Beauty in Kazakh (25 photos)
This review is dedicated to Almaty province - the most beautiful and fascinating edge of our great country. Nature here is so rich, amazing and full of contrasts that the landscape virtually no repeats. In one day, the way you can visit the snow-capped mountains, wander around coniferous forests, and just a couple of hours drive to be among the dunes and sand boundless steppes, intricate twists of ancient turanga groves, feel the strength and power of ancient canyons and get lost in the labyrinths of limestone mountains. < br />
1. Assy plateau - this summer Zhailau, located at an altitude of over 2,800 meters above sea level. In winter, the climate is very harsh, but in the summer due to heavy rains, water meadows almost every day and the scorching sun of the mountain, Zhailau becomes an ideal place for grazing livestock. Since ancient times, it enjoyed the benefits of nature skillfully shepherds. Their yurts are perfectly combined with vast meadows and mountain ridges, casting an atmosphere of times gone by nomads.
2. On the way to Assy plateau visible unfinished observatory. Construction stopped in the early '90s. From a distance it looks like a giant mushroom.
3. If you drive the Assy plateau and go into the valley, climb to the top of the pass, eyes a beautiful view of the chain of mountains Kungei Alatau. On the south side Kungei Alatau powerful serrated wall surrounds the northern basin of Lake Issyk-Kul.
4. View from the Kyzyl-AUZ. Sometimes, especially after rain, the transparency of air strikes - it seems that up to the ridge in front, you can reach out a hand, but in reality, mountains are located more than 70 kilometers from the pass.
6. View from Taban-carrageenan. Below flows swift river Chilik - the biggest Trans-Ili Alatau mountain river, which flows into the River Ely. Two photographs taken at different times of the year.
7. Taban-Karagan - this summer pastures Zhailau located south of Assy plateau.
Nature is much more majestic, and traces of human presence is much smaller.
8. Some yurts are at the foot of snow-capped mountains and light because of carrier cloud is changing every minute - the photographer is very difficult to break away from this fascinating species.
9. 100 kilometers north of the Trans-Ili Alatau is Singing Dunes. This unique cluster of sand height of about 90 meters and a length of several kilometers. During strong wind sand grains moving and electrifying, creating a sound similar to rumble. Hence the name "Singing Dunes».
10. In the morning or watch the sunset dune becomes reddish, and the shade is drawn terrain and create volume.
11. Reserve Altyn Emel.
In October, the foliage Turangi (relict poplar that has survived Ice Age) becomes bright yellow, almost orange. At sunset, it seems that the trees in flames.
12. Reserve Altyn Emel Ak-Tau. White Mountains in the background like a cyclone to another planet.
13. Along the southern border of the national park Altyn Emel the river Ili. For Reserve Or Kapchagai flows into the reservoir. Before the confluence of the river has Kapchagai dingy brown. Once the reservoir water settles and becomes much clearer and more transparent.
14. Or River Delta and its surroundings. Before the confluence of Lake Balkhash, a system of many lakes and streams. The photo - Oryol lake Thapar. Without the ecosystem of water and reed, which is virtually inaccessible to man, the river or for a long time it would be left without fish. Delta Or still abounds in fish, and is home to various species of birds and animals, many of which are listed as endangered.
15. Unique lake Kaindy formed by an earthquake in 1910 and the passage of flood debris blocked the river. Water flooded a small ravine and beneath it appeared centuries-old trees. On the surface, sticking poles - the trunks of trees, and the water is much better preserved trees - branches remained intact, and they were algae, like pine needles - turned underwater fairy forest.
16. Lake Kulsai called blue necklace of Northern Tien Shan. They are located in the valley west of Lake Kaindy. Total five lakes, two large, one small and two small chain arranged one after the other substantially to ice. In the photo - the second lake Kulsai in January. Under the crust of ice the lake produces sounds similar to moans of gigantic monsters.
17. In addition to these famous places, the vast Kazakh can see great masterpieces, created by nature and man.
18. Complementing the roadside landscape of graceful horses, endless fields, and, of course, high-voltage power lines.
19. Charyn Canyon - a small view of the Grand Canyon, located 200 kilometers from Almaty. Length of the canyon about 150 kilometers.
20. The most popular place of the canyon - the Valley of Castles. It can be reached by tourist buses in the warm season at the weekend.
21. Very close to the city (about 40 km) is Ush Konyr. In winter, the climate is milder than in the neighboring mountains or steppes. On the northern edge of the plateau, with the side of the valley is a broad three-headed top, which since the days of the Soviet Union and the notice was chosen to fly gliders. For the past 20 years, Bole soar from this mountain hang gliders and paragliders. On the mountain Ush Konyr regularly hosts international competitions: the CIS Cup, the championship of Kazakhstan and Asia.
23. Herds of camels and horses graze here all year round.
24. Near the southern capital is world-famous Medeo - one of the main attractions of Almaty. This is a great place for day hiking in the mountains in winter. Especially after a snowfall.

