Summer in summer camp
Let us remember how spent the summer in a camp.
Morning exercises, line, duty in the dining room, some permanent competitions and activities, delicious butter on a slice of bread no less tasty and faceted glass of tea.
In the evening, a disco, a lot of friends, fun.
All this happened in the summer June days.
In summer, almost all pioneers of the Soviet Union went to summer camp. Typically, each more or less large enterprise had its own summer camp where children and send their employees. I think parents were happy that they could take a break from their summer chad.Skolko really worth a trip to summer camp, I find it difficult to say most of the cost of vouchers paid union. Therefore, parents were paying relatively little money. It was certainly a very strong point of the activity of Soviet trade unions. However, such details were children to the bulb.
Typically, each summer camp operated in three shifts for about three weeks each. The first shift began in early June. Before the beginning of the change of a pioneer, along with his parents arrived at the so-called medical check-up sort of rapid clinical examination. Comes, of course, with a ticket printed color clamshell, which specifies various parameters like name, age and the like number of reasons I have for all my childhood went almost every year to the new camp, so it is a kind of an expert on the summer camp. Why am I constantly changing places dislocation year? The fact that the power plant where my mother worked for a long time had its own summer camp. But he always came to the application of other enterprises in the camp cooks. Other businesses paying with CPN including a ticket. That's why I visited a lot of camps, so there is nothing to compare.
Each shift began with the departure. On the day of departure pioneer and his parents were to arrive at a pre-specified location to send. Pioneer had to be on full parade ie in white shirt, tie, pressed trousers (or shorts for younger ages), his cap. At itself a pioneer had a suitcase with things. On the side of the suitcase pasted rectangular piece of paper with the name and number of a pioneer unit.
Oh, I forgot all the pioneers in the pioneer camp broke by age on the force. The oldest was a 1st squad. Then, 2 minutes, 3 minutes etc. Theoretically, a detachment had to be 10 by the number of classes in schools. But this is not always respected.
If the children were so many, the teams had more than 10, for example, I was in a summer camp, where there were 12 or more units. Conversely, if the children were small, teams could be 4-6 (and sometimes in such). The number of each unit was about 40-50 people. Well, plus / minus, of course.
Also departing the camp pioneers were carrying a set of sweets: candy, cookies, cakes, etc. Fruits were not encouraged medical staff of the camp. By the way, the medical staff is not encouraged much. And not because the barbaric cruelty, but because of the reluctance of headaches Well them in the ass these pioneers, apricots or cherries nazhrutsya, and then it will be a massive dysentery (in the film Welcome or Trespassing is well shown) .Zhevatelnoy gum was no who. Such a characteristic touch. And if anyone has a stick of gum, it was a special treasure that the overall package of sweets did not lay down. All the sweets were placed in a conventional transparent plastic bags.
He arrived at the assembly point pioneer and his parents were registered at the relevant Pioneer detachment. After that, all loaded into buses. Each unit had its bus unit number on the windshield. After loading all rushed to the windows and began a heartbreaking farewell scene with his parents.
The column usually consisting of 5-10 buses, which were ahead of the car traffic police. These columns at the beginning of each summer months have been a characteristic feature of Soviet cities.
The camp was usually one or two hours' drive from Moscow. In the middle of the way the column made a halt to the boys and girls celebrated their natural need (boys left, girls to right). As a rule, then somebody lost all shouted in unison, causing the lost of the forest.
Missing turned out some lazy, gone for a walk on the mushrooms. During the movement usually all have somehow got to know each other. However, many knew each other from previous years. In this sense, it was hard almost every year I re-acquainted.
Finally, the column arrived at the camp, and all fell out of the bus. Next counselors led his troops in designated for each housing unit. Shells were different. Everything depended on the economic condition of the company, which owned lager.Byval I camp with brick buildings, which was a normal toilet and hot water. But most of the body were made of wood and all the amenities were on the street.
All the bags were removed from the pioneers, and hid in the closet. Depending on the camp was a storage room in the housing unit, or has been the same for the whole camp. Normally Store opened once a day for an hour, and then everyone could take whatever he nuzhno.Svoi things could be put in the bedside table, which was located next to each bed. The beds were typically classical iron with nickel-plated armor-clad grid and railing. However, sometimes it is more stylish with wooden back. Each set of bed linen in addition issued waffle towel. Linen is changed once a week bath day.
