Brain activity. You should know that!
During the day, our brain is in different states, which depend on what frequency it works.
Let’s talk about each frequency in more detail.
Beta waves
At this point, we are:We are awake, actively cognize the world, make our usual actions and make decisions. Exchange processes are accelerated, the pressure is increased. The left hemisphere dominates.
If you are experiencing anxiety, fear or panic, then you havedominantBeta waves.
With depression, states of weak attention and poor memorization of information, you usually experiencelack ofBeta waves.
When the beta wavessteadyThe following is observed:
Having a strong sensitivity to external stimuli and quick reaction, they achieve success, but even ordinary events can be stressful and this pushes them to alcohol and drugs to relieve tension.
If you compare this rhythm of the brain with a musical instrument, it will be closest to the rhythm of the drums.
Gamma waves
High-level waves from 21 to 30 Hz and above are often referred to as gamma waves. Here we can talk about hyperconsciousness, hyperreality.
At this level, reason and reason are almost powerless; other mechanisms of perception and action operate here. It is a superstructure over human consciousness.
The vibration frequency of the brain at 50 Hz is called enlightenment.
Gamma – rhythm is responsible for inspiration and creativity.
Related to figurative thinking. They create a sense of comfort and harmony. They are observed in a calm state, during relaxation, meditation and relaxation.
During such periodsA person dreams, fantasizes, activates visualization.
Images generated by alpha waves:
More of their own “drugs”, responsible for joy, rest and pain reduction.
The analogue of the alpha rhythm of the brain is a calm play on the piano.
Theta waves
The protection mechanisms are decreasing. This allows you to penetrate deeply into the subconscious, there is a release from suppressed emotions and mental blocks.
It is a state of balance between sleep and wakefulness that opens access to the unconscious part of the mind.
In the theta state, it is possible to see the Creator in everything. It is in this state.
We often receive revelations, prophetic dreams. The possibility of clairvoyance and clairvoyance also gives the transition to theta frequencies.
Opens access to free associations, insights, creative ideas.
In the theta wave state, enlightened Yogis, strong shamans and other healers are created.
Switching to a different rhythm of the brain allows you to fully use your potential. So, Edison, when he came to a dead end, sat in a chair, took a metal ball in his hand, which he lowered freely along the chair, and fell asleep. Having fallen asleep, he involuntarily released the ball from his hand and the roar of the ball falling on the floor woke him up. This was often accompanied by fresh ideas about the project he was working on.
Salvador Dali spent his daytime napping, sitting in an armchair, holding a spoon in his hand, but as soon as sleep prevailed, the spoon fell on an iron tray on the floor. This call abruptly awakened him, which allowed him to find new ideas.
Images generated by theta waves:
It happens that before the appearance of images of theta waves, a person sees waves of blue and purple. This indicates the activation of strong theta waves.
In most modern humans, theta and alpha wave activity is reduced.
Therefore, they wake up from deep sleep – delta with the help of coffee and push themselves into a state of active wakefulness – beta.
They work all day in the beta range, and in the evening again fall into a deep sleep. There is a rough switching of the brain from beta to delta.
Thus, the brain fails to work on the frequencies of the soul – the alpha and theta rhythms of the brain.
Stimulants (coffee, etc.) – suppress theta and alpha waves, increasing the proportion of beta waves, which is comparable to straining and tearful singing.
An analogue of the brain's theta rhythm is a cello.
Delta waves
These waves are very slow, with very low frequency.
The problem of sensitive people is an excess of delta waves. This leads to a lot of information being perceived at an unconscious level.
These people usually feel the pain of others as their own.
A person believes that if he feels someone else’s pain so acutely, then he is somehow involved in it, and feels guilty if he does nothing.
For those who do not understand what is happening to them, it can be painful.
They need to limit the flow of other people’s thoughts, feelings and impulses from their own subconscious. They should learn to distinguish which feelings and thoughts are their own and which are foreign.
But sometimes delta waves appear not only during deep sleep, but also during wakefulness.
What else distinguishes delta waves? They help to navigate in space and time.
They are an indicator that reacts to danger, because they strengthen instincts.
Delta waves are usually well developed in people who sense and help others. Psychotherapists and hitmen.
An analogue of delta waves is a quiet-sounding orchestra with an organ.
PS: Everyone intuitively has the ability to tune their brain rhythm to the desired range of waves.
Or do it consciously, knowing the mechanism of adjustment.
This is how the theta-hilling method works. In the theta state, the theta-hiler becomes possible to connect with the Creator and access his subconscious. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: tetapalitra.ru/sleduet-znat-o-volnax-mozga/
Let’s talk about each frequency in more detail.

Beta waves
At this point, we are:We are awake, actively cognize the world, make our usual actions and make decisions. Exchange processes are accelerated, the pressure is increased. The left hemisphere dominates.
If you are experiencing anxiety, fear or panic, then you havedominantBeta waves.
With depression, states of weak attention and poor memorization of information, you usually experiencelack ofBeta waves.