1. Assy plateau - this summer Zhailau, located at an altitude of over 2,800 meters above sea level. In winter, the climate is very harsh, but in the summer due to heavy rains, water meadows almost every day and the scorching sun of the mountain, Zhailau becomes an ideal place for grazing livestock. Since ancient times, it enjoyed the benefits of nature skillfully shepherds. Their yurts are perfectly combined with vast meadows and mountain ridges, casting an atmosphere of times gone by nomads.

2. On the way to Assy plateau visible unfinished observatory. Construction stopped in the early '90s. From a distance it looks like a giant mushroom.

3. If you drive the Assy plateau and go into the valley, climb to the top of the pass, eyes a beautiful view of the chain of mountains Kungei Alatau. On the south side Kungei Alatau powerful serrated wall surrounds the northern basin of Lake Issyk-Kul.

4. View from the Kyzyl-AUZ. Sometimes, especially after rain, the transparency of air strikes - it seems that up to the ridge in front, you can reach out a hand, but in reality, mountains are located more than 70 kilometers from the pass.


6. View from Taban-carrageenan. Below flows swift river Chilik - the biggest Trans-Ili Alatau mountain river, which flows into the River Ely. Two photographs taken at different times of the year.

7. Taban-Karagan - this summer pastures Zhailau located south of Assy plateau.
Nature is much more majestic, and traces of human presence is much smaller.

8. Some yurts are at the foot of snow-capped mountains and light because of carrier cloud is changing every minute - the photographer is very difficult to break away from this fascinating species.

9. 100 kilometers north of the Trans-Ili Alatau is Singing Dunes. This unique cluster of sand height of about 90 meters and a length of several kilometers. During strong wind sand grains moving and electrifying, creating a sound similar to rumble. Hence the name "Singing Dunes».

10. In the morning or watch the sunset dune becomes reddish, and the shade is drawn terrain and create volume.

11. Reserve Altyn Emel.
In October, the foliage Turangi (relict poplar that has survived Ice Age) becomes bright yellow, almost orange. At sunset, it seems that the trees in flames.

12. Reserve Altyn Emel Ak-Tau. White Mountains in the background like a cyclone to another planet.

13. Along the southern border of the national park Altyn Emel the river Ili. For Reserve Or Kapchagai flows into the reservoir. Before the confluence of the river has Kapchagai dingy brown. Once the reservoir water settles and becomes much clearer and more transparent.

14. Or River Delta and its surroundings. Before the confluence of Lake Balkhash, a system of many lakes and streams. The photo - Oryol lake Thapar. Without the ecosystem of water and reed, which is virtually inaccessible to man, the river or for a long time it would be left without fish. Delta Or still abounds in fish, and is home to various species of birds and animals, many of which are listed as endangered.

15. Unique lake Kaindy formed by an earthquake in 1910 and the passage of flood debris blocked the river. Water flooded a small ravine and beneath it appeared centuries-old trees. On the surface, sticking poles - the trunks of trees, and the water is much better preserved trees - branches remained intact, and they were algae, like pine needles - turned underwater fairy forest.

16. Lake Kulsai called blue necklace of Northern Tien Shan. They are located in the valley west of Lake Kaindy. Total five lakes, two large, one small and two small chain arranged one after the other substantially to ice. In the photo - the second lake Kulsai in January. Under the crust of ice the lake produces sounds similar to moans of gigantic monsters.

17. In addition to these famous places, the vast Kazakh can see great masterpieces, created by nature and man.

18. Complementing the roadside landscape of graceful horses, endless fields, and, of course, high-voltage power lines.

19. Charyn Canyon - a small view of the Grand Canyon, located 200 kilometers from Almaty. Length of the canyon about 150 kilometers.

20. The most popular place of the canyon - the Valley of Castles. It can be reached by tourist buses in the warm season at the weekend.

21. Very close to the city (about 40 km) is Ush Konyr. In winter, the climate is milder than in the neighboring mountains or steppes. On the northern edge of the plateau, with the side of the valley is a broad three-headed top, which since the days of the Soviet Union and the notice was chosen to fly gliders. For the past 20 years, Bole soar from this mountain hang gliders and paragliders. On the mountain Ush Konyr regularly hosts international competitions: the CIS Cup, the championship of Kazakhstan and Asia.


23. Herds of camels and horses graze here all year round.

24. Near the southern capital is world-famous Medeo - one of the main attractions of Almaty. This is a great place for day hiking in the mountains in winter. Especially after a snowfall.
