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The operational group "Delta"

Recently I saw the movie "Survivor," which tells of a very unsuccessful operation "Red Wings", which killed 19 US servicemen, including 8 soldiers unit "Delta" and decided to know more about this squad:

History of

In the early 60-ies the American command "Green Berets" signed an agreement with the British SAS on mutual exchange of people. In accordance with each of the parties should be sent to one officer and one sergeant on probation for a year. The first of the Americans went to England commander of the 7th of the "Green Berets" Colonel Edwards, for the next year went to Captain Charles Bekkvit. In July 1962, he arrived in the 22nd SAS Regiment, which has experienced the complex system of selection and training of personnel, developed by the British 21 years ago, and improved thereafter.

first discovery he made was this: the right to wear a beret with the emblem CAC must earn by shedding a lot of sweat and blood. Suffice it to say that screening tests are divided into five stages and took six months. Will appreciate SAS Bekkvit rule - never to relinquish weapons. Gun belt are abolished in 1948, to eliminate the temptation to hang the machine on the shoulder ...
Returning in 1963 from England, Bekkvit began to persuade its leadership to create a special division, the same CAS. His initiative was supported by the chief of the department instructor at Fort Benning, Georgia American origin George Shalikashvili

The proposal received a double Bekkvita development. Firstly, from the former Rangers and the "Green Berets" was created by a small band (40), code-named "Blue Light". Its sole purpose was the fight against terrorism in the United States. Secondly, overbearing captain sent in June 1965 to the war in Vietnam. There he was allowed to form on the basis of the 5th Special Forces Group modeled on the SAS squad.
The goal - maintaining depth investigation and raids on the territory controlled by the guerrillas, checking the results bombing aircraft, search the bodies of dead American pilots, the release of prisoners.

Bekkvit led a detachment of B-52, who had a code name "Delta". But when he read out their demands to the personnel, from the 30 allocated to it by the fighters decided to stay only seven. Then he sent 90 units of US special forces your ad: "Wanted volunteers group" Delta "are guaranteed a medal or a coffin, perhaps a combination of both." In the end, he managed to score 40, which he divided into units of four each. However, for a long time he did not have to fight. In May 1966, he was wounded in the stomach.

After recovering Bekkvit engaged in training rangers at Fort Benning. Then he went to Vietnam. There he fell in three helicopters shot down, but survived. November 21, 1970 participated in a large-scale operation to liberate the camp at Son Tay Hanoi 350 American prisoners. After landing with five helicopters, 60 "green berets" 27 minutes destroyed more than 60 Vietnamese, but the prisoners in the camp was not there. In 1973 Bekkvita sent to Thailand in the so-called Centre for Analysis of losses. There, he led a group of special purpose, submit to free Americans taken prisoner by the guerrillas or are in camps in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and Laos. In 1974 Bekkvit becomes colonel and head of the department instructor at Fort Bragg. However, it took another three years before the Pentagon decided to implement the "project" Delta ».

In this regard, Colonel Charles Bekkvitu had to defend in a sharp debate with senior army ranks several fundamental theses. Firstly, he argued, have to fight the terrorists are not conscripts, volunteers and professionals in the service contract for a long time. Secondly, they must be ready for action around the world, as US strategic interests are threatened not so much internal as external factors. Therefore, thirdly, they should be able to act on the territory controlled by hostile forces, the same way as there are military reconnaissance and sabotage units, thrown into the deep behind enemy lines. Actually, the preparation of such professionals should be carried out on the universal principle. From the fourth argument: we must take as a basis the experience of the organization and actions of the British SAS, and not their own rangers, or "Green Berets».

June 2, 1977 at the Pentagon held a meeting of senior military leadership of the United States on the project "Delta", which was approved by the organization and staffing of a special squad, approved timecard property and weapons, given the name "The first operational unit of special forces of the US" and code name - "Delta Force» (Delta Force). However, the order is the birthday of another date - November 19, 1977. To this day, I managed to finish the formation of the first group of soldiers in the amount of 30 people.
It turned out that it is difficult to select the right people, but it was a lot of wishing - 150 volunteers in the first list of candidates. Almost all of them were composed Vietnam special forces, nevertheless, able to satisfy the requirements Bekkvita only 20%. Second qualifying course held in January 1978. At this time of the 60 candidates have successfully passed all the tests, only 5 people. Had Bekkvitu and two other officers who fought with him in Vietnam, to go round looking for the right guy all of America. They have visited in Europe in the 10th special forces group, commanded by a supporter of the ideas Bekkvita American Georgians George Shalikashvili. First Bekkvit believes that completing the order people and their initial training will take approximately one and a half years. In reality, it took almost three years.

