logs. Without bravado, without talking, without anything. We jumped off and went. The heavy guns went straight for him. Under the crunch of bones. Barely restrained moans of pain. Even more crunch. Packed and loud as a rifle shot, crack. On a dirty heavy gun carriage splashed red. Russian red.
From the ditch up only two. Silently.
July 8 Qasapet squad entered the first time in many days normally ate, drank, and moved on to the fortress Muhrat. Over three miles from her unit in a little more than a hundred people attacked a few thousand Persian horsemen, managed to get to the guns and capture them. In vain. As recalled one of the officers: "Karyagin shouted:" Guys, forward, forward relieve the gun! "Everyone rushed like lions ...". Apparently, the soldiers remember the price they got these guns. On the carriages again splashed red, this time Persian, and sprinkles, and rained and flooded carriages, and the ground around the carriages and carts and uniforms and rifles, and sabers, and rained, and rained, and lolos until while the Persians fled in panic not, and not being able to break the resistance of our hundreds. Hundreds of Russian. Hundreds of Russian, Russian people like you who despise today its people, its Russian name Russian nation and Russian history and allow themselves silently watch as rotting and falling apart power created such a feat, so superhuman voltage such pain and such courage. Lodge in the moat apathetic pleasure to you for coming and coming guns hedonism, entertainment and cowardly crumbling your fragile skull fearful their wheels Snickerfang abominations.
Muhrat taken lightly, and the next day, July 9, Prince Tsitsianov received from Karyagin report ("For what we all do it? For the sake of those stupid cowardly uebisch from the future that even the gray dictator ssut overthrow? By the way, we still alive and force the last three weeks of chasing us half the Persian army. PS Borsch in the refrigerator, the Persians at the river Tertary "), immediately made to meet the Persian army from 2,300 soldiers and 10 guns. July 15 Tsitsianov pitched and drove the Persians, and then joined with the remnants of the detachment of Colonel Karyagin.
Karyagin received for this campaign a gold sword, all the officers and soldiers - awards and salary silently lain in the ditch Gavrila Sidorov - a monument at the headquarters of the regiment, and we all learned a lesson. Lesson moat. The lesson of silence. Lesson crunch. Lesson red. And the next time you will be required to do something for the sake of Russia and companions, and your heart will cover apathy and small ugly fear of a typical child of Russian era of Kali Yuga, the fear of demonstrations, actions, turmoil, struggle, life, death, remember this ditch.
Remember Gavrila.
Yegor Prosvirnin April 2012.
Materials used:
Mikhail Gololobov, "Hike detachment of Colonel Karyagin», adjudant.ru
Elena Sohanskaya, "General Kotlyarevsky" Military Collection, № 3. 1871
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
Yevgeny Tarle, "Napoleon" 1936
via internet