In the wards supports almost military order to lie or sit on them during the day prohibited. For the offense could be punished. All day the bed had to be neatly tucked. Most often practiced method of charging wildly uncomfortable, when it was a blanket folded in four, and the right and left of it wrapped in the sheet on each side of the sheet pieces, and in the middle of the rectangle of green or blue blankets. To fill it twice a day, it was wildly gimorno. Why twice? Because in addition to the daily routine summer camp I relied so-called sleep at night quiet hour two hours of sleep in the afternoon. Quiet time hated it. And, of course, almost no sleep, as usual at this time of etched jokes and hooligans for example, fighting pillows.
However, if the violation of quiet hours pioneer leader caught, the punishment could follow. Especially I was impressed punishment in the camp of the KGB (in Berdyansk on the Sea of Azov), where all the counselors were students of the special school KGB.Naprimer once offenders nap counselor led to the street, ordered to lie down and crawl on their bellies twenty meters. Because it was the south and the heat was terrible, all the pioneers slept in his shorts, ie, bare-chested. And I had to crawl on the asphalt. More quiet time these pioneers did not break.
And I was once punished with push-ups on an accrual basis. As follows: the middle of the chamber is put shoes; pressing one time; get up; shoe walks around the circle, press twice; get up; bypassing the two laps; push-ups three times; get up; Bypass four laps and so on until the tenth round. Then we need to drive. You can calculate yourself how many push-ups had to be done. After the performed exercise, I fell on the bed and immediately fell asleep like a log.
The daily routine was as follows. Exactly at 9am sounded trumpet. That's not the angels of heaven all convened at the Last Judgment, and the inner plate run radio signal Rise played on the bugle. I only saw this one camp bugler he was fifty years old uncle, who walked past the hull and double pipe valves (not sure what it's called) .I in the camp did not rest, and come on a tour with a group from another camp at a meeting with the director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin (who painted Just you wait!). In another place it is when KP Novoarbatsky finally built his camp climbing and hang up playing two drummers. What was a bit unusual.
So, after the rise all ran to charge. I do not remember that someone commemorated charging a kind word. Disliked somehow Soviet pioneers to push the legs shoulder-width apart, raise their hands at chest level, and do mahi these very hands. But it was impossible to do anything. But some ran. If caught pioneer leaders who did not go to exercise, should the punishment.
Incidentally, the favorite books of my childhood Pirates unknown sea very funny told about how one day the camp director decided to stimulate the pioneers for the cleanup. The director discovered on the territory of a burned match and arrange a competition over who burnt matches obnaruzhit.Pobedit was the squad, who lumped longer matches. Pioneers of one of the pioneering groups showed ingenuity and pull up to the nearest village, where the ruble bought 100 boxes of matches, quickly turning them into burnt and passing dumbfounded camp director and six thousand burnt matches.
After cleanup comes the time breakfast the way, something about the breakfast, lunch and dinner pionerlageryah.V each camp, one of those that I have visited, fed differently. It is best fed in the pioneer camp Plant Food Novoarbatsky. There's simply fed for slaughter daily rate of about 3 rubles worth something. Even several times per shift gave a red fish, red caviar and once black.
In other camps, the daily rate of allowances ranged from well below half to two rubles. Well, of course, do without caviar and salmon. Again, the quality of food affects not only the cost of the permit (and, accordingly, the cost of daily food standards), but also as a cook.
As I said, in those camps, where he had gone, I worked as a cook from KP Novoarbatsky, ie chefs from restaurants and cafes. So in general kormёzhka it was normal. But I've heard stories of a terrible ede.Vidimo, cooks at such camps were in some kind of eatery and landside buffets. And the result can be any of the readers to share memories on this score?
Here are some of the nuance in this regard, I want to say. Quality camp depended the wealth of the enterprise that owned this camp. For example, in the second place on the quality of those that attended, I put Camp Birch, who belonged Giredmet (State Institute of Rare Metals). There were brick (white brick) of the body with all the comforts inside, a huge, well-equipped area, etc.
The worst was the camp manual Novoarbatsky. You may ask: how is it that there are best fed, and the camp was miserable? To this I answer that here it is necessary to know some of the nuances of the Soviet of the USSR to take zhizni.Esli 70s, no one would have been surprised that the employees of restaurants and cafes, which were part of the power plant Novoarbatsky lived in terms of food is slightly better than, for example, workers Zil.