In the early 1980s it took place "baptism of fire" of the group - an operation code-named "Eagle Claw» («Eagle Claw"). Iran came to power by religious fanatics who seized the US embassy in Tehran and held its staff hostage - more than 50 people. The Group was tasked with the release of the hostages. Due to the extreme ease of the task, and bad luck (accident helicopter detachment detection locals) Bekkvit decided to stop the operation. It was a failure, however, at, least able to avoid the loss of personnel. In the future, "Delta" was able to be rehabilitated, not just to prove their fighting qualities. Unfortunately, most of this chance Bekkvitu not provided - because of an international scandal, he was sent to retire early.

Selection of candidates and combat training

The basis of the system of selection, evaluation and training of the "Delta" program was CAC. However, over the 18 years of the unit it has undergone several changes. Now this system is as follows.
 - First, each candidate must comply with certain formal requirements.
 - Secondly, he must undergo a special pre-qualifying course.
 - Thirdly, the need to get "good" by psychologists and experienced commanders practitioners.
 - Fourth, the need to successfully master the 19-week course of basic training.

The formal requirements are as follows: in group "Delta" take only volunteers with US citizenship, not younger than 22 years old and no older than 35, with the experience of serving in the US Armed Forces for at least 4 years, and the rank of sergeant, has an excellent health and a normal mentality, not type at least 110 points on the test general abilities. Officers must have the rank of captain or major, college education (ie. E. A Bachelor of Arts and Sciences) and at least one year of successful command of the military unit. In addition, all volunteers are covert test for reliability and security clearance work. It does not take an American special forces of persons who were in the military disciplinary punishments. Moreover, the roads are closed to those who broke the law. And two important requirements: Volunteers must have experience of skydiving, and have highly qualified for two military specialties.
Pre-qualifying course consists of a test of physical training, and the forced march cross-country orienteering with map and compass.

Test PFD includes six tests:

push-ups on the hands lying - forty times per minute;
squats - forty times per minute;
cross-jogging two miles (3 km 2) no more than 16 minutes;
crawling back 20 meters, feet first, and then 20 meters head first, lying at the same time 25 seconds;
Running on 48-foot (14, 6 meters) for 24 seconds, but not in a straight line, and breaking apart zigzag wooden gate and jumping over a ditch width of 5 feet (1, 52 meters);
swimming in clothes and combat boots for 100 meters without time.
March candidates make with backpacks weighing 40 to 50 pounds (18-22, 7 kg) and a rifle. Their way is through the hills, forests and rivers, and the distance of this path varies between 18 and 40 miles (29-64 km). On the road every 8--12 km there are checkpoints where they have to go and sit where observers. In order to successfully overcome this test, it is necessary to sustain an average speed of no less than 4 km per hour and well oriented in unfamiliar terrain. That and another is far from all screenings is 50% of the total number entering the start.

A huge number of psychological tests and interviews help to determine whether a candidate will be able to combine the opposite qualities. Candidate sleep flurry variety of issues, and then carefully studying his responses and reactions and determine the properties of his personality. It is necessary that he possessed an iron self-control and aggressive ... audacity; I could act in strict accordance with the order and ... to independently make responsible decisions; unquestioningly obey the commanders ... and confidently led for a friend; It was not without compassion ... and was able to kill without hesitation; constantly pushing the boundaries of their physical and mental capabilities and ... did not consider himself a superman. As experience has shown, to a greater extent so complex requirements satisfy people with a certain type of character - passive-aggressive. But only if they are guided by some higher plane idea - the idea of ​​service to the Fatherland, law, justice, God and so on. D.

