Special squad Delta (6 photos)
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1st Special Forces Operational Detachment "Delta" - (commonly known as English. 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), Delta Force or English. Combat Applications Group (CAG)), organized by the Ministry of Defense, as a division of special purpose and essential element of USSOCOM. Tasks for Delta Force are in the fight against terrorism, popular uprisings, national intervention, although this group is also focused on the execution of secret assignments, including, but not limited to rescue civilians and invasion.
Creating Delta Force was the result of good press coverage of the terrorist attacks in the 1970s. Due to the growing terrorist threat and the possibility of being attacked, the US government saw fit to create a counter-terrorist organization.
Most recruits recruited from the Special Forces of the US Army.
At an early stage of the selection method was based on the model of the British SAS. Eric L. Haney book "Delta Force inside" describes the selection process in detail. Haney writes that the course began with standard tests including: push-ups, sit-ups and a 4.8 km run. Selected candidates then took a series of tasks on explaining the ground at a distance of 29 km, the task of the night orienteering with a load of 16 kg in the background. In the course of promoting the weight of the backpack and the distance increases, and the travel time is reduced. Job ends when the subjects are 64 km with 20 kg behind on rough terrain extensive. Haney says that only people with high rank officials in the Pentagon might know the established mode of time, but all estimates, selection and job conditions were established personnel structure of the Delta. The mental part of the testing began with psychological examinations. Man of the Board of Delta instructors, psychologists association and the Commander of Delta asked a lot of questions to the candidate, analyzing his responses and behavior in order to deplete its moral. Then-Chief pronounces the verdict, whether they accept the candidate into the ranks of the Delta or not. If a candidate has been selected to become the operator of the Delta, it takes a 6-month training course operator, where he studied the technique of counter-terrorism and protivorazvedyvatelnuyu technique. It includes accuracy with firearms and handling various other weapons.
Pentagon carefully following the publication of any information about Delta Force and refuse to comment on secret missions. Delta operators to guarantee unimpeded mobility, flexibility and automation. They are unlikely to be dressed any conventional camouflage and civilian clothes is normal and outside jobs. This is done in order to hide the similarities between top secret fighters. When they camouflage uniform, there is no marking, no name, no title. Style the hair on the head and face are allowed to be informal, suitable for civil standards to the invasion of the operator is not recognized as a military person.
1st Special Forces Operational Detachment "Delta" - (commonly known as English. 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), Delta Force or English. Combat Applications Group (CAG)), organized by the Ministry of Defense, as a division of special purpose and essential element of USSOCOM. Tasks for Delta Force are in the fight against terrorism, popular uprisings, national intervention, although this group is also focused on the execution of secret assignments, including, but not limited to rescue civilians and invasion.

Creating Delta Force was the result of good press coverage of the terrorist attacks in the 1970s. Due to the growing terrorist threat and the possibility of being attacked, the US government saw fit to create a counter-terrorist organization.

Most recruits recruited from the Special Forces of the US Army.

At an early stage of the selection method was based on the model of the British SAS. Eric L. Haney book "Delta Force inside" describes the selection process in detail. Haney writes that the course began with standard tests including: push-ups, sit-ups and a 4.8 km run. Selected candidates then took a series of tasks on explaining the ground at a distance of 29 km, the task of the night orienteering with a load of 16 kg in the background. In the course of promoting the weight of the backpack and the distance increases, and the travel time is reduced. Job ends when the subjects are 64 km with 20 kg behind on rough terrain extensive. Haney says that only people with high rank officials in the Pentagon might know the established mode of time, but all estimates, selection and job conditions were established personnel structure of the Delta. The mental part of the testing began with psychological examinations. Man of the Board of Delta instructors, psychologists association and the Commander of Delta asked a lot of questions to the candidate, analyzing his responses and behavior in order to deplete its moral. Then-Chief pronounces the verdict, whether they accept the candidate into the ranks of the Delta or not. If a candidate has been selected to become the operator of the Delta, it takes a 6-month training course operator, where he studied the technique of counter-terrorism and protivorazvedyvatelnuyu technique. It includes accuracy with firearms and handling various other weapons.

Pentagon carefully following the publication of any information about Delta Force and refuse to comment on secret missions. Delta operators to guarantee unimpeded mobility, flexibility and automation. They are unlikely to be dressed any conventional camouflage and civilian clothes is normal and outside jobs. This is done in order to hide the similarities between top secret fighters. When they camouflage uniform, there is no marking, no name, no title. Style the hair on the head and face are allowed to be informal, suitable for civil standards to the invasion of the operator is not recognized as a military person.