That is not surprising delicacies, to which workers have access restaurants and cafes were in the USSR deficit, which inevitably demand on the black market and everything associated with this shadowy movement of capital. Workers ZIL to such deficiency had no access. But in terms of profitability official, ZIL at times surpassed not that CIT, but probably the entire Trust canteens and restaurants Moskvy.Eto my arbitrary assumption, but I think it is close to the truth. Therefore itself ZIL summer camp was very rich in terms of fixed assets (buildings, playgrounds, etc.), but in terms of food, the situation was not so rosy. Well Soviet specifics word.
By the way, the most disgusting food that I ever tasted was in the pioneer camp KGB in Berdyansk. But these were not the machinations of bloody gebni, scoff at the pioneers (who, in fact, were mostly children of employees). The thing is that in Berdyansk (which is the Sea of Azov), an extremely vile taste tap water. Why all the food, especially soups and compotes, bear the traces of this Berdyansk vody.Pomnyu when we drove up to Berdyansk (it was the only time I went to summer camp on the train), a thick good conductor exhort you: Drink lads, drink now! and in Berdyansk dyuzhe filthy water. And even the powerful Committee do anything about it but could not. So all ate and soups that taste were the same as in a tank in which the soup is cooked, taken a piece of soap every den.No ... if I had two children, I would, without hesitation, the second held in SSSR.SOVETSKY summer camp PHOTOS Hardly there is someone over 30 who have not visited the pioneer camp in his childhood. Before you - a wonderful selection of pictures about life in the camp of the summer of 1975.
Stop "Small Tsivil." Here on this train guys came to the camp. Platforms not. Senior jumping off independently, and babies shot in the hand.
One and a half kilometers of the guys walked up to the gate of the camp. Most of the guys were loading their belongings on the car to go light.
Arriving at the camp, guys dismantled their bags and went to his body.
The first 2 days of the camp passed through the clinic, where the plant resting card and fits to height, weight, general condition.
At the end of the shift took place the same procedure. One of the indicators of the camp was a good indicator of weight gain holidaymakers.
Each unit in front of his body made out of a bed-calendar cones, stones and turf. Numbers and day of the week changed every day. It was very exciting.
On the first day of the camp ready for the opening. Establish schools buglers and drummers.
The boys were engaged in every day.
School buglers and drummers.
The brigade goes to the solemn meeting.
Chairman of the board unit rents report chairman of the board squads
Chairman of the Board report to the senior squad rents Pioneer
Report to the chief of the camp
First Secretary of the Komsomol presenting the banner of the Pioneer squad camp.
Every morning, the camp was charged. Toddlers around the body,
and the older units - in lesu.Patrioticheskoe education in those days it was a priority, especially in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Victory.
Review songs and building dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory.
The camp Skotnikov GN and the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant NI Chernov about judging committee
Counselor tells of the exploits of the pioneers-heroes.
War veteran in a meeting with the pioneers camp
The meeting on June 22 d. Devlizerovo about Obelisk
The elections to the Supreme Soviet and local Soviets June 15, 1975. Visiting komissiya.Den camp was painted by the minute. Every day certainly were some events and competitions
Release of the camp wall newspaper. The editorial board examines new photos.
Camp Library. Not all, of course, but some of the guys have been here every day
Work fotokruzhke
Young Photographer
Sports at the camp was given a lot of attention
Competition between teams of volleyball.
Pulling up on the bar
Fishing on Tsivil
Each shift camp went camping.
Overcoming obstacles in the field of water
Lunch at Rest
Relay "Funny starts»
Every day the doctors checked the water temperature in Tsivil
Bathing junior squads
Counselors saw to it that the guys did not swim away.
The most favorite building in the camp - dining
Quiet time
The camp was 3 in each territory and its fountain. Fountain with Thumbelina was on the 3 territories.
Speech at the neighboring farm
Local farmers - grateful spectators
Competition between the troops of amateur
Neptune Festival. One of the most interesting holidays. Has not every change, everything depended on the weather.
Counselors and teachers 1 change
Counselors and teachers 2 shifts
Counselors and teachers 3 shifts
Farewell fire
Spectators and participants at the farewell bonfire
Suitcases collected. All ready to go
Goodbye childhood ...
Source: pionerforum.ru
Morning exercises, line, duty in the dining room, some permanent competitions and activities, delicious butter on a slice of bread no less tasty and faceted glass of tea.
In the evening, a disco, a lot of friends, fun.
All this happened in the summer June days.