After a test and an interview with the candidate's signed for three years. After this period, the contract can be extended if the service was successful. But otherwise, it has to take leave well before the end of the three-year period.
In order to successfully achieve the objectives fighters "Delta" should be a sniper and demolitions paratroopers and climbers, radio operators and chauffeurs, trackers and interpreters, divers and doctors. They must be equally vigorous action day and night, in the mountains and on the coast, in urban areas and in the forest, to be able to penetrate the buildings and planes, free to feel in plain clothes and in uniform foreign army or the police.
Therefore, immediately after the transfer of new recruits in the squad begin their training, which consists of two parts: a mid-year introductory course, the purpose of which is to improve the individual combat skills and a basic course, which takes place during the elaboration of the action as part of the unit. During his recruits learn the techniques of methods of struggle against terrorists and guerrillas, the tactics of assault, airmobile and airborne operations. The program also included fire training, mine-explosive case, martial arts, the study of modern surveillance and communications equipment, high-speed driving vehicles (including tanks, helicopters and light aircraft), rock climbing, medical training.

As during this course, and after him the most attention is paid to fire training. It is removed five days a week. Regulatory shooting very tight. For example, when shooting a rifle is needed to hit "bulls-eye" (center of the target) with one shot from a distance of 100 yards (91, 4 meters) and no more than three shots from a distance of 600 yards (548, 6 meters). A sniper rifle "Remington" 12x optical sight when performing exercises growth target at a distance of 1,000 yards (914, 4 meters) is allowed a maximum of one a miss.

Throughout further service personnel of the "Delta" continues to improve their professional skills. Combat training sessions include skydiving, hostage rescue operation in buildings, airplanes, cars, shooting in the so-called "house of horrors" (special training facility, equipped with the original fitness equipment), forced marches with orienteering, dropping from helicopters, rock climbing and much more. Regularly group sent fighters for training in anti-terrorist units of friendly US states - Germany, Britain, and Israel. They often participate in competitions of special units within the country and abroad.
All this allows us to expand the experience and maintain a high preparedness to act in a real combat situation.

Delta is working with foreign military associations, such as the Australian SAS, British SAS, Canadian JTF-2, French GIGN, German GSG9, Israeli SM, often their training is combined with training other US counter-terrorist entities such as HRT FBI DEVGRU, known as a Navy SEAL Team Six (team disbanded and currently employees SEAL Team Six are available USSOCOM).
Delta Operatives pay great attention to fire training and spend 8 hours a day on a specially-equipped shooting ranges. Soldiers Delta hone shooting skills from any position to perfection.
That's what said the former operator of the Delta: "We have reached perfection. Every time when we were shooting, we tried to get straight into the black mark, but further progress is shooting began to decline, then we needed to learn the intricacies of mechanics and ballistics shooting. Soon we will be able to hit and hairs. " The members of the Delta Unit first learning to shoot over short distances, bringing it to perfection, and then increase the distance and continue to work at the same pace. Over time, they learn to shoot accurately when walking in the head, and perfection comes when operators are already running with the full shot in the head moving target.

Structure and function of the detachment

The main place of dislocation "Delta" is the Fort Bragg (North Carolina). There are the headquarters, training center, living quarters for staff, warehouses, technical park. Total area - about 4 hectares. Pride group - Alley Rose, is looked after with care inherent in rare professional gardener. For a number of special training can be used and other training centers such as Fort Greely in Alaska (in the Far North), Fort Gulick in Panama (in a jungle).

Soldiers of "Delta", directly conducting a special operation, called operators. Command is trying to hide the personal composition of the force, as well as membership of a soldier to the order. At the service, they can even wear civilian clothes, beard, long hair and so on. On the uniform is not worn signs identifying fighter belonging to the order of «Delta».

Troop "Delta" consists of the following components:
D - headquarters;
E - intelligence, communications and administrative support. In particular, these include:
 - Special medical detachment;
 - Operational intelligence (so-called "funny platoon»);
 - Aviation squadron (12 helicopters);
 - Research department;
 - Department of training.
F- neposredstveno operators.

Thus, the personnel of the "Delta" is divided into combat and support. Requirements for support staff is not so rigid as to the operational. The main thing here - to meet the formal requirements (especially in terms of access to secret affairs and discipline) and have a high qualification in their specialty. Fighting composition - three companies, each of which 6 are operational detachment of 16 people each. The operational units - the main fighting units of the "Delta". Depending on the problem this unit can be divided into eight, and four pairs. The total number of combat strength of about 300 people.

According to official documents, the group "Delta" intended for secret military operations outside the United States, in other countries. Among its tasks are solved by the following:
the release of hostages and US soldiers captured;