When the beta wavessteadyThe following is observed:
- Chaotic turn on of the right hemisphere of the brain. Its function is creativity and figurative thinking.
- The left hemisphere is overstretched. And it's our logic.
- The concepts of “me” and “mine” prevail.
- Stress hormones are released.
- The main idea: I have to survive here and now.
- Feeling dissatisfied with yourself and your life is almost constant.
Having a strong sensitivity to external stimuli and quick reaction, they achieve success, but even ordinary events can be stressful and this pushes them to alcohol and drugs to relieve tension.
If you compare this rhythm of the brain with a musical instrument, it will be closest to the rhythm of the drums.
Gamma waves
High-level waves from 21 to 30 Hz and above are often referred to as gamma waves. Here we can talk about hyperconsciousness, hyperreality.
At this level, reason and reason are almost powerless; other mechanisms of perception and action operate here. It is a superstructure over human consciousness.
The vibration frequency of the brain at 50 Hz is called enlightenment.
Gamma – rhythm is responsible for inspiration and creativity.
Related to figurative thinking. They create a sense of comfort and harmony. They are observed in a calm state, during relaxation, meditation and relaxation.
During such periodsA person dreams, fantasizes, activates visualization.
Images generated by alpha waves:
- clearer, clearer and clearer;
- boundaries are clearer;
- Different colors.
More of their own “drugs”, responsible for joy, rest and pain reduction.
The analogue of the alpha rhythm of the brain is a calm play on the piano.
Theta waves
- in a relaxed state, in a shallow sleep with dreams
- meditation
- Accelerated learning and healing.
The protection mechanisms are decreasing. This allows you to penetrate deeply into the subconscious, there is a release from suppressed emotions and mental blocks.
It is a state of balance between sleep and wakefulness that opens access to the unconscious part of the mind.
In the theta state, it is possible to see the Creator in everything. It is in this state.
We often receive revelations, prophetic dreams. The possibility of clairvoyance and clairvoyance also gives the transition to theta frequencies.
Opens access to free associations, insights, creative ideas.
In the theta wave state, enlightened Yogis, strong shamans and other healers are created.
Switching to a different rhythm of the brain allows you to fully use your potential. So, Edison, when he came to a dead end, sat in a chair, took a metal ball in his hand, which he lowered freely along the chair, and fell asleep. Having fallen asleep, he involuntarily released the ball from his hand and the roar of the ball falling on the floor woke him up. This was often accompanied by fresh ideas about the project he was working on.
Salvador Dali spent his daytime napping, sitting in an armchair, holding a spoon in his hand, but as soon as sleep prevailed, the spoon fell on an iron tray on the floor. This call abruptly awakened him, which allowed him to find new ideas.
Images generated by theta waves:
- darker and less clear than in the alpha state
- They have profound meaning.
- They rise from the depths of consciousness.
It happens that before the appearance of images of theta waves, a person sees waves of blue and purple. This indicates the activation of strong theta waves.
In most modern humans, theta and alpha wave activity is reduced.
Therefore, they wake up from deep sleep – delta with the help of coffee and push themselves into a state of active wakefulness – beta.
They work all day in the beta range, and in the evening again fall into a deep sleep. There is a rough switching of the brain from beta to delta.
Thus, the brain fails to work on the frequencies of the soul – the alpha and theta rhythms of the brain.
Stimulants (coffee, etc.) – suppress theta and alpha waves, increasing the proportion of beta waves, which is comparable to straining and tearful singing.
An analogue of the brain's theta rhythm is a cello.
Delta waves
These waves are very slow, with very low frequency.
- They are observed in a state of very deep meditation and dreamless sleep.
- They remain on when other brain waves are turned off.
- It provides the restorative stages of sleep.
- The subconscious mind receives and sends various messages.
The problem of sensitive people is an excess of delta waves. This leads to a lot of information being perceived at an unconscious level.
These people usually feel the pain of others as their own.
A person believes that if he feels someone else’s pain so acutely, then he is somehow involved in it, and feels guilty if he does nothing.
For those who do not understand what is happening to them, it can be painful.
They need to limit the flow of other people’s thoughts, feelings and impulses from their own subconscious. They should learn to distinguish which feelings and thoughts are their own and which are foreign.
But sometimes delta waves appear not only during deep sleep, but also during wakefulness.
What else distinguishes delta waves? They help to navigate in space and time.
They are an indicator that reacts to danger, because they strengthen instincts.
Delta waves are usually well developed in people who sense and help others. Psychotherapists and hitmen.
An analogue of delta waves is a quiet-sounding orchestra with an organ.
PS: Everyone intuitively has the ability to tune their brain rhythm to the desired range of waves.
Or do it consciously, knowing the mechanism of adjustment.
This is how the theta-hilling method works. In the theta state, the theta-hiler becomes possible to connect with the Creator and access his subconscious. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: tetapalitra.ru/sleduet-znat-o-volnax-mozga/
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