In summer, almost all pioneers of the Soviet Union went to summer camp. Typically, each more or less large enterprise had its own summer camp where children and send their employees. I think parents were happy that they could take a break from their summer chad.Skolko really worth a trip to summer camp, I find it difficult to say most of the cost of vouchers paid union. Therefore, parents were paying relatively little money. It was certainly a very strong point of the activity of Soviet trade unions. However, such details were children to the bulb.

Typically, each summer camp operated in three shifts for about three weeks each. The first shift began in early June. Before the beginning of the change of a pioneer, along with his parents arrived at the so-called medical check-up sort of rapid clinical examination. Comes, of course, with a ticket printed color clamshell, which specifies various parameters like name, age and the like number of reasons I have for all my childhood went almost every year to the new camp, so it is a kind of an expert on the summer camp. Why am I constantly changing places dislocation year? The fact that the power plant where my mother worked for a long time had its own summer camp. But he always came to the application of other enterprises in the camp cooks. Other businesses paying with CPN including a ticket. That's why I visited a lot of camps, so there is nothing to compare.


Each shift began with the departure. On the day of departure pioneer and his parents were to arrive at a pre-specified location to send. Pioneer had to be on full parade ie in white shirt, tie, pressed trousers (or shorts for younger ages), his cap. At itself a pioneer had a suitcase with things. On the side of the suitcase pasted rectangular piece of paper with the name and number of a pioneer unit.

Oh, I forgot all the pioneers in the pioneer camp broke by age on the force. The oldest was a 1st squad. Then, 2 minutes, 3 minutes etc. Theoretically, a detachment had to be 10 by the number of classes in schools. But this is not always respected.

If the children were so many, the teams had more than 10, for example, I was in a summer camp, where there were 12 or more units. Conversely, if the children were small, teams could be 4-6 (and sometimes in such). The number of each unit was about 40-50 people. Well, plus / minus, of course.

Also departing the camp pioneers were carrying a set of sweets: candy, cookies, cakes, etc. Fruits were not encouraged medical staff of the camp. By the way, the medical staff is not encouraged much. And not because the barbaric cruelty, but because of the reluctance of headaches Well them in the ass these pioneers, apricots or cherries nazhrutsya, and then it will be a massive dysentery (in the film Welcome or Trespassing is well shown) .Zhevatelnoy gum was no who. Such a characteristic touch. And if anyone has a stick of gum, it was a special treasure that the overall package of sweets did not lay down. All the sweets were placed in a conventional transparent plastic bags.

He arrived at the assembly point pioneer and his parents were registered at the relevant Pioneer detachment. After that, all loaded into buses. Each unit had its bus unit number on the windshield. After loading all rushed to the windows and began a heartbreaking farewell scene with his parents.

The column usually consisting of 5-10 buses, which were ahead of the car traffic police. These columns at the beginning of each summer months have been a characteristic feature of Soviet cities.

The camp was usually one or two hours' drive from Moscow. In the middle of the way the column made a halt to the boys and girls celebrated their natural need (boys left, girls to right). As a rule, then somebody lost all shouted in unison, causing the lost of the forest.

Missing turned out some lazy, gone for a walk on the mushrooms. During the movement usually all have somehow got to know each other. However, many knew each other from previous years. In this sense, it was hard almost every year I re-acquainted.

Finally, the column arrived at the camp, and all fell out of the bus. Next counselors led his troops in designated for each housing unit. Shells were different. Everything depended on the economic condition of the company, which owned lager.Byval I camp with brick buildings, which was a normal toilet and hot water. But most of the body were made of wood and all the amenities were on the street.


All the bags were removed from the pioneers, and hid in the closet. Depending on the camp was a storage room in the housing unit, or has been the same for the whole camp. Normally Store opened once a day for an hour, and then everyone could take whatever he nuzhno.Svoi things could be put in the bedside table, which was located next to each bed. The beds were typically classical iron with nickel-plated armor-clad grid and railing. However, sometimes it is more stylish with wooden back. Each set of bed linen in addition issued waffle towel. Linen is changed once a week bath day.

In the wards supports almost military order to lie or sit on them during the day prohibited. For the offense could be punished. All day the bed had to be neatly tucked. Most often practiced method of charging wildly uncomfortable, when it was a blanket folded in four, and the right and left of it wrapped in the sheet on each side of the sheet pieces, and in the middle of the rectangle of green or blue blankets. To fill it twice a day, it was wildly gimorno. Why twice? Because in addition to the daily routine summer camp I relied so-called sleep at night quiet hour two hours of sleep in the afternoon. Quiet time hated it. And, of course, almost no sleep, as usual at this time of etched jokes and hooligans for example, fighting pillows.

However, if the violation of quiet hours pioneer leader caught, the punishment could follow. Especially I was impressed punishment in the camp of the KGB (in Berdyansk on the Sea of Azov), where all the counselors were students of the special school KGB.Naprimer once offenders nap counselor led to the street, ordered to lie down and crawl on their bellies twenty meters. Because it was the south and the heat was terrible, all the pioneers slept in his shorts, ie, bare-chested. And I had to crawl on the asphalt. More quiet time these pioneers did not break.

And I was once punished with push-ups on an accrual basis. As follows: the middle of the chamber is put shoes; pressing one time; get up; shoe walks around the circle, press twice; get up; bypassing the two laps; push-ups three times; get up; Bypass four laps and so on until the tenth round. Then we need to drive. You can calculate yourself how many push-ups had to be done. After the performed exercise, I fell on the bed and immediately fell asleep like a log.

The daily routine was as follows. Exactly at 9am sounded trumpet. That's not the angels of heaven all convened at the Last Judgment, and the inner plate run radio signal Rise played on the bugle. I only saw this one camp bugler he was fifty years old uncle, who walked past the hull and double pipe valves (not sure what it's called) .I in the camp did not rest, and come on a tour with a group from another camp at a meeting with the director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin (who painted Just you wait!). In another place it is when KP Novoarbatsky finally built his camp climbing and hang up playing two drummers. What was a bit unusual.

So, after the rise all ran to charge. I do not remember that someone commemorated charging a kind word. Disliked somehow Soviet pioneers to push the legs shoulder-width apart, raise their hands at chest level, and do mahi these very hands. But it was impossible to do anything. But some ran. If caught pioneer leaders who did not go to exercise, should the punishment.


Incidentally, the favorite books of my childhood Pirates unknown sea very funny told about how one day the camp director decided to stimulate the pioneers for the cleanup. The director discovered on the territory of a burned match and arrange a competition over who burnt matches obnaruzhit.Pobedit was the squad, who lumped longer matches. Pioneers of one of the pioneering groups showed ingenuity and pull up to the nearest village, where the ruble bought 100 boxes of matches, quickly turning them into burnt and passing dumbfounded camp director and six thousand burnt matches.

After cleanup comes the time breakfast the way, something about the breakfast, lunch and dinner pionerlageryah.V each camp, one of those that I have visited, fed differently. It is best fed in the pioneer camp Plant Food Novoarbatsky. There's simply fed for slaughter daily rate of about 3 rubles worth something. Even several times per shift gave a red fish, red caviar and once black.

In other camps, the daily rate of allowances ranged from well below half to two rubles. Well, of course, do without caviar and salmon. Again, the quality of food affects not only the cost of the permit (and, accordingly, the cost of daily food standards), but also as a cook.

As I said, in those camps, where he had gone, I worked as a cook from KP Novoarbatsky, ie chefs from restaurants and cafes. So in general kormёzhka it was normal. But I've heard stories of a terrible ede.Vidimo, cooks at such camps were in some kind of eatery and landside buffets. And the result can be any of the readers to share memories on this score?

Here are some of the nuance in this regard, I want to say. Quality camp depended the wealth of the enterprise that owned this camp. For example, in the second place on the quality of those that attended, I put Camp Birch, who belonged Giredmet (State Institute of Rare Metals). There were brick (white brick) of the body with all the comforts inside, a huge, well-equipped area, etc.

The worst was the camp manual Novoarbatsky. You may ask: how is it that there are best fed, and the camp was miserable? To this I answer that here it is necessary to know some of the nuances of the Soviet of the USSR to take zhizni.Esli 70s, no one would have been surprised that the employees of restaurants and cafes, which were part of the power plant Novoarbatsky lived in terms of food is slightly better than, for example, workers Zil.

That is not surprising delicacies, to which workers have access restaurants and cafes were in the USSR deficit, which inevitably demand on the black market and everything associated with this shadowy movement of capital. Workers ZIL to such deficiency had no access. But in terms of profitability official, ZIL at times surpassed not that CIT, but probably the entire Trust canteens and restaurants Moskvy.Eto my arbitrary assumption, but I think it is close to the truth. Therefore itself ZIL summer camp was very rich in terms of fixed assets (buildings, playgrounds, etc.), but in terms of food, the situation was not so rosy. Well Soviet specifics word.

By the way, the most disgusting food that I ever tasted was in the pioneer camp KGB in Berdyansk. But these were not the machinations of bloody gebni, scoff at the pioneers (who, in fact, were mostly children of employees). The thing is that in Berdyansk (which is the Sea of Azov), an extremely vile taste tap water. Why all the food, especially soups and compotes, bear the traces of this Berdyansk vody.Pomnyu when we drove up to Berdyansk (it was the only time I went to summer camp on the train), a thick good conductor exhort you: Drink lads, drink now! and in Berdyansk dyuzhe filthy water. And even the powerful Committee do anything about it but could not. So all ate and soups that taste were the same as in a tank in which the soup is cooked, taken a piece of soap every den.No ... if I had two children, I would, without hesitation, the second held in SSSR.SOVETSKY summer camp PHOTOS Hardly there is someone over 30 who have not visited the pioneer camp in his childhood. Before you - a wonderful selection of pictures about life in the camp of the summer of 1975.

Stop "Small Tsivil." Here on this train guys came to the camp. Platforms not. Senior jumping off independently, and babies shot in the hand.

One and a half kilometers of the guys walked up to the gate of the camp. Most of the guys were loading their belongings on the car to go light.

Arriving at the camp, guys dismantled their bags and went to his body.

The first 2 days of the camp passed through the clinic, where the plant resting card and fits to height, weight, general condition.

At the end of the shift took place the same procedure. One of the indicators of the camp was a good indicator of weight gain holidaymakers.

Each unit in front of his body made out of a bed-calendar cones, stones and turf. Numbers and day of the week changed every day. It was very exciting.

On the first day of the camp ready for the opening. Establish schools buglers and drummers.

The boys were engaged in every day.

School buglers and drummers.

The brigade goes to the solemn meeting.

Chairman of the board unit rents report chairman of the board squads

Chairman of the Board report to the senior squad rents Pioneer

Report to the chief of the camp

First Secretary of the Komsomol presenting the banner of the Pioneer squad camp.

Every morning, the camp was charged. Toddlers around the body,

and the older units - in lesu.Patrioticheskoe education in those days it was a priority, especially in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

Review songs and building dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

The camp Skotnikov GN and the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant NI Chernov about judging committee

Counselor tells of the exploits of the pioneers-heroes.

War veteran in a meeting with the pioneers camp

The meeting on June 22 d. Devlizerovo about Obelisk

The elections to the Supreme Soviet and local Soviets June 15, 1975. Visiting komissiya.Den camp was painted by the minute. Every day certainly were some events and competitions

Release of the camp wall newspaper. The editorial board examines new photos.

Camp Library. Not all, of course, but some of the guys have been here every day

Work fotokruzhke

Young Photographer

Sports at the camp was given a lot of attention


Competition between teams of volleyball.

Pulling up on the bar


Fishing on Tsivil

Each shift camp went camping.


Overcoming obstacles in the field of water


Lunch at Rest

Relay "Funny starts»



Every day the doctors checked the water temperature in Tsivil

Bathing junior squads

Counselors saw to it that the guys did not swim away.


The most favorite building in the camp - dining

Quiet time

The camp was 3 in each territory and its fountain. Fountain with Thumbelina was on the 3 territories.

Speech at the neighboring farm

Local farmers - grateful spectators


Competition between the troops of amateur


Neptune Festival. One of the most interesting holidays. Has not every change, everything depended on the weather.


Counselors and teachers 1 change

Counselors and teachers 2 shifts

Counselors and teachers 3 shifts


Farewell fire

Spectators and participants at the farewell bonfire


Suitcases collected. All ready to go

Goodbye childhood ...
Source: pionerforum.ru